Designation: |
Principal & Professor |
![]() |
Experience: |
Teaching : 31 Research :11 |
Area of Interest: |
Supply Chain Management, Lean Manufacturing , Operations management , e-Enterprise Modelling, Simulation Modelling and Analysis, Quality Management, Information System Design, Decision Sciences, Applied Ergonomics, Systems Engineering, Strategic Management
Date of Joining: | 03.11.1995 | |
Email Id: |
Project Guided: UG : 84, PG: 18
National Journal Publications: 19
International Journal Publications: 43
National Conference Publications: 28
International Conference Publications: 61
National Journals Publications:
A Ramaa, C.K. Nagendra Guptha, K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “IoT Enabled Biomedical Waste Management System”, RVJSTEAM – RV Journal of Science Technology Engineering Arts and Management, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Jan. 2020, Pg. 49-63.
Renukaprasad, K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “Guide to internet of Things Solution Development”, RVJSTEAM – RV Journal of Science Technology Engineering Arts and Management, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Jan. 2020, Pg. 99-104.
Anil B. Gowda and K N Subramanya, published a paper titled “A Study of Bullwhip Effect and its Impact on Information Flow in Cloud Supply Chain Network”, The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. XIV, No. 3, Sept. 2017. Pg. 49-65.
Goutham P, Muralidhar Singh M, Pavan, Subramanyam T.K, Subramanya K.N, published a paper titled “Optimization of Titanium Aluminium Nitride Thin Film Coatings for Solar Absorptance”, Journal of Nanotechnology and Nano-Engineering, Vol.3, Issue 1-3 (2017).
N.S. Shobha, Dr. K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “Outbound Logistics Modling Using Shortest Routing Algorithm in a Lean Enterprise: A Case Study”, The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. XIII, No. 4, Dec. 2016, Pg. No. 17-26.
N.S. Shobha, Dr. K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “Multi Criteria Decision Approach for Supplier Selection in Lean Manufacturing System – A Case Study”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9, Issue 45, Dec. 2016, Pg. 1-10. ISSN No. 0974-6846
Anil B Gowda, Dr. K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “A Sensitivity Analysis of the Cloud Characteristics in Supply Chain Network using AHP”, The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. XIII, No. 1., pg. 55-69, March 2016.
Anil B. Gowda, Dr. K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “An Analysis of the Benefits of Cloud Services for Supply Chain using Analytic Hierarchy Process”, The IUP Journal of Computer Sciences, ISSN – 0973-9904, Oct. 2015, pp 31-45.
Anil. B. Gowda, Dr. K. N. Subramanya published a paper titled “The influence of variables of Designing a Cloud Supply Chain Network: A factor analysis approach” at The IUP journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. XII, No. 3, pp. 35 – 49, September 2015.
Dr. Narahari NS and K N Subramanya published a paper on “System Dynamics Modeling for Human Resources Planning – A Case Study” at Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol. VI, Issue 11, pp. 36 – 43, ISSN: 0970 – 2555, November 2013.
Suganthar S, Ujjwal Tripathi & K N Subramanya published a paper on “Empirical Survey Research Study on Role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Retail Sector in India” at New Man and Society, Bi-Annual Journal, Special Issue on Public Private Partnership in India, Newman College, Thodupuzha, Kerala, Vol. 3, No. 1, January – June 2012, ISSN 2231-6698.
K N Subramanya and Dr. N S Narahari published a paper on “Modelling a Front Sub-Frame Welding Line using Simulation” at Indore Management Journal, Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, Allied Published Pvt. Ltd, ISSN – 0975-1653, pp. 11 – 33, 2012. (Impact Factor – 0.6450)
Nagabhushan S V, Praveen Kulkarni, K N Subramanya & Dr. G N Srinivasan published a paper on “Reverse Auction in Pricing Model” in Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. XII, Issue VII, Ver. 1, ISSN: 0975-4350, pp. 41-45, April 2012. (Impact factor – 0.352)
K N Subramanya & Dr. S C Sharma, “Modelling a Front Sub-Frame Welding Line using Simulation” Indore Management Journal, ORSI and SOM, Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., PP. 11-33, ISSN: 0975-1653, December 2010.
Manjaiah D H, K N Subramanya and Dr. S C Sharma - “Graphical Analysis of different Kanban strategies”; IIIM Journal of Management and IT; OORJA – Vol.3 / No.3; PP.52-64, September, 2005.
Manjaiah D H, K N Subramanya and Dr. S C Sharma – “Performance Tool for Mobile Internet Protocols in Distributed Applications”, CSI Communications, ISSN 0970-647X, October, 2004.
Manjaiah D H, K N Subramanya and Dr. S C Sharma – “Advent Issues of Network Web Applications”, CSI Communications, ISSN 0970-647X, July 2004.
K N Subramanya and N S Narahari – “Priority Scheduling for Sub- Assembly of Precision Product manufacturing company”, IE Journal, Vol. 33 No.5, PP: 10-14. May-2004.
K N Subramanya and N S Narahari – “Re-Design of Inventory control system in a consumer product manufacturing company”, Journal of the Operational Research Society of India, OPSEARCH – Vol. 37 No. 1, pp. 76-77, March 2000. (Impact factor – 0.80)
International Journals Publications:
Prapulla S B, Swarna M Patra, Subramanya K N, Uma B V, published a paper titled “Techniques for Strengthening 21st Century Learners' Critical Thinking Skills”, in the Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Year: 2023 (Jan.), Vol. 36, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 512-518. eISSN 2394-1707
Ananya B.S, Nehal Chakravarthy M.D, Anala M.R and K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “Real-Time Traffic Sign Recognition Using Deep Learning”, in the Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 31 (1), Pg. 137-148, Jan. 2023.
