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Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S

Associate Professor & Head of the Deapartment K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao
Educational Qualification

PhD, Kuvempu University

M. S. Degree, BITS, Pilani

Experience Teaching: 2 years, Industry : 2 years
Area/s of Interest

Industrial Engineering, Applied Ergonomics,
Functional Areas of Management

Email ID  

Project Guided: UG : 52, PG: 10

National and International Journal Publications: 44

National and International Conference Publications: 65


List of publications:

National and International Journal Publications

  1. C.K. Nagendra Guptha, K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao and K.S. Badarinarayana (2006) published a paper on “Strategic Management of Spare Parts Inventory – a Case Study”; Journal of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering. pp 8-14, Special Issue February 2006.

  2. K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao, Prof. B Bakkappa and Prof. K.S. Badarinarayana (2007) published a paper on “Work life balance practices in BPO industry” Siddhanth: A journal of Decision making, Vol: 7, No: 1, pp 12-18, 2007.

  3. K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao, Prof. B Bakkappa,& Prof. K.S. Badarinarayana (2007) published a paper on “BPO – an overview of India’s sunshine industry” GITAM Journal of Management , Vol. 5, No. 4 pp 160 -168, Oct. – Dec. 2007, ISSN 0972 – 740X

  4. K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao, Prof. B Bakkappa (2009) published a paper on “Modeling approach to the analysis of the influence of HRM practices on QWL in call centre industries using optimization techniques” JK Journal of Management &Technology, Vol. 1, No.1, pp 77 – 87, June 2009, ISSN: 0975 – 0924.

  5. K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao, Prof. B Bakkappa (2009) published a paper on “An empirical investigation on the influence of HRM practices on QWL in Indian Non voice BPO industries” GITAM Journal of Management, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp 184 – 197, Oct. – Dec. 2009, ISSN 0972 – 740X

  6. K V S Rajeswara Rao and Dr. B Bakkappa (2011) published a paper on “Analysis of the influence of Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Performance in call Centre Industries” in International Journal of Human Resource management Research and Development (IJHRMRD), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 6 – 9, January – June 2011, ISSN 2448 – 9401.

  7. Sharath Chandra T R, Supreetha Y and K.V.S Rajeswara Rao (2011) published a paper on “Quality Improvement Studies in Manufacturing Industry-a case study” in a book titled Operational Excellence for Global Competitiveness published by Excel India Publishers, Impression.2011, pp.84-92, ISBN: 93-81361-44-4.

  8. Sowmya.S, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K.V.S (2013) published a paper on “Automation of Talent Acquisition Process through Job Application Support System-A case study” at International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol.2 - Issue 10, pp. 1693 – 1695, (October - 2013), ISSN: 2278-0181, Impact Factor – 1.76

  9. Mukund A, Amanprasad B H, Rajeswara Rao K V S, Subramanya K N (2014) published a paper on “Ergonomic Evaluation of the Work Stations in a Garment Manufacturing Industry – An Exploratory Study” in International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp. 54 – 57, ISSN- 2320-2092, April 2014. (Impact Factor – 2.56)

  10. Belliappa C C, Arun N, Rajeswara Rao K V S, N S Narahari (2014) published a paper on “A Review on Ergonomic Tools to Assess Physical Risk in Garment Manufacturing Industries” at International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp. 51 – 53, ISSN- 2320-2092, April 2014. (Impact Factor – 2.56)

  11. Suresh Kumar C, Maanchi R Agarwal, Rajeswara Rao K V S (2014) published a paper on “Analysis of Effectiveness of Employees’ Training in an Automotive Component Manufacturing Organization” at Research Journalis Journal of Management, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 1 – 7, (September 2014), ISSN: 2347 8217, (Impact Factor – 2.03)

  12. Reena Shukla, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K.V.S (2015) published a paper on “Ergonomic analysis of environmental conditions in garment manufacturing industries in Bengaluru, India”, in International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, Vol:3, Issue:6, pp:677-682, November-December:2015

  13. N S Narahari, Ramaa A, K V S Rajeswara Rao (2016) published a paper on “Data Envelopment Analysis for Supplier Evaluation and Order Allocation”, in International Journal of Operations. and Quality Management (IJOQM), Vol. 22, Issue 2, pp. 189 – 201.

  14. Srinidhi K. Parthasarathi, K. V. S. Rajeswara Rao, P. Narayana Reddy (2016) published a paper on "Spiritual Leadership and its Contribution to Soft Dimensions of Total Quality Management – Relevance to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in India" in Indian Journal of Science and Technology ISSN : 0974-5645 Vol 9, Issue 33, September 2016.  

  15. Srinidhi K. Parthasarathi, K. V. S. Rajeswara Rao, P. Narayana Reddy (2016) published a paper on "Spirituality Contained in Bhagavad Gita and Its Contribution To Improving Quality of Classroom Learning Environment - Relevance to B- School in India" in Journal of Sona Global Management Review, Volume 10, Issue 4, August 2016.

  16. K V S Rajeswara Rao and Ravishankar V (2016) published a paper on “Parametric Design for Quality Improvement of Injection Moulded Product in a Consumer Electronics Conglomerate” in International Journal of Experimental Design and Process Optimization (IJEDPO) , Vol.5, Issue:1/2, pp.41-52, November 2016.

  17. Srinidhi K. Parthasarathi, P. N. Reddy and Rajeswara Rao K. V. S. (2017) published a paper on “Workplace Spirituality Contained in Bhagavad Gita and its Contribution to Work Improvement - A Fundamental to Total Quality Management (TQM)” in Journal of Management Research, Vol. 17, No. 1, Jan.–March 2017, pp. 32 – 46

  18. Dr.Rajeswara Rao.K.V.S, Dr Ramaa A & Dr. N.S.Narahari (2018) published a paper titled “Continuous Quality Improvement Studies in a Gypsum Board Manufacturing Unit - A Case Analysis” in Asian Journal of Management; Vol:9, No:2(2), April-June:2018 (In Press).

