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Dr. CH. Renu Madhavi

Associate Professor & Head of the Department

Educational Qualification M.Tech, Ph.D
Experience Teaching: 35 yrs; Research: 07 yrs
Area of Interest

Bio medical Engineering, VLSI, Embedded Systems, Microcontrollers, Digital Image Processing

Date of joining 19.09.1994

Project Guided:

                 Number of UG projects guided : 25

                 Number of PG projects guided : 08


                               International Journals :  32

                               International Conference : 07

                               National Conferences :  03



ICT used to deliver the Lectures

1.  Slide Share
                       Link To Slide share


2.   Class recordings of most of the content shared in Youtube channel created by the faculty


Interaction with outside world:

  1. Delivered Expert Lecture on  'Effective Pedagogy using Tinker CAD' under IUCEE VIRTUAL ACADEMY on 28th May, 2020.
  2. Official NPTEL Course translator in TELUGU Language for  the Course- Integrated circuits,MOSFETS &Opamps and their Applications(5.30 hrs)

Awards :

  1. Felicitated for completion of Ph.D 2017 in RVCE, Bangalore, by RSST Trust.   

  2. Academic Excellence award by RSST -2008.                 

Funded Project:

  1. Fabrication of Breast tissue mimicking phantoms, Characterization of Elastic and Acoustic properties with Numerical Model Validation", as Co-Principle Investigator, form Government of Karnataka , Vision Group of Science and Technology (VGST), Karnataka Science and Technology Promotion Society, Department of Electronics, Information technology, Biotechnology and Science and Technology, for amount of 15,00,000/=( Fifteen Lakhs) for a period of 02 (years).



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