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Dr. Krishna M

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Professor and Dean-Continuing Education & Skill Development
Educational Qualification Ph.D.
Experience Teaching: 24 years
Industry : 06 years
R&D: 24 years
Area of Interest Polymer Composites & Materials

Date of Joining RVCE


Email ID  

Project Guided:

Number of UG projects guided: 24

Number of PG projects guided: 74


  1. Nandini R, Krishna M., “Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Lead-free KNN Piezoelectric Ceramic Materials” (C.000321), filed at Indian Patent office on 30/8/2016. Application Number 201641029478, published on 9/03/2018.

List of Publications :


  1. S.C.Sharma, B. Anand, M. Krishna, Evolution of Sliding Wear Behavior of Feldspar Particles Reinforced Magnesium Alloys and Composites, Wear Journal, vol. 241 (2000) pp.33-40.

  2. S.C.Sharma, K.H.W.Seah, M.Krishna, A.Ramesh, Oxidation Behavior of Aluminium-Albite Composites at igher Temperature, Alloys and Compounds, vol.306, (2000) pp.270-276.

  3. S.C.Sharma, K.H.W.Seah, M.Krishna, A.Ramesh, A Study of the Coefficients of thermal expansion and residual thermal stresses of 6061Al-Albite Composites, Proc Instn. Mech. Engrs., vol.215 Part L, (2001) pp.55-59.

  4. Shantha Shastry, M.Krishna, Jayagopal Uchil,A study on damping behaviour of aluminite particulate reinforced ZA-27 alloy metal matrix composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds vol.314, (2001) pp.268-274.

  5. Shantha Shastry, M.Krishna, Jayagopal Uchil, Effect of thermal stresses on the thermal expansion and damping behavior of ZA-27/aluminite mmcs, Journal of Material Science Engineering and Performance, vol.10 (2), (2001) pp.220-224.

  6. G. Ranganath, S C Sharma, M Krishna, Dry sliding wear of garnet reinforced zinc/aluminum metal matrix composites, WEAR, 251 (2001) pp.1408-1413

  7. G.Ranganath, S.C.Sharma, M.Krishna, Effect of garnet particle on the mechanical and microstructural properties of ZA-27 alloy composites, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Vol.12, NO.4, 2001, pp.239-254.

  8. K.H.W.Seah, M.Krishna, V.T.Vijayalakshmi, Jayagopal Uchil, Effect of Heat Treatment on the Corrosion behaviour of the LM13 alloy/Garnet Metal Matrix Composites, Corrosion Science, vol. 44, (2002) pp.917-925.

  9. K.H.W.Seah, M.Krishna, V.T.Vijayalakshmi, Jayagopal Uchil, Effect of Temperature and reinforcement content on corrosion characteristics of LM13 albite composites, Corrosion Science, vol. 44, (2002) pp.761-772

  10. S.C.Sharma, Santa Shastry, M.Krishna, Effect of ageing parameters on the microstructure and properties of ZA-27/aluminite metal matrix composites, Journal of Alloys and Compound, vol.346, (2002), pp.292-301.

  11. S C Sharma, A Ranganath, M Krishna, Mechanical properties and Fractography of titanium-dioxide particle reinforced ZA-27 alloy composites materials, Journal of Material Science Engineering and Performance, vol.11(4), (2002), pp.408-413.

  12. S C Sharma, M Krishna, Paul Vizian, A Shashishankar, Thermal effects on mild wear transition in dry sliding of aluminium-7075/short glass fibre composites, Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol. 216 PartD, (2002) pp.975-982.

  13. Mechanical properties and fracture mechanism of ZA-27/TiO2 particulate mmcs, Seah kar Hang, S C Sharma, M Krishna, Jour of Materials, Design & Applications, vol. 217 Part L (2003), pp.201-206

  14. A study of dynamic mechanical behaviour ZA-27 metal matrix composites G.Ranganath, S.C. Sharma, M.Krishna, Journal of the mechanical behaviour of Materials, vol 144, pp. (4-5), 2003.

  15. M Krishna, S C Sharma, H N Narasimha Murthy, Influence of Heat Treatment on The Properties of Al6061/Albite Composites, , Trans. Indian Institute of Metals, v.56(4) (2003) pp.309-408

  16. S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, Transitions in the Sliding Wear Resistance of Titanium Oxide Particle reinforced ZA27 alloy, , Trans Indian Institute of Metals, v.56(4) (2003) pp.439-444

  17. S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, Tensile fracture studies of polypropylene/e-glass laminates, Sanjeeva Murthy, Engineering Today, Journal of Technological world, Volume V, issue 11, November 2003

  18. C Sharma, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna,Interfacial studies in the fatigue behaviour of Polyurethane based sandwich structures, S Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, vol.23, 8, (2004) pp, 893-903.

  19. S C Sharma, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, Effect of Foam Density and Skin Material on the Damping Behaviour of Polyurethane Sandwich structures, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites Vol.23,(12) (2004) pp-1259-126

  20. S C Sharma, M Krishna, A Shashishankar and S Paul Vizhian,Damping behaviour of aluminium/short glass fiber composites, International Journal of Material Science and Engineering A, Vol. 364 (2004) pp.109-116

  21. G.Ranganath, S.C. Sharma, M.Krishna,Effect of Garnet on the Properties of ZA-27 alloy composites, Mat. Sci. and Engg A, vol. 364 (2004) pp.109-116

  22. S C Sharma, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, Low Velocity Impact Damage analysis in polyurethane foam composites Sandwich structures, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, vol.23, (17) (2004)pp.1869-1882.

  23. H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, Buckling Response of Stitched polyurethane foam composite sandwich structures, S C Sharma, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites Vol.23, No. 12 (2004) pp-1267-1277

  24. S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N N Murthy, D Bhattacharyya, Sathyamoorthy, Fatigue behavior of PU sandwich structures, Journal of Materials and Performance (ASM International), vol. 13(5), 2004, pp.637-641.

  25. S C Sharma, M Krishna and H N Narasimha Murthy, Studies on the Effect of Residual Thermal Stresses on Thermal Expansion and Damping Behaviour of Al6061/ALBITE MMCs, Adv. in Vibration Engg vol.3(4) 2004, pp. 320-331.

  26. S. C. Sharma, M. Krishna, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, M. Sathyamoorthy and Debes Bhattacharya, Fatigue studies of polyurethane sandwich structures, Journal of Materials Engg and Performance, 2004, Volume 13, Number 5, Pages 637-641

  27. Shobha.G, M. Krishna, S C Sharma, Mining Association rules, Journal of application and analysis, Volume-1, Number-1, 2005, Page No. 1-14.

  28. Shobha.G, M. Krishna, S C Sharma, Prediction of Census DataBase using ANN, Journal of application and Mathematical analysis, vol.1 (1), 2005, pp.45-54.

  29. Rajashekhar Algood , S C Sharma, Sayed Akeel Ahmed and Prashanth T “Mechanical Property Evaluation of Polyurethane based Epoxy and polyester Alloys” The Journal of CPRI, vol.2 (2) (2005) pp.187

  30. KHW Seah, S C Sharma, M Krishna, Damping Behaviour of Aluminium/Albite MMCs, Journal of ASTM International, vol. 3 (3), (2006), pp.1-7.

  31. S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Muthrty, Saneevamurthy "Studies on the Weathering Behavior of Glass Coir Polypropylene Composites” Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.25, (9), (2006) pp.925-932

  32. S C Sharma, M Krishna & H N Narasimha Murthy, Delamination during drilling in polyurethane foam composite sandwich structures, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol.15(3) June 2006.

  33. S C Sharma, M Krishna & H N NarasimhaMurthy, R Tarachandra, M Satyamoorthy, D Bhattacharyya Study of corrosive-erosive wear behaviour of Al6061/albite composites, Matt Sci. & Engg, A, Vol 425 (2006) pp.305-311

  34. S. C Sharma, R.Algood, A A Syed, A V Rajulu & M Krishna Compression properties of E-glass / Polyurethane Composites Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, vol.25 (14), (2006) pp. 1445-1447

  35. S C Sharma, M Krishna & D Bhattacharyya Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Flyash Reinforced ZA-27 alloy Based Metal Matrix Composites International Journal of Modern Physics B, vol.20, (2006) pp-4703-4708.

  36. S C Sharma, Narayanappa, M Krishna, H N Murthy, Numerical Study of Functionally graded Materials” Adv. Mat. Research, vol. 29 (2007) pp.311-314

  37. S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N Murthy, Corrosive-erosive Wear Studies of Al6061/Albite Composites, Mat Science Forum, vol.339-349(2007), pp.751-755.

  38. N Shanmukha, M Krishna Microstructure Analysis of cold worked holes Materials Science Forum, vol.339-349(2007), pp.2222-2227.

