Dr. Ashwani Sharma, Assistant Professor | ![]() |
Educational Qualification | MSc. Ph.D (Biotechnology) | ||
Experience | Teaching | 19 Years | |
Research | 21 Years | ||
Area of Interest | Metabolic Enginnering, Genetic Engineering, Food Technology | ||
Date of joining RVCE | 02-06-2008 | ||
Email ID | ashwanisharma@rvce.edu.in |
Project Guided:
Number of UG projects guided: 54
Number of PG projects guided: 24
Number of PhD Guided/ Guiding: 02
National Journal: 01
National Conference: 25
International Journal: 23
International Conference: 07
National Journal:
Ashwani Sharma and PushpaAgrawal Analysis of ascorbic acid in various varieties of Capsicum sp., Global Journal of Molecular Biology and Technology, 2011; 1(4), 4-6.
National Conference:
- Development of a plant based nanobiochar filter for enhanced adsorption of pollutants. . National Conference on nanomaterials driven advances in chemical and Biosensors. Allagappa University, Karaikudi.23-25th March 2022.
- Development of eco-friendly and biodegradable Bio-composites. National Conference on nanomaterials driven advances in chemical and Biosensors. Allagappa University, Karaikudi.23-25th March 2022.
- Pullulan- Metabolite from natural source, an alternative for food packaging. National Conference on nanomaterials driven advances in chemical and Biosensors. Allagappa University, Karaikudi.23-25th March 2022.
- Morphogenetic and regeneration studies on Malbar nightshade, A leafy vegetable. National conference on advances in Microbial Biotechnology. Current trends and future prospects.28-29th April 2022.
- Ashwani Sharma participated in Seven day webinar series on Sustainable Biosolutions 2020 held from 12th may to 18th May 2020 organised by VelTech R&D of science and technology.
- Ashwani Sharma participated in one day webinar on food industry prospect- post covid 2020. 25th May 2020. Organised by Department of Biotechnology, Sapthagiri College of Engineering
- Ashwani Sharma participated in three day international symposium on Nanoscience and Nano technology by Amity Center of Nanotechnology Amity University Haryana fron 7th to 9th June 2020
- Manjula R, Ashwani Sharma Nagashree N Rao.2020. “Overexpression of ATPAL1 gene in Decalepis sp. an endangered medicinal plant”. 107th Indian Science Congress, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru, 3-7th Jan 2020. Plant Sciences-V016.
- Manjula R, Nagashree N Rao and Ashwani Sharma.2020. “Overexpression of CYP76AD1 gene in Basella sp. a leafy vegetable”. 107th Indian Science Congress, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru, 3-7th Jan 2020. Plant Sciences-V017.
- Manjula R, Ashwani Sharma and Nagashree N Rao. 2019. Isolation and study of bacterial endophytes from Decalepsis hamiltonii an endangered and endemic medicinal plant. “Endophytes and their Applications in Agriculture”, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru, 24-26 Sep 2019.
- Manjula R, Ashwani Sharma, and Nagashree N Rao. 2019. Genetic transformation studies in an endangered Hemidesmus indicus (L) R. Br. “National Conference on New Trends in Bio-Technology & 14th Conference of Society of Cytologists and Geneticists”, 6th -8th March 2019, BIET, Davanagere, page-43.
- Ashwani Sharma, Manjula R and Nagashree N Rao. 2019. Genetic transformation studies in Basella spp. “National Conference on New Trends in Bio-Technology & 14th Conference of Society of Cytologists and Geneticists”, 6th -8th March 2019, BIET, Davanagere, page-43.
- Manjula R, Nagashree N Rao and Ashwani Sharma. 2019. In vitro flowering in Basella alba L. an edible Indian Spinach. 106th Indian Science Congress, Jalandhar 2019. Plant sciences-VII09, page-184.
- Jayashree V, Keerthana, Ashwani Sharma and Nagashree N Rao. 2016. Elicitation studies in endemic medicinal plant, Decalipes hamiltonii. National Conference on new horizons in plant Biotechnology.Vellore Institute of Technology), Tamilnadu.March 11-12th 2016.