  19. Shwetha K, Dr. K V S Rajeswara Rao, Dr. H N Narasimha Murthy, Dr. N S Narahari (2018) published a paper on “Experimental and Statistical investigate of Silver nanofiller and montmorillonite Clay in acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene” at Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 10-Special Issue, July 2018, pp. 893 – 911.

  20. Shwetha K, Dr. K V S Rajeswara Rao, Dr. H N Narasimha Murthy, Dr. N S Narahari (2018) published a paper on “Evaluation of Surface Roughness and Dimensional Deviation in Fused Deposition Modelling Materials with Nanofillers” at Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 10-Special Issue, Oct. 2018, pp. 1036 – 1054.

  21. Chhavi Gupta, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S (2018) published a paper on “Factors influencing work life balance of women professionals in the IT industry” in Qualitative and Quantitative Research Review (International), Vol. 3, Issue 3, 2018 ISSN: 246-1978, eISSN No. 246-2117

  22. Shamanth R Shrivathsa, Shailesh M R, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S (2019) published a paper on “Travel Time Prediction of Public Transport in a Selected Route Using Artificial Neural Networks” in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 277 – 283, February 2019, ISSN-2349-5162.

  23. Chhavi Gupta, Rajeswara Rao KVS (2019) published a paper on “Review of the Work-Life Balance Challenges of Women Professionals in Information Technology Industry” in International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 8 Issue 12, pp. 432 – 437, ISSN: 2319-7064 ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426, December 2019

  24. Rajeswara Rao KVS, Narahari N S (2019) published a paper on Future of Ergonomics in the Age of Industry 4.0-Some Perspectives in Journal of Industrial Safety Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.3,pp.14-20, December 2019, ISSN:2395-6674

  25. S Y Kumar, Rajeswara Rao K V S, Sunil R Y (2020) published a paper on “In vitro wear investigation of PEEK biopolymer for Total Knee Replacement” in Russian Journal of Biomechanics,Vol.24, Issue.1, pp.40-46,March 2020, ISSN:1812-5123

  26. Harshita Parsrampuria, Rajeswara Rao K V S (2020) published a paper on “A review of methodologies for automating a simulation process” in International Journal for Research in Engineering and Management, Vol.6, Issue.1, pp. 437- 444, April 2020, ISSN: 2454-9150

  27. Modit Jain, Rajeswara Rao K V S (2020) published a paper on “Automation of secured Business loan through a digital platform”, in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, Issue.4, pp.1-6, April 2020, ISSN:2395-0072

  28. Aditya V Bagaria, Amulya Acharya K , Rajeswara Rao K V S (2020) published a paper on “ Feasibility study for setting up an independent battery assembly line for an electric vehicle manufacturing company” in International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Vol.2, Issue.5,pp.728-737, May 2020,e-ISSN:2582-5208

  29. S Y Kumar, Rajeswara Rao K V S , Sunil R Y (2020) published a paper on “Investigation of Wear Behavior of Biopolymers for Total Knee Replacements Through Invitro Experimentation” in International Journal of Engineering, IJE TRANSACTIONS B: Applications Vol.33, No.8,pp.1560-1566, August 2020,

  30. Rajeswara Rao K V S, Nandini B (2020) published a paper on “Influential factors on the performance of supply chains- A review in the context of prevailing COVID 19 pandemic” in Journal of Seybold Report, Vol.15, Issue.8, pp.1870-1876, August 2020, ISSN:1533-9211.

  31. S KaushikAbhishek RamanK.V.S Rajeswara Rao (2020) publishes a paper on “Leveraging Computer Vision for Emergency Vehicle Detection-Implementation and Analysis" at 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Kharagpur, India, 1-3 July 2020, doi: 10.1109/ICCCNT49239.2020.9225331. IEEE Xplore: 15 October 2020

  32. Savita C Teli, Rajeswara Rao K V S, (2020) published a paper on “Design of an IoT based Smart Trolley Prototype for retail mart” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, Issue.12 ,pp. 545-551 during December 2020( Thomson Reuters Indexed)

  33. Chhavi Gupta; K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao (2021) published a paper on “Analysis and definition of factors influencing work-life balance of women professionals in information technology enterprises in India” at International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2021 Vol.24 No:2 (Inderscience Publication) pp.167 – 188, DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2021.118884

  34. Mahantesh M Math , Rajeswara Rao K V S , etal., (2021) published a paper on Modelling of Office Chair for Laptop Users from Ergonomics Perspective”, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering,Vol.6, Special Issue, Nov-Dec 2021, pp:1409-1417, DOI :

  35. Rajeswara Rao K V S (2021) published a paper on “Enablers for Resilient Supply Chains in the context of COVID19 pandemic- A Review of major Digital Technologies” AIMA Journal of Management and Research (e-journal) Vol:15, No: 3/4, pp – 1 – 10, ISSN:0974 – 9497.

  36. Chhavi Gupta, Rajeswara Rao K V S, Parual Dutta (2022) published a paper on “Support Vector Machine Based Prediction of Work-Life Balance Among Women in Information Technology Organizations” in IEEE Engineering Management Review (Scimago ranking:Q1), Vol. 50, Issue 2, pp.147-155, July 2022.

