List of International Journals publications:
Radhakrishna and G S Manjunath, "Ambient temperature cured Geopolymer building blocks for sustainable masonry construction". International journal of NBM Vol. 2, Issue 3, Oct 2023, pp 66-70.
Radhakrishna., Venugopal, K. (2020). “Experimental Study on Behavior of Geopolymer Structural masonry” The Indian Concrete Journal, Vol. 94, No. 7, pp. 59-65.
Radhakrishna, “Strength Assessment in Portland Cement and Geopolymer Composites with Abrams’ Law as Basis”, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology Vol. 18, 320-327, June 2020
2018-1: Radhakrishna, Venkatesh, S.V. & Narasimha Prasad, K.N. Evaluation of Microfine Stone Dust as Filler Material in Binary and Ternary Blends. Iran J Sci Technol Trans Civ Eng 43, 33–36 (2019)." rel="nofollow"> [ Q3 – 2020]
Venugopal K, Radhakrishna, “Air Cured Alkali Activated Flyash Masonry Units”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume: 05 Issue: 06 |pp 11-15, Jun-2016, EISSN: 2319-1163 | PISSN: 2321-7308.
Venugopal K, Radhakrishna, Development of Solid and Hollow Geopolymer Masonry Blocks, Journal of Engineering Technology (JET), DOI: 10.5176/2251-3701_4.1.174, Print ISSN: 2251-3701, E-periodical: 2251-371X ; Volume 4, Issue 1; 2016 pp. 65 - 71
Venugopal K and Radhakrishna, “Development of Solid and Hollow Geopolymer Masonry Blocks “ Global Science & Technology Forum (GSTF) Singapore, ISSN 2301-394X (25-26 April-2016), pp 589-593, DOI: 10.5176/2301-394X_ACE16.136
K.Venugopal and Radhakrishna,“Sustainable Units for Structural Masonry”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(25), pp1-7. DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i25/91498, July 2016, ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846, ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645
K.Venugopal and Radhakrishna,“Structural Behavior of Geopolymer Masonry”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(25), . DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i25/91498, July 2016, ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846, ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645
KN Narasimha Prasad, Ganesh N, Rakesh S, Rakadhrishna, SV Venkatesh “International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering”, ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 09, No. 03, June, 2016, pp. 1036-1040.
- Radhakrishna, Manjunath GS., C Giridhar and Mahesh Jadav “ Strength Development in Geopolymer pastes and Mortars, International Journal of Earth Sciences, ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 04, No 06 SPL, October 2011, pp. 830-834.
- Radhakrishna, Prithviraj Padachuri, and Abhishek P.V.”Re-proportioning of Light Weight Concrete with Pumice as Coarse Aggregate by Law of Mixtures”, International Journal of Engineering Sciences Research-IJESR, Vol 02, Issue 04; August2011,PP 281-290, ISSN: 2230-8504; e-ISSN-2230-8512.
K.Venugopal and Radhakrishna,“Sustainable Units for Structural Masonry”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(25), pp1-7. DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i25/91498, July 2016, ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846, ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645
- K.Venugopal and Radhakrishna,“Structural Behavior of Geopolymer Masonry”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(25), . DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i25/91498, July 2016, ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846, ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645
- KN Narasimha Prasad, Ganesh N, Rakesh S, Radhakrishna, SV Venkatesh “International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering”, ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 09, No. 03, June, 2016, pp. 1007-1011.
- Venugopal K, Radhakrishna, “Air Cured Alkali Activated Flyash Masonry Units”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume: 05 Issue: 06 |pp 11-15, Jun-2016, EISSN: 2319-1163 | PISSN: 2321-7308.
- Venugopal K, Radhakrishna, Development of Solid and Hollow Geopolymer Masonry Blocks, Journal of Engineering Technology (JET), DOI: 10.5176/2251-3701_4.1.174, Print ISSN: 2251-3701, E-periodical: 2251-371X ; Volume 4, Issue 1; 2016 pp. 65 – 71
2015-1: K N Narasimha Prasad, Ganesh N, Rakesh S, Radhakrishna, SV Venkatesh, Setting and strength characteristics of cement mortar with microfines, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.4, No.1, Mar-May 2015, pp27-31.
2015-2: Venugopal K, Radhakrishna, J. Raju, M. A. Dar, Properties and Application of Geopolymer Masonry Units, SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering ,April 2015, ISSN: 2348 – 8352, pp 117-119.
