Dr. L Durga Prashanth
Assistant Professor
B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D(NITK Surathkal)
Teaching: 10
Area of Interest
Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement materials, Soil stabalization, Pavement design and Road Safety Engineering
Date of Joining RVCE
Project Guided:
Number of UG projects guided: 05
Number of PG projects guided: 17
National Conference: 01
International Journals: 06
International Conferences: 1
List of International Journals publications:
L Durga Prashanth, Nitendra Palankar, and A.U. Ravi Shankar, “A study on the effect of rejuvenators in reclaimed asphalt pavement-based stone mastic asphalt mixes.”, International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 2019, Springer,
A Chandrashekara, Nitendra Palankar, L Durga Prashanth, B M Mithun and A U Ravi Shankar. “A Study on Elastic Deformation Behavior of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete for Pavements” Journal of Institution of Engineers India Series A (SPRINGER). (Available online Jan. 11, 2019),
Varuna M , Sunil S and Durga Prashanth L “Traffic Simulation for Improved Travel Corridor Performance – A Case Study in Bengaluru City” International Journal of Advance Civil Engineering and Technology, Volume 3 Issue 2, Aug. 2018 pp 1-12.
Haricharan T S, Vinay Kumar K S, L Durga Prashanth , M R Archana, A U Ravi Shankar “Laboratory investigation of expansive soil stabilized with natural inorganic stabilizer” International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Nov 2013.
Varghese, G., Ramakrishna, H., Kumar, A. N., L Durga Prashanth, , & Santosh, G. (2012). A Model Study on Accelerated Consolidation of Coir Reinforced Lateritic Lithomarge Soil Blends with Vertical Sand Drains for Pavement Foundations. Open Journal of Soil Science, 2(03), 320. DOI: 10.4236/ojss.2012.23038
George, Varghese & Santosh, G & Hegde, R & L Durga Prashanth & Gotamey, D & Ravi Sankar, A.U.. (2012). A model study on accelerated consolidation of coir reinforced laterite and blended shedi soil with vertical sand drains for pavement foundations. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering. 5. 138-145.
List of International Conference publications:
- Harish Gowda Patil L Durga Prashanth, Trupti konin, A U Ravishanka “Laboratory evaluation of Stone Mastic Asphalt mixtures containing Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Materials” ICSCI 2014 © ASCE India Section, Hitex, Hyderabad, Telangana, India, publication date 2014/10/17
List of National Conference Publications:
1.Bharathi S, Madhu M B, L Durga Prashanth, Varuna M, Sunil S, “A review on Bus transit operations using Intelligent transportation system in Indian Context”, RVCE. Leveraging Intelligent transportation system for enabling smart cities “ 2-4 March 2017.
Consultancy Projects :
- Co-ordinate and delivered consultancy services for L&T IDPL, Chennai, Professional Civil Infra Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru and Feedback Infra Private Limited, Bengaluru from Civil engineering department.
- Coordinator for training programs conducted for KPWD Engineers from Civil engineering department.
Membership to Professional Societies
1. Indian Roads Congress (IRC) New Delhi, India
Life Member, (LM-41084) June 2014
2. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Virginia, USA
A.M. ASCE (11316276)
3. Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) New Delhi, India
Life Member, (LM-4687)