  39. S. C. Sharma, T.S. Sheshadri, M. Krishna, H. N. Narashima Murthy, Jeena Jose, “Influence of Solvents on the MWCNT/Adhesive Grade Epoxy Nanocomposite Preparation”, J of Rein Plastics & Composites, vol. 28 (22), (2009), pp.2805-12

  40. Jeena J.K, H.N Narasimha Murthy, K.S Rai, M. Krishna, Sreejith M, “Effect of Amine functionalization of CNF on Electrical, Thermal and Mechanical properties of epoxy/CNF composites, Polymer Bulletin, vol. 65 (8), (2010), pp.894-861.

  41. Jeena Jose Karippal, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, K. S. Rai, M. Krishna and M. Sreejith, Electrical and thermal properteis of twin-screw extruded Multiwalled carbon nanotube /epoxy composites, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performane, vol.19 (8), (2010), pp. 1143-11149.

  42. Jeena Jose Karippal, H. N Narasimha Murthy, K.S Rai, M Krishna, Sreejith M, “Thermal and Mechanical Characterization of Amine Functionalized MWNT/Epoxy Composites Processed Using Twin Screw Extrusion”, Accepted for publication (in press) in Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2010

  43. Jeena Jose Karippal, H. N Narasimha Murthy, K.S Rai, M Krishna, Sreejith M, “Processing and Characterization of MWCNT/Epoxy and CB/Epoxy Nanocomposites Using Twin Screw Extrusion”,Polymer- Plastics Technology and Engineering. Vol.49, (2010) pp.1207-1213.

  44. Sreejith M, H.N Narasimha Murthy, K.S Rai, M. Krishna, S.C Sharma, Jeena J.K, “Hygrothermic behavior of carbon/vinylester, glass/vinylester, carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy composites”, Iranian Polymer Journal, 19(2), 2010, 89-103

  45. Sham Aan M P, Krishna. M, H N Narasimha Murthy, S K Rai,“Effect of PTMEG on the mechanical and flame retardance behavior of novolac phenolic based CFRP”,Journal of Fibres and Polymers, vol.11 (7) (2010), 1083-1087

  46. Salini K, Krishna M, H N Narasimha Murthy, K S Rai, Satheesh chandran M, “Effect of addition of acrylonitrile-butadiene styrene on mechanical properties of bismaleimide/ carbon composites”, Polymer- Plastics Technology and Engineering, vol. 49 (13), (2010), pp. 1390-1394

  47. B.R. Ramji, H.N Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna,“Analysis of Forces, Roughness, Wear and Temperature in Turning Cast Iron Using Cryotreated Carbide Inserts”, Interl Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2521-2529.

  48. B.R. Ramji, H.N Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna. “ Performance Study Of Cryo Treated hss drills in drilling Cast iron”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2530-2536.

  49. B.R. Ramji, H.N Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna, “Analysis of Roughness and Flank Wear inTurning Gray Cast Iron Using Cryogenically Treated Cutting Tools”, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engg & Tech 2(5): 414-417, 2010.

  50. B.R. Ramji, H.N Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna, “Performance Study of Cryogenically Treated HSS Drills in Drilling Gray Cast Iron Using Orthogonal Array Technique”, Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2(5): 414-417, 2010.

  51. H. N. Narasimha Murthy, M. Sreejith, M. Krishna, S. C. Sharma, T. S. Sheshadri “Seawater Durability of Epoxy/Vinyl Ester Reinforced with Glass/Carbon Composites”, Jof Reinforced Plastics & Comp, vol. 29 (10), 2010, pp.1419-29.

  52. Satheesh Chandran, M Krishna, Salini K, K S Rai and M S Krupasankar, “Effect of molar ratio on cure kinetics and activation energy of modified Bismaleimide resins”, Journal of Engg Research and studies, Vol. 1 (1) (2010) pp.165-177.

  53. S. Mahendra Kumar , Parag A. Deshpande , M. Krishna , M. S. Krupashankara, Giridhar Madras, “Photocatalytic Activity of Microwave, Plasma-Synthesized TiO2 Nanopowder, “Plasma Chem Plasma Process, vol.30 (4) (2010), 461-470,

  54. Gopalakrishna, H.D. Narasimha Murthy, H.N. Krishna, M. Vinod, M.S. Suresh, A.V. Cold expansion of holes and resulting fatigue life enhancement and residual stresses in Al 2024 T3 alloy– An experimental study Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol: 17, Issue: 2, (2010) pp.361-69

  55. C Yuvaraja, K V Sharma, M Krishna, “Effect of Drilling Parameter on Drillability Behaviour of Al/Al2O3 MMCs”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 5(7), (2010) pp.1203-1213

  56. Salini K, Krishna M, K S Rai and Satheesh chandran M, Abs modified bmi resins-effect of abs Content on the performance of the resin And composites, Journal of Engineering Research and Studies, vol. 1(2), (2010), pp.221-229

  57. G S Hegde, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, The analytical study on the optimal ballistic performance using interface theory, Journal of Achievemetns in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 41, issue 1-2,2010, pp. 112-123.

  58. Jeena Jose Karippal, H. N Narasimha Murthy, K.S Rai, M Krishna, Sreejith M, “Study Of Mechanical Properties of Epoxy/Glass/Nanoclay Hybrid Composites”, Journal of Composite Materials, vol. 45 (18), 2011, pp. 1893-1899.

  59. V. T. Bhanu Kiran, M. Krishna, Praveen M., Niranjan Pattar, “Numerical simulation of multilayer hardfacing on low carbon steel”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.1, February 2011

  60. G.R.Rajkumar, M.Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy,.S C Sharma, K.R.Vishnu Mahesh, Effect of low velocity Repeated impacts on Property degradation of Aluminum-glass fiber Laminates, vol. 3 (5) (2011), pp. 4131-4140

  61. L Kodandarama, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, S C Sharma, “Effect of Electro-co-deposition parameters on nickel tungsten carbide composite coating ” International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, vol. 2(4). 2011, pp. 105-113

  62. Harish S K, Ramakanth P Kumar, M Krishna, S C Sharma, Free State way finding strategy based multi-featured atutonomous robot in industry environment, Journal of Engineering Research and Studies, vol. 11, (11), 2011, pp. 92-100

  63. K Prahalada Rao, D P Girish, M Krishna, Madhu B V, Theramal Mismatch stresses in a Metal Matrix Composites- A Finite element analysis, Inernational Jouranl of Engineering and Advanced Technology, vol. 1 (1) , 2011, pp. 45-51

  64. Ganesh. U. L1 Dr.M. Krishna Dr. S. A. Hariprasad Sravani Krishna Rau review on models for generalized Predictive controller CCSEA 2011, CS & IT 02, pp. 418–424, 2011

  65. K. R. Vishnu Mahesh, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, B. E. Kumara Swamy, S. C. Sharma and R. Sridhar, Mechanical, thermal and fire retardation behaviours of nanoclay/vinylester nanocomposites, Frontiers of Materials Science, vol. 5 (4), (2011), pp. 401-411

  66. L Kodandarama1, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, & S C Sharma, Development and Characterisation of Electrocodeposited Nickel based, composites coatings, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol 21 (1), (2012), pp.105-113.

  67. Sridhar R, Narasimha Murthy H N, Niranjan Pattar, Vishnu Mahesh K R & Krishna M, “ Parametric study of twin screw extrusion for dispersing MMT in Vinyl ester using Orthogonal array technique and grey relational analysis, Journal of Composites Part B, vol. 43 (2), (2012), pp.599-608

  68. V. T. Bhanu Kiran, M. Krishna, Praveen M., Niranjan Pattar, “Development & characterization of an electrode deposition procedure for crack-free hardfacing of low carbon steel”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer, UK Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2012

  69. G.R.Rajkumar, M.Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, S C Sharma, “Effect of Low velocity repeated impacts on property degradation of aluminium-glass fiber laminates, Submitted to Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol. 21, (2012) 21:1485–1490

  70. G.R.Rajkumar, M.Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy,.S C Sharma, K.R.Vishnu Mahesh, Investigation of Repeated Low Velocity Impact Behaviour of GFRP /Aluminium and CFRP /Aluminium Laminates, Volume-1, Issue-6, January 2012, pp.50-58

  71. K R Vishnu Mahesh, H N Narasimha Murthy, N Raghavendra, R Sridhar, B E Kumaraswamy, M Krishna, Niranjan Pattar, Ratna Pal, B S Sherigara. “Synthesis and Characterization of Organomodified Na-MMT Using Cation and Anion Surfactants” Frontiers of Chemistry in China, vol. 6(2), (2012);pp.153-158

