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Industry Interaction

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Industry Institute Interaction:

The Department of Information Science and Engineering has established four  significant Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) aimed at fostering industry interaction and enhancing student opportunities.

These collaborations include partnerships with Women In Cloud, a global network based in the USA, Wizergos Software Solutions Private Limited, and Samsung R&D.

These MoUs pave the way for student internships, facilitating project execution, and fostering real-world industry exposure. Additionally, the department has forged a partnership with JPMC, further enriching student experiences and bridging the gap between academia and industry.

MoU Signing Date

MoU Signed with (Academia/Industry) Title of MoU MoU Purpose

MoU Validity

(in years)

17.10.2021 Women in Cloud

Women in Cloud with RVCE

Collaborate with RVCE for establishing COE in Cloud technologies specifically for Women, curriculum development with lab set up organizing workshops delivering industry oriented technical talks, Industrial Visit fort students & faculty, Syllabus framing, partial course delivery from the industry perspectives to the courses being offered by RVCE.

In Progress

Wizergos Software Solutions Private Limited

Low code developer training

Curriculum & content creation, deliver training on regular basis, joint certification by both the parties for trainees

2 Years

Samsung R & D

Samsung R & D with RVCE

Collaborate for promotion of research & education as part of industry academia partnership

1 Year
02.08.2023 JP Morgan Chase Zero Knowledge Proof Collaboration with RVCE to develop research based Zero Knowledge Software 1 Year




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