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Dr. H N Narasimha Murthy


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Visiting Professor
Educational Qualification B.Sc, B.E, M.E, Ph.D, PGDCM

Teaching: 29 years 

Area of Interest

Design of Underwater vehicle Structures,

Laser Machining,Advanced Polymer nanocomposites

Thin film gas sensors,

Date of Joining RVCE


Project Guided :

Number of UG projects guided: 24

Number of PG projects guided: 70


International Journals: 124

International Conference: 62

List of International Journals publications:

  1. Darshan S, Shivaraj BW, Bharatish A, Krishna M, Narasimha Murthy HN,"Effect of Serrated Endmill Geometry on Machining Responses of Al 2024 Thin- Walled Components, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.43, No.5,(2022) pp.549~558.
  2. P Hadimani, HN Narasimha Murthy, R Mudbidre, G Angadi, Effect of melamine cyanurate on thermal and flame-retardant behaviour of chopped glass fibre reinforced polyphenylene ether/polystyrene/nylon-6. Polymers and Polymer Composites 30, 09673911221093165.
  3. P Gurav, A Bharatish, GR Rajkumar, HNN Murthy-, Optimizing Tribological Performance of Laser-Induced Elliptical Textures on Nickel Aluminum Bronze Surface based on Genetic Algorithm,Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2022, 1-15.
  4. Bharatish Achutarao, Indira Roy, HN Murthy, Srilatha Rao, Karthik Shastry,Corrosion behavior of Graphene reinforced Al-12Si coated 7075 Aluminium alloy , Material Science, Engineering and Applications 2022, 2 (2), 36-48.

  5. A Bharatish, GR Rajkumar, Pavankumar Gurav, G Satheesh Babu, HN Narasimha Murthy, Manish Roy, Optimization of laser texture geometry and resulting functionality of nickel aluminium bronze for landing gear applications, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture – 2021, 4 (3), 346-357.

  6. Prakash Hadimani, HN Narasimha Murthy, Rajalakshmi Mudbidre, Thermal and mechanical properties of glass fibre reinforced polyphenylene ether/polystyrene/nylon-6 ternary blends, Polymers and Polymer Composites – 2021, 29 (7), 1075-1088

  7. Roopa T S, H N Narasimha Murthy, Pradeep P, Prasanna Badiger, Swapnil Savarn, Utsav Majumdar, Gangadhar Angadi, Development of Poly (vinylidene fluoride)/Silver nanoparticle Electrospun Nanofiber mats for Energy Harvesting, Polymers and Polymer Composites-2021,

  8. R Girish Kumar, HN Narasimha Murthy, B Anand, Syed Jabiulla, Parametric Study of Laser Welding on Polyamide using Design of Experiments, Journal of Physics: Conference Series-2021, 195 (1), 012042.

  9. V Mamtha, HN Narasimha Murthy, V Pujith Raj, Prashantha Tejas, CS Puneet, Achyutha Venugopal, Sham AanMankunipoyil, C Manjunatha, Electrospun PU/MgO/Ag Nanofibers for Antibacterial Activity and Flame Retardency, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal – 2021, 0887302X211009479.

  10. TS Roopa, HN Narasimha Murthy, DVN Harish, Anjana Jain, Gangadhar Angadi, Properties of PVDF films stretched in machine direction, Polymers and Polymer Composites-2021, 29 (3), 198-206.

  11. V. Amith, R Sridhar, Gangadhar Angadi, HN Narashima Murthy, Recent Advancement in Electrospun nanofibrous mats with emphasis on their applications, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering -2021, 1065 (1), 012008.

  12. DVN Harish, A Bharatish, HN Narasimha Murthy, B Anand, KN Subramanya, Investigation of thermal residual stresses during laser ablation of tantalum carbide coated graphite substrates using micro-Raman spectroscopy and COMSOL Multiphysics, Ceramics International- 2021, 47 (3), 3498-3513.

  13. Sandhyarani Pailoor, HN Narasimha Murthy, TN Sreenivasa, Drilling of in-line compression molded jute/polypropylene composites, Journal of Natural Fibers-2021, 18 (1), 91-104.

  14. DVN Harish, A Bharatish, Sanketh G Ghate, HN Narasimha Murthy, B Anand, Experimental and numerical investigation of nanosecond laser ablation of tantalum carbide coated graphite substrates, AIP Conference Proceedings-2020, 2274 (1), 030046.

  15. Gangadhar Angadi, H N Narasimha Murthy, Sridhar R, Salim Firdosh, Roopa T S, “Study of Mechanical and Moisture Absorption Behavior of Epoxy / Cloisite-15A Nanocomposites Processed Using Twin Screw Extruder”. International Polymer Processing – 2020, 35(3), 242-265.

  16. P. Hadimani, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, R. Mudbidre, “Processing and Characterization of Polyphenylene Ether/Polystyrene/Nylon-6 Ternary Blends” International Polymer Processing-2020, Vol. 35, No. 2 : PP 169-183.

  17. Subhash R Patil, H N Narasimha Murthy, Viketh Yandigeri, Ramanraj, Basavaraj Meti, Gangadhar Angadi, D V N Harish, “Study of Vibration Behavior of stiffened Polymer Composite Shells for Under Structural Applications”, Defense Science Journal-2020, 70(3):342-350.

  18. Roopa T S, H N Narasimha Murthy, D V N Harish, Anjana Jain, Gangadhar Angadi “Properties of PVDF films stretched in Machine direction”, Polymers and Polymer Composites - 2020 DOI: 10.1177/0967391120910592.

  19. Aritakula Venugopal Rao, Bangalore Srinivasamurthy Suresh, Hebbale Narayanarao Narasimha Murthy, Munishamaiah Krishna, Hirehally Mahadevappa Somashekar, Experimental Studies on Wear Resistance & Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Hybrid Composites (LM25/Al 2 O 3/Graphite), American Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 2020, 4(1), 1-11.

  20. DVN Harish, A Bharatish, HN Narasimha Murthy, KN Subramanya, Simultaneous optimization of Nanosecond Laser ablation and frictional characteristics of Tantalum Carbide coated graphite substrates, Optik - 2020, 164557.

  21. Amith, R Sridhar, Gangadhar Angadi, Narasimha Murthy HN. Comprehensive Review Summarizing the Effect of Electrospinning Parameters and Potential Applications of Nanofibers. Journal of Nanoscience Nanoengineering and Applications-2019, 9(3), 1-6

  22. Roopa T S, Narasimha Murthy H N, Swathi H S, Gangadhar Angadi, Harish D V N, Synthesis and Characterization of spin coated Clay / PVDF Thin Films, Bulletin of Materials Sci-2019, 42 (1), 1-15

  23. DVN Harish, A Bharatish, HN Narasimha Murthy, B Anand, Lingappa Rangaraj, Evaluation of nanosecond laser ablation and scratch resistance of tantalum carbide coated graphite substrates, Ceramics International, 2019, 45(17), 22578-22588

  24. A Bharatish, PV Srihari, Ashishkumar Panchal, HN Narasimhamurthy, Analysis of Fir Tree Root of Aero-engine Disc Assembly for Simultaneous Optimization of Fretting Characteristics, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, 2019, 100(6), 859-868

  25. A Bharatish, B Kishore Kumar, R Rajath, HN Narasimha Murthy, Investigation of effect of CO2 laser parameters on drilling characteristics of rocks encountered during mining, Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences, 2019, 31(4), 395-401

  26. K Shanthala, TN Sreenivasa, HN Narasimha Murthy, Shantharam Dond, Hitesh Choudhury, Archana Sharma, Joining of tubular steel–steel by unconventional magnetic pulse force: environmentally friendly technology, Bulletin of Materials Science, 2019, 426, 260.