- NeelimaRathi, Ashwani Sharma, T G Umesh and Nagashree. N. Rao. In vitro callus induction and elicitation studies in DecalepishamiltoniiWight &Arn., a Threatened Medicinal Plant. National symposium- Biotechnologvy and Molecular biology for industry and common Man. XXXVI PTCA annual meet. 29th – 31st January 2015. St AloyiusCollege , Mangalore.
- Ashwani Sharma, Nagashree N Rao, NeelimaRathi, Oral presentation at UGC sponsored two days national workshop on Enzyme research in Agriculture, food and Industrial Biotechnology (NCERFIB-2015) on Regeneration studies on Decalipes hamiltonii Wight &Arn, a Threatened medicinal plant, organized by Maharani’s Science College for women, Bangalore from 12th-13th March 2015
- Ashwani Sharma, KshithajaShetty, paper presentation and won the Ist prize on Regeneration studies on Carissa carrandus at National Conference on “Recent advances, career prospects and enterpreneural opportunities in biotechnology and bioengineering” at ABHYUDAYA-2014, at SMVIT Bangalore from 24th -28th March 2014.
- Ashwani Sharma, NishitaShukla, paper presentation on Regeneration studies on Aloe vera at National Conference on “Recent advances, career prospects and enterpreneural opportunities in biotechnology and bioengineering” at ABHYUDAYA-2014, at SMVIT Bangalore from 24th -28th March 2014.
- Ashwani Sharma Oral presentation at 34th meeting of plant Tissue Culture Association & National symposium on plant tissue culture and biotechnology for food and national security- 2014 “Hairy root production from recalcitrant plant-Capsicum”
- Nagashree N Rao, Umesh T G, Ashwani Sharma and S Mahesh “In vitro production of multiple plantlets and metaboloite studies in Bacopa monneri (L) Pennel, an important nootropic plant” in National conference on “ Integrative Plant Biology and Agribiotechnology” held at Karnataka state higher education council organized by Tumkur university and KSHEC at Bangalore on 29th February 2012.
- SandhyaRavishankar, Sushma, C.V., Sandhya, J., PushpaAgrawal and Ashwani Sharma, Production of chitinase enzyme by Aspergillus species. Poster presentation atNational Seminar on “Fungal Biodiversity and Bioprospecting in the Age of Global Warming and 36th Annual Meeting of Mycological Society of India” to be held during 29-30th October, 2009 at Goa University, Goa.
- Ashwani Sharma, Nagashree N Rao, Rajesh VV, Krupashankar MS, Satyanarayana BS, Ravindra S Kulkarni, Oral presentation at National Conference on food Safety and Nutraceuticals - “Recent Advances in Nutraceuticals and Food safety ”Production of bioethanol from the peels of banana and pine apple, organised by Tumkur university held at 04th October 2012.
- Ashwani Sharma, S.Srideepika, B.Ramya, and PushpaAgrawal “Analysis of Capsaicin and Ascorbic acid in different varieties of Capsicum sp.” National level symposium in Tissue culture and biotechnology, 2010 at Davangere, Karnataka, (won IInd prize)
- Ashwani Sharma, Neha B, Anusha N, PushpaAgrawal, “Regeneration of Capsicum sp.” National level symposium in biotechnology and chemical engineering – BIOCheSS, 2010 at SIT Tumkur, Karnataka, (won IInd prize)
- Ashwani Sharma and PushpaAgrawal Fungal Interactions with plants ---- A Pandorabox with chemicals National Seminar. Poster presentation “Fungal Biodiversity and Bioprospecting in the Age of Global Warming and 36th Annual Meeting of Mycological Society of India” to be held during 29-30th October, 2009 at Goa University, Goa.
International Journal:
- M. Rajeswari, Nagashree N. Rao, Ashwani Sharma. Design and Performance Assessment of Zinc Oxide–Chitosan Nanocomposite Filter for Continuous Removal of Textile Azo Dye. Topics in Catalysis. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11244-022-01683-6.