  37. Rajeswara Rao K V S (2022) published a paper on "Ergonomic interfaces for sustainable human-machine-environment systems"  in the Number 25,pp:45-53,Dec2022-Jan2023 of Rivista Italiana di Ergonomia (Journal of the Italian Ergonomics and Human Factors Society)

  38. Mahantesh, M.M., Rao, K.V.S.R., Chandra, A.C.P. et al. (2022) published a paper on Design and modeling using finite element analysis for the sitting posture of computer users based on ergonomic perspective” Int J Interact Des Manuf (2023). Pp:1-17,,published online during June 2023, Springer

  39. Rajeswara Rao K V S, Deepika.G, Mohit Nigam (2023) published a paper on "Lead time Reduction of the Purchase process in an electronic Storage device manufacturing unit", International Journal of Novel Research and Development (, ISSN:2456-4184, Vol.8, Issue 7, page no.b490-b493, July-2023

  40. Rajeswara Rao K V S, etal., (2023) published a paper on Exploring effective approaches to minimize down time in the final assembly line of Braking Systems”, Journal of Namibian Studies, Vol:35, No:1, DOI, Published: August 2023.

  41. Math, M.M., Rao, K.V.S.R., Gururaja, M.N. et al. (2024) published a paper on “Enhanced Tribological Properties of Nano-TiO2 Reinforced Polymer Composites Fabricated via Stereolithography”. J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D,

  42. Rajeswara Rao K V S "Quality Improvement Studies in Garment Manufacturing Units - A Review" International Journal Of Innovative Research in Technology (UGC Approval No:47859), vol-11 issue-1 page 1373-76

  43. Rajeswara Rao K V S "A review of Collision Avoidance Systems in Commercial Aircrafts" International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology(UGC Approval No:47859) vol-11 issue-1 page 1350-353

National and International Conference Publications:

  1. C K Nagendra Guptha, N S Narahari and K V S Rajeswara Rao (2002); “Simulation of Layout for the Assembly of Energy Meter”, 44th National Convention of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering on 22nd and 23rd November 2002, Mumbai, PP 100.

  2. C.K.Nagendra Guptha, K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao and N.S. Narahari (2002); “Taguchi’s Methodology for Manufacturing Process Optimization”, proceedings of International Conference of Operations Research Development (ICORD), India, conducted at Anna University, Chennai. (27th – 30th Dec 2002), PP 109.

  3. N S Narahari, C.K. Nagendra Guptha and K.V. S. Rajeswara Rao (2003); Decision Support Systems for Spare parts Management”, 6th International Conference of Association of Asia Pacific Operations Research Society (APORS), India, conducted at New Delhi. (8th – 11th Dec 2003)

  4. K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao, C.K.Nagendra Guptha and N.S. Narahari (2003); Design of Knowledge System for HMT corporate planning division” 45th National Convention of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE), India, conducted at Vishakapatanam. (11th – 12th Dec 2003)

  5. N.S. Narahari, K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao and C.K.Nagendra Guptha (2004); TQM in Education –The Theory and Practice” 46th national convention of IIIE”, conducted at Trivandrum (24th – 26th September 2004)

  6. K.V.S.Rajeswara Rao, C.K.Nagendra Guptha and N.S.Narahari (2004); “Knowledge Management- The key to competitive edge” 34th national convention and seminar of ISTE “, conducted at New Delhi.( 18th – 20th December 2004)

  7. C.K. Nagendra Guptha, K.V.S Rajeswara Rao and Prof. K.S. Badarinarayana (2005) “Improving Supply Chains Visibility through RFID” 47th National Conference of IIIE conducted at Pune in November 2005.

  8. K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao, Prof. B Bakkappa, Prof. K.S. Badarinarayana, C.K. Nagendra Guptha (2006) “Quality of Work Life in Business Process Outsourcing Industry” Quality Introspect 2006 organized by Institution of Engineers at Nagpur 18th – 19th March 2006

  9. K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao, Prof. B Bakkappa, Prof. K.S. Badarinarayana (2006) “Human Resource Practices in BPO Industry- A case study” 48th National convention of IIIE organized by IIIE Bangalore chapter at Bangalore during 29th - 30th September 2006

  10. K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao, Prof. B Bakkappa, Prof. K.S. Badarinarayana (2008) “QWL practices in BPO Industry-An empirical study” 9th International Conference on Management organized by Society for Human Transformation at New Delhi during 3rd -5th January 2008

  11. Prof. N.S. Narahari and K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao (2009) presented a paper on “Dynamics of Change and Vision for Industrial Engineering Profession” at 50th International Seminar on Global Energy Challenges: Strategies for Sustainable Development, IIIE during January 16th – 18th 2009 at Visakhapatnam.

  12. K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao, Prof. B Bakkappa and Prof. N.S. Narahari (2009) presented a paper on “Analysis of the influence of HR practices on Quality of work life in BPO industry using Optimization Techniques” at National conference on Management for decision making, IMT Nagpur, during 13th – 15th Feb 2009.

  13. K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao and Prof. B Bakkappa (2010) presented a paper on “An Exploratory study and analysis of the influence of Human Resource Management practices on Quality of Work life in Business Process outsourcing units” at International Conference on Convergence of Science and Engineering in Education and Research – A Global perspective in the new millennium (ICSE 2010) at Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore during April 21st – 23rd April 2010.

  14. Sharath Chandra T R, Supreetha Y and K.V.S Rajeswara Rao (2011) presented paper on “Quality Improvement Studies in Manufacturing Industry-a case study” at International Conference on Operational Excellence for Global Competitiveness at R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore during 3rd – 5th February 2011.

  15. Sharath Chandra T R, Supreetha Y and K.V.S Rajeswara Rao (2011) presented paper on “Feasibility Studies on capacity enhancement through productivity improvement techniques-a case study” at International Conference on Excellence in Management Practices at K J College of Management and Technology, Bangalore during 15th -16th April 2011.

  16. Vanaja B.V, Praveena Kumar M and K.V.S Rajeswara Rao (2011) presented paper on “A review on capacity enhancement studies in manufacturing industry” at International Conference on Excellence in Management Practices at K J College of Management and Technology, Bangalore during 15th – 16th April 2011.