  72. Ratna Pal, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, M. Sreejith, K. R. Vishnu Mahesh and M. Krishna, Effect of laminate thickness on moisture diffusion of polymer matrix composites in artificial seawater ageing, Frontiers of Materials Science, vol. 6(3) (2012) pp. 225-235

  73. K R Vishnu Mahesh, H N Narasimha Murthy, B E Kumaraswamy, N Raghavendra, R Sridhar, M Krishna, B S Sherigara, The influence of montmorillonite on mechanical, thermal and fire retardation properties of vinylester/glass composites ,, Journal of Composite Materials , August 2012, 46 (18)

  74. R. Sridhar,H.N. Narasimha Murthy, Niranjan Pattar, K.R. Vishnu Mahesh, M. Krishna, Parametricstudy of twinscrewextrusion for dispersingMMT in vinylester using orthogonalarraytechnique and greyrelationalanalysis Composites Part B: Engineering, Volume 43, Issue 2, March 2012, Pages 599–608

  75. Sripathy Mallaiah, Krishna Vinayak Sharma, M Krishna Development and Comparative Studies of Bio-based and Synthetic Fiber Based Sandwich Structures, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-2, Issue-1, March 2012, 332-335

  76. Maruthi B H, K M Narayanappa, M Krishna,Venkatarama Reddy, Modified Disc Model for Over-Speed Burst Margin with Thermal Load and Disc Speed Corrections and Compared with FE Model, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) Volume-1, Issue-1, May 2012, pp.26-31

  77. K. R. Vishnu Mahesh, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, B. E. Kumara Swamy, R. Sridhar, M. Ashok Kumar, N. Raghavendra, G. R. Raj Kumar, M. Krishna and B. S. Sherigara, International Journal of Science Research Volume 01, Issue 01, June 2012, pp. 06-11

  78. Dr. S. A. Hariprasad, Pampapathi, Vijay Singh, Dr. Krishna, Sharath. K, T. D. Shashikala, A Design Approach to Rudder Controller, IJCST Vol. 3, Iss ue 3, July - Sept 2012

  79. K R Vishnu Mahesh, H N Narasimha Murthy, B E Kumara Swamy, R Sridhar, M Krishna, B S Sherigara, Combined Effect of Nanoclay and Fire Retardants on the Thermal Stability and Flammability of Vinylester based NanocompositesFire Technology, Accept for publication

  80. K S Sumana K N Rao M Krishna C S Chandrashekhara Murthy Y V Subba Rao A R Phani, Structural and electrical properties of the microwave irradiated and conventionally annealed TiO2 thin filma derived from sol-gel process” International Journal of Engineering research and Applications, ISSN:2248-9622, Vol2, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2012, pp. 681-686

  81. K.S.Sumana, K.N.Rao, M.Krishna, C.S.Chandrasekhara Murthy, Y.V.Subba Rao, A.R.Phani, “Structural and Electrical Properties of the Microwave Irradiated And Conventionally Annealed TiO2 Thin Films Derived From Sol-Gel Process”, International Journal Of Engineering Research and Applications, ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol.2, Issue 5 (2012) 681-686.

  82. K.S.Sumana, B.M.Nagabhushana, C.Shivakumara, M.Krishna, C.S.Chandrasekhara Murthy, N.Raghavendra, “Photoluminescence studies on ZnO nanopowders synthesized by solution combustion method”, International Journal of Science Research, ISSN 2277-7989, Vol.1, Issue.2 (2012) 83-86.

  83. K.S.Sumana, K.Narasimha Rao, Y.V.Subba Rao, M.Krishna, C.S.Chandrasekhara Murthy, A.R.Phani, U.S.Mallikarjun, K.V.S.Rao, H.K.T.Kumar, “ Effect of rotation speed and time on the surface structure of CeO2 thin films prepared by sol-gel spin coating technique”, International Journal of Science Research, ISSN 2277-7989, Vol.1, Issue.2 (2012) 83-86.

  84. K.S.Sumana, K.N.Rao, M.Krishna, C.S.Chandrasekhara Murthy, Y.V.Subba Rao, A.R.Phani, “Effect of Microwave irradiation and annealing Temperature on the optical and electrical properties of sol-gel synthesized NiTiO3 Thin Films”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics, ISSN 2320-5121, Vol.1, Issue.4 (2013) 162-172

  85. K.S.Sumana, K.N.Rao, M.Krishna, C.S.Chandrasekhara Murthy, M.Passacantando, S. Santucci, A.R.Phani, “Structural Modifications of Sol-Gel derived TiO2 nanostructured films using microwave irradiation”, IEEE International Conference on Nanoscience, Technology and Societal Implications, 2011, Conference Proceedings, Pages 1-6, Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-2035-2, INSPEC Accession Number: 12444331.

  86. Padmashree Anand, H N Narasimha Murthy, R S Kulkarni, E S Dwarakadasa, M Krishna, N Raghavendra, “Experimental Studies on Vataharanaloha – An Ancient aircraft material” submitted to Current Sciences -2013

  87. Padmashree Anand, H N Narasimha Murthy, R S Kulkarni, E S Dwarakadasa, , M Krishna, N Raghavendra. “Experimental Studies on Panchaloha - an Ancient Aircraft Material,submitted to Indian journal of History and Sciences -2013

  88. Padmashree  Anand,H N Narasimha Murthy, R S Kulkarni, E S Dwarakadasa,M Krishna, “Preparation and Characterization of an Ancient Aircraft Material -Vataharanaloha Using PowderMetallurgyTechnique Authors”, Transaction of Indian Institute of Metals, (Under Review, 2013)

  89. G Moorthy, H N Narasimha Murthy, Y Monika, K Sudarshan,O R Nandagopan, Ajith Kumar K, Buckling Response of Underwater Vessels subjected to Hydrostatic and Axial loads, submitted to Indian journal of Marine Sciences.2013

  90. Moorthy G ,Narasimha Murthy H.N, Krishna M, Shiva Kumar M S, Sudarshan G, Nandakumar N O, Ajith Kumar S, Raghavendra N, Buckling Behaviour of Underwater Vessels by Experimental, Numerical and Analytical Approaches, submitted to Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering.2013

  91. Moorthy G , Narasimha Murthy H.N , Krishna M, Raghavendra N, Comparative study of Metallic and Polymer Composite Shells for Underwater Vessels Using FEA, submitted to International journal of ocean system engineering 2013

  92. N Raghavendra, H N Narasimha Murthy, Vishnu Mahesh K R, Sridhar R, M Krishna, S C Sharma, “Organomodification of Indian Bentonite Clay and its influence on Fire Behavior of nanoclay/vinylester composites” Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems. (Accepted for Publication).

  93. N Raghavendra, H N Narasimha Murthy, Vishnu Mahesh K R, Sridhar R,M Krishna, Gangadhar Angadi, Salim Firdosh, S C Sharma, “Mechanical Behavior of Organomodified Indian Bentonite Nanoclay Fibre Reinforced Plastic Nanocomposites” Journal of Frontiers of Materials Science, 2013, 7(4): 396–404

  94. R Sridhar, H N Narasimha Murthy, K R Vishnu Mahesh, M Krishna, Moisture Diffusion through nanoclay/vinylester processed using Twin Screw Extrusion, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology (Accepted and in press)

  95. Roopa T S, H N Narasimha Murthy, K Sudarshan, O R Nandagopan, Ajith Kumar K, Gangadhar Angadi,Mechanical Properties of Vinylester/Glass and Polyester/Glass Composites Fabricated by Resin Transfer Molding and Hand Lay-Up, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology , Accepted for publication (30-Jul-2013), in press

  96. A Bharathish, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, B Anand, C D Madhusudhan, G S Praveena, M Krishna, Characterization of hole circularity and heat affected zone in pulsed CO2 laser drilling of alumina ceramics, Optics & Laser Technology, Vol 53, 22-32, 2013.

  97. Nagesh S, H N Narasimha Murthy, Basvaraj, M Krishna, N Raghavendra,Parametric study of CO2 Laser Drilling of carbon nanopowder/vinylester/glass nanocomposites using Design of Experiments and Grey Relational Analysis, Optics & Laser Technology, Vol 48, 480-488, 2013.

  98. Sham Aan M P, M. Krishna, S K Rai, K. Natarajan, Morphological, Mechanical, Thermal and Flame Retardance Properties of PTMEG Toughened Novolac/Glass Fibre Reinforced Composites" Advances in Polymer Science and Technology: An International Journal 2013; 3(1): 1-6

  99. A. Bharatish, H.N. Narasimha Murthy n , G. Aditya, B. Anand, B.S. Satyanarayana, M. Krishna, “Evaluation of thermal residual stresses in laser drilled alumina ceramics using Micro-Raman spectroscopy and COMSOL Multiphysics” Elsevier Optics & Laser Technology 70 (2015) 76–84.

