Department of Placement and Training
Sustained Excellence in Training, Placement and Career Guidance
To develop the Department of placement & training as a single window nodal point for career counselling and Higher learning in Engineering & Technology fields
To set up the Training Infrastructure for conducting value added training programs and enhance the employability of students
To institute the best practices in conducting and co-ordinating the campus placement process for the industries in the institution
To acquire the services of competent training agencies to train the students in soft skills and personality development programme.
About the Department
The Department of placement & training was established as a separate entity in the year 1997. The Department presently coordinates with more than 200 leading organizations which recruits Engineers/Techno crafts and GET/ PGET's for entry level positions in their respective organizations.
In the year of inception, the department modestly established contact with about 30 organizations and placed 140 numbers of students. With every passing year, the number of recruiting organizations have increased in geometric progression on an average about 200 nationally renowned organization visiting the campus annually & conduct their recruitment process in our campus and 1200 offers have been made by 178 companies / Organization for 2016 passing out batch.
The independent placement & training block in the first floor of the Administrative block has been built with a view to provide the complete autonomy and convenience for executives to conduct fair and transparent talent search to recruit good quality engineers for positions in organizations. The Department has set up all the required facilities for the conduction of the recruitment process such as seminar hall for company presentations, group discussion rooms and conferencing facilities, interview and discussion rooms.
Soft skill Training program
The Training Programme which is being offered at the institutional level and being facilitated by the Department of Training & Placement is aimed at orienting the students with life skills. Career orientation is achieved by training the students on the skills needed for a career in the corporate through a total of 72 Hours of Training on the different dimensions of development of individuals. The programme is spread over the 2nd & 3rd year of the Bachelors Degree programme and involves 36 hours of Training by our partners rich in experience & sound on the knowledge & skills of the pedagogical aspects of personality orientation & development.
Value added activities
The Department of Placement & Training is recognized for its ability to plan and implement value added programs such as the Personality development programs, Technology Training Programs and Bridge Courses in the areas of interest and requirements for the Industry. This adds to the credentials of the students and builds the quality of the engineering professionals from the college.
Placement and Training Department is also providing necessary Pre-Placement Training for the pre-final year students in the form of Pre-Placement talks arranged by various industries / corporate, training from the seniors on nature of the written test being imparted and process of interview of different industries. Placement Department also regularly organizes talks from the various professionals from different universities for pursuing higher education in abroad and talks from trainers for taking competitive exams like CAT, GMAT, Aptitude etc.
Career guidance and Higher education:
The Department of placement and training is a nodal agency for providing inputs on career opportunities for higher studies. Many international universities visit the campus and placement & training department facilitates in conducting orientation and counselling on higher education opportunities. In addition to the placement activities, the Department involves in mentoring students for opportunities in higher education, entrepreneurship and internship
The Department also engages with the corporate to offer scholarship to students on merit cum means basis. The scholarship to the tune of Rs.72,00,000/- is instituted with approximately 110 beneficiaries (The scholarship agencies are ABB, CTS, FFE, Devon, Boeing etc)