  17. Jagadish R and Dr.Rajeswara Rao K V S (2012) presented paper on “Enabling Education Process through MIS- A review” at National Seminar on Convergences & Cross Currents in Management & Information Technology at Seshadripuram First Grade College, Bangalore on 18th February 2012.

  18. Reena S, Sujana S and Dr. Rajeswara Rao KVS (2012) presented paper on “Lead Time Analysis of Purchase Process in an Electronic Industry” at State Level Technical Symposium at Dept. of IPE, The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore on 5th May 2012. Won 2nd Prize.

  19. Nithya R, Salma Khanum and Dr. Rajeswara Rao KVS (2012) presented paper on “Principles of VSM for a Lean Office Process – A review” at State Level Technical Symposium at Dept. of IPE, The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore on 5th May 2012. Won 2nd Prize.

  20. N Harsha and Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S (2012) presented a paper on “Managing the Probability of Issue in Construction Activities through Construction Management Information System (CMIS)” at International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering & Industrial Engineering and Management Studies, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore during 11th – 13th July 2012.

  21. Shruthi M N and Dr. K V S Rajeswara Rao (2012) presented a paper on Capacity Enhancement Studies in an Automotive Industry – A Case Study” at 54th National Convention and International Conference Paradigms for global Challenges and opportunities: Vision – 2025 organized by Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE) during 29th – 31st October 2012.

  22. Sowmya S, Pavithra N and Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S (2013) presented paper on “Reduction of Talent Acquisition Life Cycle: A Cost Management Approach” at proceedings of 10th AIMS International Conference on Management during 6th – 9th January 2013, pp. 79.

  23. Kiran P N, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S, Kaushik Saha (2013) presented a paper on “Mobile Business Intelligence Trends in Insurance Sector: A Review” at International Conference on Leveraging Operations & IT for Sustainable Development (ICOIT 2013), CMR Institute of Management Studies during 24th – 25th April 2013.

  24. Sowmya.S, Pavithra.N and Dr, Rajeswara Rao K.V.S, (2013) Analysis of Talent Acquisition Life cycle in a Cable Manufacturing Unit, International Conference on Sustainability – Success for Organizational Transformation (ICSSOT), CMR Institute of Management Studies Bangalore, 25th – 26th April, 2013

  25. Sowmya.S, Pavithra.N and Dr. Rajeswara Rao K.V.S, (2013) A Review on Analysis of Talent Acquisition Process, National Conference on Advances in Design, Manufacturing and Management (ADMM), R.V. College of Engineering 25th May, 2013

  26. Belliappa C C, Arun N, Rajeswara Rao K V S, N S Narahari, (2014) “A Review on Ergonomic Tools to Assess Physical Risk in Garment Manufacturing Industries”, proceedings of IRAJ Research Forum International Conference at Chennai on 9th March 2014.

  27. Mukund A, Amanprasad B H, Rajeswara Rao KVS, K N Subramanya,(2014) “Ergonomic Evaluation of the Work Stations in a Garment Manufacturing Industry – An Exploratory Study”, proceedings of IRAJ Research Forum International Conference at Chennai on 9th March 2014.

  28. Ramaa A, Rajeswara Rao K V S, N S Narahari (2014) presented a paper on “Energy Consumption Analysis in an Automotive Components Manufacturing Unit: A Case Study” at 7th International Congress of Environmental Research (ICER-14) at at R V College of Engineering, during 26th – 28th December 2014

  29. Dr N S Narahari  Dr Ramaa A Dr K V S Rajeswara Rao, (2015) “Supplier Evaluation and Order Allocation using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Technique – A Case Study” has been presented in International Symposium In Honor of Dr. A. Ravi Ravindran (OR 2015) held during 12th – 13th, March 2015.

  30. Reena Shukla, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K.V.S (2015) “Environmental Audit in Garment Manufacturing Industries from Human Factors Perspective in Bengaluru- A Case Study”, in the proceedings of the National Level Conference on Topical Transcend in Mechanical Technology (TTMT-15), held at SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru on 9th May 2015.

  31. Reena Shukla, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K.V.S (2015) “Postural Analysis of Workers in Garment Manufacturing Units in Bengaluru – A Case Study”, in the proceedings of the Conference on Advances in Research & Development and Dissemination of Interdisciplinary Developments for Sustainability, held at R. V. College of Engineering, Bengaluru on 25th - 27th April 2015.

  32. Akshay Holla K P, Dr. K.V.S Rajeswara Rao (2015) “Vendor selection studies for a fast moving consumer goods company” in the proceedings of the conference on Advances in Research and Development and Dissemination of Interdisciplinary Developments for Sustainability, held at R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru from 25th - 27th April, 2015.

  33. Dr.Rajeswara Rao K V S, Talha Tamkeen (2016) presented a paper on An exploratory assessment of factors influencing thermal comfort of employees in IT company” National conference on Engineering Technology and Management, RVCE during 22nd – 23rd April 2016

  34. Dr.Rajeswara Rao K V S, Soukarya Nayak (2016) presented a paper on “An empirical assessment of occupational stress amongst bank employee in Bangalore” National conference on Engineering Technology and Management, RVCE during 22nd – 23rd April 2016

  35. Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S, K N Subramanya (2016) presented a paper on “Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) approach for networking of institutions to deploy Intelligent Transport System (ITS) – A case study” at International Conference on Development of Smart Cities: Interface, Governance and Technology at Dr. Ambedkar Institute Of Technology during 09th – 10th September 2016

  36. Ramaa A, Dr. N S Narahari, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S (2016) presented a paper on “Predictive Analytics using system dynamics models for manpower planning in an organisation - A case study” at ICBAI-2016 International conference on business analytics and intelligence during 19th – 21st December 2016

