IUCEE-RVCE STUDENT CHAPTER is an association between RVCE and IUCEE which aims to provide an out of the box learning experience where students are encouraged to put forward their ideas, develop skills and help in perceiving in their fields of interest. The student chapter makes it even more enthusiastic and interesting to the students by conducting various activities and events where, students participate and evolve in their thinking capacity like problem approaching, problem defining, looking for the solution to a problem and so on. We have the energetic and enthusiastic team who are always motivating and encouraging for the new era of learning and teaching experience with their relentless efforts to bring in the new change.
Contact- Email-id- spark.iucee@rvce.edu.in
Dr. Shanmukha Nagaraj
Faculty Advisor
Suraj R S
Website link- https://sites.google.com/view/sparkiuceexrvce/home