  100. S. Nagesh, H.N. Narasimha Murthy n , Ratna Pal, M. Krishna, B.S. Satyanarayana, “Influence of nanofillers on the quality of CO2 laser drilling in vinylester/ glass using Orthogonal Array Experiments and Grey Relational Analysis” Elsevier Optics & Laser Technology 69 (2015) 23–33.

  101. Salim Firdosh, H.N. Narasimha Murthy, Ratna Pal, Gangadhar Angadi, N.Raghavendra ,M. Krishna. “Durability of GFRP nanocomposites subjected to hygrothermal ageing” Elsevier Composites: Part B 69 (2015) 443–451.

  102. Bharatish.A, H.N.Narasimha Murthy, B.Anand, B.S.Satyanarayana, Nagaraja.S and Sunil R Y., “Laser Micro Drilling of Thermal Barrier Coatings” Procedia Material Science 5 , Elsevier (2014) 1005 – 1014.

  103. Mohammed Abdul Hammed Devadi, M Krishna, H.N.Narasimha Murthy, B.S.Sathyanarayana, “Statistical Optimisation of Photocatalytic Degradation Methylene blue by Ag-TiO2 Nanoparticles” Procedia Material Science 5 , Elsevier (2014) 612-621.

  104. Moorthy.G., Narasimha Murthy.H.N, ShivKumar Patil, Sudarsan.K, Nandagopan.O.R, Ajith Kumar.K. and Krishna.M. “Buckling Behaviour of Underwater Vessels by Experimental, Numerical and Analytical Approaches” Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (2014) 15-28.

  105. Raghavendra N, Narasimha Murthy.H.N, Vishnu Mahesh.K.R, Sridhar R , Krishna M, “Organomodification of Indian bentonite clay and its influence on fire behavior of nanoclay/vinylester Composites”, Journal Nanoengineering and Nanosystems (2014) 1-11.

  106. T.S. Roopa, H. Narasimha Murthy, K.Sudarshan, O.R.Nandagopan, Ajith Kumar, M.Krishna, Gangadhar Angadi. “Mechanical Properties of Vinylester/Glass and Polyester/Glass Composites Fabricated by Resin Transfer Molding and Hand Lay-Up” Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology (2014) 1-8.

  107. R Sridhar, H.N.Narasimha Murthy, Gangadhar Angadi, N.Raghavendra, Salim Firdosh M. Krishna, “Effect of Nano Clay Addition on The Erosion Wear of Glass/Vinylester Composites Using Taguchi’s Orthogonal Array Technique”, Procedia Material Science 5 , Elsevier (2014) 1174-1181.

  108. R Sridhar, H.N. Narasimha Murthy, B Karthik, K R Vishnu Mahesh, M. Krishna ,Pal Ratna, “Moisture Diffusion Through Nanoclay/Vinylester Processed Using Twin-Screw Extrusion”, Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology (2014),1-9.

  109. Sumana B G, Vidya Sagar H.N, M.Krishna and Rajkumar G R, “Investigation of Burst Pressure on Carbon Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer Metal Tube for High Pressure Applications”, Procedia Material Science 5 , Elsevier (2014)535-539.

  110. G.R Rajkumar, M.Krishna, H.N.Narasimha Murthy, Keshavamurthy Y.C ,J.R Nataraj, “Investigation of Tensile and Bending behaviour of Aluminium based hybrid fiber metal laminates” Procedia Material Science 5 , Elsevier (2014),60-68.

  111. Majagi, S.D., Chandramohan, G., Krishna, M., Optimization of incremental sheet metal forming parameters by design of experiments, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014

  112. A. Bharatish, H.N. Narasimha Murthy n , G. Aditya, B. Anand, B.S. Satyanarayana, M. Krishna, “Evaluation of thermal residual stresses in laser drilled alumina ceramics using Micro-Raman spectroscopy and COMSOL Multiphysics” Elsevier Optics & Laser Technology 70 (2015) 76–84.

  113. S. Nagesh, H.N. Narasimha Murthy n , Ratna Pal, M. Krishna, B.S. Satyanarayana, “Influence of nanofillers on the quality of CO2 laser drilling in vinylester/ glass using Orthogonal Array Experiments and Grey Relational Analysis” Elsevier Optics & Laser Technology 69 (2015) 23–33.

  114. Salim Firdosh, H.N. Narasimha Murthy, Ratna Pal, Gangadhar Angadi, N.Raghavendra ,M. Krishna. “Durability of GFRP nanocomposites subjected to hygrothermal ageing” Elsevier Composites: Part B 69 (2015) 443–451.

  115. Roopa, T.S., Murthy, H.N., Sudarshan, K., Krishna, M., Angadi, G., Mechanical properties of vinylester/glass and polyester/glass composites fabricated by resin transfer molding and hand lay-up, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 2015

  116. Firdosh, S., Narasimha Murthy, H.N., Pal, R. Raghavendra, N., Krishna, M., Durability of GFRP nanocomposites subjected to hygrothermal ageing, 2015 Composite part B: Engineering.

  117. Shivaraj, B.W., Murthy, H.N.N., Krishna, M., Shandilya, S.D., Satyanarayana, B.S., Influence of deposition parameters on structural, morphological and optical properties of ZnO films using robust design approach, 2015 International journal of materials engineering innovation.

  118. Bharatish, A., Narasimha Murthy, H.N., Aditya, G.,Satyanarayana, B.S., Krishna, M., Evaluation of thermal residual stresses in laser drilled alumina ceramics using Micro-Raman spectroscopy and COMSOL Multiphysics, optics and laser technology

  119. Raghavendra, N., Narasimha Murthy, H.N., Vishnu Mahesh, K.R., Sridhar, R., Krishna, M., Organomodification of Indian bentonite clay and its influence on fire behavior of nano clay / vinyl ester composites, proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, Part N: Journal of nanoengineering and nano systems.

  120. Nagesh, S., Narasimha Murthy, H.N., Pal, R., Krishna, M., Satyanarayana, B.S., Influence of nanofillers on the quality of CO2laser drilling in vinyl ester/glass using Orthogonal Array Experiments and Grey Relational Analysis, 2015 optics and laser technology.

  121. Mahesh, K.R.V., Murthy, H.N.N., Swamy, B.E.K., Raghavendra, N., Krishna, M., Organomodified clay and its influence on thermal and fire behaviors of clay/fire retardant/poly vinyl ester composites,2015 Key engineering materials.

  122. Sumana, B.G., Vidya Sagar, H.N., Sharma, K.V., Krishna, M., Numerical analysis of the effect of fiber orientation on hydrostatic buckling behavior of fiber metal composite cylinder, 2015 Journal of reinforced plastics and composites.

  123. Raghavendra, N., Narasimha Murthy, H.N., Firdosh, S. Vishnu Mahesh, K.R., Krishna, M., Moisture diffusion through (hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide - Indian bentonite)/ (vinyl ester) nanocomposites in artificial seawater and demineralized water, 2016 Journal of vinyl and additive technology. 

  124. Raghavendra, N., Narasimha Murthy, H.N., Firdosh, S. Vishnu Mahesh, K.R.V, Krishna, M., Effect of Nano clays on the performance of Mechanical, Thermal and Flammability of Vinylester based nanocomposites,2017 Materials Todays: Proceedings.

  125. Vivek, A., Chavan, A., Wali, S.B., Krishna, M., Sathyanarayana, B.S., Optimisation of spin coating parameters for the preparation of ZnO thin films by Grey-Taguchi method, 2017 International journal of nanomanufacturing.

  126. Manne, B., Bontha, S., Ramesh, M.R., Krishna, M., Balla, V.K., Solid state amorphisation of Mg-Zn-Ca system via mechanical alloying and characterization ,2017 Advanced powder technology.

  127. Mahesh, T.S., Nandeeshaiah, Krishna, M., Statistical Optimization of Process Parameters on Mechanical Properties of Abs/Glass Composites, 2017 Materials Today: Proceedings.

  128. Sathishkumar, S., Suresh, A.V., Nagamadhu, M., Krishna, M., The effect of alkaline treatment on their properties of Jute fiber mat and its vinyl ester composites, 2017 Materials Today: Proceedings.

  129. Bharatish, A., Narasimha Murthy, H.N., Anand, B., Krishna, M., Srihari, P.V., Assessment of drilling characteristics of alumina coated on aluminium using CO2laser, 2017 Measurement: Journal of the international measurement confederation.

  130. Nagesh, S., Narasimha Murthy, H.N., Pal, R., Supreeth Dev, S.D., Krishna, M., Investigation of the effect of nanofillers on the quality of CO2 laser cutting of FRP nanocomposites, 2017 International journal of advanced manufacturing technology.

