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Dr. H.V. Kumaraswamy

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Designation  :

Professor and Associate Dean

Educational Qualification :

M.E., Ph.D.


Teaching:  28 Years

R&D: 3 Years

Research area:

Communications, Smart antenna, Coding , Signal processing and Networking


Professional Membership:

          1.IEEE member

          2. Fellow IETE member

          3. ISTE Life member

Awards & Achievements:

           Received Cognizant Best Teacher award.

Project Guided:[ Last 5 years]

           Number of UG projects guided: 08

           Number of PG projects guided: 12

Research Profile:

           Ph.D Guidance: Currently guiding Three research scholars under VTU, Belagavi.

Courses taught:

           Principles of Electromagnetics, Information theory and coding, IoT[Internet Of Things], Antenna Theory and Design. Digital communication.



Type No.
International Journals: 20
National Journals -
International Conferences: 12
National Conferences: 3


Details of Scopus Indexed/WoS/ICI/Qs publications:


International conference Publications:

  1. Rajjesh M N, Nishith Rao , Shrisha B K,Kumaraswamy H V An analysis of BER comparison of various digital modulation schemes used for adaptive modulation” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology(RTEICT), Sri Venkateswwara college of Engineering Bangalore, on 20th to 21st May 2016Paper ID 237, DOI: 10.1109/RTEICT.2016.7807820

  2. Basavaraju D R,Kumaraswamy H V, Madhusudhan Kothari“Design and Simulation of Microstrip Narrow Band Pass Filter For Asian Pacific Telecommunication Band 28” 2017,2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology(RTEICT), Sri Venkateswwara college of Engineering Bangalore, on 19thto 20th May 2017, Page: 1303-1306. DOI: 10.1109/I2C2.2017.8321919

  3. Basavaraju D R,Kumaraswamy H V, Madhusudhan Kothari,Siddesh Kamath, “Inter-digital Band Pass filters for Duplexer Realization for LTE Band 28” at IEEE sponsored, International conference on Intelligent Computing and Control (I2C2) held at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore Tamilnadu on 23 to 24th march 2017, Page 63-66,DOI: 10.1109/RTEICT.2017.8256811

  4. Usha padma, Kumaraswamy H V, Ravishankar S, “Survey of resource allocation Techniques in cooperative communication at, International conference on “signals, image processing, communication and automation”. (ICSIPCA-2017), on 6th to 7th march 2017, at JSS Academy of Technical Education Bangaluru.

  5. Kumaraswamy H V, IffathFawad, “Performance Analysis of Non Uniform Linear Arrays using MUSIC Algorithm for Under Water Communication” at, Second International conference on Circuits, Controls and Communications, at RNSIT Bangalore. On 15th& 16th Dec 2017. Page 143-148, Published in: IEEE Xplore Digital Library, ISBN no. : 978-1-5386-0615-5,DOI: 10.1109/CCUBE.2017.8394132

  6. Kumaraswamy H V, Nagaraju P, “C-Band Dual Cross Polarized Wide band High Gain Polarization Reconfigurable Stacked Patch Antenna Array” at International conference on Networking, Embedded and Wireless Systems ICNEWS -2018, at BMSCE Bangalore. On 27th& 28th Dec 2018. Paper ID 127,DOI: 10.1109/ICNEWS.2018.8904023

  7. Mrityunjaya D. Hatagundi&Kumaraswamy H V, “A comprehensive survey on Different Attacks on SDN and Approaches to Mitigate”, at International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication [ICCMC-2019] at Surya Engineering college Erode Tamil Nadu India on 27-29th March 2019, ISBN: 978-1-5386-7808-4, DOI: 10.1109/ICCMC.2019.8819717.

  8. Gourav G vaidya&Kumaraswamy H V, “A survey on web server load balancing Techniques using defined networking”, at 4th IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology, Sri Venkateswara college of Engineering, Bangalore, RTEICT-2019, 17th -18th May 2019,978-1-7281-0630-4/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE.

