
Associate Professor & NSS Officer
M.Tech ( Environmental Engineering), PhD
Teaching : 15 years
Government : 1.5 years
Areas of Interest
Solid waste management, Air and water, Sustainable Materials & Environmental Technology
Date of Joining RVCE
Projects Guided
Number of UG projects guided: 23
Publications |
No. of papers published in International Journals: 12
No. of papers published in International Conference: 33
No. of Papers published in national Conferences: 11
No. of Guest Lectures delivered : 41
No. of training programmes and workshops organised: 17
No. of training programmes, workshops and conferences conducted as coordinator : 15
No. of workshops attended:20
No. of Conferences attended:16
No of QIP attended: 22
Countries visited for conference : |
Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Philippines.
IRINS Link |
List of National Conference publications
Lokeshwari M. “Bio-remedial Recycling technology for Agricultural solid waste – A boon to farmer” in National Conference on Go Green at Department of Bio- Technology, R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore. No.14, pp 20, November 14, 2009.
- Lokeshwari M, Mathew Joe and Bharath T, “Institutional Solid waste management: Case study c–R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore” National Conference on Innovative approaches to meet challenges in civil Engineering NCIACCE 13 at SJB Institute of Technology. Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, SJBIT, Bangalore. March 4., 2013.
Lokeshwari M., Ankur Dobriyal, Tejas Patil “ Indoor Air Quality & Occupational Health and Safety” at National conference on Curbing E-Wastes, at Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore. 9th November 2013, pp34, CV-16.
Madhu C N, Lokeshwari M and K S jagadish “ Utilization of Granite fines in Adobe blocks” at National Conference on Futuristic technology in Civil Engineering for sustainable development” conducted by SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. 9th May 2015. Pp 85- 87 Best paper awarded’.
Rohith Sharma, Lokeshwari M, Aryan Maheswari, Ashish Patel, “Design of zero waste toilet for rural areas”, National conference on advances in Civil Engineering (NCACE – 2017) organized by East West Institute of Technology, Bengaluru in association with Indian Concrete Institute, Karnataka during 21-22 September 2017, pp28-29.
Lokeshwari M and Sai Supreth , “Restructuring of NSS in the current scenario” , TEQIP 1.3 sponsored conference on “ Role of social service in the changing perspective of new education system” held at Visveswaraya Technological University, Belagavi during 6th and 7th September 2019.
Shashidhar SS, Srinithya Amai, Lokeshwari M, “ Self curing concrete using super absorbent polymer”, National conference on Advances in Civil Engineering NCACE-EWIT 2019 organised by department of civil engineering, East West Institute of Technology in association with Indian Concrete Institute Bengaluru Chapter, Ultra tech cement during 3rd and 4th October 2019.
Manoj D C and Lokeshwari M, “ Cost effective utilization of quarry dust and granite industry waste”, at National Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering NCACE-2020 conducted by East West Institute of Technology Bengaluru. 23rd- 24th December 2020. Best paper awarded’.
Anatra Gogai and Lokeshwari M, “ Solid waste management in different cities of India.”, at National Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering NCACE-2020 conducted by East West Institute of Technology Bengaluru. 23rd- 24th December 2020.
List of International Journals publications
Lokeshwari M. and Dr. C. Nanjunda Swamy, “Vermicomposting of municipal and agricultural solid waste with sewage sludge” in international Journal JERAD Journal of Environmental Research and Development, ISSN 0973-6921 Vol 3 No.1, July- September 2008. pp 51-61. JERAD id open accessed peer reviewed journal Indexed in Research gate, Google scholar, Academic search, CAS division of American chemical society, Asian science citation index ASCI, Indian science, Dictionary of research journal indexing, Open academic journal index, Advanced science index, Directory of science, Open access journal research engine etc.
Lokeshwari M. and Dr. C. Nanjunda Swamy, “Waste to Wealth - Agriculture Solid Waste Management Study” international journal Pollution Research ISSN- 0257-8050, Vol. 29 (3) 2010. pp 513-517. Publisher : EM internationals. Indexed in SCOUPUS, Chemical abstracts USA, EBSCO publishing USA, Cambridge science abstracts Accredited with National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, NAAS, India. Features in Uhlrich International periodical directory, UK, Gale Directory, UK and SAARC directory of periodicals.