  131.  Nandini, R., Krishna, M., A.V. Suresh., Narasimha Rao Kolli. Effect of calcination kinetics and microwave sintering parameters on dielectric and piezoelectric properties of (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 ceramics, 2018 Iranian Journal of Material Science and Engineering.

  132. Nandini, R., Krishna, M., Kinetic analysis of isothermal solid-state process for synthesized potassium sodium niobate piezoelectric ceramics, 2018 Materials Today: Proceedings.

  133. Nandini R., Krishna, M., A, V, Suresh., H, N, Narasimha Murthy. Effect of MWCNTs on piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of KNN composites,2018 Materials Science and Engineering- B

        National / International conferences

  1. A quantitative analysis of coefficient of thermal expansion of albite reinforced Al6061 MMCs M.Krishna, S.C.Sharma, A.Ramesh, Presented at 6th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE-6), Tokyo, Japan. October 26-29, 1999,

  2. Oxidation behaviour of Aluminium-Albite Composites at higher temperature, S.C.Sharma, M.Krishna, A.Ramesh, Presented at International Scientific practical conference on “Modern Technology in Aerospace Complex” held at Zhitomir Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ukraine, during September 7-9, 1999.

  3. Predicting Galvanic Corrosion behavior of Hematite/Al6061 Metal Matrix Composites in HCl V.T.Vijayalakshmi, M.Krishna, Jayagopal Uchil, Presented at International Scientific practical conference on “Modern Technology in Aerospace Complex” held at Zhitomir Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ukraine, during September 7-9, 1999.

  4. A study of Stress Corrosion Behavior of LM13/Albite Composites in High Temperature and Pressure Acidic Medium Using Autoclave. V.T.Vijayalakshmi, M.Krishna, A.Ramesh, Jayagopal Uchil, In Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics, held at Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. During March 15-16, 2000.

  5. Flyash Precipitate Reinforced Al-7075 Alloy Composite Materials for Journal Bearing Applications. A.Shashishankara, S.C.Sharma, M.Krishna, C.S.C.Murthy, Presented at In Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics, held at Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. During March 15-16, 2000.

  6. Sliding Behaviour of Garnet Particle Reinforced ZA-27 Alloy Composite Materials. G. Ranganath, S.C.Sharma, M.Krishna, Presented at In Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics, held at Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. During March 15-16, 2000.

  7. Effect of Short Glass Fibers on the Mechanical Properties of Cast Al-7075 Alloy Composites. Paul Vizhian, M.Krishna, Presented at In Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics, held at Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. During March 15-16, 2000.

  8. Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Quartz Particle Reinforced ZA-27 Alloy Composite Material P.V.Krupakara, S.Manjunath, M.Krishna, Jayagopal Uchil, Presented at In Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics, held at Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. During March 15-16, 2000.

  9. The Sliding Wear Behavior of Al-6061-Garnet particulate Composite K.H.Thipperudrappa, S.C.Sharma, M.Krishna, Presented at In Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics, held at Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. During March 15-16, 2000.

  10. Evaluation of sliding wear behaviour of Flyash microsphere reinforced aluminum-7075 alloy composites, A.Shashishankara, S.C.Sharma, M.Krishna, C.S.C.Murthy, Presented at In National Seminar on Bulk Utilization of fly ash (BUFA 2000) at Department of Structural Engg. Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, during March 18-19, 2000

  11. Flyash as reuse material in development of new wear-resistant composites, A.Shashishankar, S.C.Sharma, M.Krishna, Presented at In Proceedings of National symposium on environment, june-5-7, 2000, Focal Theme Pollution in urban environment, Bangalore. Board of Research in Nuclear Science department of Atomic Energy Govt. of India. Pp.292-295.

  12. A study on Stress Corrosion behavior of Al6061/albite composite at higher temperature in acidic medium using Autoclave, V.T.Vijayalakshmi, M.Krishna, A.Ramesh and Jayagopal Uchil, Presented in Advances in Composites, Proceeding of the Third International Conference, 24-26 August 2000, Bangalore, India, pp.501.

  13. A study on Damping Behaviour of Aluminite Particulate Reinforced ZA-27 Alloy Metal Matrix Composites, Shanta Sastry, M.Krishna and Jayagopal Uchil, Presented Advances in Composites, Proceeding of the Third International Conference, 24-26 August 2000, Bangalore, India, pp.510.

  14. Predicting Galvanic Corrosion Rates for ZA-27/Quartz Metal Matrix Composites in NaCl, P.V.Krupakara, S.Manjunath, M.Krishna, and Jayagopal Uchil, Presented Advances in Composites, Proceeding of the Third International Conference, 24-26 August 2000, Bangalore, India, pp.517.

  15. A stud on Sliding Wear Behaviour of Flyash Reinforced Aluminum 7075 Alloy Composites, Shashishankar, M.Krishna, and C.S C Murthy Presented Advances in Composites, Proceeding of the Third International Conference, 24-26 August 2000, Bangalore, India, pp.583

  16. Oxidation behavior of aluminium 6061-hematite particulate MMCs at elevated temperature, S.C.Sharma, M.Krishna, N.Shanmukha, Presented at Second International conference on Processing Materials for Properties, Held in San Francisco, California, November 5-8, 2000, pp-117.

  17. A study on the mechanical behavior of ZA-27 alloy/quartz particulate composites, P.V.Krupakara, S.Manjunath, M.Krishna, Jayagopal Uchil, Presented and published at Second International conference on Processing Materials for Properties, Held in San Francisco, California, November 5-8, 2000, pp-141.

  18. A Case study on corrosion properties of garnet particulate reinforced aluminum composites, V.T. Vijayalakashmi, M.Krishna, Jayagopal Uchil, Presented at Second International conference on Processing Materials for Properties, Held in San Francisco, California, November 5-8, 2000, pp-145.

  19. Elastic behavior of aluminite particulate reinforced ZA-27 alloy metal matrix composites, Shanta Sastry, Jayagopal Uchil, M.Krishna, B.M.Satish, Presented at Second International conference on Processing Materials for Properties, Held in San Francisco, California, November 5-8, 2000, pp-175.

  20. Damping behavior of aluminite particulate reinforced ZA-27 alloy Metal Matrix Composites, Shanta Sastry, M.Krishna, Jayagopal Uchil, Presented and published at Second International conference on Processing Materials for Properties, Held in San Francisco, California, November 5-8, 2000, pp-185.

  21. Study on the Mechanical Properties of Z A-27 Alloy Reinforced With Quartz Particles, P.V.Krupakara, S.C.Sharma, S.Manjunath, M.Krishna, Presented and published at ASM International Materials Solutions- 2000 (October 10-120, 2000) Held in St. Louis, Missouri USA.

  22. Thermal Mismatch Stresses in a Metal Matrix Composites-A Finite Element Analysis, S.C.Sharma, M.Krishna, Presented and published at ASM International Materials Solutions- 2000(October 10-120, 2000), Held in St. Louis, Missouri USA.

  23. A Case Study on Corrosion Properties Of Garnet Particles Reinforced Aluminium Composites, V.T. Vijayalakshmi, M.Krishna, Jayagopal Uchil, Presented and published at ASM International Materials Solutions- 2000(October 10-120, 2000), Held in St. Louis, Missouri USA.

  24. A Study on Damping Behavior of Garnet Particulate Reinforced ZA-27 alloy Metal Matrix Composites, G.Ranganath, S.C.Sharma, M.Krishna, and A. Ramesh, Presented and published at Future Trends in Mechanical Engineering, Proceedings of XVI national convention of mechanical engineers (September 29-30), at Rookee, pp. 08.

  25. Effect of Short Glass Fibers on the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Behaviour of the Al7075 Alloy Composites, Paul Vizhian S., S.C.Sharma, M.Krishna, Presented and published at Future Trends in Mechanical Engineering, Proceedings of XVI national convention of mechanical engineers (September 29-30), at Rookee, pp. 14.

  26. Effect of Thermal Stresses on the thermal expansion and damping behaviour Al6061/albite MMCs, Heat Treat 2001, ASM International Heat Treating Society, Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, Indiana USA, November 5-8, 2001.

  27. Effect of ageing parameter on the microstructure and properties of al6061/albite composites, S.C.Sharma, M.Krishna, H.N.Narasimha murthy, Invited paper held between 1 & 7 July 2001, ICMAT 2001, University of Singapore.

  28. Effect of Thermal Stresses on the thermal expansion and damping behaviour Al6061/albite MMCs, AMPT 01, International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, September 18-21, 2001, Legnes, Madrid, Spain.

  29. Effect of Ageing Parameter on The Microstructure and Properties of Al6061/albite composites, S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, Proceedings 17th National Convention of Mechanical Engineers, Indore, 26-27 November 2001 pp. 121-131.