  9. Mohammad AzharuddinInamdar, & H. V. Kumaraswamy “Accurate Primary user Emulation Attack (PUEA) Detection in Cognitive Radio Network using KNN and ANN classifier”, at 4thFourth International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2020), Sri SCAD College of Engineering and Technology Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, INDIA, 15th -17th June 2020. CFP20J32-DVD; ISBN: 978-1-7281-5517-3,DOI: 10.1109/ICOEI48184.2020.9143015.

  10. Mohammad AzharuddinInamdar, & H. V. Kumaraswamy “Energy Efficient 5G Networks: Techniques and Challenges”, at International Conference on Smart Electronics andCommunication (ICOSEC 2020.),Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology,Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India10th -12th sept 2020. Paper ID 225, ISBN: 978-1-7281-5460-2, DOI: 10.1109/ICOSEC49089.2020.9215362


International Journals:

  1. K Chandrasekhar &Kumaraswamy H V, “Performance Evaluation of Pisarenko Harmonic Decomposition and Music-like Algorithms for Narrowband spectrum sensing in Cognitive Radio”, at International Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, July 23, 2019, Vol 78 July – 2019,pp 473-477,ISSN: 00224456

  2. SiddharthTathagat, Rahul R Sherekar, H.V.Kumaraswamy, “Chaos And Ann Based Cryptography” at International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Management, IJETRM,July -2020 ,Vol-4 Issues 07.ISSN: 2456-9348.

  3. Usha V, Kumaraswamy H V, “A Review on Advanced Host Controller Interface (AHCI)”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, IRJET, July 2020, Volume:07 Issue: 07 | e-ISSN: 2395-0056.

  4. Usha padma, Kumaraswamy H V, Ravishankar S, “Development of Relay Selection Method for Audio Transmission in Cooperative Ad Hoc Networks” at,International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,IJACSA, Vol. 11, No. 10, 2020,DOI: 10.14569/IJACSA.2020.0111011

  5. Shreya Ramakanth, SoundaryaSoundarresan, DyanaArumuganaina, Reena Mamgain&Hosadurga V. Kumaraswamy: “Extraction of jet engine parameters from microDoppler signatures using continuous wavelet transform”; IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, March 2021, IET Radar Sonar Navig. 2021;15:pages:194–207, DOI: 10.1049/rsn2.12029. []

  6. Rani RN. H V Kumaraswamy, JeyarajChellapandi , Implementation of End to End Automation for BTS commissioning using Python”, International Research Journal on Advanced science hub , July 2021, Volume 03 Issue 07, pages 36-41.

  7. Kumaraswamy H V, Nagaraju P, & others “Analysis of SWASTIK-shaped slotted MSPA Antenna for 5G sub band applications” at International conference on Intelligent Engineering Approach,, at SLN college of Engineering Raichur Karnataka,. April 2022

  8. Iffath Fawad, Kumaraswamy H V, “Extended Nested Array Configuration with Increased Degrees of Freedom for DOA Estimation”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology Volume 10, Issue V, May 2022.[]

  9. Iffath Fawad, Kumaraswamy H V, “Failure Recovery in a Smart Antenna System for Remote Applications”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, Volume 10, Issue V, May 2022. []

  10. Sharmada K, Kumaraswamy H V, “Performance Analysis Of Sparse Code Multiple Access”, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Volume:04/Issue:07 Pages:2944-2947, July 2022.

  11. Netravati S, Kumaraswamy H V, Shravan Prakash, Ragesh Radhakrishnan “Automation Test Framework for Radar Application Features of Blind Spot Detection and Rear Cross Traffic Alert”, International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science Volume 11, Issue 4, Pages 48-54, July-Aug 2022.

  12. Sudarshan B,Neeraj L,Nakul R S,Dr Aravind K,Kumaraswamy H V, & Dr Vinay Hegde. “Detection of Vulnerable GITHUB workflows using Machine Learning”, International Journal of Emerging Research & Technology Volume 11, Issue 10, Pages 132-135, sept 2022.