Manjunatha Reddy, Brahmanand Dattaprakash, Sandesh Kammath, Subramanya KN, Sumathra Manokaran and Rangaswamy BE, published a paper titled “Application of MLOps in Prediction of Lifestyle Diseases”, in the ECS Transactions - The Electrochemical Society, 107 (1), Pg. 1191-1198 (Apr. 2022).
Shanta Rangaswamy, Ramakanth Kumar, Uma B.V, Subramanya K.N, published a paper titled “MOOCs-The way to go”, in the Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Volume 23, Issue 8, Aug. 2021. Pg. 881-889. ISSN: 1007-6735.
Akanksh A Manjunath, MC Sohan, MR Anala and KN Subramanya, published a Research Article titled “Design thinking approach to simplify monetary transactions for the visually challenged”, in the British Journal of Visual Impairment, Online First Published 16 Aug 2021.
Dr. Kendaganna Swamy S, Dr. K.N. Subramanya, Prof. Shruthi P and Dr. Ramaa A published a paper titled “Metacognitive Proactive Hybrid Learning Model using ICT Tools” in Journal of University of Shanghai for Science & technology, Vol 23, Issue 6, June-2021, Pg. 294-300, ISSN: 1007-6735.
Swarna M. Patra, Ramakanth Kumar P, K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “Designing Question Paper Marks Distribution Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy Level for Course Outcomes Measurement”, International Journal on Recent Trends in Business and Tourism (IJRTBT), Vol. 5(2), Apr. 21, Pg.1-6.
Swarna M Patra, Ganesh C.L, Subramanya K N, published a paper titled “Implementation of Outcome Based Education Focussing on Curricula, Methodologies and Outcome”, Journal of Tourism and Sports Management (JTSM), SciTech Central Inc., USA, Vol. 3 (2), 2021, Pg. No. 289-306. ISSN: 2642-021X.
Seth Aishwarya, Vaishnav Abeer, Babu B. Sathish and Dr. K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “Quantum Computational Techniques for Prediction of Cognitive State of Human Mind from EEG Signals”. Journal of Quantum Computing, Dec. 2020, Pg. 157-170.
Mir Mohammed Junaid Basha, Nikitha A.P, Aiman Fathima K, Deepthi Galagali, Dr. C.K. Nagendra Gupta, Dr. K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “BLOCKCHAIN and IoT for Enhancing Supply Chain Security – A review”, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 9, Sept. 2020, Pg. 545 – 551.
D.V.N. Harisha, A.Bharatisha, H.N. Narasimha Murthya, B. Ananda, K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “Investigation of thermal residual stresses during laser ablation of tantalum carbide coated graphite substrates using micro-Raman spectroscopy and COMSOL Multiphysics”. Ceramics International, 47 (2021), 3498-3513, Online Access, Sept. 2020.
DVN Girish, A Bharatish, HN Narasimha Murthy, KN Subramanya, published a paper titled “Simultaneous optimization of nanosecond laser ablation and frictional characteristics of tantalum carbide coated graphite substrates”, Optik – International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Vol. 208 (Apr. 2020), Pg. 1-7.
S. B. Prapulla, Jyoti Shetty, Vinay A. Kulkarni, K. N. Subramanya, B. V. Uma, P. Ramakanth Kumar, G. Shobha, published a paper titled “Design and Analysis of an Online Course using Moodle Platform”, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Volume 33, Special Issue, ICTIEE 2020, January 2020, Pg. No. 270-274.
S. Sandhya, Shaila H. Koppad, S. Anupama Kumar, Andhe Dharani, B. V. Uma, K. N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “Adoption of Google Forms for Enhancing Collaborative Stakeholder Engagement in Higher Education”, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Volume 33, Special Issue, ICTIEE 2020, January 2020, Pg. No. 283-289.
K. Uma Rao, V. Prema, K. N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “Plickers: An ICT Tool for Formative Assessment and Feedback”, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Volume 33, Special Issue, ICTIEE 2020, January 2020, Pg. No. 290-295.
Rahul M V, Rajashree Shettar, K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “An Adaptive Model for Traffic Flow Optimization in Dynamic Environments”, International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2019.
Swarna M. Patra, Dr. K.N. Subramnya published a paper titled “Blended learning is a Journey not an Event”, International Journal on Recent Trends in Business and Tourism, Vol. 2, Issue 4, Oct. 2018, Pg. 19-23.
T.K. Subramanya, S. Pavan Kumar, P. Goutham, R. Suresh and, K.N. Subramanya published a paper titled “Investigations on a-Si: H thin film solar cells by RF-PECVD”, ICSEM-2016, Materials Today Proceedings 5 (2018) 21061–21068. (Publisher:: Elsevier)
Shobha N.S, Dr. K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “Simulation of Kanban System in an Automobile Component Manufacturing Organization – A Case Study”, International Journal of Lean Thinking, Volume 9, Issue 1 (June 2018), Pg.1-12.
Dr. S.V. Nagabhusuan, Dr.K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “Supplier Selection Model using Game Theoretical Approach”, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology (GJCST), Volume 18 Issue 3 Version 1.0, Jun. 2018
Shobha N.S, Dr. K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “A Review of Kanban-based Manufacturing Systems”, International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation, Vol. 5, Issue 4, Apr. 2018, pg. 244-246 (ISSN: 2321-2705)
Shobha N.S, Dr. K.N. Subramanya, published a paper titled “Design of Mixed Truck System with Milk Run Pick Up And Single Hub Cross Docking Distribution-A Case Study”, Asian Journal of Management, Vol. 9, Issue, 1, Pg. 629-634, Mar. 2018 (ISSN: print- 0976-495X; online- 2321-5763)
A Bharatish, H.N. Narasimha Murthy, B. Anand, K.N. Subramanya, M. Krishna, P.V. Srihari, published a Paper on “Assessment of drilling characteristics of alumnia coated on aluminium using CO2 laser”, at International Journal of Measurement, Vol. 100, March 2017, Pages 164–175, Publisher-Elsevier. (Impact Factor 2.359)
N.S. Narahari, K.N. Subramanya, Ramaa A published a paper on “Simulation Modelling of Call Flow Process Delays in a Cellular Network” at International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp 294 – 310, 2015.