  30. Effect of Short Glass fiber on the Mechanical Properties and Fracture of the Polyurethane composites. S C Sharma, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, C S C Murthy, Proceedings 17th National Convention of Mechanical Engineers, Indore, 26-27 November 2001 pp. 139-145.

  31. An Internet-Enabled Technology to support Flexible Manufacturing systems, S C Sharma, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, Proceedings 17th National Convention of Mechanical Engineers, Indore, 26-27 November 2001 pp. 664-669.

  32. On-line Shop floor control for a High-tech Medical Equipment Company, Dr. S.C.Sharma, M.Krishna, H.N.Narasimha murthy, A National Conference on recent trends in Manufacturing technology and Management, Hosure 28-29 January 2002. pp.206-214

  33. Some studies on aging behaviour of al6061/albite composites, Dr. S.C.Sharma, M.Krishna, H.N.Narasimha murthy, A National Conference on recent trends in Manufacturing technology and Management at Hosure28-29 January 2002. pp.197-205

  34. Evaluation of mechanical properties of polyurethane-e glass fiber reinforced composites, Dr. S.C.Sharma, M.Krishna, H.N.Narasimha murthy, A National Conference on recent trends in Manufacturing technology and Management at Hosure, 28-29 January 2002. pp.184-196.

  35. Effect of Aging on Oxidation Behavior of magnesium/SiCp Composites at High Temperatures, H N Gayathri, M Krishna, H N Narasimha murthy, Dr C S C Murthy, A National Conference on recent trends in Manufacturing technology and Management at Hosure28-29 January 2002. pp.197-205..

  36. Evaluation of Machining Characteristics of Al7075/E-glass short Fiber composites, Paul Vizhian S, S C Sharma, M Krishna, A Proceedings of National Conference on Processing of Metals at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore Jan31-Feb01, 2002, pp.421-429.

  37. Review of Polyurethane’s in Composites, S C Sharma, H N Narasimha Murthy and M Krishna, National Seminar on Processing, Characterization and Applications of Light Structural Materials for Frontier Sectors, The Indian Institute of Metals Trivandrum Chapter 14-15 February 2002.

  38. Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures of Al/Glass Composites, S C Sharma, A Shashishankar, Paul Vizhian, M Krishna and H N Narasimha murthy, National Seminar on Processing, Characterization and Applications of Light Structural Materials for Frontier Sectors, The Indian Institute of Metals Trivandrum Chapter 14-15 February 2002.

  39. studies on Effect of Residual Thermal Stresses on the Thermal Expansion and Damping Behaviour of Al6061/Albite MMCs, S C Sharma, M Krishna and H N Narasimha Murthy, National Seminar on Processing, Characterization and Applications of Light Structural Materials for Frontier Sectors, The Indian Institute of Metals Trivandrum Chapter 14-15 February 2002.

  40. Corrosion Behaviour on Magnesium/SiC Particulate Metal Matrix Composites, H N Gayathri, Jayagopal Uchil, M Krishna and H N Narasimha Murthy, National Seminar on Processing, Characterization and Applications of Light Structural Materials for Frontier Sectors, The Indian Institute of Metals Trivandrum Chapter 14-15 February 2002.

  41. An Internet-Enabled Technology to support Flexible Manufacturing Systems, S C Sharma, M Krishna, Proceedings of National Conference recent trends in CAD/CAM, Jawaharlar Neharu Technological University, Kakinada 30 March 2002 pp.92-94.

  42. Finite element modeling of 3-D Braided e-glass polyurethane elastomer tubes, S C Sharma, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, C S C Murthy, Proceedings of National Conference recent trends in CAD/CAM, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada 30 March 2002 pp.95-97.

  43. Thermal mismatch stresses in a metal matrix composites-A Finite Element Analysis S C Sharma, A Shashishankar M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, Proceedings of National Conference recent trends in CAD/CAM, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada 30 March 2002 pp.5-7.

  44. A study of the Fatigue behaviour of polyurethane sandwich structures, H N Narasimha Murthy, S C Sharma, M Krishna, Fourth National Symposium of Research Scholars on Metals (NSRS-4, 2002), The Indian Institute of Metals, Chennai Chapter, IIT Madras, Chennai 27-28 September 2002.

  45. Comparative study of curing methods for PU/e-glass elastomers H N Narasimha Murthy, S C Sharma, M Krishna, Fourth National Symposium of Research Scholars on Metals (NSRS-4, 2002), The Indian Institute of Metals, Chennai Chapter, IIT Madras, Chennai 27-28 September 2002.

  46. Influence of Heat treatment on the properties of Al6061/albite composites, M Krishna, S C Sharma, H N Narasimha Murthy Fourth National Symposium of Research Scholars on Metals (NSRS-4, 2002), The Indian Institute of Metals, Chennai Chapter, IIT Madras, Chennai 27-28 September 2002. (ARCI BEST Paper AWARD)

  47. A study on damping behaviour of aluminium/short glass composites, S Paul Vizhian, M Krishna, A Shashishankar, Fourth National Symposium of Research Scholars on Metals (NSRS-4, 2002), The Indian Institute of Metals, Chennai Chapter, IIT Madras, Chennai 27-28 September 2002. (Best presentation award)

  48. Corrosion Characteristics of Magnesium/SiCp Composites in Chloride Environments, H.N.Gayathri, Jayagopal Uchil, M.Krishna, H.N.Narasimha murthy, Fourth National Symposium of Research Scholars on Metals (NSRS-4, 2002), The Indian Institute of Metals, Chennai Chapter, IIT Madras, Chennai 27-28 September 2002.

  49. Transitions In The Sliding Wear Resistance Of Titanium Oxide Particle Reinforced ZA27 Alloy G.Ranganath, Dr. S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N N Murthy, Fourth National Symposium of Research Scholars on Metals (NSRS-4, 2002), The Indian Institute of Metals, Chennai Chapter, IIT Madras, Chennai 27-28 September 2002.

  50. Influence of heat treatment on corrosion properties of an Al/E-glass short fiber composites, Paul Vizhian S, S C Sharma, A Shashishankar, M Krishna, Proceedings - National Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology, Indian Institute of Engineers, Palgot.

  51. Tensile fracture studies of polypropylene/e-glass laminates, Sanjeeva Murthy, S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, First National Conference on Emerging Trends In Engineering, Technology & Management, September 8-9,2003, Adhiamman Engineering College, Hosur, Tamil Nadu.

  52. The effect of fiber content on impact strength of glass fiber/ polypropylene composites, Sanjeeva Murthy, S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, National Conference on Advances In Materials And Their Processing December, 22,23, 2003, BEC, BAGALKOT.

  53. Tensile stress analysis of polypropylene –e glass laminates at different strain rates, Sanjeeva Murthy, S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, National seminar on Recent Advances In Mechanical Engineering, January 16-17, 2004, K.K.Wagh College of Engineering, Nasik, Maharastra.

  54. Analysis of flexural strength of polypropylene e glass laminates at different rate of loading, Sanjeeva Murthy, S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, National Conference on Advances In Mechanical Engineering, February 12-14, 2004, JNNCE, SHIMOGA

  55. Study of Corrosive-Erosive Wear Behaviour Al6061/Albite Composites “Proceedings of International conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, THERMAC’ 2006, Vancouver, Canada

  56. “Microstructure analysis of cold worked holes” in thermec’2006, International Conference on “processing & manufacturing of advanced materials” held at Vancouver, Canada 04-08 July 2006.

  57. Shobha.G, M. Krishna, S C Sharma, Neural Network Approach Towards Analysis and Prediction of Behavioral Patterns of Stock Market, Proceedings of International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics , Hyderabad, India, Vol 2 pg 400- 403 2004.

  58. Shobha.G, M. Krishna, S C Sharma, e-Market Integrator , Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Signal Processing , Beijing China,Vol 3 pg 2612-2615 2004.

  59. Shobha.G, M. Krishna, S C Sharma, Java code generator for a PL/SQL warehouse builder , Proceedings of International Conference on Computers, Controls and Communications, Chennai, India,Vol 1 pg 96- 104 2004.

  60. Shobha.G, M. Krishna, S C Sharma,Self organizing map neural network based data mining with cluster computing in inventory applications, Proceedings of Asia Pacific Conference on parallel and Distributed Computing Technologies ,Vol 1 pg 455-459 2004.

  61. Shobha.G, M. Krishna, S C Sharma, Neural Network Approach For Cluster Computing Database Applications , Proceedings of First World Congress on Lateral Computing, WCLC 2004, Catalog No. 18122004, 2004.

  62. Shobha.G, M. Krishna, S C Sharma, Signature Verification and Forgery Detection , Proceedings of of International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics , Hyderabad, India, Vol 1 pg 637 – 639, 2005.