Lokeshwari M and Anantha Rama V “construction and demolition waste management” A review paper in international Journal JERAD Journal of Environmental Research and Development, ISSN 0973-6921, No.1, Vol. 5, pp 96-104, July-September 2010. JERAD id open accessed peer reviewed journal Indexed in Research gate, Google scholar, Academic search, CAS division of American chemical society, Asian science citation index ASCI, Indian science, Dictionary of research journal indexing, Open academic journal index, Advanced science index, Directory of science, Open access journal research engine etc.
Lokeshwari M. and Dr. C. Nanjunda Swamy, “Sustainable development through Recycling of Construction and Demolition waste” international journal Nature, Environment and Pollution Technology. ISSN 0972-6268, Vol.10, No.1, pp27-32, Jan-March 2011. Indexed in SCOUPUS, Chemical abstracts USA, Pollution abstracts USA, Environment abstract USA, Paryavaran abstract India, Indexed Copernicus International etc.
Lokeshwari M. and Dr. C. Nanjunda Swamy “ Management of waste as resource in Mysore”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Development, ISSN 2249-3131, vol 3, No.6, 2013. JERAD id open accessed peer reviewed journal Indexed in Research gate, Google scholar, Academic search, CAS division of American chemical society, Asian science citation index ASCI, Indian science, Dictionary of research journal indexing, Open academic journal index, Advanced science index, Directory of science, Open access journal research engine etc.
Lokeshwari M. and K S Jagadeesh, “Eco Friendly Use of Granite Fines Waste in Building Blocks:, Procedia Environmental Sciences, Elsevier publication, No. 35, 2016, pp 618-623, Available online www. open access.
Tarun Chaudhary, Sonali Kumari, Lokeshwari M, Karthik Shastry “Structural health monitoring through non-destructive evaluation”, International journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 11, 2017,pp 76-80, ISSN (online) 2456-1290. Doi : 01.1617/vol4/iss11/pid53261 , Impact factor – 3.8, Indexed in Copernicus international, Google scholar, ORCID, Cosmos impact factor, Researcher ID Thomson Reuters etc. Thomson Reuters ID : q-6288-2016. ORCiD Research ID : 0000-0001-9540-6799
M Lokeshwari, Nikunj Ostwal, Nipun K H, Prakha Saxena, Pracheer Pranay “Utilization of waste plastic as partial replacement of fine and coarse aggregate in concrete blocks.”, International Research Journal of engineering and technology, E ISSN: 2395-0056, P ISSN: 2395:0072, Vol 06, Issue 09, pp 378-382. 2019. Impact factor 7.34. ISO 9001:2008 certified journal.
Anantarama V, Gajalakshmi K, Lokeshwari M, “ Spatial and temporal drought analysis in Sitanadi basin. Udupi district, Karnataka using SPI. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 ,Issue-9S3, pp 313-319, July 2019,
Lokeshwari, M., T Raghavendra,., Sunil, S., Vageesh, H.P. and. Durga Prashanth, L, “Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Self Curing Concrete by Quarry Dust and Granite Fines”, Pollution Research, ISSN: 0257-8050, No 40, Issue 4, pp 1561-1566, 2021.
M.Lokeshwari, B.R.Pavan , S R.Tarun, P Sachin, Venkat Kumar, “A review on self-curing concrete”, Materials Today ISSN 2214-7853, International, Volume 43 Part 2, Issue 2, pp 2259-2264, 2021
Pavan Badakli B R and M Lokeshwari. “Potential of Rain Water Harvesting and Ground Water Improvement at RVCE”, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: Chemical Engineering, International, Volume 21, Version1.0, pp 19-24, 2021
List of International Conference publications
Lokeshwari M. and Dr. C. Nanjunda Swamy, “Decentralization of solidwaste management system” at international conference on Resource Utilization and Intelligent Systems INCRUIS2K8, at Kongu Engineering college, Perundurai, Erode,Tamilnadu. Vol-1, pp 324-328, January 3-5, 2008.
