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Dr Jasmine K S

Dr. Jasmine K S, Associate Professor and Director
Educational Qualification MSc, M. Phil, Ph.D
Experience Teaching: 28 Years
Area of Interest Software Reuse
Date of Joining RVCE 27.09.2001
Email ID

No of Projects Guided (PG):  168

Research Projects Undertaken and Completed

  • PI for National conference titled ‘Critical Thinking For Gen Z – Multidisciplinary Approach’ from AICTE under Grant For organizing Conference Scheme, November 2020 Proposal Amount: 4 Lakhs- Grant sanctioned: 2.3 Lakhs
  • PI for AICTE-ISTE Sponsored One Week Refresher Programme on ‘Design Thinking to Augment 21st Century Skills’  7th to 12th December 2021. Proposal Amount: 3 Lakhs. Sanctioned: 93K for Phase I.
  • Co – Investigator for the project Design and Simulation of RF Power Simplifier with Thin Film funded by RVCE college under COE Macro Electronics and TEQIP Passive Technology

List of Publications (Details)

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