  63. Shobha.G, M. Krishna, S C Sharma, Mining Association Rules For Large Data Sets , Proceedings of of International Conference on Data Mining , Las Vegas, Nevada, USA-2006.

  64. “Finite element analysis of pre-stressed fastener holes for enhanced fatigue performance for automotive applications” accepted for presentation in the International Conference icamp-4, Advanced materials & processing conference, Department of materials and process Engineering, university of Waikato, Hamilton, New-Zealand to be held December 10-13, 2006.

  65. “Seawater Durability of Vinylester/Glass and Epoxy/Glass Composites for Marine Applications”, Sreejith M, H.N NarasimhaMurthy, M. Krishna, S.C Sharma, Jeena J.K, Proceedings of National Conference: Advances and Contemporaries in Mechanical Engineering- ACME-2008 February 07-08, 2008, Mechanical Engineering Department of Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Thudupathy, Erode, TamilNadu

  66. “Seawater Durability of Epoxy/Vinylester Reinforced with Glass/Carbon Composites”, Sreejith M, H.N Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna, S.C Sharma, Jeena J.K, Communicated to International Journal of Reinforced Plastic

  67. “Hygrothermic Behavior of Carbon/Glass Reinforced Epoxy/Vinylester Composites”, Sreejith M, H.N Narasimha Murthy, K.S Rai, M. Krishna, S.C Sharma, Jeena J.K, International Conference-ISRS-2008, IIT Chennai

  68. “Effect of Hygrothermal aging on the Mechanical Properties of Carbon/Glass fiber Reinforced Epoxy/Vinylester Composites”, Sreejith M, H.N Narasimha Murthy, K.S Rai, M. Krishna, S.C Sharma, Jeena J.K, Communicated to International Journal of Reinforced Plastic.

  69. “Influence of Solvents on the MWCNT/Adhesive Grade Epoxy Nanocomposite Preparation”, H.N Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna, S.C Sharma, Jeena J.K, Accepted for Publication (in Press) in Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites.

  70. “Effective dispersion of MWCNT into Epoxy Encapsulant and the Resulting Electrical and Thermal Conductivities”, Jeena J.K, H.N Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna, S.C Sharma, Sreejith M, Proceedings of National Conference: Advances and Contemporaries in Mechanical Engineering- ACME-2008 February 07-08, 2008, Mechanical Engineering Department of Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Thudupathy, Erode, TamilNadu.

  1. “MWCNT/CNP Dispersed Epoxy Nanocomposite for Enhanced Electrical Conductivity and Thermal Conductivity”, Jeena J.K, H.N Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna, S.C Sharma, Sreejith M, International Conference od Aerospace Scince and Technology (NAL 50- INCAST) June 26-28, 2008, NAL Bangalore

  2. “MWCNT/Carbon black dispersed into Structural Adhesive (Epoxy) Using Twin Screw Extruder for improved Electrical conductivity”, Jeena J.K, H.N Narasimha Murthy, K.S Rai, M. Krishna, S.C Sharma, Sreejith M, International Conference-ISRS-2008, IIT Chennai

  1. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy*, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and B S Sherigara. “Impact and Fire Retardation Studies of vinyl ester/nanoclay/glass nanocomposites for Marine Applications”, [Invited Paper] for The Second International Conference on Polymer processing & Characterization (ICPPC – 2010), Kottayam, Kerala, India, January 15-17, 2010.

  1. Vishnu Mahesh K R, Sridhar R, H N Narasimha Murthy*, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and B S Sherigara. “Effect of Dispersing Nanoclay in to Epoxy Resin For Superior Mechanical Properties and Fire Retardency”, [Invited Paper] for the “International conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Characterization”, (RETMAC-2010), NITK, Surathkal, Karnataka, India. February 14-15, 2010.

  1. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy*, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and B S Sherigara. “Experimental Study on Dispersion of Nanoclay into Vinylester Using Ultrasonication and Twin Screw Extrusion”, [Oral Presentation] for the International Conference On "Convergence Of Science & Engineering In Education And Research, A Global Perspective In The New Millennium"(ICSE-2010), Dayanand College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. April 21-23, 2010.

  1. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy*, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and B S Sherigara.“Comparative Studies on Different grades of Nano Clay for their Fire Retardancy in vinyl ester/glass composites for Naval Applications”, [Oral Presentation] for the National Conference On “Advances in Forming Technologies” (AIFT-2010), R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore. April 15-16, 2010.

  1. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy*, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and B S Sherigara. “Experimental Study on Glass transition Temperature of Different percentages of Nanoclays/Vinylester Composites from Differential Scanning Calorimeter”, [Poster Presentation] National Symposium on “Frontier Areas in Chemical Science and Nanotechnology (NSFACNT-2010)” Organized by Dept. of Industrial Chemistry, Kuvempu University. May 1-2, 2010.

  1. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy*, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and B S Sherigara Effect Of Nanoclay Dispersion On The Mechanical And Fire Retardation Properties Of Vinylester/Carbon Nanocomposites Using Twin Screw Extrusion. (Oral Presentation), November 18-19 2010, SIT,Tumkur.

  1. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy*, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and B S Sherigara “Moisture Diffusion through Nanoclay/vinylester/glass Nanocomposites due to alkaline solution ageing and property degradations” (Accepted for Oral Presentation). International Conference on Composites for 21st Century: Current & Future Trends. January, 4-7, 2011, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

  2. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy*, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and B S Sherigara “Effect of Salt Fog Environment on MMT/vinylester/glass Nanocomposites” (Invited Paper) International Conference on Composites and Nanocomposites (ICCNC-2011)” January, 7-8, 2011 at Mathma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala.

  3. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy*, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and B S Sherigara “Sea Water Durability of MMT/vinylester/glass Nanocomposites due to alkaline solution ageing and property degradations” (Accepted for Oral Presentation). “International Conference on Materials for future (ICMF - 2011)” on 22-23, February, 2011 at Government Engineering College, Trisoor, Kerala


  1. Sridhar R, H N Narasimha Murthy*, M Krishna and Vishnu Mahesh K R “Effect of Nanoclay Dispersion on the Mechanical Properties of Vinylester/Glass/Nanoclay Composites”, [Invited Paper] for The Second International Conference on Polymer processing & Characterization (ICPPC – 2010), Kottayam, Kerala, India, January 15-17, 2010.


  1. Sridhar R1, H N Narasimha Murthy*, M Krishna1, Niranjan Pattar, Manjunath Bhagavathi and Vishnu Mahesh K R , “Comparative Study of Naval Grade Nanoclay Dispersed Vinylester/glass Composites for Mechanical Properties” [Oral Presentation] for the National Conference On “Advances in Forming Technologies” (AIFT-2010), R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore. April 15-16, 2010.


  1. Niranjan Pattar, H N Narasimha Murthy*, Sridhar R, Manjunath B , Vishnu Mahesh K R. “Influence of twin-screw extrusion parameters on the dispersion of Montmorillonite nanoclay in Vinylester matrix”, [Oral Presentation] for the National Conference On “Advances in Forming Technologies” (AIFT-2010), R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore. April 15-16, 2010.


  1. A paper titled “Study of mechanical properties of nickel based composite coatings”, a state level student technical paper presentation competition. Read Me - 2010 Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, organized by FLAMES association of mechanical engineering students, SAHYADRI College of Engineering & Management, Mangalore, held at 6th March 2010.


  1. A paper titled “STUDY OF TENSILE AND SURFACE PROPERTIES OF ELECTRODEPOSITED NICKEL-BASED COMPOSITE COATINGS”. National Conference on Advanced Forming Technology (AFT-2010), organized by department of Mechanical Engineering, R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore & Tumkur University, Tumkur . Sponsored by Naval Research Board, New-Delhi. Held at April 15-16 , 2010


  1. A Paper titled “Effect Of Electro-Co-Deposition Bath Condition On Microhardness And Surface Morphology Of Ni-Wc Composite Coatings”. National level student symposium in mechanical engineering, MECH FUSION-2010, organized by METAL mechanical engineers team for achieving laurels of DON BOSCO institute of technology, Bangalore, held 22nd April 2010 (Best paper award and cash prize for this paper)


  1. Sridhar R, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, Niranjan Pattar, Manjunath Bhagavathi, Vishnu Mahesh K R, “Comparative Study of Naval Grade Nanoclay Dispersed Vinylester/glass Composites for Mechanical Properties” [Oral Presentation] for the National Conference on “Advances in Forming Technologies” (AIFT-2010), R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore. April 15 &16, 2010


  1. Niranjan Pattar, H N Narasimha Murthy, Sridhar R, Manjunath B, Vishnu Mahesh K R. “Influence of twin-screw extrusion parameters on the dispersion of Montmorillonite nanoclay in Vinylester matrix”, [Oral Presentation] for the National Conference On “Advances in Forming Technologies” (AIFT-2010), R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore.April 15 &16, 2010