Lokeshwari M. and Dr. C. Nanjunda Swamy,“Management of Construction and Demolition waste” in international conference ICER-08, 2nd international congress of environmental research, at Birla Institute of Technology, BITS-Pilani Goa-Campus, Goa Organized by JERAD and BITS, T-138,pp1056, December 18-20, 2008.
Lokeshwari M. and Dr. C. Nanjunda Swamy,“Vermiculture – A Biotechnology for Recycling of Solid Waste to Organic Fertilizer” in International conference on Challenges in Bio technology and Food technology ICBF2009, at Department of Chemical Engineering, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu. No.152, pp 57, 2009.
Lokeshwari M. and Dr. C. Nanjunda Swamy “ Quantification, Characterization, and Leachate analysis of the municipal solid waste in Mysore city, Karnataka, India” at 3rd International Congress of Environmental research, ICER10, at University of Mauritius, Reduit, Mauritius. Ref No. ICER/T/435/O, pp835, September 16 -18, 2010.
Lokeshwari M. and Dr. C. Nanjunda Swamy “Self sustainable solid waste management – A case study at Mysore” at Lake 2010: Symposium on wetlands, Biodiversity and Climate change at Cistup, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. December 22-24, 2010.T-14_oral_03. Available online.
Lokeshwari M. “Solid waste management issues in Mysore city” at 4th International Congress of Environmental research, ICER11, at Sardar Vallabhabhai National Institute of Technology, SVNIT Surat, Gujarath SS-1 368, pp93, December 15-17, 2011. Ref No.ICER/SS/368/O/2011.
Lokeshwari M. and Dr. C. Nanjunda Swamy “Municipal solid waste Charecterization, Recovery and Recycling options in Mysore.” at 3rd International Conference on Solid Waste Management ICON SWM2012 at Mysore Infosys Campus, Mysore. Sl.No. 26, pp 183-190, July 30- August 1, 2012. Ref. No. IND-abs-40. e- proceedings ISBN – 81-86862-45-5, Printed volume.1 -ISBN 81-86862-46-3 & Vol. 2 – ISBN 81-86862-74-1
Lokeshwari M. and Dr. C. Nanjunda Swamy “Role of Public, Private and NGO’s with the Urban Local Body in sustainable solid waste management” at 5th International Congress of Environmental research, ICER12 at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Malaysia, November 22-24, 2012. Ref No.ICER/SS-II/O/427/12 and Registration No. ICER/178/12, SS-II – 427, PP548. ‘Best paper awarded’.
Lokeshwari M., Swetha M.V and Lakshmi C “Air Quality and Occupational Health at E –Waste Management Facility – A Case Study.” at 5th International Congress of Environmental research, ICER12 at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Malaysia, November 22-24.2012, T-617,pp646.
Lokeshwari M. and Dr. C. Nanjunda Swamy “Route Optimization for efficient Collection, Transportation and Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Mysore city using Geographic Information System” at International Conference on Solid waste management, Icon SWM 2014, at NGR Agricultural University, Hyderabad. e-proceedings ISBN 81-86862-49-8,pp 143-148, January 28-30,2014 ‘Best paper awarded’.
11. Lokeshwari M. and Vinutha Bai N “Analysis of barriers and success factors for Eco friendly and sustainable solid waste management in Bangalore city, India” at International Conference on Solid waste management, Icon SWM 2014, at NGR Agricultural University, Hyderabad. e-proceedings ISBN 81-86862-49-8,pp 215-218, January 28-30, 2014.
12. Lokeshwari M. and Dr. C. Nanjunda Swamy “Ground Water Quality - Hurdles and Remedies at Solid Waste processing site in Mysore City, India” at 4th international Engineering Symposium 2015 at Kumamoto University, Japan. March 4-6, 2015 . pp C5- 1-5.
13. Lokeshwari M. and K S Jagadeesh, “Eco Friendly Use of Granite Fines Waste in Building Blocks” at 5th International Conference on Solid waste management, Icon SWM 2015, at JN Tata Seminar Hall, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. e-proceedings ISBN 81-86862-57-9, pp 1007-1011, November 24-27, 2015, Excellent paper awarded.