  27. Sandhyarani Pailoor, HN Narasimha Murthy, TN Sreenivasa, Drilling of In-Line Compression Molded Jute/Polypropylene Composites, Journal of Natural Fibers, 2019, 1-14260.

  28. RM Kulkarni, HN Narasimha Murthy, GB Rudrakshi, M Prathap, Parametric Study of Twin Screw Extrusion for Processing Epoxy/Carbon Black Nanocomposites Using Orthogonal Array Technique, Journal of Polymer & Composites, 2019, 1(2), 15-26.

  29. RM Kulkarni, HN Narasimha Murthy, GB Rudrakshi, V Amith, Taguchi Analysis of the Thrust Force and Delamination in Drilling of Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy/Clay Nanocomposites, Journal of Polymer & Composites, 2019, 2(2), 14-23.

  30. Sandhyarani Pailoor, HN Narasimha Murthy, TN Sreenivasa, Drilling of in-line compression molded jute/polypropylene composites, Journal of Natural Fibers-2021, 18 (1), 91-104

  31. Gangadhar Angadi, H N Narasimha Murthy, Sridhar R, N Raghavendra, Salim Firdosh, Simulation of Epoxy/Cloisite-15A Multifunctional Nanocomposites using Twin Screw Extruders, Materials Today: Proceedings-2018, 5(10), 21127-21134.

  32. Amith.V, Sridhar.R, Gangadhar Angadi, Narashima Murthy H N, Synthesis and Characterization of Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) Nanofibrous Thin Films, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 012139 DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012139

  33. Amith V, Sridhar R, Gangadhar Angadi, Mamatha V, Vishnumurthy K A, Narasimha Murthy H N, Prajwal D, Development of Electrospinning System for Synthesis of Polyvinylpyrrolidone Thin Films for Sensor Applications. Materials Today: Proceedings-2018, 5(10), 20920–20926.

  34. Salim Firdosh, H N Narasimha Murthy, Gangadhar Angadi, N Raghavendra, Investigation of water absorption characteristics of Nano gelcoat for marine application, Progress in Organic Coatings-2018, 114, 173-187.

  35. TS Roopa, HN Narasimha Murthy, VV Praveen Kumar, M Krishna. Development and Characterization of PVDF Thin Films for pressure sensors, Materials Today: Proceedings-2018, 5(10), 21082-21090.

  36. Mamtha Venkatram, Hebbale Narayana Rao Narasimha Murthy, Anand Gaikwad, Sham Aan Mankunipoyil, Sridhar Ramakrishna, Phani Ayalasomayajula Ratna, Antibacterial and Flame Retardant Properties of Ag-MgO/Nylon 6 Electrospun Nanofibers for Protective Applications, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 2018, 36(4), 296-309

  37. V Mamtha, HN Narasimha Murthy, Pramod Authade, R Sridhar, Study of Electrospun fiber diameter using ANSOFT and ANSYS, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2018, 5(10), 21529-21537.

  38. Sachin S Bharadwaj, BW Shivaraj, HN Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, Manjush Ganiger, Mohd Idris, Pundaleek Anawal, Vitthal Sangappa Angadi, Synthesis and Characterization of Copper Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films for CO Gas Sensing, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2018, 5(10), 20904-20911

  39. RS Tondare, BW Shivaraj, HN Narasimhamurthy, M Krishna ,”Effect of deposition time on structural, electrical and optical properties of Aluminium doped ZnO thin films by RF magnetron sputtering”, Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (1),2018, 2710-2715. Elsevier Publications.

  40. Gangadhar Angadi, Hebbale NarayanaRao Narasimha Murthy*, Sridhar Ramakrishna, Salim Firdosh, Raghavendra Nagappa, Krishna Munishamaiah,"Effect of screw configuration on the dispersion of nanofillers in thermoset polymers" Journal of Polymer Engineering 2017; 37(8): 815–825
  41. Vivek.A , Shivaraj B.W, Akshay Chavan, H N Narashima Murthy, M Krishna, B S Satyanarayana "Optimization of Spin Coating Parameters for Preparation of ZnO Thin Films by Grey-Taguchi Method". International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2017, 197-209
  42. Goribidanur Rangappa Rajkumar, Munishamaih Krishna, Hebbale Narayanrao Narasimhamurthy, Yalanabhalli Channegowda Keshavamurthy,”Statistical Investigation of the Effect of Process Parameters on the Shear Strength of Metal Adhesive Joints”, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C,vol 98,2017,335-342.
  43. S Nagesh, HN Narasimha Murthy, Ratna Pal, SD Supreeth Dev, M Krishna, “Investigation of the effect of nanofillers on the quality of CO2 laser cutting of FRP nanocomposites”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,vol 90,2017,2047-2061.

  44. A Bharatish, HN Narasimha Murthy, B Anand, KN Subramanya, M Krishna, PV Srihari, “Assessment of drilling characteristics of alumina coated on aluminium using CO 2 laser”,Journal of Measurement,vol100,2017,164-175.

  45. N Raghavendra, HN Narasimha Murthy, Salim Firdosh, R Sridhar, Gangadhar Angadi, KR Vishnu Mahesh, M Krishna “Combined influence of organo-modified Indian bentonite nanoclay and fire retardants on thermal and fire behavior of vinylester”, Journal of Nanomaterials, Nanoengineering and Nanosystems,vol 231,2017,34-42.

  46. N Raghavendra, HN Narasimha Murthy, Salim Firdosh, R Sridhar, Gangadhar Angadi, KR Vishnu Mahesh, M Krishna, Moisture diffusion through (hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide Indian bentonite)/(vinylester) nanocomposites in artificial seawater and demineralized water”, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, vol 22,4,2016,441-451.

  47. N.Raghavendra,H. N. Narasimha Murthy, Salim Firdosh, R. Sridhar,Gangadhar Angadi, K. R. Vishnu Mahesh, M Krishna, “Moisture Diffusion Through (Hexadecyltrimethylammonium Bromide – Indian Bentonite)/(vinylester) Nanocomposites in Artificial Seawater and Demineralized Water” Sage Publications, DOI 10.1002/vnl.21463.