  37. Sanjana S.R, Pavitra Tagore, Naga Gautham, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K.V.S (2017) presented a paper on “Design of a Warehouse Layout for an Apparel Retailer using CORELAP algorithm” at 13th International Conference on Science and Management, Engineering (ICSME2017), Kerala, India Organized by International Organization of Scientific Research and Development(IOSRD), India during 17th – 18th March 2017 (Won BEST PAPER AWARD)

  38. Dr. K N Subramanya, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S (2017) presented a paper on “Traffic and intelligent transport system –an exploratory study” at National conference on Leveraging intelligent transportation system for enabling smart cities (ITS-2017) at R V College of Engineering, during 2nd – 4th March, 2017

  39. Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S, Dr. K N Subramanya (2017) presented paper on “Benchmarking of Intelligent Transportation system (ITS) practices in Bengaluru- A case study” at National conference on Leveraging intelligent transportation system for enabling smart cities (ITS-2017) at R V College of Engineering, during 2nd – 4th March, 2017

  40. Ms. Sanjana SR, Ms. Pavitra Tagore, Mr. Naga Gautham, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S (2017) “Design of a warehouse layout for an apparel retailer using corelap algorithm” at 13th International Conference on Science, management and Engineering (ICSME 2017) organized by IOSRD, Kerala, during 17th – 18th March 2017

  41. Dr. Rajeswara Rao K.V.S & Dr. N.S.Narahari (2017) presented a paper on Process Improvement Studies in a Gypsum Plaster Boards Manufacturing Unit- A Case Study at 59th National Convention of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering & International Conference on Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering during 14th – 16th September 2017 organized by Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering, Aurangabad Chapter & in Association MGM's Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Aurangabad.

  42. Chhavi Gupta, Dr Rajeswara Rao KVS (2017) presented a paper on “Conception of a Comprehensive Framework to Define Work Like balance Challenges for Professional Women in the IT industry” at 12th Annual International Conference - Convergence 2017 Theme: Management 2022: Growth and Sustainability Challenges organized by IFIM Business School, Bengaluru during 15th - 16th September, 2017

  43. Dr. Ramaa A, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S, Dr. N S Narahari, Dr. K N Subramanya (2017) presented a paper on “Challenges in Implementation of Outcome Based Education” at 20th ISTE – Karnataka State Faculty Convention – 2017, 28th Dr. L S Chandrakanth Memorial Lecture organized by Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering on 9th December 2017.

  44. Dr. K N Subramanya, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S & Shobha N S, (2017) presented a paper on Analysis of Postures Leading to Musculo-Skeletal Disorders among Employees in Garment Manufacturing Units- A Case Study” at 15th International Conference on Ergonomics for Improved Productivity organised by Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh during 8th - 10th December 2017.

  45. Chhavi Gupta, Rajeswara Rao KVS, (2017) presented a paper on “Work-Life Balance of Women Professionals in IT Industry- Challenges, Issues and Initiatives- A Review”, at SIMSARC 2017, 8th International Conference at SIMS, Symbiosis International University, Pune during 15th – 17th December, 2017.

  46. Adarsh M Shetty B, Anand S Devarmani, AVR Susheel Chandra, Bhushan S Maidala, Dr. KVS Rajeswara Rao (2018) presented a paper on “A review of analytical models for air pollution forecasting” at National Conference on “Industrial Innovative Management Practices (IIMP – 2018) organized by Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology during 15th – 16th March 2018.

  47. Y Sandeep Kumar, Rajeswara Rao KVS, Sunil R Yalamalle, S M Venugopal, Sandeep Krishna (2018) presented a paper on “Applications of 3 D printing in TKR Pre surgical planning for Design Optimization – A Case Study” at Materials Processing and characterization (ICMPC 2018) at GRIET, Hyderabad during 16th – 18th March 2018.The paper published by Materials Today Proceedings, Elsevier publication, Vol. 5, Issue 9, Part 3, pp. 17525 – 20784.

  48. Ramaa A, N S Narahari, Rajeswara Rao K V S (2018) presented a paper on “Health Care Analytics on Blood Service Operations in India Context” at 51st Annual Convention of ORSI and International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Operations Research and Management Science (OR/MS)” at IIT Bombay, Mumbai during 16-19 December – 2018

  49. Chhavi Gupta, Rajeswara Rao KVS, (2018) presented a paper on “Factors influencing Work-life Balance of women professionals in the IT industry” at International Conference on Innovative Practices in Management and Entrepreneurship organized by dept. of Management Studies, B N M Institute of Technology, during 27th – 28th December 2018.

  50. Shamanth R Shrivathsa, Shailesh M R, Rajeswara Rao K V S (2018) presented a paper on “Travel Time Prediction of Public Transport in a selected route using Artificial Neural Networks” at CONSEG -2018 International Conference on Software Engineering organized by APS College of Engineering in association with Computer Society of India, during 23rd and 24th November 2018.

  51. Mahantesh M.Math, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K. V. S. and Kirthan L J (2019) presented a paper on “Analysis of Ergonomic Office Chair for Information Technology Work Environment-A case study in Indian context” at International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology & Management (SUSCOM-2019) (SSRN Elsevier Proceedings) organized by Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur during February 26 - 28, 2019

  52. Sucheta Harish, Sudeekshitha G, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S (2019) presented a paper on “Ergonomic Interventions in Public Road Transportation Vehicles : A Review” at International Conference on “Recent Trends in Industrial Innovation , Value Engineering and Management Science at Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, dept. of IEM in association with INVEST during 28th – 30th March 2019.