- Rajeswari. M, Pushpa Agrawal, Nagashree N Rao, Ashwani Sharma, Lingayya Hiremath, Tippareddy K S, Shivandappa. Modelling and efficiency assessment of the up flow fixed bed process packed with Moringa oleifera for continuous Cd(II) removal from drinking water. Journal of Molecular Structure 1236, 130328, 2021.
- Nagashree N Rao , Ashwani Sharma , Anala M R , Aishwarya Rajana , Prutha Vijaykumar , Nipun S and Sohan M. Predictive Modeling of Different Treatments for Physiological and Nutritional Parameters of Ocimum sanctum. ECS Trans. 107 11189 2022.
- Rajeswari. M, Lingayya Hiremath, , Anubha Samadder, Satheesh Babu Gandla, Nagashree N Rao and Ashwani Sharma. An architectural avenue of electro-optical biosensor activities for the detection of formalin adulteration in preserved foods packaging. 2021. Mazedan Chemical research Journal. 2(1).
- Sharma, A.; N Rao, N.; M, R.; K, R. K.; Shivandappa. Development of eco-friendly plant based mosquito repellants:- Make In India Initiative. SPAST Abs 2021, 1.
- Ashwani Sharma, Nagashree N Rao, PROXIMITY LIGATION ASSAY: A NEW TOOL FOR PROTEIN DETECTION European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2021 8(7) 111-114 2349-8870
- Ankitha R, Laxmana Naik N, Ashwani Sharma, Salubrious Curcumin Fortified Whey Beverage Formulation and Study its Antioxidant Property, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Management (IJSEM) Vol 3, Issue 6, June 2018.
- K Mugdha Bhat, Jyothsana R, Ashwani Sharma, Nagashree N Rao (2020). Carrageenan-based edible biodegradable food packaging: A review. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. 5(4):69-75
- Manjula Ranganatha, Annapurna AS, Ashwani Sharma, Nagashree N Rao (2020). In vitro shoot regeneration of swallow root (Decalepis hamiltonii) – a steno-endemic red listed medicinal plant. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical research. Vol 13, Issue 4, 188-191
- Ashwani Sharma, Nagashree N Rao and M S Krupashankara. Development of Eco-friendly and biodegradable Bio composites. Materials Today Proceedings (5) .20987-20995. 2018.
- NeelimaRathi, Ashwani Sharma, Nagashree N Rao, 2 HMB- An astounding molecule- A Review, Asian Journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research, Vol 10, Issue 10, 2017
- Venkatesh Krishna B, Ravi kumar K, Ashwani Sharma Improvement of bilirubin oxidase productivity of Myrotheciumverrucaria and studies on the enzyme overproduced by the mutant strain in the solid-state fermentation, The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology.2017 (Accepted for publication).
- Ashwani Sharma, P. Giridhar, G. A. Ravishankar. In-vitro regeneration from shoot tip and leaf explant of Capsicum frutescens Mill. Var. KT-OC and BOX-RUB. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Culture, 2017, 129: 175-180.
- NishitaShukla,Ashwani Sharma, Nagashree N Rao, Regeneration and elicitation studies in Aloe vera, Asian Journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research, 2016, 9(5), 1-7.
- T G Umesh, Ashwani Sharma, Nagashree N Rao, Regeneration potential and major metabolite analysis in nootropic plant-Bacopamonnieri (L.) Pennell, Asian Journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research, 2014,7(1), 134-136.
- Ashwani Sharma, RangaRaoAmbati, DayanandaChandrappa, Sarada Ravi, RavishankarGokareAswathanarayanaBotryococcusbraunii, a New Elicitor for SecondaryMetabolite Production in Capsicum frutescens, Functional Plant Science and Biotechnology Volume 5 (Special Issue 1) 2011; 9-13.
- Ashwani Sharma,Vinod Kumar,ParvatamGiridhar,GokareAswathanarayanaRavishankar Induction of in vitro flowering and pollen transformation in Capsicum frutescensunder the influence of Silver nitrate and Cobalt chloride.Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 11(2), April 15, 2008.