Nagabhushan S.V, K. N. Subramanya and Dr. G. N. Srinivasan published a paper on “Design of E-Procurement Model using Data Envelopment Analysis” at International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science, Vol. 3, Issue 1 (I) : pp. 32 – 38, ISSN 2322–0899, January – March, 2015. (Impact factor 3.42)
Samara Mubeen, N.K.Srinath, K.N.Subramanya published a paper on “Performance analysis of e-supply chain using M/M/1 queue in Business to Business” at International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET), Vol. 4 Issue 4 pp. 189 – 196, ISSN: 2278-621X, November 2014. (Impact Factor 3.258).
Samara Mubeen, K.N.Subramanya published a paper on “Selection of Supplier in B2b E-Commerce using Work Flow Petri Net” at International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) Vol.5, No. 3, pp. 91 – 101, September 2014.
Samara Mubeen, K.N.Subramanya published a paper on “Stabilizing the Network in Presence of Agents using Flow Graph and Shapely Value In B2B E-Commerce” at International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET), Vol. 4 Issue 1, pp. 243 – 250, ISSN: 2319 – 1058. June 2014. (Impact Factor – 0.672).
Mukund A, Amanprasad B H, Rajeswara Rao K V S, Subramanya K N published a paper on “Ergonomic Evaluation of the Work Stations in a Garment Manufacturing Industry – An Exploratory Study” at International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp. 54 – 57, ISSN- 2320-2092, April 2014. (Impact Factor – 2.56)
Ramaa A, Subramanya K N and Rangaswamy T M – “Performance Measurement System of Supply Chain – an Empirical Study’, International Journal Business Performance and Supply Chain Modeling, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp 343-360, 2013. (Citations – 6)
Punith Maharshi Y.R., Dr. K. N. Subramanya and Mr. Hanumantha Rao – “Designing Metrics Dashboard for Managing Projects” International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), ISSN: 2231–5381, Volume 4, Issue 6, 2013.
Nagabhushan S.V, Dr. G.N. Srinivasan, Dr. K.N. Subramanya – “Design of two stage bidding model for suppliers selection”, International Journal of Inventions in Research, Engineering Science and Technology (IJIREST), ISSN 2319-8753, 2013. (Impact factor – 6.209)
Prachi Deshmukh, K N Subramanya, Sriram Venkatesan, “Analytical Approach to Warehouse Selection and Management”, International Journal of Advances in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences, ISSN: 2249-7455 (Impact factor 5.4)
K N Subramanya and Shobha N S published a paper on “Machine Capacity Estimation in a process Industry using Simulation Modeling – A Case Study” in International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 1, Issue 1, ISSN – 2277-7997, pp. 8 – 12, June 2012. (Citations – 2)
Ms. Ramaa A, K.N.Subramanya, Dr. T.M Rangaswamy, “Impact of Warehouse Management System in a Supply Chain” has been published in International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 54, No. 1, pp. 14-20, September, 2012 [Impact factor (0.83) Citation – 22]
Ms. Ramaa A, K.N.Subramanya, Dr. T.M Rangaswamy, “Supply chain Performance Metrics in practice” has been published in International Journal Of Industrial Engineering And Technology, Volume 3, No. 1, ISSN 0974-3146, pp. 107-117, 2011. (Impact Factor – 0.672)
Ramaa A, K N Subramanya and Dr. T.M. Rangaswamy, “Performance Analysis of a Two Stage Supply Chain Network Using Simulation – A Case Study”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2010, Vol. III, London, UK; ISBN: 978-988-18210-8-9, ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2708-0966 (Online), June 30 – July 2, 2010.
Ramaa A, K N Subramanya and Dr. T.M. Rangaswamy, “AHP Based Performance Measurement System of Supply Chain”, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, Vol. 10, Issue 5, PP: 19–26. July 2010. (Citation – 1)
M.N. Vijayakumar, Dr. A.V. Suresh and K N Subramanya “Application of an Analytic Hierarchy Process to Prioritize the Factors Affecting ERP Implementation, International Journal of Computer Application (IJCA), No. 2, Article 1, Vol. 2, ISSN – 0975-8887, ISBN: 978-81-909989-1-8, May 2010. (Impact Factor – 0.835).
D. Venugopal Setty, Dr. T.M. Rangaswamy and K N Subramanya “A review on Data Mining Applications to the performance of stock Marketing” at International Journal on Futuristic Computer Applications (IJFCA), Vol. 1, No.3, pp. 33 – 43, ISSN 0975-887, 2010. (Impact factor – 0.835) [Citations – 24]
Ramaa A, K N Subramanya and Dr. T.M. Rangaswamy “A review of literature on performance measurement of supply chain network” at IEEE Computer Society, ISSN 978-0-7697-3884-6/09, 2009. (Citations – 45)
K N Subramanya & Dr. S C Sharma, “Integrated Scheduling of a Two Stage Supply Chain Network using Simulation – A Case Study”; International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), ISBN: 1738-7906, Vol. 9, No. 4, PP: 364 – 369. [Citations – 7], April 2009.
K N Subramanya & Dr. S C Sharma, “Simulation Modelling of Information Flow in a 3-stage efficient Supply Chain Network”; International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS), ISBN: 1738-7906, Vol. 8 No. 11, PP: 335 – 342, November 2008. (Citations – 4)
National Conferences Publications:
Dr. K.N. Subramanya presented a paper titled “A Step towards NEP Implementation in Higher Education (Case Study)”, in the two-day National Conference on NEP Readiness – Scope & Challengers for Transforming Higher Education, organized by CESS, RIM & NAAC, on 29th & 30th Sep. 2022.