  53. Y Sandeep Kumar, Dr. Rajeswara Rao KVS, Dr. Sunil R Y, Dr. Venugopal S M and Dr. Sandeep Krishna (2019) presented a paper on “Effect of Slicing Thickness and Increment on the design of Patient specific implant for Total Knee Replacement (TKR) using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) – A Case Study” at International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Energy Sustainability (ICIMES-2019) Innovation avenues in the era of Industry 4.0 organised by Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology, Telangana during 21st – 22nd June 2019 published by Springer, ISSN: 2190-3018.

  54. Mahantesh M Math, Rajeswara Rao KVS, Jaydeep Kumar Mandal (2019) presented a paper on “Human Digital Modeling and RULA Analysis for an Office Chair user in computer work environment –A case study in Indian Context” at International Conference on Advance Trends in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (ATMA 2019) - Research Innovation in Mechanical and Aerospace Technologies organized by Organized by Dayananda Sagar University, Bengaluru during 7th - 9th November, 2019

  55. Dr. K N Subramanya, Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S, Shobha N S and Dr. B G Sudarshan (2019) presented a paper on “Auditing of Indoor environmental parameters from Ergonomics perspective in a garment manufacturing unit-A case study” at three days International Conference on “Humanizing Work and Work Environment” organized by Dept. of Industrial Production and Engineering, Dr B R Ambedkar NIT, Jalandhar in association with International Ergonomics Association during 08th -10th November 2019.

  56. Abhishek Raman, S Kaushik , Rajeswara Rao K V S, Minal Moharir (2020) presented a paper on “A hybrid framework for expediting emergency vehicle movement on Indian Roads” at 2nd International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications”, organized by DSCE, Bangalore during March 2020.Published by IEEE (pp.459-464) during May 2020.

  57. S Kaushik, Abhishek Raman, Rajeswara Rao K V S (2020) presented a paper on “Leveraging Computer Vision for Emergency Vehicle Detection- Implementation and Analysis” at 11th International Conference on computing, communication and networking technologies”, organized by IIT, Kharagpur during July 2020. Published by IEEE (pp.1-6) during October 2020.

  58. M. Math Mahantesh, K. V. S. Rajeswara Rao, (2021) published a paper on “Human digital modeling and RULA analysis for an office chair user in computer work environment – A case study in Indian context” at AIP Conference Proceedings, 2316, 030013 (2021); Scopus Index, Published Online: 16 February 2021.

  59. Chhavi Gupta and Rajeswara Rao K V S (2021) presented a paper on "Work life balance issues amongst women professionals in Information Technology Sector in the context of COVID19 pandemic" in HR International Conference on Workforce Management Trends on 9th April 2021 by RIMS, Bangalore.

  60. Rajeswara Rao K V S, Nandini B, Dharani A (2021) published a paper on “Catalytic role of Critical thinking in aligning Gen Z with Atmanirbhar Bharath Abhiyan” at AICTE sponsored two days national conference on “Critical thinking for Gen Z - Multidisciplinary Approach (CTGZMA -2021)” in association with Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE), New Delhi during 28th - 29th October 2021. (Awarded BEST PAPER).

  61. Chhavi Gupta and Rajeswara Rao K V S (2021) presented a paper on “Work Life balance challenges faced by working mothers in IT industry” at 13th National Women’s Science Congress during 20th and 21st Nov.2021, Vijnana Nele pp.22

  62. Shyamala Babu and Rajeswara Rao K V S (2023) presented a paper on “Digital Currencies in India-Opportunities and Challenges” at International Conference on Ongoing Research in Management and Information Technology, INCON-16,Pune during 19th–21st January 2023. (Published in Conference proceedings with ISBN: 978-93-87665-16-3


  1. Research Paper titled "TQM in Education – The Theory and Practice" authored by Prof. N S Narahari, K V S Rajeswara Rao and C K Nagendra Guptha is published as a case study in the book titled "Total Quality Management – Text Cases" authored by Dr. Uday Kumar Haldar by Dhanpat Rai & Co.
  2. Journal article titled: "Work life balance practices in BPO industry" authored by K.V.S. Rajeswara Rao, Prof. B Bakkappa, & Prof. K.S. Badarinarayana is referred by Dr. Madhuchhanda Mohanty in her article titled: "Work –life balance : Issues & Experiences" in FOCUS , An International journal on Management, April , 2008 issue.pp:6-24.
  3. Member on Review panel of "African Journal of Business Management" an international monthly journal in the field of business management with ISSN: 1993-8233.
  4. Member on Advisory board and Editorial board an International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engg. an international monthly journal in the field of Engineering and Technology with ISSN: 2250–2459

Research Guidance:

Course Ph.D / M.Sc.(E)

Date of Registration 

Student Name   

Research Topic


Guide / Co Guide / Research Centre



Mahantesh M Math
Dept. of IEM, R V College of Engineering,

Modeling and Analysis of Work Station Design for an IT Industry using an Integrated Ergonomics Approach

Completed Comprehensive Viva

Guide /IEM recognized by VTU



Shwetha K
Dept. of Mechanical Engg.,
R V College of Engineering,

Quality and Reliability Improvements of Model built using Rapid Prototyping

Completed Comprehensive Viva

Guide /IEM recognized by VTU

PhD 2015

Chhavi Gupta 

Vidal Health Care

 Study and Analysis of worklife balance challenges face by professional women in information technology service sector.  Completed Comprehensive Viva Guide /IEM recognized by VTU
PhD 2017

Nandini B

Dept. of IEM, R V College of Engineering,

HR Metrics for Business Strategy: An Exploratory Research in Indian Organization Pursuing Guide /IEM recognized by VTU
PhD 2017

Y Sandeep Kumar

Aditya College of Engineering, Madanapalli

Analytical and experimental investigation of biocompatible nano coated artificial knee joint through invitro studies.  Pursuing Guide /IEM recognized by VTU

Sponsored / Consultancy Works:



Project Title



All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) – project under TAPTEC scheme

Design and Development of Multimedia CD teaching and training module on Manufacturing System Design


(Support faculty)


Defence Research Development Organization (DRDO) under Extra Mural Scheme.