14.Lokeshwari M, Vikas M, N Amarnatha reddy, “ Peak flood estimation along southern coast :Kerala, India”, 9th International conference on Asian and pacific coasts, APAC 2017, organized by Philippines Institute of Civil Engineers in association with coastal engineering committee of japan society of civil engineers, Korean society of coastal and ocean engineers and Chinees ocean engineering society. Held at Passay city, Philippines during 19th – 21st October, 2017.pp175-186. ( Scopus indexed)
15. Lokeshwari M, Vikas Mendi, T. Raghavendra, N. Amarnatha Reddy, B.C. Udayashankar "Co-composting of Municipal Solid Waste with Sewage Sludge for Sustainable Waste Management in Urban Areas", ASCE India conference 2017 on Urbanization challenges in emerging economics conducted by IIT Delhi in association with American Society of Civil Engineers and Institution of Engineers (India), during 12-14 December 2017at IIT Delhi, Track 3, No. 0078_0116_000509 pp33.
16. Vikas Mendi, Amarnatha Reddy N, Lokeshwari M, T. Raghavendra and Jaya Kumar Seelam "What Is the Tidal Energy Potential of Sri Lanka?" ASCE India conference 2017 on Urbanization challenges in emerging economics conducted by IIT Delhi in association with American Society of Civil Engineers and Institution of Engineers (India), during 12-14 December 2017at IIT Delhi, Track 4, No. 0078_0116_000504 pp49.
17. Amarhatha Reddy, Vikas Mendi, T Raghavendra, Lokeshwari M "Flood estimation using probability Distribution function based synthetic unit hydrograph methods of ungauged catchments in varrar basin, Kerala, India" ASCE India conference 2017 on Urbanization challenges in emerging economics conducted by IIT Delhi in association with American Society of Civil Engineers and Institution of Engineers (India), during 12-14 December 2017at IIT Delhi, Track 3- 4, No. 0078_0116_000201 pp127.
18. T Raghavendra, B C Udayashankar, M. Lokeshwari, Vikas Mendi, N Amarnatha Reddy "Effect of water content on relative flow area and hence predicted flow values of controlled low strength materials", ASCE India conference 2017 on Urbanization challenges in emerging economics conducted by IIT Delhi in association with American Society of Civil Engineers and Institution of Engineers (India), during 12-14 December 2017at IIT Delhi, Track 5, No. 0078_0116_000360 pp72.
19. Lokeshwari M, Amar R, Karthik G,” Smart water distribution system”, 5th International conference on Applied Science Engineering and Technology, orgnised by Sri Sairam college of Engineering, Anekal, Bengaluru in association with Institute for Engineering Research and Publication, 17th – 18th May 2018,pp 109, ISBN: 978-81-937041-7-2.
20. Lokeshwari M, Tanay N B, Nanjunda swamy C ,, “Effect of closed municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill on surrounding water bodies”, at The 34th International conference on solidwaste technology and management organized by widener university at Annapolis, MD USA., March 31st – April 3rd , 2019.
21. Raghu G M and Lokeshwari M, “Ecofriendly self curing concrete”, at 3rd International conference on recent research emerging trends in civil engineering (ICRRETCE-2019) held during 12th & 13th July 2019 at Reva University, Bengaluru
22. Lokeshwari, M., Raghavendra, T., Sunil, S., Durga Prashanth, L. and Vageesh, H.P., “Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Self Curing Concrete by Quarry Dust and Granite Fines”, Second ASCE Conference in India on “Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies (CRSIDE 2020)”, Volume No. 1 ISBN: 978-93-5396-500-6, pp205. Edition 2020.
23. Raghavendra, T., Vageesh, H.P, Lokeshwari, M., Sunil, S., and Durga Prashanth, L., “Mechanical and Durability Properties of Sustainable Concrete”, Second ASCE Conference in India on “Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies (CRSIDE 2020)”, Volume No. 1, ISBN: 978-93-5396-500-6, pp220. Edition 2020.