Archana M.S, Dr. Narahari N.S, Dr. C.K. Nagendra Gupta and Dr. Subramanya K.N, presented a paper titled “Institutionalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Innovation Systems – A case study of an institution in the area of Technical Education”, in the 38th NIPM National Conference NATCON-2019 on “India’s Changing Paradigm: Skills and Entrepreneurship for Global Competitiveness” held at Bengaluru during 25th to 27th Sept. 2019.
Shobha.N.S, Dr.K.N.Subramanya presented a paper titled “Shop Floor Transportation Studies in Lean Manufacturing Organisation- A Case Study” at National Conference on Sustainable Development: Innovations, Practices and Technology, Tumkur University on 8th December 2017.
K.N. Subramanya, Vikram N.B. and Prashant V. presented a paper on “Study and Analysis of Electrical Systems Using Thermal Image Processing – A Case Study”, during the 5th National Conference on Advances in Metrology-2017, held at The Northcap University, Gurgaon, Haryana, from 23rd to 25th Mar. 2017.
Praveen S., K.N. Subramanya presented a paper on “Challenges and opportunities of solar PV Technology in India” at two day national conference on Advances in Research & Development and Dissemination of Interdisciplinary Developments for Sustainability organized by Depts. of Mech. IEM, BT, CHEM and Civil, RVCE during 25th & 27th April 2015
Shatish C., K.N. Subramanya, H.V. Vasuki, Jagadish Mogaveera presented a paper on “Design and development of welding fixture of articulation structure for optimizing set up time” at two day National Conference on Advances in Research & Development and Dissemination of Interdisciplinary Developments for Sustainability organized by Depts. of Mech. IEM, BT, CHEM and Civil, RVCE during 25th & 27th April 2015
Vishwanath Kumbi, K.N. Subramanya Manpower assessment in assembly line at an automobile company” at two day national conference on Advances in Research & Development and Dissemination of Interdisciplinary Developments for Sustainability organized by Depts. of Mech. IEM, BT, CHEM and Civil, RVCE during 25th & 27th April 2015
Samara Mubeen, N K Srinath, K.N.Subramanya published a paper on “To-Business using Computational Models” at one day National Conference on “e-Business” NATCON 2015 organised by SR Luthra Institute of Management, Surat on 21st February 2015.
Anil B Gowda, K N Subramanya presented a paper on “Review on Perspectives of Cloud Integration in Supply Chain Network” at National Conference on Business Challenges and Strategies at Institute of Management, Christ University on 6th February 2015.
K N Subramanya, Mr. Vijayakumar M N, Mr. Prashant V, Mr. Vikram N B, Malleshi S Talawar presented a paper titled “Ultrasonic Testing for the Measurement of Process Capability in Piston Manufacturing Line” at NDE 2014, National Seminar and Exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation, organized by ISNT, Pune chapter during 4th – 6th December 2014
B S Satyanarayana, K N Raja Rao & K N Subramanya participated in Poster Presentation on “An Engineering Education Pedagogy Nurturing, Understanding Inquisitiveness And Passion To Enable India To Be Intellectual Capital Of The World By 2030: RVCE Imitative A Case Study; at FICCI Higher Education Summit 2014 “Higher Education Vision 2030: Making it Happen” at FICCI Federation House, New Delhi organized by Ministry of Human Resource Development, GOI at New Delhi during 12th – 14th Nov. 2014.
Nagabhushan S.V, Dr. K.N. Subramanya, Dr. G.N. Srinivasan – presented paper on “Supplier selection – Analysis of Multi-Objective Programming using Goal Programming Methodology”, National Conference NCITSF-2014, Jain University, Bengaluru, May 9th, 2014.
Nagabhushan S.V, Dr. K.N. Subramanya, Dr. G.N. Srinivasan – presented paper on “Design of supplier selection model using Game Theoretical Approach”, National Conference NCITSF-2014, Jain University, Bengaluru, May 9th, 2014.
K. N. Subramanya, B. S. Satyanarayana, N. S. Narahari, M N Vijayakumar, Prashant V, M P Shrinivas, Mayank Chetan & G.Shireesha presented a paper on “Ergonomic Evaluation & Assessment Of Musculoskeletal Disorder in Indian Children Due To School Bag Weight And Consideration Of Flexible PVDF Pressure Sensors For The Same” at 3rd National Conference on Advances in Metrology (AdMet – 2014) at Thapar University, Patiala (Punjab) during 19th – 21st February 2014
Anil B Gowda, K N Subramanya presented a paper on “Cloud Computing in Supply Chain Networks – A Status Study” at National Conference on Competence Management towards Agility and Innovative Growth CMTAIG-2013 at Global Institute of Management Sciences, Bangalore, pp. 15 – 22, ISBN:978-93-5097-784-, during 2013.
Nagabhushan S.V, Dr. K.N. Subramanya, Dr. G.N. Srinivasan – presented paper on “Supplier selection using fuzzy logic”, National Conference TECHMAN-2011, ACIT, Bengaluru, 11th & 12th Oct. 2012.
K N Subramanya presented a paper on “Multiround Bidding in Reverse Auction Model” at National conference on Emerging Trends in ICT & Management, IT enables Eructation in Engineering and Management Research (TECHMAN 12) organized by Dept. of MCA, Acharya Institute of Technology during 7th – 8th September 2012
Ramaa A, Dr. T M Rangaswamy and K N Subramanya presented paper on “Importance of performance metrics in Medium Scale Industries –A Survey” at national conference on Innovative paradigms in Contemporary Management at the dept. of Management Technology, S B Jain Institute of Technology, Management & Research, Nagpur on 28th January 2012.
Ramaa A, Dr. T.M. Rangaswamy and K N Subramanya presented a paper on “A study of the importance of Supply chain Performance Metrics in Medium Scale Industries” at the National level conference on the Role of Supply Chain Management in E-commerce at Jain Research Foundation, Jain University on 28th August 2010 and was awarded Best Paper Award.