Competency mapping for a reputed technical education Institution

Completed (Co-Investigator)


Lincoln Helios (Ind) Ltd.

Lean Management Studies for higher productivity

Completed (Member-Consultancy team)


Buhler (India) Ltd

Ergonomical evaluation of hammer mills

Completed(Member-Consultancy team)


University Grants Commission

Ergonomics intervention on labor productivity and health parameters of women in garment industries and remedial measures

Completed in March 2017




VGST, Karnataka

Centre of Excellence in Applied Ergonomics for Occupational Health and Safety

Applied in

July 2013

(Associate Program Co-ordinator )


Dept. Of Science & Technology ( CSRI)

Designing and Developing a Cognitive Ergonomics Module in Ergonomics Course for Engineering Students.

Applied in

June 2015

(Principal Investigator)


Bureau of Police Research & Development

Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India

A Critical Analysis of the effectiveness of CCTV on Law Enforcement in selected cities in India

Applied in

November 2016

(Principal Investigator)


Karnataka Biotechnology and Information Technology Services (KBITS)

e-PMP – e-Pavathi Mathu Payana- A Cashless congestion free Transit

Applied in

October 2017

(Project Member)


All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE)

AICTE- ISTE Induction/ Refresher Programme on Intelligent Transport System for Smart Cities- Principles and Practices

Applied in

November 2017



Florida University, USA

Design and Development of VR - simulator for testing and training Drivers to enhance the safety of public and property

Applied in

November 2018




Indian Council of Social Science Research

Benchmarking Studies for Implementation of Intelligent Public Transportation System.

Applied in

October 2019

(Principal Investigator). Attended Review during February 2021.


Bureau of Police Research and Development

Study and Analysis of

Prison Management

Regulations and

Correctional Services for

effective implementation

in selected Prisons in India

Applied in April 2022

(Co- Investigator)


Indian Council of Social Science Research

Revitalizing Higher Education for Gen Z: A

Comprehensive Analysis of Educational Frameworks

Applied in

October 2023

(Co- Investigator)


Nex Thermal Mfg(I) Pvt Ltd

Lean Manufacturing: Principles and Practices

Conducted during October 2023

(Member-Training Consultancy team)






Sir. C RR College of Engg.

Eluru (A.P)

Conducted Personality Development Program for III/IV Engg students


AICTE Sponsored work shop by Dept. of IEM, RVCE.

Delivered a talk on application of SYSTAT for faculty from various Engg. Colleges.


R.V.College of Engg, Bangalore.

Delivered a talk on “Career Planning” for I Semester Students during 3rd – 4th August 2007.


Workshop on “Management and Entrepreneurship” R.V. College of Engg, Bangalore.

Delivered a talk on “Planning” for the faculty of RVCE on 29th July 2008.


MRO TEK , Bangalore

Delivered a talk on “Seven QC Tools” for the executives of MRO TEK on 16th May 2009.


EDC, R.V. College of Engineering

Delivered lectures on HR, Organizational hierarchy, Supervision for the participants of workshop conducted by EDC during January 2010.


R.V. College of Engineering

Delivered talks during Two days workshop on “Ergonomics” for post graduate students of Smt. V.H.D Central Institute of Home science during 16th – 17th April 2010.


R.V. College of Engineering

Handled sessions during Awareness Program on NBA Process for the students of IEM & EEE programs on 28th February 2012.


R.V. College of Engineering

Delivered a talk on “Organizing for Effective Processes” for the faculty of RVCE on 10th August 2012


JNNCE, Shimoga

Delivered lectures on “Research Design” and “Sampling Methodology” at faculty development program on Research Methodology in Management and Social Sciences: A Skill Building Approach on 7th February 2013


MSRIT, Bangalore

Delivered a talk on “Sampling Methodology” at faculty development program on Research Methodology on 10th March 2013



Delivered eight sessions on “Measurements and Metrology” during Feb. 27 2013 to March 18 2013.


Foreman Institute of Technology, Bangalore

Delivered a talk on Productivity Improvement on 24th October 2014


R V College of Engineering

Delivered a talk on “Outcome based education” in 3 days workshop on OBE during 12th December 2014


R V College of Engineering

Chaired a session under “Social Sciences” category at 7th International Congress of Environment Research on 27th December 2014


R V College of Engineering

Delivered a talk on “Sampling Design” at one Week Short Term Course on “Research Methodology” organized by Dept. of ISE, CSE and IEM under TEQIP II on 8th June 2016


MGM's Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Aurangabad

Chaired a session under “Manufacturing and Automation” stream on 15th September 2017


R V College of Engineering

Jury Member for Innovative Project Competition organized by ED cell on 7th May 2018.


Spandana P U College, Uttarahalli, Bengaluru

Delivered talk on “Opportunities in IEM” at on 20th December 2018 for the promotion of IEM Discipline


Base College, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru

Delivered talk on “Opportunities in IEM” at on 1st January 2019 for the promotion of IEM Discipline


R V College of Engineering

Jury Member for Innovative Project Competition organized by ED cell on 29th April 2019.