2015-3: Radhakrishna, Manjunath K S, Devanand R, and Manu Hassan Devaraj “Properties of Concrete with Waste Fines from Hot Mix Plant”, i-manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering, Vol. 3, No.4, Feb 2015, pp 8-12.
2015-4: Radhakrishna, Venugopal K, Sasalatti Vinod and Venumadhav T, “Study of Geopolymer Masonry as Sustainable Building Material”, Journal of Environmental Research and Development”, Vol. 9, No.3A, March 2015, pp925-932.
2015-5: Harsha H N,,Radhakrishna, and Devanand R, “ Utilization of coal ash in stabilized mud blocks”, Journal of Environmental Research and Development”, Vol. 9, No.3A, March 2015, pp960-970.
2015-6: Radhakrishna, Manjunatha, G. S, Varuna Koti, Venugopal, K., “Durability of Ambient Cured Geopolymer Concrete”, Elsevier Science and technology Publications, PP 1-12, ISBN: 978-93-5107-268-3. (Scopus Indexed).
2015-7: .G. S. Manjunatha, Radhakrishna, K. Venugopal & Sasalatti Vinod Maruthi (2014) Strength Characteristics of Open Air Cured Geopolymer Concrete, Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, Taylor & Francis, 73:2, 149-156, DOI: 10.1080/0371750X.2014.923330. (Q3 0 2020 Scopus Indexed).
2015-8: Praveen Kumar K, Radhakrishna,” STRENGTH AND WORKABILITY OF CEMENT MORTAR WITH MANUFACTURED SAND”, IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
- 2014-10: T.Venu Madhav, RadhaKrishna, I.V.Ramana Reddy, and Vaishali G Ghorpade, Study on Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Mortar, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 935 (2014) pp 163-167, Online available since 2014.Mai.07 at,© (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/
- 2014-9: Radhakrishna, Sasalatti Vinod Maruthi, Venugopal K, Venu Madhava Tirupati, “Phenomenological Models To Re-Proportion Alternative Binder Blocks”, Journal of Frontiers in Construction Engineering(FCE), Jun. 2014, Vol. 3 Iss. 2, PP. 37-54 ISSN:2306-7721(Print) ISSN:2306-7713(Online), (Scopus Indexed).
- 2014-8: Revathi. G M, Aravind N, Radhakrishna and Raghavendra Prasad B G, “Development of Strain Prediction Models for Concrete Roads“,International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308, pp282-289.
- 2014-7: Radhakrishna and Niranjan PS, “Properties OF Fal-G Hollow Masonry Blocks” International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2014, pp- 415-420.eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308.
- .2014-6: Namitha Shedbal, Radhakrishna, “Collapse Analysis of Steel Structure Using E-Tabs”, Journal of Civil Engineering Technology and Research, Vol 2, Issue 1, Jan-June 2014, pp159-168, ISSN: 2249-9575.
- 2014-5: Manjunatha G. S, Radhakrishna, Varuna Kot, Venugopala K, “Strength and Durability Performance Of Open Air Cured Alkali Activated Concrete”, Journal of Civil Engineering Technology and Research, Vol 2, Issue 1, Jan-June 2014, pp147-157, ISSN: 2249-9575
- 2014-4: Raghavendra Prasad B G, Radhakrishna, Shilpa B S, Revathi G M, “Comparative Study of Plain, Mono and Hybrid Fibre Reinforced Concrete as an Engineering Material Journal of Civil Engineering Technology and Research, Vol 2, Issue 1, Jan-June 2014, pp137-145, ISSN: 2249-9575.
- 2014-3: Ravitheja K S, Radhakrishna “Properties of Bioblocks with Bacillus Sphaericus and Sporosarcina Pastuerii”, Journal of Civil Engineering Technology and Research, Vol 2, Issue 1, Jan-June 2014, pp645-653, ISSN: 2249-9575.
- 2014-2: Puneet N, Radhakrishna, Praveen K “Mechanical Properties of Alternative Fine Aggregates in Cement Composites, Journal of Civil Engineering Technology and Research, Vol 2, Issue 1, Jan-June 2014, pp129-135, ISSN: 2249-9575.
- 2014-1: Priyajeet Mondal, Radhakrishna, Vinod Sasalatti, “Properties of Alkali Activated Cement Concrete with Cent Percent Replacement of Ingredients”, Journal of Civil Engineering Technology and Research, Vol 2, Issue 1, Jan-June 2014,pp119-128, ISSN: 2249-9575.
