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ASM International - RVCE Materials Advantage student chapter.

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American Society for Metals

Student Chapter

Full Name: RVCE Material Advantage Student Chapter, ASM International

Abbreviation: RVCE MA

Faculty Advisor

Name: Dr. Ramesh S Sharma

Designation: Professor

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Contact Information: email:

RVCE Material Advantage Student Chapter is a premier membership option for undergraduates, postgraduate students, and anyone interested in Material Science & Engineering in general. The main goal of this chapter is to provide members with career development opportunities and organize outreach events to educate the general public (specifically students) about Material Science. Material Advantage is not just a professional society, it’s a community of students dedicated to helping each other meet their goals. This chapter provides students with scholarships and grants, career development and information, and access to professional and academic resources from most distinguished societies such as the American Ceramic Society (ACers), Association for Iron Steel Technology (AIST), ASM International, and The Minerals Metals Society.




Event Type







12th July, 2021

‘Chemical and Physical Modulation Respiratory droplets’


Dr. Jiaxing Huang

Professor, Department of Material Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Illinios, United States of America




24th September, 2021

‘Multifunctional Metallic Nanowire Foams and Networks’


Dr. Kai Liu,

Department of Physics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA




11th November, 2021

Two weeks ONLINE Course on “Python programming and Machine Learning for Mechanical Engineers’

Dr. Anala, Prof. Smitha R and Prof. Rashmi R

Dept. of ISE, RVCE




10th May, 2022

“3D printing & its applications”

Mr. Shreyas

Final year M.Tech Student


5. Seminar 12th July 2022 Are hybrid engines way forward? Myths about electric vehicles

Dr. Vinod Rajamani

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Applied Sciences, Dortmund, Germany

6. Seminar 29th July 2022 Recent Advances in Vibration Mitigation in materials and devices

Mr. Girish Doddamani

CEO, Envirosense Tech India Ltd, Bangalore

7. Social Event 3rd Jan 2023 Donated RO based Water filter, two Green Boards with several Chalk boxes and Dusters to underprivileged students of a state Government owned primary and middle school @ Kengeri, Bangalore Students of MA Chapter and Faculty Members of Dept. of Mech. Engg 74
8. Seminar 6th Feb 2023 “Pultrusion of Composites: Challenges, Limitations and Advantages”

Prof. Dr. Pierpaolo Carlone

Professor in Manufacturing Technologies and Systems, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Salerno, Italy



10th February, 2023

Entrepreneurship Development – Opportunities & Challenges

Er. Shashi Kumar M

Dy. Director, MSME, Govt. of India, Bengaluru




17th – 28th July, 2023

SKILL LAB training on ‘Welding, Sheet metal work, Excel Sheet & Industrial visit

Faculty Members from Dept. of Mech.Engg



ONLINE talk on ‘Chemical and Physical Modulation Respiratory droplets’ by Dr. Jiaxing Huang, Northwestern University, Illinois, USA

ONLINE talk on ‘“Multifunctional Metallic Nanowire Foams and Networks by Dr. Kia Liu, Georgetown University, USA

Invited talk on ‘Are hybrid engines way forward? Myths about electric vehicles’ by Dr. Vinod Rajamani University of Applied Sciences, Dortmund, Germany

Invited talk on ‘Recent Advances in Vibration Mitigation in materials and devices by Er. Girish Doddamani, CEO, Enviro Sense Tech PVT Ltd, Bangalore

Seminar on ‘Pultrusion of Composites’ by Dr. Pierpaolo Carlone, Professor, University of Salerno, Italy

Students participation in seminar on ‘Pultrusion of Composites’

ONLINE Training on “Python programming and Machine Learning for Mechanical Engineers’

One day workshop on Entrepreneurship Development – Opportunities & Challenges by Er. Shashikumar, Dy. Director MSME, Govt. of India, Bengaluru

One day Workshop on ‘3D printing and its applications

Students participation in one day