List of National Journal Publications:
V.B.L. Chaurasia and Neeti Gupta, Some finite integrals and fourier series involving general polynomials, Biorthogonal polynomials, Fox’s H-function and the multivariable H-function, Jnanabha, 28, 1998, 55-62.
V.B.L. Chaurasia and Neeti Gupta, Some finite integrals involving a product of general polynomials, Fox’s H-function with the multivariable H-function, Acta ciencia Indica, XXIVM (2), 1998, 173-178.
V.B.L. Chaurasia and Neeti Gupta, Finite integrals associated with Fox’s H-function, two general class of polynomials and H-function of several complex variables, Acta ciencia Indica, XXIIIM (3), 1997, 215-224.
V.B.L. Chaurasia and Neeti Gupta, A solution of the partial differential equation of heat conduction in a rod under the Robin Condition, Jnanabha, 27, 1997, 31-46.