List of International Conference publications
Harsha H N, Radhakrishna, and Sachin K C “Studies on Partial Replacement of cement by Eucalyptus Ash in Concrete” published in ’ECS Transactions’ 107(1), 19889-19897 (2022) – The Electrochemical Society.
Pavan Kumar , Ujwal Shreenag Meda, Sachin K C and Radhakrishna “Photocatalytic Cementitious Materials to reduce Air Pollution: Review” published in ‘ECS Transactions’ 107(1), 4863-4874 (2022) – The Electrochemical Society.
Kuruvachalil, L.; Sandanayake, M.; Kumanayake, R.; Radhakrishna Carbon Emission and Cost Analysis of Using Hybrid Fibre White Topping Overlays—A Road Rehabilitation Feasibility Study. Future Transp. 2022, 2, 263–280." rel="nofollow"> futuretransp2010014.
Sachin K C, Radhakrishna, Ujwal Shreenag Medab, Synthesis of silicon dioxide nanoparticles by sol-gel method for application in geopolymer composites, ECS Transactions, 107 (1) 5533-5541 (2022).
Harsha H N, Radhakrishna, Sachin K C, Studies on Partial Replacement of Cement By Eucalyptus Ash in Concrete, ECS Transactions, 107 (1) 19889-19897 (2022).
Radhakrishna, Sachin K C, Lokesh Kumar G, Ujwal Shreenag Medab, Incorporation of Nanoparticles in Building Materials, ECS Transactions, 107 (1) 3375-3391 (2022).
Bhavana B, Radhakrishna . and Ujwal Shreenag Meda " Influence of Mixers on Dry Dispersion of Nanoparticles in the Cementitious Composites" ECS Transactions, Volume 107, Number 1 2022 ECS Trans. 107 3537, DOI 10.1149/10701.3537ecst
Sachin K C, Radhakrishna, Ujwal Shreenag Meda, Synthesis of silicon dioxide nanoparticles by sol-gel method for application in geopolymer composites, First International Conference on Smart Green Connected Societies 2021 Sponsored by The Electrochemical Society, DOI 10.1149/10701.5533ecst.
Pavan Kumar R, Sachin K C, Radhakrishna, Ujwal Shreenag Med, Photocatalytic Cementitious Materials to Reduce Air Pollution: Review, First International Conference on Smart Green Connected Societies 2021 Sponsored by The Electrochemical Society, DOI:" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">10.1149/10701.4863ecst
Radhakrishna, Sachin K C, Lokesh Kumar G, Ujwal Shreenag Meda, Incorporation of Nanoparticles in Building Materials, First International Conference on Smart Green Connected Societies 2021 Sponsored by The Electrochemical Society,DOI 10.1149/10701.3375ecst.
S N Adithya, K C Sachin, Radhakrishna and Ujwal Shreenag Meda., Review on the correlation between mixing, microstructure and strength of cementitious products with nanoparticle, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 822 (2021) 012005, IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/822/1/012005.
Praveen Kuamr K and Radhakrishna., “Workability, Strength and Elastic Properties of Cement Mortar with Pond Ash as Fine aggregate”, Materials Today: Proceedings 24 (2020) 1626–1633.
Sasalatti Vinod Maruti, Radhakrishna, Mounesh M., “Properties of Geopolymer Cement Mortar and Blocks with Calcium Carbonate”, Materials Today: Proceedings 24 (2020) 1518–1524.
- Dr. Radhakrishna “Development of Solid and Hollow Geopolymer Masonry Blocks” International Conference on Architectural and Civil Engineering (ACE-2016) . Vol 16.136, Issue 4, Page:589-593.
- Vijeth N Kashyap, Radhakrishna, “A Study on Effect of Bacteria On Cement Composites”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, IC-RICE Conference Issue | Nov-2013, PP 356-360.
- Kishan L.J, Radhakrishna, “Comparative Study of Cement Concrete and Geopolymer Masonry Blocks”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, IC-RICE Conference Issue | Nov-2013, PP 361-365.
- Preethi.S, Radhakrishna, Raghavendra Prasad, “Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Overlay For an Urban Road in Bangalore”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, IC-RICE Conference Issue | Nov-2013, PP 167-173.
- Rajarajeshwari B Vibhuti, Radhakrishna, Aravind N, “Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete For Pavements”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, IC-RICE Conference Issue | Nov-2013, PP 244-247.
- Rakshith K G, Radhakrishna, “Progressive Collapse Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Framed Structure”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, IC-RICE Conference Issue | Nov-2013, PP 36-40.
- Jayasudha R K, Radhakrishna, Niranjan PS, “Properties Of FaL-G Masonry Blocks”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, IC-RICE Conference Issue | Nov-2013, PP 384-389.