  48. Nagesh S, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, Influence of nanofillers on the quality of CO2 laser cutting in vinylester/glass using Orthogonal Array Technique and Grey Relational Analysis, Optics and Laser Technology,2015 69,23-33.
  49. Bharathish A, Narasimha Murthy H N, Anand B, B S Satyanarayana, M Krishna ,Evaluation of thermal residual stresses in laser drilled alumina ceramics using Micro-Raman spectroscopy and COMSOL Multiphysics, Optics & Laser Technology 70,2015, 76-84
  50. B.W. Shivaraj, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna, B.S.Satyanarayana, B. M. Nagabhushana,  Influence of deposition parameters on structural, morphological and optical properties of ZnO films using Robust Design Approach,  International journal for material Engineering Innovation, 2015,6(2-3)154-169.
  51. Akshay Chavan , B.W. Shivaraj, H .N. Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna, B.S.Satyanarayana, “Parametric Study of sol gel technique for fabricating ZnO Thin Films”, Procedia Materials Science, 2015, 10 , 270-278.
  52. B.W. Shivaraj, H .N. Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna, B.S.Satyanarayana, “Effect of Annealing Temperature on Structural and Optical properties”,Procedia Materials Science, 10 ( 2015 ) 292 – 300.
  53. N Raghavendra, H N Narasimha Murthy, Vishnu Mahesh K R, Sridhar R, M Krishna, Gangadhar Angadi, Salim Firdosh, “Influence of organomodified Indian bentonite nanoclay and Fire Retardants on Thermal and Fire Behaviour of vinylester based nanocomposites”, Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems (Accepted for publication), (in print), 2015.
  54. Salim Firdosh, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, Ratna Pal, Gangadhar Angadi, N. Raghavendra, M. Krishna, “Durability of GFRP Nanocomposites Subjected to Hygrothermal Ageing”, (Accepted for publication), Composite Part B, Elsevier – 69 (2015), 443–451.
  55. Bharathish A, Narasimha Murthy H N, Aditya G, Anand B, B S  Satyanarayana, M Krishna, Evaluation of Thermal Residual stresses in Laser drilled Alumina ceramics using micro-Raman Spectroscopy and COMSOL Multi physics,  Optics & Laser Technology,  Elsevier, 2015,28 (2) 66-72.
  56. N Raghavendra, H N Narasimha Murthy, Vishnu Mahesh K R, Sridhar R, M Krishna, S C Sharma, Organomodification of Indian Bentonite Clay and its influence on Fire Behavior of nanoclay/vinylester composites’, Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, 2015, 229 (2), 55-65.
  57. N Raghavendra, H.N. Narasimha Murthy, Vishnu Mahesh K R, Sridhar R, M Krishna, Gangadhar Angadi, Salim Firdosh, “Moisture Barrier Properties of HDTMABr-IB/vinylester nanocomposites, Journal of Vinyl Additive (DOI: 10.1002/vnl.21463). Online ISSN: 1548-0585.
  58. G Moorthy, H N Narasimha Murthy, Y Monika, K Sudarshan, O R Nandagopan, Ajith Kumar K, Buckling Response of Underwater Vessels subjected to Hydrostatic and Axial loads,  Indian journal of Marine Sciences, 11, 2014, 84-96.
  59. Moorthy G ,Narasimha Murthy H.N, Krishna M, Shiva Kumar M S, Sudarshan G,  Nandakumar N O, Ajith Kumar S,  Raghavendra N, Buckling Behaviour of Underwater Vessels by Experimental, Numerical and Analytical Approaches, Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, 2014,11,15-28.
  60. R Sridhar, H N Narasimha Murthy, K R Vishnu Mahesh, M Krishna, Moisture Diffusion through nanoclay/vinylester processed using Twin Screw Extrusion, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, DOI 10.1002/vnl.21367, 2014.
  61. N Raghavendra, H N Narasimha Murthy, Vishnu Mahesh K R, Sridhar R,M Krishna, Gangadhar Angadi, Salim Firdosh, S C Sharma, ‘Mechanical Behavior of Organomodified Indian Bentonite Nanoclay Fibre Reinforced Plastic Nanocomposites’ Journal of Frontiers of Materials Science, 2013, 7(4): 396–404, DOI 10.1007/s11 706-013-0224-6.
  62. Roopa T S, H. N Narasimha Murthy, K Sudarshan, O R Nandagopan, Ajith Kumar K, Gangadhar Angadi, Mechanical Properties of Vinylester/Glass and Polyester/Glass Composites Fabricated by Resin Transfer Molding and Hand Lay-Up, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology , DOI 10.1002/vnl.21393, 2014.
  63. Ratna Pal, H N Narasimha Murthy, M, K R Vishnu Mahesh, K S Rai, M Krishna, S C Sharma, Influence of Organo Modified Nanoclay on the Mechanical Behaviour of Vinyl Ester/Glass nanocomposites, International Journal of Chem Tech Research, .2014, 6, 916-928,
  64. R.M. Kulkarni, H.N. Narasimha Murthy, G. B. Rudrakshi,  M. Prathap,  Parametric study of twin screw extrusion for processing epoxy/carbon black nanocomposites using orthogonal array technique, Journal Of Polymer Composites, 2013, 2 ;15-24
  65. R.M. Kulkarni, H.N. Narasimha Murthy, G. B. Rudrakshi,  M. Prathap,  Parametric study of twin screw extrusion for processing epoxy/carbon black nanocomposites using orthogonal array technique, Journal Of Polymer Composites, 2013, 2 15-24.
  66. R.M. Kulkarni, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, G.B. Rudrakshi ‘Study of Drilling Parameters in Drilling of Glass Fiber Reinforced Nanocomposites’, (under review), International Journal on Advanced Materials and Technologies (IREAMT), 2014.
  67. B W Shivaraj, H. N. Narasimha Murthy,  M Krishna, S C Sharma., Investigation of Influence of Spin Coating Parameters on the Morphology of ZnO Thin Films by Taguchi Method,  International Journal of Thin Films Science and Technology , 2013, 2, 143-154, .
  68. A Bharathish, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, B Anand, C D Madhusudhan, G S Praveena, M Krishna, Characterization of hole circularity and heat affected zone in pulsed CO2 laser drilling of alumina ceramics, Optics & Laser Technology,  Elsevier, 2013, 53, 22-32, .
  69. Nagesh S, H N Narasimha Murthy, Basvaraj, M Krishna, N Raghavendra, Parametric study of CO2 Laser Drilling of carbon nanopowder/vinylester/glass nanocomposites using Design of Experiments and Grey Relational Analysis, Optics & Laser Technology, Elsevier, 2013. 48, 480-488.
  70. G.R. Rajkumar, M. Krishna, H.N. Narasimha Murthy, S.C. Sharma, N. Raghavendra,  Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Based Hybrid Fiber Metal Laminates, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies ,2, Issue II, 2013
  71. J.R. Nataraj, M. Krishna, H.N. Narasimha Murthy, C.S. Prasad, V.T. Bhanukiran, and S.C. SHARMA, ‘Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Chromium-Free Nickel Alloy Electrode Materials, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, ISSN 1073-5623, DOI 10.1007/s11661-013-1679-x, 2013
  72. K. R. Vishnu Mahesh, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, Kumara Swamy, R. Sridhar, M. Ashok Kumar, N. Raghavendra, G. R. Raj Kumar, M. Krishna and B. S. Sherigara, Effect of Alkaline Environment on the Properties of Nanoclay/Vinylester/Glass Nanocomposites, International Journal of Science Research, Volume 01, Issue 01, June 2012,  06-11.
  73. K. R. Vishnu Mahesh, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, B. E. Kumara Swamy, S. C. Sharma, R. Sridhar, Niranjan Pattar, M. Krishna, And B. S. Sherigara, Mechanical, thermal and fire retardation behaviours of nanoclay/vinylester nanocomposites, Front. Mater. Sci. 2011, 5(4): 401–411, DOI 10.1007/s11706-011-0149-x.
  74. K R Vishnu Mahesh, H N Narasimha Murthy, B E Kumaraswamy, R Sridhar, M Krishna, B S Sherigara, Influence of Addition of Montmorillonite to the Matrix of vinylester/glass composites on their Mechanical, Thermal and Fire Retardation properties, Journal of Composite Materials, JCM-11-0646.
  75. K. R. Vishnu Mahesh, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, Kumaraswamy, N. Raghavendra, R. Sridhar, M. Krishna, Niranjan Pattar, Ratna Pal And B.S. Sherigara, Synthesis and characterization of organomodified Na-MMT using cation and anion surfactants, Front. Chem. China, 2011, 6(2): 153–158, DOI 10.1007/s11458-011-0239-4.
  76. Pradeep Kootelu Sundar, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, and P. S. Yadapadithaya, Buisness drivers for CRM adoption in the software services sector: A case study analysis, European journal of Buisness and management, Vol.4, issue 20, 2012.
  77. Pradeep Kootelu Sundar, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, and P. S. Yadapadithaya, CRM Success factors in software services firm: A Case Study Analysis, Information and Knowledge Management, European journal of Business and management, Vol.2, issue 8, 2012.
  78. Pradeep Kootelu Sundar, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, and P. S. Yadapadithaya, study of CRM performance measurement in IT firm, Asian journal of Management Research, 2013
  79. Pradeep Kootelu Sundar, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, and P. S. Yadapadithaya, Benefits and Key Challenges of implementing Customer Relationship Management: A Case Study Analysis of a Software Services Company, International Journal of Business Management and Leadership, ISSN 2231-122X Volume 3, Number 1 (2012),  17-29.
  80. B R Ramji, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, Performance Evaluation of Cryo treated and Tempered Carbide inserts in turning white cast iron, British Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1,  97 – 117, October 2012.
  81. R. Sridhar, H.N. Narasimha Murthy, Niranjan Pattar , K.R. Vishnu Mahesh, M. Krishna, Parametric study of twin screw extrusion for dispersing MMT in vinylester using orthogonal array technique and grey relational analysis,  Composites – B, Elsevier, Volume 43, Issue 2, March 2012,   599 – 608.
  82. Ratna Pal, H. N. Narasimha Murthy , M. Sreejith, K. R. Vishnu Mahesh, M. Krishna, S. C. Sharma, Effect of laminate thickness on moisture diffusion of polymer matrix composites in artificial seawater ageing, Front Material Science, DOI 10.1007/s11706-012-0177-1.
  83. Narasimha Murthy, H.N., Sreejith M, Krishna M, Sharma S.C., Sheshadri T.S.  ‘Seawater Durability of Epoxy/Vinyl Ester Reinforced with Glass/Carbon Composites’, Journal of Reinforced Plastics andComposites,Vol:29(10), (2010), pp.1491-1500.
