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Dr. Krishnappa H. K.

 Designation  Professor
 Qualification  PhD
 Experience  Teaching:  25 years
 Area of Interest  Theoretical Computer Science, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition
 Date of Joining RVCE   27-10-2010

 Project Guided:

Number of UG projects guided: 16

Number of PG projects guided: 10


National Conferences: 03

International Journals: 10

International Conferences: 02


Details of PhD scholars  Click here


List of National Conference publications

  1. Krishnappa.H.K., “Graphics programming with OPEN-GL”-Presented in a Workshop Organized by RNSIT, Bangalore on 11-03-2009.

  2. Krishnappa.H.K.,Panduranga.H.B., “Application of Graph Coloring for secured Message transfer”, National Conference on FCS-2011.

  3. Bhavana. V, Krishnappa. H. K, “Wavelet Transform Based Multi- Modality Medical Image Fusion”, Presented in National Conference on “ Real - Time Systems” – NCRTS – 2015, held during 14th and 15th May 2015 at CEC, Bangalore, Organized by Department of CSE & ISE.


List of International Conference publications

  1. Krishnappa.H.K.,K.Kishore. andV.Ch.Venkaiah,“Vertex Magic Total Labeling of Complete Graphics”-Presented in International Conference Jointly Organized by KalasalingamUniversity, Madurai and University of Newcastle, Australia on 10-01-2009.

  1. Krishnappa.H.K., Srinath N.K., Ramakanth Kumar P., Manjunath S.,“Algorithms to construct Edge magic Total Labeling of Complete Bipartite graphs” Presented in ICCSIT at Tirupathi,(June-2012).


List of International Journals publications  Click Here


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