K N Subramanya & Dr. S C Sharma, “Performance analysis of Semiconductor Supply Chain Network using Simulation”; National Conference on Operations Research for Growing Nations – 2008, ORSI –Tirupati Chapter, Tirupati, 13th – 14th December, 2008.
K N Subramanya & Dr. S C Sharma, “Performance Analysis of Supply Chain Network using Petri Net Model”; National Conference on “IT and Business Intelligence (ITBI), Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur. PP: 1 – 10. 21st – 22nd November, 2008.
K N Subramanya & Dr. S C Sharma, “Design and implementation of a just in time (JIT) system for a two stage supply chain network – A case study”; National Conference on “Role of Decision Making and Management Science”, Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur, 21st – 22nd November 2008.
K N Subramanya, “Design of Advance Planning System (APS) for a automobile component manufacturing supply chain – A case study”; National Conference on Information System and Computer Engineering, R V College of Engineering, Bangalore – 560 059; 5th – 6th October 2007. PP: 1-7
K S Badarinarayana, K N Subramanya and C K Nagendra Guptha – “Capacity Planning and Schdeduling at a CNC shop – A Case Study”, Proceedings of National Convention of Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIIE), India; organised at Pune, 2005.
Dr. S C Sharma and K N Subramanya – “Impact of World trade Organisation (WTO) on Socio-Economic Problems of India”, National Conference on Dr. Ambedkar and Socio Economic Scenario in India , Mangalore University, Mangalore (4-5 September, 2005)
Manjaiah D H, K N Subramanya and Dr. S C Sharma – “Design and Development of a Kanban System for Visual Control”, National Conference and Workshop on Virtual Instrumentation, Embedded Systems and Robotics, Sensor Technology, Gwalior (1-5 March, 2004)
K N Subramanya and N S Narahari - “Development of a lean Production system for a precision product manufacturing company”, Proceedings of 33rd National Conference of ORSI, India, conducted at IIM, Ahmedabad. (14 – 16, Dec 2000)
K N Subramanya and Dr G. Srinivasan – “Shop Floor Control in cellular Manufacturing System – A Case Study”, Proceedings of 36th National Convention of Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIIE), India; PP. 252 – 256, 1994.
International Conferences Publications:
Mohammed Riazur Rahaman and K.N. Subramanya, presented a paper titled “Sustainability Practices and Performance Outcomes in Supply Chains: An Analytics Perspective”, at the 10th International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence (2023-ICBAI), held at IISc, Bengaluru, during 18-20 Dec. 2023.
N. Jayashree, B. Sathish Babu and K.N. Subramanya, presented a paper titled “A Collective Intelligence Framework for Energy Optimization in Industry 4.0 Enabled Manufacturing”, at the 10th International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence (2023-ICBAI), held at IISc, Bengaluru, during 18-20 Dec. 2023.
Dr. K.N Subramanya, presented a paper titled “Cybersecurity in the Higher Education Institutions: Challenges, Solutions and Best Practices”, at the 6th transdisciplinary International Conference – Navigating and Fostering the Equitable World: Rebuilding Resilience for G20, held at Amity Law School, Noida, on 12th & 13th Sept. 2023.
Swarna Mayee Patra, Glen Cletus D Souza and K N Subramanya, presented a paper titled “Statistical Analysis of Open Book Examination during COVID-19 Pandemic: Lifelong Learning”, at the 5th International Conference on ICT Integration in Technical Education (ETLTC2023) held in conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on Entertainment Technologies and Management (ICETM2023), University of Aizu in Japan, during 24-27 Jan. 2023.
Revathi S.A, Dr. B. Sathish Babu and Dr. K.N. Subramanya, presented a paper titled “Deep Learning Approach for Segmenting and Classifying Knee Osteoarthritis using MR Images”, at the 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and applications (ICAIAA-2022), during 23-24 Apr. 2022 at Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur. (Virtual)
C K Nagendra Guptha, K N Subramanya, N S Narahari and Vikram N B, presented a paper titled “Optimization of Process Parameters in the Fabrication of Thin Film Solar Cells”, at the 8th International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence (ICBAI-2021), during 20-22 Dec. 2021.
Veena Divya K, Devanshu Mukherjee, Vidhya Shree, Somali Roy, Venkat Raghavan, P.M. Rajasree, Deepashree Devaraj, C.H. Renumadhavi, Vasanth Raj. Lakshman, K.N. Subramanya, presented a paper titled “A Novel Approach towards Early Detection of Obliteration in Lumbar Lordosis”, at the 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 1st Jul 2020, 4042-4045.
Veena Divya K, Devanshu Mukherjee, Vidhya Shree, Somali Roy, Venkat Raghavan, P.M. Rajasree, Deepashree Devaraj, C.H. Renumadhavi, Vasanth Raj. Lakshman, K.N. Subramanya, presented a paper titled “A Novel Approach towards Early Detection of Obliteration in Lumbar Lordosis”, at the 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 1st Jul 2020, 4042-4045.
Abhiram Natarajan, Keshav Bharat, Guru Rajesh Kaustubh, Sai Praveen P.N., Minal Moharir, N.K. Srinath, K.N. Subramanya, presented a paper titled “An Approach to Real Time Parking Management Using Computer Vision”, ICCCV 2019 Jeju Island, South Korea: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Control and Computer Vision June 2019 Pages 18–22,
Shobha N.S and Dr. K.N. Subramanya presented a paper titled “Heuristics Approach for Modelling Inbound Logistics in an Automobile Manufacturing Enterprise – A Case Study”, at the 6th International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence, during 20th to 22nd Dec. 2018, at IISc, Bengaluru.
K.N. Subramanya, N.S. Narahari, C.K. Nagendra Gupta, presented a paper titled “Institutionalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Innovation Systems – Case Study of An Institution in the Area of Technical Education”, at the International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education – Imparting Futuristic Skills (ICTIEE AP’ 18) held at SRM University-AP, Amaravati, during 15th to 17th July 2018.