  84. K R Vishnu Mahesh, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, N Raghavendra, R Sridhar, B E Kumaraswamy, M Krishna, Niranjan  Pattar,  Ratna Pal, Sherigara. “Synthesis and Characterization of Organomodified Na-MMT Using Cation and Anion Surfactants, Frontiers of  Chemistry in China, DOI10.1007/s11458-011-0239-4.2011.
  85. B.R. Ramji, H. N. Narasimha Murthy,  M. Krishna, “Performance Study of Cryogenically Treated HSS Drills in Drilling Gray Cast Iron Using Orthogonal Array Technique”, Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2(5):414-417,2010.
  86. G R Rajkumar, M Krishna, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, SC Sharma, KR Vishnu Mahesh “Investigation of repeated low velocity impact behavior of GFRP/Aluminium and CFRP/Al laminates”,  (in print), International Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-1, Issue-6, January 2012.
  87. G S  Hegde, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, ‘The analytical study on the optimal  ballistic performance using interface theory’, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Vol.41,issue1-2,2010, pp.112-123.
  88. G R Rajkumar, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, S C Sharma, & K R Vishnu Mahesh, “Experimental investigation of low-velocity  repeated impacts on  glass fiber metal  composites”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, on line, 08-Septmber 2011.
  89. L Kodandarama, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, S C Sharma, ‘Effect of Electro-co-deposition parameters on nickel tungsten carbide composite coating’, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology,vol.2(4).2011,pp.105-113.
  90. G.R. Rajkumar, M. Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, S C Sharma, ‘Effect to flow velocity repeated impacts on property degradation of Al-glass fiber laminates’, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, May 5, 2011.
  91. Gopalakrishna H.D. Narasimha Murthy H.N. Krishna, M. Vinod M.S. Suresh, A.V. Cold expansion of holes and resulting fatigue life enhancement and residual stresses in Al2024T3 alloy – An experimental study of Engineering Failure Analysis’,  Vol:17, Issue:2, Date:2010-01-01, page: 361.
  92. Sham Aan, M.P., Krishna, M., Narasimha Murthy H.N., Rai, S.K. Effect of PTMEG on the thermo mechanical and flame retardance behaviour of novolac phenolic based CFRP’, Fibers and Polymers, Vol:11,Issue:7, (2010), pp.1083-1088
  93. L Kodandarama1, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, &S C Sharma, ‘Development and Characterization of Electro co-deposited Nickel based composite coatings’, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, January 2012, Volume 21, Issue 1, pp 105-113.
  94. B.R.Ramji, H.N Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna, ‘Analysis of Roughness and Flank Wear in Turning Gray Cast Iron Using Cryogenically Treated Cutting Tools’, Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2 (5): 414-417, 2010.
  95. B.R.Ramji, H.N Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna. “Performance Study of Cryo treated HSS drills in drilling Cast iron”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2(7), 2010, pp.2530-2536.
  96. B.R. Ramji, H.N Narasimha  Murthy, M. Krishna, ‘Analysis of Forces, Roughness, Wear and Temperature in Turning  Cast Iron Using Cryo treated Carbide Inserts’, International  Journal  of Engineering Science and Technology,  vol. 2(7), 2010, 2521-2529.
  97. Sham Aan MP, Krishna. M, H N Narasimha Murthy, SKRai, ‘Effect of PTMEG on the mechanical and  flame  retardance behavior  of novolac phenolic  based  CFRP”,  Journal of Fibres and Polymers, 2010.
  98. Salini K, Krishna M, H N Narasimha Murthy, KS Rai, Sateesh Chandran M,  ‘Effect of addition of acrylonitrile-butadiene styrene on mechanical properties of bismaleimide / carbon composites’, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2010.
  99. Sreejith M, H.N. Narasimha Murthy, K.S. Rai, M. Krishna, S.C. Sharma, Jeena J.K, ‘Hygrothermic behavior of carbon/vinylester, glass/vinylester, carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy composites’, Iranian Polymer Journal,19(2), 2010, 89-103.
  100. Jeena Jose Karippal, H. N Narasimha Murthy, K. S Rai, M Krishna, Sreejith M, ‘Study of Mechanical Properties of epoxy/glass/ nanoclay hybrid composites’, Journal of Composite Materials,  2010.
  101. Jeena Jose Karippal, H.N. Narasimha Murthy, K.S. Rai, M. Krishna, Sreejith M, ‘Processing and Characterization of MWCNT/Epoxy and CB/Epoxy Nanocomposites using Twin Screw Extrusion’, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering. Volume 49 Issue12 (2010), pp1207–1213.
  102. Jeena Jose Karippal, H.N. Narasimha Murthy, K.S. Rai, M. Krishna, and M. Sreejith, ‘Electrical and Thermal  Properties of Twin-Screw Extruded Multi walled Carbon Nanotube/Epoxy  Composites’, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Vol.19, No.8 November 2010, pp1143-1150.
  103. Jeena Jose Karippal, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, K.S  Rai, M Krishna, Sreejith M, ‘Thermal  and Mechanical Characterization of Amine Functionalized MWNT/Epoxy Composites Processed  Using Twin Screw Extrusion’, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010.
  104. Jeena J.K,   H.N Narasimha Murthy, K.S Rai,   M.   Krishna,   Sreejith M,   ‘Effect  of Amine fictionalization of CNF on Electrical,  Thermal and  Mechanical properties   of epoxy/CNF composites’, Polymer Bulletin, 2010, 65, 8, 849-861.
  105. Jeena Jose Karippal, H.N Narasimha Murthy, K.S Rai, M Krishna, Sreejith M, ‘Electrical and thermal properties of twin screw extruded MWNT / epoxy composites’, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,Volume19, Number 8 (2010), 1143-1149.
  106. SC Sharma, TS Sheshadri, M Krishna, HN Narasimha Murthy, ‘Effect of Magnesium addition on the corrosion properties of al/e-glass short Fiber composites’ Corrosion Science, 2010.
  107. Jeena Jose Karippal, H.N Narasimha Murthy, K.S Rai, M Krishna, Sreejith M, “Study Of Mechanical Properties of Epoxy/Glass/Nanoclay Hybrid Composites”, Journal of Composite Materials, 2010.
  108. SC Sharma, M Krishna, HN Narasimha Murthy, ‘Damping Behaviour of Aluminium/Albite Metal Matrix Composites’, KHW Seah, Journal of Society of Material Engineers, 33, 14, 2007.
  109. S C Sharma, M Krishna, H.N Narasimha Murthy, ‘Corrosive-erosive Wear Studies of Al6061/Albite Composites’, Materials Science Forum, vol.339-349 (2007), pp.751-755.
  110. SC Sharma, Narayanappa, M Krishna, H.N Narasimha Murthy, ‘Numerical Study of Functionally graded Materials’ Advanced Materials Research, vol.29-30, (2007) pp.311-314.
  111. S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, R Ramachandra, M Sathya Moorthy, D Bhattacharyya ‘Study of corrosive-erosive wear behaviour of Al6061/albite composites’, Materials Science and Engineering A,Vol 425 (2006) pp.305-311
  112. SC Sharma, M Krishna, HN Narasimha Murthy ‘Delamination during drilling in polyurethane foam composites and sandwich structures, ’Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol. 15 (3) June2006.
  113. SC Sharma, M Krishna, H N  Narasimha Murthy, Sanjeeva Murthy ‘Studies on  the weathering behavior of glass Coir Polypropylene Composites’ Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.25,(9), (2006)pp.925-932
  114. SC Sharma, M Krishna and H.N. Narasimha Murthy,  ‘Studies on the Effect of Residual Thermal Stresses on Thermal Expansion and Damping behaviour of Al6061/Albite MMCs’, Advances in Vibration Engineering vol.3 No.4, 2004, pp.320-331.
  115. SC Sharma, M Krishna, H. N. Narasimha Murthy, D Bhattacharyya, Sathya Moorthy, ‘Fatigue behavior of PU sandwich structures’, Journal  of Materials and Performance (ASM International), vol. 13(5), 2004, pp.637-641.
  116. SC Sharma, M Krishna, H.N. Narasimha Murthy, Sanjeeva Murthy ‘Tensile fracture studies of polypropylene/e-glass laminates’, Engineering Today, Journal of Technological world, Volume V, issue11, November 2003.
  117. SC Sharma, M Krishna, H.N. Narasimha Murthy, ‘Studies on effect of residual thermal stress on the thermal expansion and damping behaviour of Al/ Albite  MMCs’, Journal of Material Science Engineering and Performance, 2,12, 2007.
  118. SC Sharma, M Krishna, HN Narasimha Murthy, ‘Transitions in the Sliding Wear Resistance of Titanium Oxide Particle reinforced ZA27 alloy’, Trans Indian Institute of Metals ,v.56 (4) (2003) pp.439-444.
  119. M Krishna, SC Sharma, HN Narasimha Murthy,  ‘Influence of Heat Treatment on the Properties of Al6061/Albite Composites’, Trans. Indian Institute of Metals, v.56 (4 ) (2003) pp.309-408.
  120. SC Sharma, HN  Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, ‘Buckling Response of Stitched polyurethane foam composite sandwich structures’, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.23, No.12 (2004) pp-1267-1277.
  121. SC Sharma, HN Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna,  ‘Low Velocity Impact Damage analysis in polyurethane foam composites Sandwich structures’, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, vol.23, (17) ,2004,pp.1869-1882.
  122. G. Ranganath, S.C. Sharma, HN Narasimha Murthy,  M. Krishna, ‘Effect of Garnet on the Properties of ZA-27 alloy composites’, Material Science and Engineering A, Vol.364 (2004) pp.109-116.
  123. S C Sharma, M Krishna, A Shashishankar, HN Narasimha Murthy and S Paul Vizhian, ‘Damping behaviour of aluminium/short glass fiber composites’, International Journal of Material Science and Engineering A, Vol. 364(2004)pp.109-116.
  124. SC Sharma, H. N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, ‘Effect of Foam Density and Skin Material on the damping behaviour of Polyurethane Sandwich structures’, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol.23,No. 12(2004) pp-1259-1264.
  125. S, C. Sharma, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, ‘Interfacial studies in the fatigue behaviour of Polyurethane based sandwich structures’, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, vol.23, 8, (2004) pp, 893-903.
  126. S C Sharma, M Krishna, Paul Vizian, HN Narasimha Murthy, A Shashishankar, ‘Thermal effects on mild wear transition in dry sliding of aluminium-7075/short glass fibre composites’, Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol. 216, D, (2002) pp.975-982.

