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Dr. Geetha.K.S

Professor and Vice Principal


Educational Qualification

Ph.D (Image Processing)
M.Tech.(Computer Applications to Industrial Drives), B.E(ECE)



Teaching: 24 years

Area of Interest

Image Processing,Signal Processing, System Verilog for Design and Verification, Thin Film Sensors, Flexible Electronics

Email ID


Date of Joining at RVCE : 28th Oct 1998

Subjects Handled : Image Processing, DSP, Signals & Systems, Multimedia Communication

No. of Projects guided to UG Students : 75

No. of Projects guided to PG Students : 50


1. Novel flexible polymer based multilayered sensor for pressure displacement and biomedical sensing applications- Patent Published

Publication Details

International Journals:

  1. "Synthesizing and Fabrication of Al-PDMS based Triboelectric Nano Generator",International Journal of Engineering & Technology(UAE),June-2018,pp 127-137.

  2. "Development of glare recognition for advanced driver assistance system", Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics,2018

  3. "Multiplierless Recursive algorithm using Ramanujan ordered Numbers” IETE Journal of Research, ISSN: 0377-2063 Vol.56., No.4, July-Aug 2010, Pg 182-188.

  4. “A new multiplierless discrete cosine transform based on the Ramanujan ordered numbers for image coding” in International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, ISSN: 2005-4254 Vol. 3, No. 4, December, 2010. Pg 1-14. published by Science & Engineering Research Support Center, Republic of Korea.

  5. .“A Novel Cosine approximation for high-speed evaluation of DCT” International Journal of Image Processing, Volume:  4    Issue:  6 Pg 539 – 548 Publication Date:   January / February 2011 ISSN (Online):  1985-2304 CSC Journals, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  6. “An Efficient Multiplierless Transform algorithm for Video Coding”, International Journal Of Image Processing (IJIP), Volume :5 Issue: 4 Pg:469 - 478 Publication Date: September/October 2011 ISSN(Online):1985-2304, CSC Journals, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  7. “A Novel Cosine approximation for high-speed evaluation of DCT”, International journal o Image processing, Vol.4, Issue 6, pp. 539-548, Jan-Feb 2011, ISSN: 1985-2304, CSC journals, Malaysia.

  8. Dr. K.S.Geetha, Gayathri Jeyaram and Bhagyashree A “Selective Rotation based CORDIC Architecture for High Speed Applications” Proceedings of International Conference on VLSI, Communication, Advanced devices,Signals & systems And Networking, VCASAN-2013: Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering, 258, DOI:10.1007/978-81-322-1524-0-39, © Springer India 2013.

  9. Dr. Uma B.V, Dr. Geetha K.S, Dr. Prasanna Kumar S.C,, Naveen Kumar L Implementation of H.264 based real time video compression algorithm for underwater channel” International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET) ISSN 0976 – 6464(Print) ISSN 0976 – 6472(Online) Volume 5, Issue 4, April (2014), pp. 43-49.

International Conferences:

  1. "Raindrop detection algorithm for ADAS",RTEICT 2017 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information and Communication Technology, 2017
  2. “Multidimensional Fast multiplierless DCT Algorithm using Ramanujan Ordered Numbers” IEEE sponsored conference ICSAP 2011 at Singapore, Feb 2011.

  3. “New Polynomial Transform Algorithm for 2-D DCT using Ramanujan Ordered Numbers” IEEE sponsored International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications(SPCOM) 2010 at IISC Bangalore, India July 2010.

  4. “A Novel Recursive Multiplierless Algorithm for 2-D DCT” International Conference on Signal Processing and Networking ( ICSPCN )2009, Singapore August 2009.

  5. “Fast Multiplierless Recursive transforms using Ramanujan Numbers”. IEEE sponsored International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT), Aligarh, India. March 2008.

  6. “A New Approach for computing Arithmetic Cosine Transform with Möbius Inverse Formula” International Conference on Cognition and Recognition 2008, India,

  7. Sheetal Kulakrni, Naveen Govindraju, K S Geetha, Yogesh Naik “Implementation of SFF-8485 specification for Host Bus Adapter” First International Conference on Computing and Communication Technology (ICCCT’12), JJ College of Engineering, Tamilnadu, India.

  8. Karthik LV, Geetha KS, Ravi Shankar R “Design of Deep Packet Inspection Logic Unit based on TCP/IP Protocol for Network CommunicationsProceedings of International Conference on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ICEEE - 2012) Mysore, India

  9. Ch.Naveen Babu, Dr. K.S.Geetha, Dr.S.Shashank. “A Rapid GPS Signal Acquisition via Compressive Sensing Technique”. International Conference on Innovations In Electrical, Electronics And Computer Science Engineering [IEECSE-2014] Chandigarh, India on June 22nd 2014. ISBN: 978-3-643-24819-06, Page no: 85-91.

R&D Projects:

  1. Sanctioned Funded Project from Naval Research Board for Rs11.75L titled as “Development of an efficient underwater video compression algorithm for underwater acoustic channel”

  2. Sanctioned seed money for the project titled “Growth and Characterization of ZnO thin film” under CoE (TEQIP 1.2.1)

Consultancy Projects from TE Connectivity Pvt. Ltd. Bengaluru

1. Design and development of automatic Traverse winder with vision system and interleave paper for stamping press.
2. Micro-Hydro Power generation.
3. Power Generation through Breeder Machine.
4. Tribo Electric Nanogenerator
5. Design and Development 6 Degrees of Freedom Collaborative Robot.

Consultancy Projects from TE Connectivity Pvt. Ltd. Shiriwal, Pune

1. Reliability testing of Raspberry Pi.

Consultancy Projects from Samson Automation Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Panchakula, Haryana

1. Design and Development of Robotic Arm to place toys on the conveyor.

Consultancy Projects from TE Connectivity Pvt. Ltd. Wagoli, Pune

1. Real time Job Tracking.


  1. “Excellence in Education” award from RSST trust in Jan 2010, Jan 2014.