Swarna M Patra, Dr. K.N. Subramanya, presented a paper entitled “Blended Learning is a Journey not an Event”, at the First International Conference on Digital Entrepreneurship: Prospects, Perils, Dividends and Challenges – ICDE2018, organized by the School of Management, Presidency University, Bengaluru, during 20th – 22nd Apr. 2018.
K.N. Subramanya, Raheswara Rao K.V.S and Shobha N.S, published a paper titled “Analysis of Postures Leading to Musculo-Skeletal Disorders among Employees in Garment Manufacturing Units: A Case Study”, at 15th International Ergonomics Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE 2017), at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (UP) during Dec. 8-10, 2017. (ISBN No. 9789386724250).
Shobha N.S, Dr. K.N. Subramanya presented a research paper entitled “Multi Criteria Decision Approach for Supplier Selection in Lean Manufacturing System – A Case Study”, in the International Conference on Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, Management and Thermal Sciences (AMMMT 2016) held at Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru, during 23rd & 24th Sept. 2016.
Anil B. Gowda, Dr. K.N. Subramanya presented a paper titled “Analysis of Variation in the Pair wise Ratings Assigned to Collaboration Services in Cloud Computing over other Cloud Services”, at the International Conference on Research in Engineering, Technology and Management” (ICRET’16), at BTLIT, on 16th Apr. 2016.
K.N. Subramanya, Ramakanth Kumar P, “Attainment of Course Outcomes and its Mapping to Program Outcomes: A Case Study”, 3rd International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE-2016), at College of Pune, Pune, on 8-12 Jan. 2016.
Nagabhushan S.V, Dr. K.N. Subramanya, Dr. G.N. Srinivasan – “Implementation of Analytic Network Model for Supplier Selection Process”, International Conference MTMI-2015, Norfolk State University, USA, Sept. 2015.
Anil. B. Gowda, Dr. K. N. Subramanya presented a paper titled “Analysis of Decision Making Variables in SAAS for Enhancing Efficiency in a Supply Chain” at International Conference on Information Science and Technology for Sustainability and Innovation at Jain University during 22nd – 23rd May 2015, Page no 165 – 171
S V Nagabhushan, K N Subramanya, G N Srinivasan presented a paper on “Supplier Selection in E- Procurement Using TOPSIS Method” at International Symposium in Honour of Dr. A Ravi Ravindran at IISC, Bangalore during 12th – 13th March 2015 and was awarded Best Paper Award.
K. N. Subramanya, Komal B A presented a paper on “Developing a Shortest Route for Outbound Logistics in an Automobile Company considering Economic and Environmental costs – A Case Study” at 7th International Congress of Environmental Research, organized by Journal of Environmental Research and Development, Bhopal and R V College of Engineering, Bangalore during 26th – 28th December 2014. (Invited Speaker)
Dr. B.S. Satayanarayana, Dr. N S. Narahari, Dr. K N Subramanya, Dr. Vijayakumar M N, Mr. Prashant V, Mayank Chetan, M P Shrinivas, & G.Shireesha presented a paper on “Consideration of feasibility of Flexible PVDF Pressure Sensors for Ergonomical designed School Bag for Assessment and Mitigation Of Musculoskeletal Disorder in Indian Children Due To Weight” at First International Conference on Large Area and Flexible Microelectronics (ILAFM-2014) 18th – 20th December 2014
N.S.Narahari, K.N.Rajarao, K.N.Subramanya, P.Ramakanth Kumar & B.S.Satyanarayana presented a paper on “Effective Industry Academic Engagement a Key Enabler and Multiplier of Employability and Research Competence among Engineering Students – A Case Study Report of a Technical Educational Institution In India” at 34th National Conference for Operations Research and Industrial Engineering (YAEM 2014), in Bursa, Turkey at the Görükle Campus of Uludag University during June 25 – 27, 2014
Shripati Pai and Dr. K N Subramanya; Short Term and Long Term Traffic Forecasting in Intelligent Transport Systems, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICET-14), Technoarete (A unit of VVERT) on 8th June 2014, ISBN – 9788192958019.
Mukund A, Amanprasad B H, Rajeswara Rao K V S, K N Subramanya, “Ergonomic Evaluation of the Work Stations in a Garment Manufacturing Industry – An Exploratory Study”, Proceedings of IRAJ Research Forum International Conference at Chennai on 9th March 2014.
M.N Shruthi, M.N Vijaya Kumar, Dr. K.N Subramanya presented a paper on “Productivity Studies of Ultra High Density (UHD) Stitching Process” at Fourth International Joint Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, AET 2013 at Delhi, during 13th -14th December 2013
Prashant V, Vijayakumar M N, Dr. K N Subramanya, Dr. N S Narahari presented a paper on “Application of Six Sigma Methodology for a Manufacturing Cell – A Case Study” at Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2013 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Conference during 10 – 13th December 2013. 978-1-4799-0986-5/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE, pp 280 – 284.
Anil B Gowda, K N Subramanya presented a paper on “Review on Cloud Computing Techniques, Modeling and Application of Cloud Computing in Supply Chain Network” at Review on Cloud Computing Techniques, Modeling and Application of Cloud Computing in Supply Chain Network organized by R V Institute of Management, Bangalore during 12th – 13th December 2013
Nagabhushan, S.V. Subramanya, K.N. ; Srinivasan, G.N, presented a paper on “Comparative Study of Multi Criteria Decision Making Approaches Adapted in Supplier Selection” at 3rd International Conference on Global Business Crisis: Management Strategies for Sustainability and Development organized by R V Institute of Management, Bangalore during 12th – 13th December 2013
Prashant V, Vijayakumar M N, Dr. K N Subramanya, Dr. N S. Narahari presented a paper on Application of Six Sigma Methodology for a Manufacturing Cell at IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2013), Bangkok – Thailand during 10 -13 December 2013
Punith Maharshi Y.R., Dr. K. N. Subramanya and Mr. Hanumantha Rao, (2013) “Importance of Metrics Dashboard for Managing Projects” International Conference on Technology Management for Green Environment (ICTMGE), August- 2013.