List of International Conferences

  1. R M Kulkarni, H N Narasimha Murthy, G B Rudrakshi, Prathap, ‘Parametric study of twin scew extrusion for processing Epoxy/Carbon black’ Proceedings in International Conference of science, Engineering and management-2013 in Dayananda Sagar Institute, Bangalore.

  2. R M Kulkarni, Sushilendra M,  H N Narasimha Murthy, G B Rudrakshi, ‘Drillability of carbon Black /Vinyl ester/Glass composites based on design of experiments’ in Proceedings in IUMRS-ICA 2013 at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

  3. R M Kulkarni, H N Narasimha Murthy, G B Rudrakshi., ‘Effect of drilling parameters for drilling of Glass fiber reinforced Vinyl ester carbon black nano composites’. Proceedings In International conference on Nano technology at Haldia (Paper No:OP.1100)

  4. Amith V, Sushilendra R M, R M Kulkarni, Amith V, G B Rudrakshi, H N Narasimha Murthy, ‘Machinability studies of nanoclay/epoxy /glass composites using Design of Experiments’ Proceedings of National conference on Nanoscience   and Nanotechnology, Oct 2013, BMSIT, Bangalore.

  5. R M Kulkarni, Sushilendra M, Amith, H N Narasimha Murthy, G B Rudrakshi, ‘Optimisation of drilling parameters for drilling of carbon black/Vinyl ester/Glass composites based on design of experiments’ Proceedings in International Mechanical Engineering congress-2014 at NIT Tiruchirapalli, June 13-15, 2014, 287-290

  6. Sridhar R , H N Narasimha Murthy, Gangadhar Angadi, N Raghavendra, Salim Firdosh, Krishna M, ‘Effect of Nanoclay Addition on the Erosion Wear of Glass/vinylester Composites Using Taguchi’s Orthogonal Array Technique, Proceedings in International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, AMME 2014, 27-29 March 2014, NITK Surathkal.

  7. Ramji B.R., H N Narasimha Murthy, ‘Performance Analysis of Cryogenically treated HSS profile cutter by Experimental and FEA’, Proceedings of the fourth International conference on manufacturing science and technology (ICMST 2013), August 3 - 4, 2013, Dubai, UAE.

  8. Moorthy G, Narasimha Murthy H.N, Krishna M, Raghavendra N, Buckling analysis of Grid Stiffened Polymer composite vessels for UUV Application, Proceedings in  International Workshop for Underwater technology-2013, NIOT, Chennai.