24. Sunil S, Durga Prashanth, L., Raghavendra, T., Vageesh, H.P and Lokeshwari, M., “Flowability and Strength of Cement Mortar Grout for Semi Rigid Pavement”, Second ASCE Conference in India on “Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies (CRSIDE 2020)”, Volume No. 1, ISBN: 978-93-5396-500-6, pp303, Edition 2020.
25. Vageesh, H.P, Lokeshwari, M, Durga Prashanth, L., Raghavendra and Sunil S, “Structural Behaviour Comparision of ECBCDC, Mivan and Framing Systems for Seismic Analysis of Multistoried Building,” Second ASCE Conference in India on “Challenges of Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies (CRSIDE 2020)”, Volume No. 1, ISBN: 978-93-5396-500-6, pp310-311, Edition 2020.
26. Suchith J Y and Lokeshwari M, “Plastic waste management”, 30th World conference on applied science , engineering and technology ( WCASET-2020), International Virtual conference 30th October 2020.
27. Lokeshwari M and Syed Sadath Ali , “Application of Remote sensing and GIS in controlling Air pollution effects”, at International conference on water, Energy and Environment (WEECON 2021) organized by ISET Research India in association with IEI Vietnam, 23rd & 24th December 2021.
28. Vinayak Bhaskar Naik, Lokeshwari M and T M Shreyas , “Changes in land-use land cover pattern and its effect on flash flood in Bengaluru Karnataka” , at International conference on water, Energy and Environment (WEECON 2021) organized by ISET Research India in association with IEI Vietnam, 23rd & 24th December 2021.
29. Sahil Jayesh Shah, Lokeshwari M, Satvik Vijaykumar Hiremath, and R Krithik, “Replacement of coarse aggregate with recycled demolition waste at International conference on water, Energy and Environment (WEECON 2021) organized by ISET Research India in association with IEI Vietnam, 23rd & 24th December 2021.
30. H P Vageesh, M Lokeshwari, L DurgaPrashanth, T Raghavendra and S Sunil, “Superior structural behavior of EcBcDc system under seismic loading over mivan and framing system”, at 2nd International conference on sustainable construction technologies and advancements in civil engineering, SvTACE 2021 at Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women, Andrapradesh from 14/10/2021 to 16/10/2021. pp 288-292, 2021.
31. T Raghavendra, H P Vageesh, M Lokeshwari, S Sunil, and L DurgaPrashanth, “Engineering properties of concrete containing hazardous drywalls waste and GGBS”, ”, at 2nd International conference on sustainable construction technologies and advancements in civil engineering, SvTACE 2021 at Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women, Andrapradesh from 14/10/2021 to 16/10/2021. pp 293-297, 2021.
Book Chapters:
1. Lokeshwari M, Vikas M, N Amarnatha reddy, “Peak flood estimation along southern coast :Kerala, India”, pp175-186 at ‘Asian and pacific coasts 2017’. Edited by Kyung-Duck Suh – South Korea, Eri C Cruz - Philippines, Yoshimitsu Tajima - Japan, Published by World Scientific Publishing Co Pvt Ltd., No.5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore; USA office: 27 Warren Street, Suite 401-402, Hackensack, NJ 07601, UK office: 57 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9 HE., ISBN 978-981-3233-80-5, ISBN ( e book) : 978-981-3233-81-2
2. Lokeshwari M. and C. Nanjunda Swamy “Route Optimization for efficient Collection, Transportation and Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Mysore city using Geographic Information System” at ‘Waste management and resource utilization’. Editorial board: Dr. Sadan K Ghosh, Hermann Koller, Dr.Jonathan Wong, Published by Oxford publishing house, Kolkota. e-book ISBN 81-86862-49-8,pp 143-148, January 28-30,2014.