Vijaya Kumar M N, Prashanth V, Dr. K N Subramanya, Dr. N S Narahari presented a paper on “Productivity Improvement Studies in a Process Industry – A Case Study” at International conference on the Global Reach of Industrial Engineering at Istanbul – Tukey during 26th – 28th June 2013.
Prachi Deshmukh, Sriram Venkatesan and K N Subramanya presented a paper on “Analytical Approach to Warehouse Selection and Management” at International Interdisciplinary Research Conference on Economics, Commerce and Management and Technology organized by Indo Global Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture, Nasik on 1st June 2013.
Nagabhushan S V, Dr. K N Subramanya, Dr. G N Srinivasan presented a paper on “Designing an Optimization Model for Multi Criteria Supplier Selection” at International Conference on Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, Management and Thermal Sciences – AMMMT-2013, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering & Management, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur during 3rd & 4th May 2013
Nishith Mohan, Mohit Gupta, Prashant V, K N Subramanya presented a paper on “Reforming the Trend of Advertising (India Towards Humor Advertising” at International Conference on Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, Management and Thermal Sciences – AMMMT-2013, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering & Management, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur during 3rd & 4th May 2013
Swati R Kulkarni, Dr. K N Subramanya, Mr. Arvind N S presented a paper on “Application of Value Stream Mapping for Identification and Elimination of Wastes in process of Pumps” at International Conference on Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, Management and Thermal Sciences – AMMMT-2013, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering & Management, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur during 3rd & 4th May 2013
Nagabhushan, S.V. Subramanya, K.N ; Srinivasan, G.N, “Modeling and analysis for single item multi-attribute Reverse Auction”, 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC) at Ghaziabad, pp. 1533 – 1539, ISBN: 978-1-4673-4527-9 during 22nd – 23rd February 2013. (Citations – 1)
Prachi Deshmukh, Sriram Venkatesan and K N Subramanya presented a paper on “Supply Chain Analytics: Concepts and Business Applications” at 10th AIMS International Conference on Management at IIMB, Bangalore, pp. 3774 – 3778, ISBN: 978-81-924713-1-0 during 6th – 9th January 2013.
Anil B. Gowda and Dr. K.N. Subramanya presented a paper on “Exploratory Studies on the Applications of Cloud Computing in Supply Chain Networks” at the International Conference on Global Business Opportunities and Challenges, Systems Management Issues, organized by PESIT, Bangalore and The International Society for Competitiveness (ISC) Indian University of Pennysylvania, USA, on 22nd – 23rd Nov. 2012.
Shobha N.S and Dr. K.N.Subramanya presented paper on “Lean supply chain practices adopted in manufacturing organization –A survey” at International Conference on “Global Business Opportunities and Challenges” organized by Department of MBA, PES Institute of Technology, International Society for Competitiveness & Indiana University of Pennsylvania during 22nd – 23rd November 2012, ISBN: 978-81-8429-106-3, 1st Edn., pp. 277 – 288.
Shobha N S, K N Subramanya presented a paper on “Designing the Kanban Scheduling System – A Case Study” at 54th National Convention and International Conference Paradigms for global Challenges and opportunities: Vision – 2025 organized by Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE) during 29th – 31st October 2012.
Dr. K N Subramanya, Dr. N S Narahari, M A N Murthy presented a paper on “Changing Role of Industrial Engineers in achieving Operational Excellence in various sectors of economy” at 54th National Convention and International Conference Paradigms for global Challenges and opportunities: Vision – 2025 organized by Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE) during 29th – 31st October 2012.
Ms. Nandini, Ms. Ramaa. A, Dr. K. N. Subramanya presented a paper on “Simulation Modeling of Airport Operations” at 54th National Convention and International Conference Paradigms for global Challenges and opportunities: Vision – 2025 organized by Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE) during 29th – 31st October 2012.
Shobha N S and K N Subramanya presented a paper on “Application of Value Stream Mapping for Process Improvement in a Food Manufacturing Industry – A Case Study” at International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering & Industrial Engineering and Management Studies, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore during 11th – 13th July 2012.
Ramaa.A, K.N.Subramanya and Dr T.M.Rangaswamy presented a paper on “Status Study on Supply Chain Performance Indicators adopted in Organizations” at International Conference on “Operational Excellence for Global Competitiveness” (ICOEGC – 2011) organized by Department of Industrial Engineering and Management R. V. College of Engineering, Bangalore, in association with M/s ABCON Information Systems Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore during 3rd – 5th February 2011
Kiran. K, N.S. Shobha and K N Subramanya presented a paper on “Value Stream Mapping for Tool Management: A Case Study” at International Conference on “Operational Excellence for Global Competitiveness” (ICOEGC – 2011) organized by Department of Industrial Engineering and Management R. V. College of Engineering, Bangalore, in association with M/s ABCON Information Systems Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore during 3rd – 5th February 2011
N S Shobha and K N Subramanya presented a paper on “Designing a Vehicle Routing system for a Distribution Network – A Case Study” at International Conference on “Operational Excellence for Global Competitiveness” (ICOEGC – 2011) organized by Department of Industrial Engineering and Management R. V. College of Engineering, Bangalore, in association with M/s ABCON Information Systems Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore during 3rd – 5th February 2011
K N Subramanya and Dr. N.S. Narahari presented a paper on “Simulation Modeling of a Welding Line” at International Conference on Operational Research for Urban and Rural Development (ORURD), 43rd Annual Convention ORSI (2010) at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 15th to 17th December 2010
Dr. N.S. Narahari and K N Subramanya presented a paper on “Modeling call flow process delays in a cellular network using simulation” at International Conference on Operational Research for Urban and Rural Development (ORURD), 43rd Annual Convention ORSI (2010) at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 15th to 17th December 2010.