  9. Monika Y, H N Narasimha Murthy, K Sudarshan, O R Nandagopan, Ajith Kumar K, ‘Combined Hydrostatic and Axial Loading Response of Underwater Vessels’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Management Technologies, (AMMMT – 2013), SIT, Tumkur

  10. Gayathri, H N Narasimha Murthy, K Sudarshan, O R Nandagopan, Ajith Kumar K, ‘Design of Fibre Mat Winding Mechanism for cylindrical RTM Moulds’, Proceedings of the International
  11. Conference on Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Management Technologies, (AMMMT – 2013), SIT, Tumkur

  12. Ravi Metri, H N Narasimha Murthy, K Sudarshan, O R Nandagopan, Ajith Kumar K, ‘Design of Orthogrid Stiffened structures’ Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Management Technologies, (AMMMT – 2013), SIT, Tumkur

  13. N Raghavendra, Narasimha Murthy H.N, Krishna M, ‘Development of modified Indian Bentonite Clay using cationic exchange process for improvement of D-spacing of Nanoclay’ [Poster Presentation] NANO INDIA 2013 International Conference February 19-20, 2013 at CSIR-NIIST, Trivandrum, Kerala.

  14. N Raghavendra, Narasimha Murthy H.N, Krishna M ‘Effect of Cloisite-Na and Cloisite-15a Nano clays to the Matrix of Vinylester/Glass Composites on their Mechanical and Fire Behavior’ [Oral Presentation] National Conference on Developments in Composite Materials and Processes 2011  (DCMP-2011), Organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bangalore April 7th to 9th, 2011.

  15. N Raghavendra, Narasimha Murthy H. N, Krishna M “ Development of Organomodified Nanoclay using HDTMA” [Poster Presentation] ‘National Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry’ organized at department of Chemistry, University College of Science, Tumkur University, 25th February 2012.

  16. N Raghavendra, Narasimha Murthy H.N, Krishna M “Synthesis and Characterization of Indian Bentonite Nanoclay for the superior Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites” [Poster Presentation] ‘National Conference on Impact of Chemical Biology on society (NCICBS-2012)’ held at the Department of Industrial Chemistry, Kuvempu University, Shankaghatta, on April 26 & 27, 2012.

  17. Vishnu Mahesh K R, Narasimha Murthy H.N, Krishna M, Sridhar R,N Raghavendra ‘Influence of Twin-Screw Extrusion on the Dispersion of Nanoclay in Vinylester Composites’ (Oral Presentation) ‘Proceedings International Conference on Challenges and opportunities in Mechanical Engineering (ICCOM-2012)’ Organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, MSRIT, Bangalore  on July 11-23, 2012 (Oral Presentation)

  18. Vishnu Mahesh K R, Narasimha Murthy H.N, Krishna M, Sridhar R,N Raghavendra. ‘Effect of nanoclay modification on the properties of vinylester/glass nanocomposites’, International Conference on Composites and Nanocomposites (ICCNC-2011)” [Invited Paper] March, 23-25, 2012 at M G University, Kottayam, Kerala.

  19. Vishnu Mahesh K R, Narasimha Murthy H N, Sridhar R, Krishna M, Kumara Swamy B E and Sherigara B S, “Effect of nanoclay modification on the properties of vinylester/glass nanocomposites” Proceedings in International Conference on Composites and Nanocomposites (ICCNC-2011)” [Invited Paper] March, 23-25, 2012 at M G University, Kottayam, Kerala

  20. Jeena J.K, H.N Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna, S.C Sharma, Sreejith M, Effective dispersion of MWCNT into Epoxy Encapsulant and the Resulting Electrical and Thermal Conductivities, Proceedings of National Conference: Advances and Contemporaries in Mechanical Engineering- ACME-2008 February 07-08, 2008, Mechanical Engineering Department of Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Thudupathy, Erode, Tamil Nadu.

  21. Jeena J.K, H.N Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna, S.C Sharma, Sreejith M,MWCNT/CNP Dispersed Epoxy Nanocomposite for Enhanced Electrical Conductivity and Thermal Conductivity, International Conference on Aerospace Scince and Technology (NAL 50- INCAST) June 26-28, 2008, NAL Bangalore
  22. Jeena J.K, H.N Narasimha Murthy, K.S Rai,  M. Krishna, S.C Sharma, Sreejith M, MWCNT/Carbon black dispersed into Structural Adhesive (Epoxy) Using Twin Screw Extruder for improved Electrical conductivity, International Conference-ISRS-2008, IIT Chennai

  23. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and    B S Sherigara, ‘Influence of Twin-Screw Extrusion on the Dispersion of Nanoclay in Vinylester Composites (Oral Presentation)’ International Conference on Challenges & Opportunities in mechanical, Industrial and Management Studies (ICCOMM-2012), on July 2012 at MSRIT, Bangalore

  24. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and   B S Sherigara, ‘Moisture Diffusion through Nanoclay/vinylester/glass Nanocomposites due to alkaline solution ageing and property degradations’ International Conference on Composites for 21st Century: Current & Future Trend January, 4-7, 2011, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

  25. N. Kodandaram, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, ‘Development of NiW composite coating for alternative to electro depositing cadmium for corrosion and wear structure for air craft component’ organized at Hindustan Management Academy , HAL, Banglore , 15th Nov 2012.

  26. Andhedharani, Vijayasingh, M Krishna Residual based clustering algorithm for dynamic nodes in sensor networks, International workshop on signal image processing and multimedia (SIPM), 2012, July 14-15, Chennai.

  27. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and B S Sherigara ‘Sea Water Durability of MMT/vinylester/glass Nanocomposites due to alkaline solution ageing and property degradations’. Proceedings International Conference on Materials for future (ICMF - 2011)” on  22-23, February, 2011 at Government Engineering College, Trisoor, Kerala

  28. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and B S Sherigara, ‘Effect of Salt Fog Environment on MMT/vinylester/glass Nanocomposites’ (Invited Paper) International Conference on Composites and Nanocomposites (ICCNC-2011) January, 7-8, 2011 at Mathma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala.

  29. Sridhar R, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, Niranjan Pattar, Manjunath Bhagavathi, Vishnu Mahesh K R, ‘Comparative Study of Naval Grade Nanoclay Dispersed Vinylester/glass Composites for Mechanical Properties’ [Oral Presentation] for the National Conference on “Advances in Forming Technologies” (AIFT-2010), R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore.  April 15 &16, 2010

  30. M. Krishna, H.N Narasimha Murthy, ‘Study of mechanical properties of nickel based composite coatings’, a technical paper presentation competition. Proceedings Read Me - 2010 Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, organized by FLAMES association of mechanical engineering students, SAHYADRI College of Engineering & Management, Mangalore, held at 6th March 2010.

  31. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and    B S Sherigara, ‘Effect Of Nanoclay Dispersion On The Mechanical And Fire Retardation Properties of Vinylester/Carbon Nanocomposites Using Twin Screw Extrusion’AMMT-2010 November 18-19 2010, SIT,Tumkur.
  32. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and    B S Sherigara, ‘Experimental Study on Glass transition Temperature of Different percentages of Nanoclays/Vinylester Composites from Differential Scanning Calorimeter’ [Poster Presentation] National Symposium on ‘Proceedings in  Frontier Areas in Chemical Science and Nanotechnology (NSFACNT-2010)’ Organized by Dept. of Industrial Chemistry, Kuvempu University. May 1-2, 2010.                          

  33. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and    B S Sherigara., Comparative Studies on Different grades of Nano Clay for their Fire Retardancy in vinyl ester/glass composites for Naval Applications”,  [Oral Presentation] for the National Conference On ‘Advances in Forming Technologies’ (AIFT-2010), R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore.  April, 2010.   

  34. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and B S Sherigara. Experimental Study on Dispersion of Nanoclay into Vinylester Using Ultrasonication and Twin Screw Extrusion”, [Oral Presentation] for the Proceedings in International Conference‘Convergence Of Science & Engineering In Education And Research’, A Global Perspective In The New Millennium"(ICSE-2010), Dayanand College of Engineering, Bangalore, April 2010.