  2. Presented a paper titled ‘Structural modifications of WO3 thin films deposited by sol-gel spin coating process assisted by microwave irradiation’ at International conference on frontiers in materials science (ICFMS 2012) from 11-13 January 2012 at LIFE, Loyola College, Chennai and won the best paper award

  3. Presented a paper titled ‘Structural, Optical and Dielectric properties of NiTiO3 thin films’ at National Kannada Science Conference from 15-17 September 2012 , SVAK, Dharawar and was bestowed ‘Woman Scientist Award’

  4. Presented a review paper titled ‘Investigations into the electrical properties of metal oxide semiconductors based nanostructures: A Review’ at National Women’s Science Conference, SVAK, Bidar, from 7-9 November, 2012

  5. Presented a poster titled ‘Enhanced gas sensitivity of TiO2, NiO and NiTiO3 nanostructured films prepared by microwave assisted sol-gel process’ at International Conference Cochin Nano 2011 from 14 -17 August , 2011

  6. Presented a poster titled “Effect of rotation speed and time on the surface structure of CeO2 thin films prepared by sol-gel spin coating technique” at International Conference (RAMS 2012), Tumkur University, from 6-8 November 2012

  7. Ramji B.R., H N Narasimha Murthy, ‘Performance Analysis of Cryogenically treated HSS profile cutter by Experimental and FEA’, Proceedings of the fourth international conference on manufacturing science and technology (ICMST 2013), August 3 - 4, 2013, Dubai, UAE.

  8. Moorthy G, Narasimha Murthy H.N, Krishna M, Raghavendra N, Buckling analysis of Grid Stiffened Polymer composite vessels for UUV Application,Aceptedfor presentation in International Workshop for Underwater technology-2013, NIOT, Chennai.

  9. N Raghavendra,Narasimha Murthy H.N, Krishna M “Development of modified Indian Bentonite Clay using cationic exchange process for improvement of D-spacing of Nanoclay” [Poster Presentation] NANO INDIA 2013 International Conference February 19-20, 2013 at CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum, Kerala.

  10. N Raghavendra,Narasimha Murthy H.N, Krishna M “Effect of Cloisite-Na and Cloisite-15a Nano clays to the Matrix of Vinylester/Glass Composites on their Mechanical and Fire Behavior” [Oral Presentation] National Conference on Developments in Composite Materials and Processes 2011  (DCMP-2011), Organized by Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore April 7th to 9th, 2011.

  11. N Raghavendra,Narasimha Murthy H.N, Krishna M “ Development of Organomodified Nanoclay using HDTMA” [Poster Presentation] National Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry held at department of Chemistry, University College of Science, Tumkur University, Tumkur-572103 on 25th February 2012.

  12. N Raghavendra, Narasimha Murthy H.N, Krishna M “Synthesis and Characterization of Indian Bentonite Nanoclay for the superior Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites” [Poster Presentation] National Conference on Impact of Chemical Biology on society (NCICBS-2012) held at the Department of Industrial Chemistry, Kuvempu University, Shankaghatta-577451, ShimogaDist on April 26 & 27, 2012.

        Sponsored Research Projects



Project Title

Funded by




Study of fretting Fatigue behaviour of a titanium alloy for aerospace applications




Microwave assisted Manufacturing process for polymer composites




Use of composites for high speed rotor construction for pulse power applications




Nano Powder Filled Conductive Polymer Composites for Space Applications




Experimental and modeling attempts to Predicting fretting-fatigue life on turbine components




Laser Assisted deposition of coatings for anti-wear characteristics of Turbine blades





A Study of Glass & SiC Short Fibre Reinforced Al 6061 Hybrid Composites







Preparation & Characterization of E-Glass Fibre Reinforced Polyurethane composites






Development of aluminum foam for structural applications




Development of particulate reinforced Aluminum MMCs with superior thermal properties for space applications




Preparation & Property Evaluation of Beryllium Based MMCs for Lightweight and high strength Structural applications




Design and Development of Polymer composite Structures for unmanned under water vehicles




ASIC control for AC servo motor drive for military applications




Laser Assisted Disposition of thermal barrier coatings for space shuttle applications




Laser Assisted Deposition of Coatings for Anti-Wear Characteristics of Turbine Blades




Study of Polyimide Composites for Aerospace Applications





Design & Development of Controller Working on 1553B Digital Bus in Various Modes for Military Applications




Local Short-Term Prediction of Wind Speed - A Neural Network Analysis





Development of Functionally Graded Materials for Light Weight Applications






Laser Assisted Disposition (LAD) of Thermal Barrier Coatings for Space Shuttle Applications





Effect of processing on properties of polymer composites by microwave curing





Design & Development of Dielectric Lens Based Active Smart Array Antenna for Surface Communication of Underwater Vehicles




Design and Development of Compact Universal Controller for Rudder Actuation System of Autonomous Vehicle using DSP & FPGA




Development of SiC Particulate Reinforced MMCs for Aeronautical Applications




Development & Characterization of Al.Quartz Composites for Elect iconic panels




Study of Cold Hole Expansion Process & Evaluation of Fatigue Properties




Dn. Fabric.& characterization of thin walled Al. alloy casting using gravity die-casting for man portable radar




Experimental studies on RADOM Structural Materials




Design and Fabrication of polymer Composite Antenna Cabin Structure




Study on Fretting Fatigue Behaviour of a Titanium Alloy for Aerospace applications




Thermomechanical Analysis of Solar Panel




Development of Mg. SiC MMICs for Electronic Panels




Studies on the Effect of Weather, Marine, Environment and UV Carbon Fiber-Amide Composite




Charcterisation of Aluminum based Metal Matrix composites with higher percentage of SiC reinforcement for electronic packaging applications




Preparation and characterization of Fire retardant grade nano clay dispersed FRP composites for marine structures




Fabrication and characterization of fiber metal laminates for gun barrel application using filament winding method




Characterization of tribo-corrosive properties of WC-NI Based hard coating produced by electro-Deposition




Development and Characterization of Nano metallic magnets for naval applications




Sea water durability, Drilability, laser drilling and buckling studies of the PMCs for UUV structural applications




Processing and Mechanical, electrical and thermal properties characterization of thermosets / nano fillers, composites using Twin screw extrusion




Redesign and fabrication of gasification plant lignite fuel utilization

Ministry of Coal




Characterization of multilayer hardfacing on ferrous alloys




Development of polymer Nanocomposites, Nano coating and Nano structured Magnet




Design of predictive Controller for Ship Navigation




Power Optimization in AD HOC Sensor Networks




Buckling analysis of UUV structure




Laser Drilling of Polymer nano composites




Development of nanomaterials and optically enabled front surface & back contact, tailored, enhanced efficiency amorphous silicon solar cells




Multi-layered thin film sensor for gas turbine engine health monitoring




Hygrothermic characterization of FRP nanocomposites




Synthesis and characterization of organomodified nanoclay




Development of an efficient underwater video compression algorithm for underwater acoustic channel




Laser machining of polymer composites




Particle impact erosion of polymer nanocomposites fabricated by twin screw extrusion




Structural Analysis and Experimental Validation of Underwater Electronics Enclosure for Dunking System





Development of nanomaterial and optically enabled front surface and back contact tailored, enhanced efficiency amorphous silicon solar cells




Synthesis and Characterization of Organo-modified Nanoclay/Thermoset Polymer Nanocomposites




Multilayered Thin Film sensors for Gas Turbine Engine Health Monitoring




Hygrothermal studies on FRP-Nanocomposites




Structural Analysis and Experimental Validation of Underwater Electronics enclosure for Dunking System





Microwave assisted sol-gel synthesis and characterization of metal oxide thin films

AICTE 11.17

       Reviewer Assignments of International Journals

  1. Journal of Material Processing Technology

  2. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and composites

  3. Journal of Alloys and Compounds


       Overseas Assignments

  1. Invited as a Reviewer for a session of Composites materials Science at Japan, 2000

  2. Presented paper at Toront, Canada, 2004

          Honors received

     Sl. No.

    Recognition / Award

    Awarded by


    ARCI BEST Paper award (Paper title: “Influence of Heat treatment on the properties of Al6061/Albite composites”)

    VI National Symposium of Research Scholars on Metals and Materials (NSRS-4, 2002), The Indian Institute of Metals, Chennai Chapter and Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.



    BEST presentation award (Paper title: “A study on damping behaviour of aluminium / short glass composites”)


    Best Faculty Award- 2004

    Department of Mechanical Engineering, R V College of Engineering, Bangalore


    Award of Who’s Who

    Listed in MARQUIS WHO’S WHO in Science and Technology, USA, 2004



    Living Science Award

    Research, Awarded by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2004