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Dr. Preethi . N. Patil

Dr. Preethi N. Patil, Assistant Professor
Educational Qualification

MCA, MTech(IT), Ph D

Experience Teaching: 12 years
Area of Interest Pattern Recognition and Digital Image Processing
Date of Joining RVCE 18.08.2015
Email ID

No of Projects Guided (PG): 72

Research Projects Undertaken and Ongoing

  • Co - Investigator for the project titled "Extended Reality Center for Education and Research" grants of Rs. 29.612 Lakhs funded by VGST, Karnataka, GRD No/ 1125(2022-23)/K-FIST(L2)/2024-25/239 Dated 29.07.2024
Research Projects Undertaken and Completed
  • Co-Investigator for the project titled “Awareness Creation and Detection of Vector Borne Disease -Dengue for Public Health (22-HAC-128) grants received of $5000 funded by IEEE HAC.  Grant Reference Number: #22-HAC-128 Dated - 30th November-2022

List of Publications


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