- Nirankan P S and Radhakrishna, “ Properties of FaL-G Mortar Compressed Bricks”, Proceedings of International Conference on innovations in concrete 2013, Hyderabad, 23-26, Oct 2013. pp498-506.
- Radhakrishna, Venu Madhav T and Bhavana B, “Experimental Study on Self Cured Cementitious Composites”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Architecture and Civil Engineering, 21-23 June 2012, Bangalore, India, pp40-44
- Radhakrishna, Niranjan PS, Prithvi Raj P, and Vitta Sanket Kuma, “An Experimental Study on FaL-G Mortar And Concrete“, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Architecture and Civil Engineering, 21-23 June 2012, Bangalore, India, pp56-61.
- Anand Kumar BG, Radhakrishna and Ajay R Anand, “ Strength Development in Fly Ash based Ternary Cement Concrete”, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Architecture and Civil Engineering, 21-23 June 2012, Bangalore, India, pp45-49.
- Radhakrishna, G S Manjunath And P S Niranajan, "Analysis Of Compressive Strength in Two And Three Phase Systems of Alkali Activated Composites”, Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference- Carbon In The Low Carbon Era, 9-11, July 2012, UK. Pp 150-168.
- Radhakrishna, Renuka Devi M.V., Udayashankar B.C., and Manjunath GS. “Development of Sustainable Concrete using Marginal Materials”, Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, March 27 – 30, 2011 Philadelphia, PA U.S.A. pp 414-425.
List of National Journals publications:
- K N Narasimha Prasad, Ganesh N, Rakesh S, Radhakrishna and Venkatesh S V, “Setting and Strength Characteristics of Cement Mortar with Micro Fines”, i-manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering, Volume: 4 No. 1 Issue : Mar- May 2014, Pp:27-31.
- Radhakrishna, Manjunatha, G. S, Varuna Koti, Venugopal, K., “Durability of Ambient Cured Geopolymer Concrete”, Elsevier Science and Technology Publications, PP 1-12, ISBN: 978-93-5107-268-3.
- Priyajeet Mondal, Radhakrishna, Vinod Sasalatti, “Properties of Alkali Activated Cement Concrete with Cent Percent Replacement of Ingredients”, Journal of Civil Engineering Technology and Research, Vol 2, Issue 1, Jan-June 2014,pp119-128, ISSN: 2249-9575.
- Puneet N, Radhakrishna, Praveen K “Mechanical Properties of Alternative Fine Aggregates in Cement Composites, Journal of Civil Engineering Technology and Research, Vol 2, Issue 1, Jan-June 2014, pp129-135, ISSN: 2249-9575.
- Ravitheja K S, Radhakrishna “Properties of Bioblocks with Bacillus Sphaericus and Sporosarcina Pastuerii”, Journal of Civil Engineering Technology and Research, Vol 2, Issue 1, Jan-June 2014, pp645-653, ISSN: 2249-9575.
- Raghavendra Prasad B G, Radhakrishna, Shilpa B S, Revathi G M, “Comparative Study of Plain, Mono and Hybrid Fibre Reinforced Concrete as an Engineering Material Journal of Civil Engineering Technology and Research, Vol 2, Issue 1, Jan-June 2014, pp137-145, ISSN: 2249-9575..
- Manjunatha G. S, Radhakrishna, Varuna Kot, Venugopala K, “Strength and Durability Performance Of Open Air Cured Alkali Activated Concrete”, Journal of Civil Engineering Technology and Research, Vol 2, Issue 1, Jan-June 2014, pp147-157, ISSN: 2249-9575.
- Namitha Shedbal, Radhakrishna, “Collapse Analysis of Steel Structure Using E-Tabs”, Journal of Civil Engineering Technology and Research, Vol 2, Issue 1, Jan-June 2014, pp159-168, ISSN: 2249-9575..
- Venu Madhav, RadhaKrishna, I.V.Ramana Reddy, Vaishali “Compressive Strength Study of 14 Molarity Geopolymer Mortar”, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2014, PP 1-7,E-ISSN: 2321–9637.
- Radhakrishna and Niranjan PS, “Properties OF Fal-G Hollow Masonry Blocks” International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2014, pp- 415-420.eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308.
- Revathi. G M, Aravind N, Radhakrishna and Raghavendra Prasad B G, “Development of Strain Prediction Models for Concrete Roads“,International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308, pp282-289.