R V College of Engineering

Delivered a talk on “Ergonomics in the Era of Industry 4.0” at two weeks Faculty Development Programme on “Work Place Ergonomics - Perspectives Principles and Practices” organized by dept. of IEM, sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi on 11th July 2019


J C Bose (YMCA) University, Faridabad

Delivered a talk on “Overview of Intelligent Transportation Systems” for faculty members and students during 20th & 21st September 2019


Base College, Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru

Delivered talk on “Opportunities in IEM” on 24th October 2019 for the promotion of IEM Discipline


Srinivasa Institute of Technology, Mangaluru

Delivered two days sessions on NBA awareness under the aegis of Margadarshan Scheme of AICTE on 13th & 14th of January 2020


Sri Shirdi Sai College of Engineering, Anekal, Bengaluru

Delivered two days sessions on NBA awareness under the aegis of Margadarshan Scheme of AICTE on 28th January 2020


R V College of Engineering

Delivered webinar talk on Design Thinking on 30th July 2020


R V College of Engineering

Participated in a review session on Preparedness for NBA by Sri Shirdi Sai College of Engineering, Anekal on 19th October 2020


R V College of Engineering

Participated in a review session on Preparedness for NBA by Srinivasa Institute of Technology, Mangaluru on 22nd October 2020



Delivered two days sessions on NBA awareness under the aegis of Margadarshan Scheme of AICTE on 3rd & 4th of March 2021.


Sri Vidya Mandir Arts and Science College,Tamil Nadu

Delivered a e-talk on “Nuances of writing a Research Paper” during FDP on Management Research on 26th May 2021



Delivered a talk on “Process of Development and Environment on 28th May 2021.


RV College of Engineering

Delivered a talk on “Principles of Micro-Economics” for third year students of electronics and Instrumentation 10th November 2022


RV College of Engineering

Delivered a talk on “Work System Design and Ergonomics” during Five days “Online Orientation of Laboratory Courses for Technical Staff” organised

by Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Management during, RVCE during 9th - 13th June2021


AMC College of Engineering

Delivered one day session on “NBA Awareness” under the aegis of Margadarshan Scheme of AICTE on 23rd September 2021


RV College of Engineering

Delivered a talk on “Orientation on Publications, Research, Projects and Patents” as part of first year orientation program at IEM seminar hall on 15.12.2021.


RV College of Engineering

Session chair in First ISQ Symposium organised by Indian Society for Quality on 23rd -24th September 2022 .


RV College of Engineering

Delivered a talk on “Harmony in Nature” for first year students as part of Student Induction Program on 1st December 2022


BMTC, Shantinagar, Bengaluru

Conducted Awareness program on International Repetitive Strain Injury Day for Bus Drivers and Conductors on 28th Feb.2023


SJ Government Polytechnic, Bengaluru

Delivered a talk on “National Education Policy” for Faculty members of Diploma institutions as part of Faculty Development Program on 15th March 2023


SJ Govt Polytechnic College, Bengaluru.

Delivered a talk on Effective Pedagogy in Contemporary Education on 1st July 2024


  1. Research Paper titled “TQM in Education – The Theory and Practice” authored by Prof. N S Narahari, K V S Rajeswara Rao and C K Nagendra Guptha is published as a case study in the book titled “Total Quality Management – Text Cases” authored by Dr. Uday Kumar Haldar by Dhanpat Rai & Co.

  2. Research Paper titled “Influence of Ergonomics on workplace productivity: a Human Resource Management perspective” authored by Anup H A and K V S Rajeswara Rao is published as a CHAPTER in the book titled “Advance Management practices in Business” authored by Prof. Anuradha Jain, etal., by Book Hill Publishing House, Germany(2015) , ISBN: 978-93-83241-64-4.

  3. Dr. N S Narahari, Dr. Ramaa A, Dr. K V S Rajeswara Rao presented a paper on “Supplier Evaluation and Order Allocation using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Techniques – A Case Study”, at International Symposium in Honour of Dr. A Ravi Ravindran at IISC, Bangalore during 12th – 13th March 2015. pp 288 – 301 in the book - Analytics in Operations / Supply Chain Management, I K International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. ISBN: 978-93-84588-94-6

  4. Dr. K N Subramanya and Dr. Rajeswara Rao K V S edited a Monograph on Intelligent Transportation Systems – Principles and Practices which was released during National conference on “Leveraging Intelligent Transportation System for Enabling Smart Cities” during March 2017.

  5. K. N. Subramanya, K. V. S. Rajeswara Rao, N. S. Shobha published a book chapter on Analysis of Working Postures Leading to Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Employees in Garment Manufacturing Units—A Case Study, in the book titled, Ergonomics for Improved Productivity, Springer,2017,ISBN: 978-981-15-9054-2

  6. K. N. Subramanya, K. V. S. Rajeswara Rao, N. S. Shobha, B. G. Sudarshan published a book chapter on Auditing of Indoor Environmental Parameters from Ergonomics Perspective in a Garment Manufacturing Unit–A Case Study in the book titled,“Productivity with Health, Safety, and Environment” Springer May 2022, ISBN 978-981-16-7361-0

Continuing Education Initiatives

  • Completed online course (12 weeks) floated by NPTEL on “Sustainability through Green manufacturing systems: An Applied Approach” with a consolidated score of 91% during Oct - Nov 2017.

  • Completed online course (12 weeks) floated by NPTEL on “Introduction to Internet of Things” with consolidated score of 68% during Oct-Nov 2018.

  • Completed an online non-credit course (05 weeks) floated by Virginia University through Coursera on Design thinking for innovation during May 2020.

  • Completed an online non-credit course (04 weeks) floated by University of Michigan through Coursera on Beyond the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Addressing Sustainability and Development during June 2020.

  • Completed an online non-credit course (04 weeks) floated by Stanford University through Coursera on AI for everyone during June 2020.

  • Completed online course (12 weeks) floated by NPTEL on “Leadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and Constructs” with a consolidated score of 86% during Jan - April 2023(Silver-Elite).

  • Completed online course (12 weeks) floated by NPTEL on “Design and Implementation of Human-Computer Interfaces” with a consolidated score of 78% during June - October 2023 (Silver Elite TOP 5%).

  • Completed online course (12 weeks) floated by NPTEL on “Supply Chain Digitization” with a consolidated score of 72% during January-April 2024(Elite)