The department of library and information centre was established in the year 1963 currently with three technical staff – library science professionals and five non - technical staff. Library has a vast collection of books, reference books, bound volumes, technical national and international journals, e- books, e- journals, encyclopedia and other multimedia resources, document collection volume is 189710. Library subscribes 159 technical journals 23 technical magazines and 15 daily newspapers which include English and Kannada.
Library has subscribed to wiley and pearson e-Books. E-Journals are subscribed through VTU e-Resource Consortium, the e- journals are from various leading publisher and is a value added service to the readers, and it has a collection of 8783 e- Journals and 47,100 e-Books, Institutional Subscription IEEE, it has a collection of 190 e-journals and conference proceedings. These resources are IP based and can be accessed through Digital library, anywhere in the campus and home also.
Library Services
DSpace Institutional Repository (Within the Campus previous year question papers e-Books, conference proceedings)
Web OPAC (Within Campus/Outside Campus link
User Manual
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