Assistant Professor
M.E. (Water Resources Engineering), Ph.D
Teaching: 08 Years
Areas of Interest
Watershed Management, RS & GIS
Date of Joining RVCE
Project Guided
Number of UG projects guided: 07
International Journals: 02
International Conferences: 03
List of International Journals publications
- Sindhu D., B.L.Shivakumar, A.S. Ravikumar, “Estimation of Surface Runoff in Nallur Amanikere Watershed Using SCS-CN Method”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, IC-RICE Conference Issue, Nov-2013, pISSN: 2321-7308.
- Sindhu, D., Sadashivappa, A.S. Ravikumar, B.L. Shivakumar. "Quantitative Analysis of Catchment Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System." Elsevier Aquatic Procedia, Volume 4, March 2015, pp1421-1428, ISSN: 2214-241X.
List of International Conference publications
Sindhu D, B.L.Shivakumar, A.S Ravikumar, “Assessment of Suitability of water for Irrigation in Harangi Command Area, Karnataka State”, 24th HYDRO 2019, International Conference, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 18-20, December 2019.
Sindhu D., B.L.Shivakumar, A.S. Ravikumar ,“Morphometric Analysis of Watersheds using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques”, International Conference on Emerging and Sustainable Trends in Civil Engineering (ESCE 2018) held during 27th and 28th September 2018, organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering (JNNCE), Shimoga.
Sindhu D., B.L.Shivakumar, A.S. Ravikumar, “Estimation of Surface Runoff in Nallur Amanikere Watershed Using SCS-CN Method”, at proceedings of International Conference“Recent Innovations in Civil Engineering (IC-RICE 2013)”, P.D.A. College of Engineering,Gulbarga, 25th – 27th October 2013, pp.561-567.
Sindhu, D., Sadashivappa, A.S. Ravikumar, B.L. Shivakumar, “Quantitative Analysis ofCatchment using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System” at International Conference on Water Resources, Coastal and Ocean Engineering (ICWRCOE’15), 12th-14th March, 2015, at Department of Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangaluru, India.
Interaction with Outside World
- Admitted as the Life Member of “Indian Society of Remote Sensing” (L 4106).
- Admitted as a Life Member of the “Indian Association of Hydrologists”, Roorkee, India, (LM-1851).
- Admitted as a Life Member of the “Indian Society for Technical Education”, (LM-105898).
- Appointed as a Reviewer for “International Journal of Engineering Research. (ISSN: 2319-6890)”.
- Appointed as a Reviewer for “International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology. (ISSN: 2277-1581)”.