  35. Vishnu Mahesh K R, Sridhar R,H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and B S Sherigara. ‘Effect of Dispersing Nanoclay in to Epoxy Resin for Superior Mechanical Properties and Fire Retardency’, [Invited Paper] c in for the International conference on Recent Trends in Materials and Characterization’, (RETMAC-2010), NITK, Surathkal, Karnataka, February, 2010.

  36. Vishnu Mahesh K R, H N Narasimha Murthy, Sridhar R, M Krishna, B E Kumara Swamy and B S Sherigara. ‘Impact and Fire Retardation Studies of vinyl ester/nanoclay/glass nanocomposites for Marine Applications’, [Invited Paper] for ‘Proceedings in Second International Conference on Polymer processing    & Characterization (ICPPC – 2010)’, Kottayam, Kerala, India, January 15-17, 2010.

  37. S.C. Sharma, M. Krishna, H.N. Narasimhamurthy, ‘Effect of ageing parameter on the microstructure and properties of al6061/albite composites’, Invited paper held between 1 & 7 July 2001,  ICMAT 2001, University of Singapore.

  38. S.C. Sharma, M. Krishna, H.N. Narasimhamurthy, Effect of Thermal Stresses on the thermal expansion and damping behaviour Al6061/albite MMCs, AMPT 01, ‘Proceeding International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies’ September 18-21, 2001, Legnes, Madrid, Spain.

  39. S.C. Sharma, M. Krishna, H.N. Narasimhamurthy, ‘Effect of Ageing Parameter on The Microstructure and Properties of Al6061/albite composites’ Proceedings 17th National Convention of Mechanical Engineers, Indore, 26-27 November 2001 pp. 121-131.

  40. S C Sharma, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, C S C Murthy, ‘Effect of Short Glass fiber on the Mechanical Properties and Fracture of the Polyurethane composites’ Proceedings 17th National Convention of Mechanical Engineers, Indore, 26-27 November 2001 pp. 139-145.

  41. S C Sharma, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, An Internet-Enabled Technology to support Flexible Manufacturing systems, ‘Proceedings 17th National Convention of Mechanical Engineers’, Indore, 26-27 November 2001 pp. 664-669.
  42. S.C. Sharma, M. Krishna, H.N. Narasimhamurthy, On-line Shop floor control for a High-tech Medical Equipment Company,  ‘Proceedings National Conference on recent trends in Manufacturing technology and Management’, Hosur, January 2002. pp.206-214

  43. S.C. Sharma, M. Krishna, H.N. Narasimhamurthy, ‘Some studies on aging behaviour of al6061/albite composites’, ‘Proceedings National Conference on recent trends in Manufacturing technology and Management’ at Hosur January 2002. pp.197-205

  44. S.C. Sharma, M. Krishna, H.N. Narasimhamurthy, Evaluation of mechanical properties of polyurethane-e glass fiber reinforced composites, ‘Proceedings National Conference on recent trends in Manufacturing technology and Management’ at Hosur, 28-29 January 2002. pp. 184-196.

  45. H N Gayathri, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, Dr C S C Murthy, Effect of Aging on Oxidation Behavior of magnesium/SiCp Composites at High Temperatures, ‘Proceedings National Conference on recent trends in Manufacturing technology and Management’ at Hosur January 2002. Pp.197-205.

  46. S C Sharma, H N Narasimha Murthy and M Krishna, Review of Polyurethane’s in Composites, National Seminar on Processing, ‘Characterization and Applications of Light Structural Materials for Frontier Sectors’ The Indian Institute of Metals Trivandrum Chapter 14-15 February 2002.

  47. S C Sharma, A Shashishankar, Paul Vizhian, M Krishna and H N Narasimha Murthy, Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures of Al/Glass Composites, National Seminar on Processing, ‘Characterization and Applications of Light Structural Materials for Frontier Sectors’, The Indian Institute of Metals Trivandrum Chapter 14-15 February 2002.

  48. S C Sharma, M Krishna and H N Narasimha Murthy, studies on Effect of Residual Thermal Stresses on the Thermal Expansion and Damping Behaviour of Al6061/Albite MMCs, National Seminar on Processing, ‘Characterization and Applications of Light Structural Materials for Frontier Sectors’, The Indian Institute of Metals Trivandrum Chapter 14-15 February 2002.

  49. H N Gayathri, Jayagopal Uchil, M Krishna and H N Narasimha Murthy, Corrosion Behaviour on Magnesium/SiC Particulate Metal Matrix Composites, National Seminar on Processing, ‘Characterization and Applications of Light Structural Materials for Frontier Sectors’, The Indian Institute of Metals Trivandrum Chapter 14-15 February 2002.

  50. S C Sharma, H N Narasimha Murthy, M Krishna, C S C Murthy, Finite element modeling of 3-D Braided e-glass polyurethane elastomer tubes, ‘Proceedings of National Conference recent trends in CAD/CAM’, JNTU, Kakinada  March 2002 pp.95-97.

  51. S C Sharma, A Shashishankar M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, Thermal mismatch stresses in a metal matrix composites-A Finite Element Analysis ‘Proceedings of National Conference recent trends in CAD/CAM’, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada 30 March 2002 pp.5-7.

  52. H N Narasimha Murthy, S C Sharma, M Krishna, A study of the Fatigue behaviour of polyurethane sandwich structures, ‘Fourth National Symposium of Research Scholars on Metals (NSRS-4, 2002)’, The Indian Institute of Metals, Chennai Chapter, IIT Madras, Chennai 27-28 September 2002.

  53. H N Narasimha Murthy, S C Sharma, M Krishna, Comparative study of curing methods for PU/e-glass elastomers ,’Fourth National Symposium of Research Scholars on Metals (NSRS-4, 2002), The Indian Institute of Metals, Chennai Chapter, IIT Madras, Chennai 27-28 September 2002.
  54. M Krishna, S C Sharma, H N Narasimha Murthy, Influence of Heat treatment on the properties of Al6061/albite composites, ‘Fourth National Symposium of Research Scholars on Metals (NSRS-4, 2002)’, The Indian Institute of Metals, Chennai Chapter, IIT Madras, Chennai 27-28 September 2002. (ARCI BEST Paper AWARD)

  55. H.N. Gayathri, JayagopalUchil, M. Krishna, H.N. Narasimhamurthy, Corrosion Characteristics of Magnesium/SiCp Composites in Chloride Environments, ‘Fourth National Symposium of Research Scholars on Metals (NSRS-4, 2002)’, The Indian Institute of Metals, Chennai Chapter, IIT Madras, Chennai 27-28 September 2002.

  56. G. Ranganath, Dr. S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, Transitions In The Sliding Wear Resistance Of Titanium Oxide Particle Reinforced ZA27 Alloy ‘Fourth National Symposium of Research Scholars on Metals (NSRS-4, 2002)’, The Indian Institute of Metals, Chennai Chapter, IIT Madras, Chennai 27-28 September 2002.

  57. S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, Tensile fracture studies of polypropylene/e-glass laminates, Sanjeeva Murthy, ‘First National Conference on Emerging Trends In Engineering, Technology & Management’, September 8-9,2003, Adhiamman Engineering College, Hosur, Tamil Nadu.

  58. Sanjeeva Murthy, S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, The effect of fiber content on impact strength of glass fiber/ polypropylene composites, ‘National Conference on Advances In Materials And Their Processing’ December, 22,23, 2003, BEC, BAGALKOT.

