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Dr. Nataraj J R

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Associate Professor & Dean Globle Partnerships
Educational Qualification M.E., Ph.D
Experience Teaching: 16 Years
Industry : 2 Years
R&D: 01 Years
Area of Interest Materials Engineering: Nickel
Based alloys, Stainless Steel,
Composite Materials, Advanced
Failure Analysis, Non-Destructive

Date of Joining RVCE


Email ID


Project Guided:

Number of UG projects guided: 07

Number of PG projects guided: 03



National Journals: Nil

National Conference: 03

International Journals: 05

International Conferences: 01

List of National Conference publications:

  1. Synthesis and characterization of newly developed Cr-Free Electrode materials. National Conference on Recent Advances in materials Science, 12-14 Dec 2011 at MSRIT-Bangalore. BEST POSTER AWARD
  2. J.R.Nataraj, Santosh Kumar B, Vivek Vanamane, "welding simulation by FEA for newly developed Cr-Free nickel based welding electrode", National Conference on Recent Advances in materials Science, 12-14 Dec 2011 at MSRIT-Bangalore.
  3. J.R.Nataraj, M.Krishna, V.T.Bhanukiran. "Prediction of Cr-Free nickel based alloy properties using numerical simulation software", National Conference on Advanced Forming Technology (AFT-2010), 15-16 April 2010, at R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore-59

List of International Journals publications:

1. Assessment of Dielectric Characteristics of Fly Ash Ingredients Separated by Triboelectric Process. T Pramod, P. Sampathkumaran, S Seetharamu, J R Nataraj, N C Krishna, RV Journal of Science Technology Engineering Arts and Management, Vol 2, Issue 1, pp 22-28
2. Residual Stress - A Unique Parameter, Nataraj J R, P. Sampathkumaran, S. Seetharamu. An Article in ASM International, Bangalore chapter Newsletter, Issue 3, November 2020. pp 6-8,
3. A Review on Methods Of Preventing Super Cooling In Phase Change Materials (PCMs), Kashyap G Rao, Pavankumar Rasoor, Anjaneya, J R Nataraj and M R Srinivas, Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2317, 020003 (2021).
4. Computational Analysis and Design Improvement of an Industrial Centrifugal Pump with Experimental validation. Dhruva Patil, Dhruv Bhandari, Anjaneya Gorkal, Nataraj J R., Journal of Institution of Engineers, India- Series C, Springer, J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (2020) 101(3):493-506
5. Effect of Beryl Reinforcement in Aluminum 2024 on Mechanical Properties. K. G. Sagar, P. M. Suresh, J. R. Nataraj, Journal of Institution of Engineers, India- Series C, Springer,
6. Performance studies of custom continuously variable transmission for all-terrain vehicle applications. Shreyas Sastry V. M., S. Dore, Nataraj J. R., Ravindra S. Kulkarani. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC), Volume 13, Issue 6, June 2018, Pp 1651 – 1664.
7. Development of Silver Doped Titanium Oxide Thin films for Gas Sensor Applications. J.R.Nataraj, Praveen Y.Bagali, M.Krishna, M.N.Vijayakumar. Materials Today Proceedings, Volume 5, Issue 4, Part 3, 2018, Pp 10670-10680
8. Casting Simulation of Counter weight component. Kiran, Nataraj J R, Gangadhar. T.G. International e-Journal for Technology and Research, Vol 1, Issue 5, May 2017.
9. Design and Development of Single cavity Injection Moulding Tool for Plastic Cover Plate of Electronic Display Meters, Jagdish M .S., Nataraj J R, Gangadhar. T.G. International e-Journal for Technology and Research, Vol 1, Issue 5,  2017.
10. Design of HDPC Die for automotive vane Pump component. Umesh Kumar B, Nataraj J R, Gangadhar. T.G. International e-Journal for Technology and Research, Vol 1, Issue 5, 2017.
11. Optimization of Fixture for machining crankshaft by Dynamic Balancing and selection of work clamping system. K.Mohammad Farhan, Nataraj J R, Gangadhar. T.G. International e-Journal for Technology and Research, Vol 1, Issue 5, 2017.
12. Performance Studies of Sustainable Solar Dryer for Drying Agricultural Products. Nachiketh Ramesh, Moshin Paschapure, Nikhil Nippanikar, Sarvesh Karigoudar, Dr. J.R.Nataraj, Dr. K. Badarinarayana, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(45),  2016.
13. Ananda Kumar M.G, Nataraj J R, Seetharamu S, Jagannath Nayak. A Study on the Mechanical Behavior of Microwave Sintered Aluminum Cenosphere based Syntactic Foams, The Journal of Central Power Research Institute, Vol. 12, No.2, 2016, pp. 395-408.
14. Manjunatha, Nataraj J R, Design and Analysis of Impeller Blade For Axial Flow Pumps, International Journal of Engineering Researches and Management Studies, (IJERMS) Volume 2 Issue 5, May 2015, ISSN: 2394-7659, Impact Factor: 2.187 (PIF)
15. S. K. Harish, Nataraj J.R, and R. Chandra Kumar “Characterization of TiAlN and TiN Coating on High Speed steel using Ion Beam and Cathodic Arc Deposition Techniques”, , International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering Vol.1, No.3, 2013.
16. Nataraj J.R, G.R. Rajkumar, M. Krishna, H. N. Narasimhamurthy, Keshavamurthy Y.C,. “Investigation of Tensile and Bending Behavior of Aluminum based hybrid fiber metal laminates”, Prodedia Materials Science 5 (2014) PP 60-68.
17. J.R. Nataraj, M. Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, C. S. Prasad, V. T. Bhanukiran , , S C Sharma, “Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Chromium Free Nickel Alloy Electrodes Materials” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. Volume 44, Issue 7 2013, PP 3271-3280
18. G.S. HEGDE, J.R. NATARAJ, R. SRIDHAR, “Hegde’s Instability Mechanics (HIM) to Predict Forming Limits in Sheet Metal Forming”, Archives of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering 1/3 (2009) 155-160.