- Vinod Kumar, Ashwani Sharma,BellurChayapathyNarasimha Prasad, HarishchandraBhaskarGururaj, ParvatamGiridhar, GokareAswathanarayanaRavishankar. Direct shoot bud induction and plant regeneration in Capsicumfrutescens Mill: influence of polyamines and polarity, ActaPhysiol Plant, 2007, 29:11–18.
- BellurChayapathyNarasimha Prasad, HarishchandraBhaskarGururaj, Vinod Kumar, ParvatamGiridhar, RanganParimalan, Ashwani Sharma, and GokareAshwathnarayanaRavishankar. Influence of 8-Methyl-nonenoic Acid on Capsaicin Biosynthesis in In-Vivo and In-Vitro Cell Cultures of Capsicum sp. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2006, 54, 1854-1859.
- Vinod Kumar, Ashwani Sharma, Bellur Chayapathy Narasimha Prasad, Harishchandra Bhaskar Gururaj, Gokare Aswathanarayana Ravishankar Agrobacterium rhizogenes mediated genetic transformation resulting in hairy root formation is enhanced by ultrasonication and acetosyringone treatment. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 9 (4), Issue of July 15, 2006.
- H.B. Gururaj, P. Giridhar, Ashwani Sharma, Narasimha Prasad B.C, G.A. RavishankarIn-vitro clonal propagation of Bird eye chilli. Indian journal of experimental biology, November 2004; 42, 1136-1140.
Imternational Conference:
- Presented and published in – International E-Conference on ‘Advances and Future Outlook in Biotechnology and Crop Improvement for Sustainable Productivity’ organised by the Department of Biotechnology and Crop Improvement, College of Horticulture, Bengaluru during 24-27th November, 2020.
- Increasing the sorption capacity of plant based biofibers by functionalization at International conference on advances and innovations in Biotechnology and allied Sciences at Chandigarh University, 25-25th March 2022.
- Enhancement of 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenaldehyde (HMB), through over expression of Arabidopsis thaliana PAL (AtPAL) gene in Decalipes hamiltonii at International conference on advances and innovations in Biotechnology and allied Sciences at Chandigarh University, 25-25th March 2022.
- Development of pullulan based biofilms for food packaging. at International conference on advances and innovations in Biotechnology and allied Sciences at Chandigarh University, 25-25th March 2022.
- In vitro flowering in Basella sp. A leafy vegetable. at International conference on advances and innovations in Biotechnology and allied Sciences at Chandigarh University, 25-25th March 2022.
- Ashwani Sharma participated in one week live wbinar series of International E- conference in plant sciences by Department od studiers in Botany Davangere university from 25th to 30th May 2020.
- Ashwani Sharma completed Online Non-credit course on COVID 19 contact tracing from Johns Hopkins University conducted by Coursera in April 2020.
Workshop/Seminar/conference/Training Programs/Co-Curricular activities organized and participated: (After joining RVCE)
- Attended AICTE sponsored Online Short Term Training Programme on “Functional Metagenomics and Bioprocessing of Therapeutic Enzymes” organized by the Department of Biotechnology, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering from 22.02.2021 to 27.02.2021
- Attended AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Photonics" from 3rd to 7th November 2020 conducted by Indian Institute of Information Technology Ranchi.
- Attended FDP conducted by AICTE on Inculcating Universal Human Values in
- Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 17 May, 2021 to 21 May, 2021.
- Participated in Faculty Development Program on Proteomics and Drug Design, organized by Department of Biotechnology, BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, 22nd to 26th July 2014.
- Organised and Participated in Faculty Development Program for five days Faculty development program on training on “Advanced and materials characterization and analyses”, organized by Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry and Biotechnology , RVCE (TEQIP-II Initiative), 29 July-2 August 2013.
- Organized and participated One day National Symposium on “Sustainability in Food and Agriculture Technology” (SiFAT-2012) organized at Dept of Biotechnology, RVCE Bangalore, held at 27th April-2012.