- T.Venu Madhav, RadhaKrishna, I.V.Ramana Reddy, and Vaishali G Ghorpade, Study on Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Mortar, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 935 (2014) pp 163-167, Online available since 2014.Mai.07 at,© (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/
- Radhakrishna, Revathi. HM, Raghavendra Prasad BG, Aravind.N, Strain Monitoring of White topping on urban roads, Proceedings of First International Conference on Large area Flexible Electronics, 19-20, Dec 2014, Bangalore.
- Radhakrishna, Predicting the Compressive Strength of Fly Ash Concrete Based on Cement Replacement Level, Indian Concrete Journal, March 2103, Volume 87, Number 3, pp17-23.
- Radhakrishna and Niranjan PS, “Prediction of The Compressive Strength in Fal-G Compressed Blocks”, i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, Volume: 3 No. 1 Issue : Dec-Feb 2013, Pp:45-49.
- Radhakrishna, Manjutah GS and Venumadhav T ”Analysis and Assessment of Strength in Portland Cement Concrete and Geopolymer Composites”, i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, Vol. 1 l No. 4 l September - November 2011 pp 23-34.
- B C Udyashankar, Renuka Devi MV and Radhakishna, “Analysis and Assessment of Flow Behaviour of CLSM With Lyse Rule as Basis”, Journal of Engineering Research and Studies, Vol. II/ Issue IV/October-December, 2011, pp63-68.
List of National Conference publications:
2017-1: Radhakrishna, Mullani Nabil Hasan1 , Abijeet v harde1 , Aniket k padmawar1 , Narasimha Prasad K N and S Venkatesh “effect of Partial Replacement of Cement with Granite Stone Dust and Microfine Slag in a Ternary Blend”, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 10(04), 748-751, 2017, DOI:10.21276/ijee.2017.10.0404 ( Q4 - 2020 Scopus Indexed).
2017-3: Narasimha Prasad. K.N., Radhakrishna and S.V. Venkatesh, “Effect of Microfines on the Mechanical Properties of Cement Mortar and Concrete”, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 11, No. 4, 2017 [ Q4 – 2020]
- 2017-2: K. N. Narasimha Prasad, Bhawani singh Shekawat, Radhakrishna, S. V. Venkatesh “Use of alternative materials as binary and ternary blends in cement and concrete”, Proceedings of Indian Building Congress Conference of "Environment Preservation in Sustainable Development" to be held at Chandigarh in April 2017.
- Radhakrishna, Manjunath G.S. and Prithviraj P , “Compressive strength in alkali activated binary binder pastes” Proceedings of National Conference on Thrust Areas in Engineering (NCTAE-2012) January 20-21, 2012, Bangalore
- Radhakrishna, Niranjan PS and Kailash B Strength development in FaL-G blocks” Proceedings of National Conference on Thrust Areas in Engineering (NCTAE-2012) January 20-21, 2012, Bangalore
- Radhakrishna, Venu Mahav .T, , Ramana Reddy I.V and Vaishali G Ghorpade Geopolymers and Conventional Cement Composites — A Review, Proceedings of National Conference on Thrust Areas in Engineering (NCTAE-2012) January 20-21, 2012, Bangalore.
Books Published:
Text book on” Eco-efficient Masonry Bricks and Blocks; Design, Properties and Durability“ by the Elsevier Woodhead publishers, UK, 2014.
Interaction with Outside World:
- Editor-in Chief, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET).e-ISSN: 2319-1163, p-ISSN:2321-7308. Impact factor: 3.1
- Editor of Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, i- Manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering, Global Advanced research journal of Art and Humanities (GARAH)
- Member Peer review committee Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, The Indian Concrete Journal, Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology, International Journal of 3R’s, Innovare Journal of Engineering & Technology , Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing Technology.
- Member of Board of Studies and Examiners for three Universities and five colleges.
- Chartered Engineer [ India], Institution e of Engineers (India) – M-151263-8
- Member, Institution of Engineers (India) - M -151263-8
- Elected member, Managing Committee, Indian concrete Institute, Karnataka-Bangalore centre 2011-2013 and 2013-2015.
- Fellow member, Association Consulting Civil Engineers (India)
Life member
- Karnataka Science Acadamy
- Indian Concrete Institute
- Mythic Society, Bangalore.
- Kannada Sahithya Parishath, Karnataka.
- Karnataka Arabindo Society.
- Karnataka Swadeshi Vignana Andolana.
- Indian Institute of World Culture
Awards :
- Awarded with a medal byIndian Red Cross Society for donating blood voluntarily for 60+ times.