19. J.R. Nataraj, M. Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, C. S. Prasad, V. T. Bhanukiran , , S C Sharma, “An Investigation on Weldability Behvaiour of Cr-Free Nickel Based Electrode With Stainless Steel AISI-304” The welding Journal. American welding Society.
20. J.R.Nataraj, V.T.Bhanukiran, M.Krishna, Satish Kumar, “Development and Characterisation of Electrode Deposition Procedure for Crack-Free Hardfacing of Low Carbon Steel”, IACSIT-International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.4, No.1, February 2012.
21. J.R.Nataraj, M.Krishna, G. Rajkumar, “Finite Element analysis of Dissimilar welding between newly developed Cr-free nickel based welding electrode and stainless steel AISI 304”. IJRET Vol 2, Issue 9, September 2013.
22. Nataraj J R, Vivek Vanamane, Santosh Kumar B “Characterization And Numerical Optimization Of Chromium Free Nickle Alloy Filler-Materials For Dissimilar Welding With SS304 Based On Induced Residual Stress And Distortion”, International Journal Of Engineering Research And Applications (IJEAR), Vol.2, Issue 5, September-October 2012, pp

List of National/ International Conference publications:


1. Joining of Stainless Steel with Novel Filler Material and its Weldability Studies, Nataraj J R, Koushik K, Global Virtual Summit on Advances in Materials, Physics and Chemistry Science, September 11-12, 2020, Conf Title:MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 2020
2. Investigation on Weldability Behaviour of Chromium –Free Nickel Filler with Stainless Steel AISI-304. Nataraj J R,Koushik K, Krishna M, Karthik S.B at 21 st Conference of Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials at September 4-6, 2018, Zürich, Switzerland
3. Design, Impact Simulation Studies and Fabrication of Tubular Chassis of an All-Terrain Vehicle. Nataraj J R, Koushik Kosanam at 5th Annual International Conference on Material Science, Metal and Manufacturing (M3 2018) in Singapore on March 12 - 13 2018.
4. Casting Simulation of Counter weight component. Kiran, Nataraj J R, Gangadhar. T.G. 5th National Conference Tropical Transcend in Mechanical Technology TTMT-17, 10.05.2017, SJB Institute of Technology
5. Design and Development of Single cavity Injection Moulding Tool for Plastic Cover Plate of Electronic Display Meters, Jagdish M .S., Nataraj J R, Gangadhar. T.G. 5th National Conference Tropical Transcend in Mechanical Technology TTMT-17, 10.05.2017, SJB Institute of Technology
6. Design of HDPC Die for automotive vane Pump component. Umesh Kumar B, Nataraj J R, Gangadhar. T.G. 5th National Conference Tropical Transcend in Mechanical Technology TTMT-17, 10.05.2017, SJB Institute of Technology
7. Optimization of Fixture for machining crankshaft by Dynamic Balancing and selection of work clamping system. K.Mohammad Farhan, Nataraj J R, Gangadhar. T.G. 5th National Conference Tropical Transcend in Mechanical Technology TTMT-17, 10.05.2017, SJB Institute of Technology, Bangalore
8. Performance Studies of Sustainable Solar Dryer for Drying Agricultural Products. Nachiketh Ramesh, Moshin Paschapure, Nikhil Nippanikar, Sarvesh Karigoudar, Dr. J.R.Nataraj, Dr. K. Badarinarayana at International Conference On Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, Management and Thermal Sciences-2016, (AMMMT-2016)
September 23-24, 2016, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, India
9. Investigation on Effect of Number of TiO2 layers on structural and optical properties for Gas sensing applications. Praveen Y B, Hameed, Nataraj J R, M. Krishna, B.W.Shivraj, Diwakar S, Conference on Advances in R&D and DIDIS, 25-27 April at R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore.
10. Investigation on Effect of Spin coating process parameters on structural and Optical Properties of TiO2 Thin film, Praveen Y B, Hameed, Nataraj J R, M. Krishna, B.W.Shivraj, Diwakar S, First International Conference on Large Area & Flexible Microelectronics. December 18 -20, 2014, R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore.