Vijayashree Viswanathan and K N Subramanya presented a paper on “Measuring capacity utilization of a small enterprise using Overall Equipment Effectiveness(OEE) metrics” at International conference on Operations and Management Sciences 2010, Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur during 12th and 13th February 2010
D.Venugopal Setty, Dr. T.M. Rangaswamy and K.N. Subramanya presented a paper on “Analysis and Prediction of Share Market Trends using Regression Analysis” at International conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Application” department of Industrial Engineering, Anna University Chennai during 6th – 8th January 2010
Ramaa A, K.N. Subramanya and Dr. T.M. Rangaswamy presented a paper on “A review of literature on performance measurement of supply chain network” at International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology (ICETET-09) at, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur during 16th – 18th December 2009
Ramaa A, Dr. T.M. Rangaswamy and K.N. Subramanya presented a paper on “Supply Chain Measurement in practice” at International Conference on Sustaining Business in a Changing Global Environment at New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore during 12th and 13th November 2009
K N Subramanya & Dr. S C Sharma, “Modelling Bullwhip Effect for an n – Stage Supply Chain Network” presented at International Conference on Operations Research applications in Engineering and Management (ICOREM), Department of Management Studies, Anna University, Trichy, 27th – 29th May 2009.
K N Subramanya & Dr. S C Sharma, “A Simulation Approach to Integrated Scheduling in a Two Stage Supply Chain Network – A Case Study”; International Conference on Issues & Challenges in Supply Chain Management, Banaras Hindu University Institute of Technology, Varanasi; 28th – 30th March 2008. PP : 330 – 335.
S.Sreekanth, Prof. K S Badarinarayana, K N Subramanya and S Ramalinga Reddy “Line Balancing and Visual Control of Auto Components – A case study” IX Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, Pondicherry, 16th – 18th Dec 2005.
Manjaiah D H, K N Subramanya and Dr. S C Sharma; Design Issues of Kanban in push and pull production control systems, Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Machine Interfaces (ICHMI – 2004), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, PP: 521-531 during 20th – 23rd December, 2004. (Citations – 2)
K N Subramanya, B S Raghavendra and Nitin Kalothia, Lean Approach to redesigning the manufacturing system – A case Study, Second International conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ILSCM), organised by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore in collaboration with The center for Supply Chain Management, Central Michigan University, USA during 3rd – 5th August, 2004.
Manjaiah D H, K N Subramanya and Dr. S C Sharma; Implementation of Kanban in push and pull production control system, The 2004 International Multi Conference in Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Las Vegas Nevada, USA, during 21st – 24th June, 2004.
K N Subramanya and N S Narahari; “Dynamic Manpower Allocation Model for a service organisation using Multivariate Regression Analysis”, International Conference of APORS, India, conducted at IIT Delhi during 8th -11th December, 2003
K N Subramanya and N S Narahari; Simulation of line balancing of speaker assembly, proceedings of International Conference of Operations Research Development (ICORD), India, conducted at Anna University, Chennai, during 27th – 30th December 2002
K N Subramanya and N S Narahari; Re-Design of Inventory control system in a consumer product manufacturing company, proceedings of International Conference on “Operational Research in small and medium sector companies and 32nd National Convention of ORSI, India during 20th – 22nd December, 1999.
Book / Chapter in Books Published :
- Authored a chapter on “Analysis of Working Postures Leading to Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Employees in Garment Manufacturing Units—A Case Study”, in the book titled Ergonomics for Improved Productivity - Proceedings of HWWE 2017, DOI 10.1007/978-981-15-9054-2_29, Pg. 251-262, published by Springer-Singapore, First Online 24th March 2021.
- Authored a chapter on “Optimal Parameter Prediction for Secure Quantum Key Distribution Using Quantum Machine Learning Models” in the online e-book - Quantum Cryptography and the Future of Cyber Security, published by IGI Global, ISBN 9781799822530, Pg. 44-60, Release Date: Jan 2020.
- Authored a chapter on “System Dynamics Modeling for Human Resources Planning – A Case Study” – Selected Papers on Systems Dynamics, in the online e-book – Modeling Labor, Human Resources, and Social Dynamics, published by Vensim Online Courses, ISBN: 9781687015389, Published on 13th Oct. 2019.
- Authored a chapter on “Computational Intelligence for Data Analytics” in the book titled “Recent Advances in Computational Intelligence”, published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-12500-4, March 2019.
- Authored a chapter on “Cloud Based Supply Chain Networks—Principles and Practices”, in the book titled “Cloud Computing for Geospatial Big Data Analytics”, published by Springer, ISBN No. 978-3-030-03359-0, Dec. 2018.
- Authored a chapter on “Supplier Selection in E- Procurement Using TOPSIS Method”, in the book titled “Analytics in Operations / Supply Chain Management”, published by I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. (ISBN No. 9789384588946), 2016.
- Authored a chapter on “Productivity improvement Studies in a Process Industry: A Case Study”, in the Book titled “Industrial Engineering Applications in Emerging Countries”, published by CRC Press (Tylor & Francis Group), bearing ISBN No. 9781482226898: Jan. 9, 2015, 2015.
- Authored a book published by Excel India Publishers, New Delhi on “Operational Excellence for Global Competitiveness (ICOEGC 2011)” bearing ISBN: 978-93-81361-44-3: First impression 2011.( selected papers were reviewed and published).
- Authored a chapter on “Performance Analysis of Supply Chain Network using Petri Net Model” A book on IT & Business Intelligence, published by Excel Books, ISBN: 978-81-7446-715-7, 1st Edition, ND – 2009, PP: 1- 10.
- Authored a chapter on “Design of a Cellular layout and CAPP for medium and large electrical motor / alternator components”, in a Book on IT & Business Intelligence, Published by Excel Books.