  13. Nagaraju P, Sachina D H, Imran khan, Kumaraswamy H V, & sudhindra K R. “Analysis of C-shape slotted MSPA for 5G sub band applications on three different substrates”, International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunication, Volume 68, Issue 4, Pages 715-719, Oct 2022.[ DOI: 10.24425/ijet.2022.143877]

  14. Usha padma, Kumaraswamy H V, Ravishankar S, “Development of Relay Selection Algorithm for Video Transmission in Cooperative Adhoc Networks at, International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, Volume 12 Issue No.12, pages 29916-29923, Dec 2022.[]

  15. Nagaraju P, Kumaraswamy H V, & sudhindra K R and etc. Design of Compact Sized Frequency Reconfigurable Spiral Antenna for 5G Applications”, Worldwide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and development , Pages 128-133, E-ISSN: 2454-6615Dec 2022.

Collaborative works carried out with academia and industry:

a) Member of

  1. BOS member of SITTumkur.Jain University Bangalore.

  2. BOE member of MSRIT Bangalore, SITTumkur, Dr AIT Bangalore, GAT Bangalore.

  3. Interview panel member of BIT Bangalore, MSRIT Bangalore, Dr AIT Bangalore,IIIT BangalorePESIT Bangalore-south,

  4. Academic Advisory Board member of Jyothi Institute of TechnologyBangalore.

  5. Question paper auditing member of Dr AIT Bangalore, BMSCE Bangalore.

  6. Academic audit member of SIT Tumkur.

b) Technical Talks delivered:

  1. Talk on “Basic operation on signals” on 21/10/2022 at SJCIT, Chikkaballapur .

[ FDP on Fundamentals and applications of Basic signal processing].

  1. Talk on “Applications of Laplace and Z-transforms” on 10/10/2022 at RVCE Under  Mathematics department RVCE Bangalore.[ One Week workshop for Faculty and research scholars”]

  2. Talk on “Signal Processing for IOT” on 3/2/2021 at RVCE Under  IEEE-RVCE SPS Student Chapter RVCE Bangalore.[ One Week Online Workshop on “Signal Processing and Applications”]

  3. Talk on “Smart mobility ” on 7/9/21, 14/9/21 and 15/9/21 at RVCE Internship: Organized by Civil Department RVCE Bangalore

  4. Talk on “Basics of probability & Single Random Variables” on 15/4/2021 at SJCIT, Chikkaballapur [ FDP on Engineering Statistics and Linear Algebra].

  5. Talk on “Signal Processing for IOT” on 3/2/2021 at RVCE Under  IEEE-RVCE SPS Student Chapter RVCE Bangalore.[ One Week Online Workshop on “Signal Processing and Applications”]

  6. Talk on “Communication Technologies ” on 6/2/2020 at Jyothi Institute of Technology Bangalore

  7. Talk on “DSP & its applications” on 24/10/2019 at Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management Bangalore

  8. Talk on “Statistical signal processing” on 17/2/2018 at Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology, Moodbidri

c) Resource person:

(i) For VTU e-learning programs for subjects’

  • Digital communication and

  • Antenna & propagation.

(ii) For VTU FDP programs on

  • Electrostatics at Mysore

  • Digital signal processing at Mudddenahallichikkaballapur

(iii) For VTU NPTEL program to prepared course material for the subject Information theory and coding

d) Conducted many training programs for the employees of the various industries like WIPRO, TATA ELXI, LRDE, TCS.

e) Actively involved in NBA OBE activities

f) Authored  a book on “Signals and Systems”

g). Sessions chaired

  1. For The 6th International Conference on “Computational Systems and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions” [CSITSS – 2022]”, At RVCE on 23/12/2022
  2. For National conference, at Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology Bangalore on 08/06/2019.

  3. For 3rd International conference on “Emerging research in Electronics, Computer science and Technology” ICERECT-2018, At P E S College of Engineering Mandya, on 24-08-2018.

  4. For IEEE second international conference on Advances in Electronics, computers and communications [ICAECC 2018], Reva University Bangalore on 10-02-2018









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