11. Performance Studies of sustainable Solar Dryer with Reflector for Drying Fruits and Vegetable. Ravi K, Saddam Hussain, Sarath S, Shalini J, K.Badrinarayana, Nataraj J.R., Conference on Advances in R&D and DIDIS, 25-27 April at R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore.
12. Weldability Studies of Ni-Cu Based welding Electrode with stainless Steel. Onkar Kadam, Raju K.S., Manjunath Hegde, Vikram S, Nataraj J.R., Conference on Advances in R&D and DIDIS, 25-27 April at R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore.
13. Simulation Studies to Obtain Dual Grain structure and Reliving of Induced Residual Stresses in Turbine Disc by Heat Treatment using Deform HT software. Naveen Kumar G Y, Nataraj J. R, K Ramachandra, M.S.Krupashankara.,Conference on Advances in R&D and DIDIS, 25-27 April at R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore.
14. Development and Characterization of A New Nickel Alloy For Sea Water Application: Part-2. J.R.Nataraj, M.Krishna, V.T.Bhanukiran, V. Babu Sathian. International Conference on Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, Management and Thermal Sciences at SIT Tumkur
15. Development And Characterization Of A New Nickel Alloy For Sea Water Application: Part-1.J.R.Nataraj, M.Krishna, V.T.Bhanukiran, V. Babu Sathian. Presented at Conference on Advanced Forming Technology, April-2010, RVCE,Bangalore
16. Development & Characterization Of A Electrode Deposition Procedure For Crack Free Hardfacing Of Low Carbon Steel. V.T.Bhanu Kiran, M.Krishna, J.R.Natraj, S.Sathishkumar, Siddharth Gupta Presented at Conference on Advanced Forming Technology, April-2010, RVCE, Bangalore
17. J.R.Nataraj, Santosh Kumar B, Vivek Vanamane “Characterization and numerical simulation (welding) of new Cr-Free nickel alloy filler materials”, ICRAM -2012, SAS, VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India.
18. J.R.Nataraj, Santosh Kumar B, Vivek Vanamane, Suhas S, “Synthesis and characterization of newly developed Cr-Free Electrode materials”. National Conference on Recent Advances in materials Science, 12-14 Dec 2011 at MSRIT- Bangalore. BEST POSTER AWARD

19. J.R.Nataraj, Santosh Kumar B, Vivek Vanamane, “welding simulation by FEA for newly developed Cr-Free nickel based welding electrode”, National Conference on Recent Advances in materials Science, 12-14 Dec 2011 at MSRIT- Bangalore.
20. J.R.Nataraj, M.Krishna, V.T.Bhanukiran. “Prediction of Cr-Free nickel based alloy properties using numerical simulation software”, National Conference on Advanced Forming Technology (AFT-2010), 15-16 April 2010, at RVCE, Bengaluru
21. Jaganesh G.C, Nataraj J R, M. Krishna, “Development And Characterization Of Novel Ni-Mo-Co Based Electrode Materials For Welding Stainless Steel Welding Applications”, Int.Conf.On Advanced Materials, Manufacturing,Management & Thermal Sciences-2013, May 03-04, Department of Mechanical Engineering & IEM, S.I.T., Tumkur-
03, Karnataka, India
22. “Alternative Fuels for IC Engines”, at Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad.


Title: A Nickel Based Welding Filler Composition For welding a Stainless-Steel Base Metal Application No: 201941034215 A, Date of Filing 26.08.2019 and Publication date 18.10.2019 Status: Request for examination.

Book Chapter

Weldability Studies of Novel Chromium Free Electrodes with Austenitic Grade Stainless Steels. Koushik Kosanam, J. R. Nataraj, New Approaches in Engineering Research Vol. 2, 3 July 2021, Page 46-68,, Published: 2021-07-03

Membership of professional societies:

1. Positions held at American Society of Materials -International.
01 Vice Chairman 2021-23.
02 Secretary 2019-21.
03 Treasurer 2017-19.
04 EC Member 2016-17.