  59. Sanjeeva Murthy, S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, Tensile stress analysis of polypropylene –e glass laminates at different strain rates, ‘National seminar on Recent Advances In Mechanical Engineering’, January 16-17, 2004, K.K. Wagh College of Engineering, Nasik, Maharastra.

  60. Sanjeeva Murthy, S C Sharma, M Krishna, H N Narasimha Murthy, Analysis of flexural strength of polypropylene e glass laminates at different rate of loading, ‘National Conference on Advances In Mechanical Engineering’, February 12-14, 2004, JNNCE, SHIMOGA

  61. Sreejith M, H.N Narasimha Murthy, M. Krishna, S.C Sharma, Jeena J.K, Seawater Durability of Vinylester/Glass and Epoxy/Glass Composites for Marine Applications, ‘Proceedings of National Conference: Advances and Contemporaries in Mechanical Engineering- ACME-2008’ February 07-08, 2008, Mechanical Engineering Department of Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Thudupathy, Erode, Tamil Nadu

  62. Sreejith M, H.N Narasimha Murthy, K.S Rai, M. Krishna, S.C Sharma, Jeena J.K, Hygrothermic Behavior of Carbon/Glass Reinforced Epoxy/Vinylester Composites, ‘Proceedings International Conference-ISRS-2008’, IIT Chennai.

Sponsored Research Projects Undertaken as Principal Investigator


Title of the project

Sponsored by and


Amount (Rs in Lakh)


Preparation and characterization of e-glass fibre reinforced polyurethane for space applications

ISRO,2002 -04



Optimization of Drilling Parameter of GFRP

UGC, 2004-05



Design and Fabrication of Polymer Composite Antenna Cabin Structure

LRDE, 2005-06



Nanopowder filled Conductive Polymer Composites for Space Applications

ISRO, 2005-07



Design & Development of Polymer Composites Structures for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles





Study of Polyimide Composites for Aerospace Applications





Laser Assisted Deposition of Thermal Barrier Coatings on Missile Casings





Preparation of thermal, electrical and mechanical property characterization of epoxy/MWNT /carbon nanopowder composites





Seawater durability, drillability ‘Laser Drilling’ and buckling studies of the PMCs for UUV structural applications





Processing & Mechanical, Electrical & Thermal Property Characterization of  thermoset / nanofillers,  composites using Twin Screw Extrusion





Preparation & Characterization of Fire Retardant Grade Nanoclay Dispersed FRP Composites for Marine Structures





Thermal, Mechanical and Fire Retardation Studies of Nanoclay/Carbon Fiber/Vinylester Hybrid Composites Processed using Screw Extrusion





Laser Machining of Polymer Composites and Polymer Nanocomposites





Investigation on Non-metallic Pressure Vessel with Isogrid Stiffeners





Synthesis and Characterization of Organomodified Nanoclay/Thermoset Polymer Nanocomposite


2011 -13




Hygrothermal Studies on FRP-Nanocomposites


2012 -13



Structural Analysis and Experimental Validation of Underwater Electronics Enclosure for Dunking System





Polymer nanocomposites, Nanomagnets and coatings

DST, 2010-13



Structural Analysis and Experimental Validation of Underwater Electronic Enclosure for Dunking systems

NPOL, 2013-15



Synthesis and modification of organomodified nanoclay

UGC, 2013-15


21 Design and Development of Grid stiffened Under water Vehicles NRB, 2014-18 32.5


Modernization of energy conversion engineering laboratory with full fledged engine test facility and modular diagnostic system





24 Development of Multifunctional Electrospun Nanofibrous Composites for Protective Clothing AICTE,2017-2020 3.51


Integration of Electrical Dynamometer with IC Engine along with Process Automation

AICTE, 2017-20



Performance of Underwater Torpedo Shells under hydrostatic pressure loading by experimental and coupled (Thermal and hydrostatic loading ) analysis

NSTL- 2018-19



Design, Analysis, Fabrication and Testing of ALWT Composite Battery Shell with Metallic End Flanges

NSTL- 2018-19



Structural Analysis of SK42B hard points through modelling & FEM studies to qualify the carriage of a 350 kg payload on these points under different flight conditions

NSTL- 2019



Strain Measurement of Loading Platform of ALWT

NSTL- 2019



Design validation development of Suspension band of container and Compatible studies of container with aircraft

NSTL- 2020




    Ph.D. Guidance


    Research Scholar

    Topic of Ph.D. and University



    Jeena J Karippal

    MWNT / Epoxy nanocomposites for space applications, Mysore University.

    Awarded, 2009


    N S Narahari

    Strategic HRM for IT sector, AL University, Coimbatore.

    Awarded, 2010


    Ramji B.R.

    Cryogenic treatment of cutting tools, VTU, Belgaum.

    Awarded, 2011


    Sreejith M Nambiar

    Polymer Composites for Marine Applications, Mysore University.

    Awarded, 2012


    Pradeep .S

    CRM for IT Sector, Mangalore University.

    Awarded, 2013


    Sridhar .R

    Nanoclay/vinylester nanocomposites, Kuvempu University.

    Awarded, 2013


    G. Moorthy

    Design of polymer composite cylindrical shell structure for underwater vehicle application, VTU Belgaum.


    Awarded, 2014


    Raghavendra. N

    Synthesis and Characterization of Organomodified Indian Bentonite nanoclay /Vinylester Nanocomposites, Tumkur University.

    Awarded, 2017


    Shivraj B W

    Properties and Performance of Zinc oxide thin films for gas sensors, Tumkur University.

    Awarded, 2017


    Jayashree Setty

    Corporate Social Responsibility studies, Mangalore University.

    Awarded, 2015


    Ratna Pal

    Moisture Diffusion through polymer nanocomposites, Mysore University

    Awarded, 2015


    Nagesh .S

    Laser Drilling of polymer nanocomposites, VTU Belgaum

    Awarded, 2016


    Gangadhar Angadi

    Effect of Intermesh, Co-rotating TSE Parameters on Dispersion uniformity of Nanofillers in Polymers.

    Awarded, 2019


    Salim Firdosh

    The combined effect of load, moisture and temperature on the performance of GFRP nanocomposites.

    Awarded, 2019


    Roopa T.S

    Design of Sensors based on Thin-film PVDF/nanofillers.

    Awarded, 2020


    Mamtha V

    Parametric Study of Electrospinning of Polymer Nanocomposites.

    Awarded, 2021


    Shanthala K

    Joining of tubular steel–steel by unconventional magnetic pulse force

    Awarded, 2020


    Ramachandra Kulkarni

    Development of nanocomposites based on epoxy/nanotubes

    Awarded, 2018


    Prakash Hadimani

    Development of Ternary alloys based on PPE/PS/Nylon-6

    Awarded, 2021


    Sandyarani Pilloor

    Development of jute / polypropylene composites by injection and compression moulding

    Awarded, 2021


    Harish DVN

    Development of Ultra High temperature resistant coating for space applications

    Submitting thesis, 2022


    Girish Kumar R

    Polymer welding of similar and dissimilar polymers

    Submitted thesis


    Awards and Recognitions:

    Sl. No.

    Recognition / Award

    Awarded by


    ARCI BEST PAPER AWARD (Paper title: “Influence of Heat treatment on the properties of Al6061/Albite composites”)

    VI National Symposium of Research Scholars on Metals and Materials (NSRS-4, 2002), The Indian Institute of Metals, Chennai Chapter and Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai.


    BEST PRESENTATION AWARD (Paper title: “A study on damping behaviour of Al/ short glass composites”)


    Cognizant Technologies Best Faculty Award

    2009-10, Cognizant Technologies, Bangalore  

                                                                                                                                                                                                        [Go Back]