- One day workshop on “Vermiculture technique for recycling of solid waste to organic fertilizer” organized at the department of Biotechnology, RVCE Bangalore, held on 4th October 2008.
- Organized and participated one week workshop on instrumentation and Downstream processing techniques at R V College of Engineering from 20th to 25th January 2010.
- Organizer and Coordinator for the techno cultural fest “HELIX 09” on 14th& 15th November 2009, which highlighted the One day National Conference on GO – GREEN.
- Participated and coordinator for Five day workshop (under TEQIP IInd Phase) on Gene Cloning from 20th January 2014 to 24th January 2014
- Participated in two days workshop on “Arts and Science of Counseling” at RVCE from 10th to 11th August 2010
- Participated in an orientation program on “Intellectual Property Rights” 30th to 31th July 2010 at R V College of Engineering
- Participated in Climate Science Quiz 2010 on 3rd November 2010 organized by IISc. Bangalore
- Participated in four days workshop on “Bio Inspired Computing” at VTU e-Learning Centre, Mysore from June 7- 10th 2010.
- Participated in One week Training program on “Animal cell culture” Oct Therapies 01.06.2011 to 07.06.2011.
- Participated in the 26th National Convention of Chemical Engineers“ New Frontiers in Food Engineering : Food Industry for the Next Generation” on 22-23 October 2010 at The Institute of Engineers (India) Bangalore
- Participated in the National Symposium on “E-waste Management and Recycling” on 20th may 2010 at R V College of Engineering Bangalore
- Participated in Trainers Training Programme on Business Opportunities & First Generation Entrepreneurs organized by Entrepreneurship Development Cell, VTU, Belgaum from 20th to 25th July 2009
- Participated in two days orientation programme on “Intellectual Property Rights” at RVCE from 30th to 31st July 2010
- Participated in two days workshop on “Arts and Science of Counseling” at RVCE from 10- 11 August 2010
- Participated in Two days workshop on Management in Business Excellence and sustainability organized by IEM Department, R V C E Bangalore from 08th to 10thAugust 2012.
- Participated in Three days Faculty Development Programme (TEQIP-II Initiative), Green Systems for Sustainable Environment in Focus with Zero Discharge of Water,3rd Editin “A Process towards Zero Waste & Energy Independent Campus” on 9-11 October 2013.
- Participated in Two days workshop on Dale Carnegie Training Mission 10X “High Impact Teaching Skills” by WIPRO, 24th -25th November 2008.
- Participated in Two weeks training programme on ‘phenotyping for drought adaptive traits and trait introgression through molecular approaches’ from Feb 23 –Mar 7, 2015 under niche area of excellence programme of ICAR, New Delhi organized by Department of crop Physiology, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru.
- Participated in TEQIP Sponsored one week National Level Workshop on “Material characterisation Techniques” during 13th -18th June 2016. R V College of Engineering.
- Participated in Global Biotechnology Summit on 5-6th February 2016, Organized by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt of India.
- Member of Organizing Committee and Co-Chaired a session for International conference, ICSEM-2016 held at R V College of Engineering, October 17-19, 2016
Interaction with outside world:
- Development of a plant based nano-biochar filter for enhanced adsorption of pollutants. World water day Conclave, SPC Govt College, Ajmer.
- TRENDS AND AVENUES IN BIOTECHNOLOGY-THE SCIENCE FOR GENX at Delhi School as a part of orientation program for 12 Std students.
- BoE member for Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru
- St Johns Hospital, Bangalore University, Gauhathi University, Karnatak University, Dharwad Karnataka State Pollution board. CFTRI, DFRL, GKVK
Funded Projects:
- DBT Funded Project- Regulation of xanthosine metabolism and its effect on caffeine biosynthesis in coffee plants 33.3 L
- DBT: Funded project entitled “Functional characterization of the regulatory genes involved in pungency in Capsicum sp. " under DBT’s Twinning Programme for NER. 11.64 L
- AICTE: Development of Natural fiber based oil adsorbent for commercial and industrial applications.- 7.53L
- KAFIFIL- KAPOK FIBRE BASED FILTER, Make in India initiative. KSTA 0.7 L
- Co Investigator – AICTE- 7,64 Lakhs : Development of natural fiber based oil adsorbent for commercial and industrial applications
- Co Principal investigator for Visveshwaraya Technological University (VTU) funded project title “Regeneration, Transformation and Elicitation of Capsicum”. For three years for the funding of 10.3 Lakhs (2010-2013).
