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About the Library


To become the best archive library and vibrant technical library with best practices for knowledge acquisition, sharing and act as outreach to faculty and students.


  • To serve as knowledge & information sharing resource centre for all the engineering and technology library with the best and latest reference books and journals.

  • Establish serene learning environment for the readers in using the library facilities and services at ease any time.

  • To automate, digitize and provide seamless e- enabled access of all the library resources for all its readers.

  • To acquire, store, retrieve, share and loan resources with ease with other engineering and technology libraries.

Library Collections

Library Collections Numbers
Titles 61865
Volumes 188198
Bound Volumes 2916
National Journals 156
e-Journals 8783
Conference Proceedings 710
e-Books 44804
CD's/DVD's 2295
Updated 15.05.2024

Library Timings

Monday to Friday   9.00 AM to 9.00 PM

Saturday                  9.00 AM to 5.30 PM

Sunday                     9.00 AM to 1.30 PM


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