2. Institution of Engineers-Member
3. Institute of Smart Structures and Systems (ISSS) - Life Membership
4. Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE)- Life Membership
5. Society of Automotive Engineers India (SAE India)

Funded/Consultancy/Training Projects:
1. Consultancy 1: Premature Failure analysis of Aluminum Injector Company: Multiple Specialty Steels Ltd, Bangalore. Amount: Rs 1.0 Lakhs

2. Training on: Failure Analysis
Amount: 0.75 Lakhs

3. Prayatna Project Award: Tata Ready Engineering, Tata Technologies Corporate Sponsorship for 2019-20- Rupees
One lakh
Title: Implementation of Force Multiplication Aided Centrifugal Mechanism in Primary Clutch and Double Helix
Ramp in Secondary Clutch of a CVT

4. Consultancy 2: Finite Element Analysis of Turbine and its components. On-going
Company: TOKOL Machine Tools Ltd-Peenya Bangalore.
Amount: 5.5 Lakhs

5. Consultancy 3: Evaluation of Performance and Efficiency of Centrifugal Pump Using CFD. Completed
Company: Process Pumps India Ltd-Peenya Bangalore

6. Consultancy 4: Characterization and Studies on Reclaimed Waste Foundry Sand as Aggregates In Building Product
Company: Bhuwlaka Casting and Forging Pvt Ltd, Kolar
Amount: Rs. 6.3 Lakhs

7. Consultancy 5: Thermal Energy Auditing of Producer Gas and Kiln units of VRPL Company: Bhuwlaka Casting and
Forging Pvt Ltd, Kolar
Amount: Rs. 5.67 Lakhs

8. Consultancy 6: Electrical Energy auditing and Management of BCFL
Company: Bhuwlaka Casting and Forging Pvt Ltd, Kolar
Amount: Rs. 6.19 Lakhs

9. Funded Project-7: Mitigation of hexavalent Chromium during the welding of Stainless by newly developed Cr-free
welding electrode.
Agency: Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST).
Amount: Nine Thousand Rupees

10. Funded Project-8: Development of thin film based TiO2 sensors for sensing CO gas
Agency: TEQIP COE 1.2.1 of RV College of Engineering.
Amount: Rs. 1.5 Lakhs


1. Dr. SARVEPALLI RADHAKRISHNAN AWARD by Nava Parva Foundation (R) for Substantial contributions in the field
of Engineering Education on 28.02.2021
2. Award from the RSST on excellence in Education on -Feb 1st 2009

International collaboration and Teaching Assignments with Universities in Germany:


German University



University of Applied Sciences Wurzburg-Schweinfurt.

  1. Visiting Professor for Business and Engineering Department Courses Taught – Composite Materials: Design, Manufacturing and Application in 2019 and 2021

  2. Student/ Faculty exchange, Coordinating between two universities for cooperation in R&D, Consultancy, Conferences, seminars activities etc.


University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Dortmund, Germany

  1. Conduction of Winter school at RVCE and UASD

  2. Student/ Faculty exchange, Coordinating between two universities for cooperation in R&D, Consultancy, Conferences, seminars activities etc.


Invited Talks


Seminar/Talk Title

Workshop Name



Milestones for a Great Future: Career/Higher Studies

Induction Programme for First Year BE Students

Online Talk at Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Bengaluru on 08.05.2021


Advanced Materials for Automotive and Aerospace Applications

Advanced Materials Technology

Online/05.03.2021/25 students of University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Dortmund, Germany


Changes in Mechanical Engineering Curriculum to meet Future Challenges

Online workshop organized by SKF Bearing, Gothenburg, Sweden

Ms. Elin Liden Director-Global Application Engineer and her Team in Sweden, Germany and India.


Education in India

Invited Talk

Mechanical Department of University of Applied Sciences, Dortmund, Germany on 29.05.2019


Metallography of Weldments

A Two-day workshop on Metallography and Laboratory Practices Organized by ASM (I) Bengaluru Chapter

Karnataka Small scale Industries (KASSIA) Bangalore/ 07-08th Dec 2018/ 50 Industry/Academia


Heat Treatment

“Metallurgy for Non-Metallurgists” Organized by ASM (I) Bengaluru Chapter

Karnataka Small scale Industries (KASSIA) Bangalore/ 11.08.2017/

100 Industry/Academia


Determination and Analysis of Residual Stresses in a Dissimilar Weld Joint by Finite Element Method”

“Advanced Non-Destructive Method to Asses Residual Stress in weldments and other Engineering Components, NDM-A-RS 2014

Sambhram Institute of Technology/01.07.2014/

50 Industry

Faculty Advisor of Team Helios: - Team Helios is All Terrain Vehicle Students Club of RVCE and takes part in SAE BAJA
events in India and USA.

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