- Guide -Development of eco-friendly and biodegradable bio composites., KSCST, 0.1 lakhs, 2014
- Guide- Development of Eco-friendly mosquito repellent, KSCST, 0.1 lakhs, 2015
- Principal investigator for DBT funded project title “Investigations on metabolite profile and betalain biosynthesis in Basellaspp, an edible leafy vegetable”. For three years for the funding of 82.20 Lakhs (2017-2020).
- Co Principal investigator for DBT funded project title “Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation and overexpression of Arabidopsis thaliana PHENYL AMMONIA LYASE2 (ATPAL2) in Decalepishamiltoni”. For three years for the funding of 34.54 Lakhs (2014-2017).
- Co-Principal investigator for NMFPI-MOFP funded project title “Bioinspired computing for the extraction of pectin from citrus fruits”. For two years for the funding of 4.0 Lakhs (2014-2016).
- Co- Principal investigator for Design and Development of Ultra sound(US) assisted vacuum drying for food products, funded by LSRB, The Pre-proposal was presented at DFRL, Mysore and was short listed for submission of complete proposal for 49 Lakhs and accepted.
Books/Book Chapter Published:
- Eco- friendly and Biodegradable green composites. Nagashree N Rao, Rajeshwari M and Ashwani Sharma In Biocomposites ( Ed- Brajesh Kumar), Publisher. Intech open. 2021
- "Revisiting microalgae as an additive for nutraceuticals- A Review" 978-1-80356-024-3. Intechopen 2022
- SPANDAK- A Pulsator towards clean India initiative for AtmaNirbhar Bharath. Srishti. Engineering students project exhibition competition. 25th- 27th July 2022 in Bangalore. The project was awarded third best project of the year 2022 for its innovation,
- National Conference on Biodiversity conservationrecent trends and strategies, Kuvempu University, Karnataka, Best oral Presentation 2018-11-17
- The student project titled KAFIFIL - A leap towards swach bharat and make in India exhibited the prototype at state level technical fest, Srishti 2017 organized by ABVP at R V College of Engineering. Guided the students along with Dr M S Krupashankara and Dr Ashwani Sharma, the project won the third best prize.
- M.Sc. Order of Merit Certificate
- GATE-2001
- SPM Fellowship shortlisted.
- Guided the final year BE Biotechnology students to complete their research project sponsored by Karnataka state council for Science and Technology (KSCST) under Students project programme (38th series), the project was judged the best project for the year 2015.
- Ashwani Sharma, Vinod Kumar, Narasimha Prasad B. C., Giridhar P., Ravishankar G. A medium formulation for the induction of in-vitro flowering in Capsicumsp.(Indianpatent- 435NF04), (WIPO, International Publication No. WO 2006/103518 A1).
- Nagashree N Rao, Ravindra S Kulkarni, Ashwani Sharma, B S Satyanarayana.An apparatus and a method for the preparation of functional foods (Indian patent filed CHE/14/574).
- Nagashree N Rao, Ravindra S Kulkarni, Ashwani Sharma, B S Satyanarayana. Preparation of corn enriched yoghurt spread (Indian patent filed CHE/14/573).
Oral Presentations in Symposia ABROAD
Ashwani Sharma,Vinod Kumar, H.B. Gururaj, P. Giridhar, G.A. Ravishankar, “In vitro regeneration of plant and induction of flowering in Capsicum frutescensMill.”7th International Symposium in the Series RECENT ADVANCES IN PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY: IMPACT ON HIGH QUALITY PLANT PRODUCTION StaraLesna, June 10-16, 2007 High Tatras, Slovak Republic.