3. Sonali Kumari, Tarun Chaudhary, Vivek Chandran, M. Lokeshwari, K.Shastry, “Carbon Electroluminescence- An Organic Approach to Lighting. AIP Conference Proceedings vol.1966, Issue 1, 2018;, ISBN: 978-0-7354-1671-0; Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, and Inspec,
4. M. Lokeshwari, Vikas Mendi, T. Raghavendra, Amaranatha Reddy and B. C. Udayashankar, “Co-Composting of Municipal Solid Waste with Sewage Sludge for Sustainable Waste Management in Urban Areas”, at “Urbanization Challenges in Emerging Economies”; Energy, Water, and Transportation Infrastructure; Planning and Financing ISBN 978-0-7844-8202-5 (PDF) pp 79-89. Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers
5. Vikas Mendi, N. Amarnatha Reddy, M. Lokeshwari, T. Raghavendra and Jaya Kumar Seelam "What Is the Tidal Energy Potential of Sri Lanka?" at “Urbanization Challenges in Emerging Economies”; Energy, Water, and Transportation Infrastructure; Planning and Financing ISBN 978-0-7844-8202-5 (PDF) pp 358-365. Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers
6. N.Amarnatha Reddy, Vikas Mendi, T. Raghavendra and M. Lokeshwari "Flood Estimation Using Probability Distribution Function Based Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Methods at Ungauged Catchments in Varrar Basin, Kerala, India" at “Urbanization Challenges in Emerging Economies”; Energy, Water, and Transportation Infrastructure; Planning and Financing ISBN 978-0-7844-8202-5 (PDF) pp 142-153. Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers.
7. T. Raghavendra , B. C. Udayashankar , M. Lokeshwari, M. Vikas and N. Amaranath Reddy "Effect of Water Content on Relative Flow Area and Hence Predicted Flow Values of Controlled Low Strength Materials" at “Urbanization Challenges in Emerging Economies”; Resilience and Sustainability of Infrastructure, ISBN 978-0-7844-8203-2 (PDF) pp 184-195. Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers
National Conference on Advances in civil engineering NCACE- 2018 held during 28th – 29th September 2018. Technical session on Environmental Engineering and waste management on 29/09/2018 at East West Institute of Technology, Bengaluru organized in association with Indian Concrete Institute, Zero Waste Society of India and Ultratech Cement
International Conference on “ Impact of global atmospheric changes on natural resources” held during 19th – 20th November 2018. Technical session on Ground water 20/11/2018 at Department of Civil Engineering. University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering.
National Mini Symposium on Clean, Green and Suatainable Campus 2022 organised by IUCEE Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education. 5th – 6th February 2022.
Interaction with Outside World:
Lokeshwari M. “Status of solid waste management in Mysore city” at AICTE sponsored staff development programme on integrated solid waste management, at P.E.S.College of Engineering, Mandya, August 22 – September 3. 2005.
Lokeshwari M. “Water sampling, Preservation , Transportation and Analysis methods” at AICTE sponsored Staff Development Programme., on “Sampling, Testing, Analysis and Interpretation of Water Quality Data”, ( STAIWQ’09) Organized by Center for Environmental Engineering, Conducted at Dept. of Civil Engg., R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore during December 7 – 18, 2009
Lokeshwari M. “Modern construction techniques for Solid waste management.” At Short term training programme on modern construction techniques, organized by the department of civil engineering, MEI Polytechnic college, Rajajinagar, Bangalore, February 16, 2012.
Lokeshwari M. “ Application of Geographical Information System in Solid waste Management” at DST, NRDMS Government of India sponsored summer school training programme on Geospatial technologies and its Applications organized by Department of civil Engg., PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, Tamilnadu., 2nd -22nd may 2012. ( 19-05-2012)
Lokeshwari M. “Water conservation and ground water recharge techniques with case studies” at department of Civil Engineering, Govt. Women Polytechnic College on 08/02/2014.
Lokeshwari M. “ Effects of Automobile Air pollution on environment and its control” at SSB international school, Indiranagar, Bengaluru on 08.12.2015 organised by Regional Transport Department, Indiranagar, Bengaluru.
Lokeshwari M. “ Wastewater treatment technologies” at three Day Workshop on Design of Effluent Treatment plants for Biochemical Industries, Jointly organized by Department of Biotechnology and Department of Chemical Engineering under TEQIP 1.2.1 with Industrial partner K-Pack systems Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru on 03.03.2017 held during 2nd to 4th March 2017.
Lokeshwari M. “ Water supply and treatment technologies” , organized by Department of civil engineering and ISTE students chapter (KA-92) at Vemana Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. 05.04.2017
Lokeshwari M. “Application of green technologies in institution” on 25. 07,2017, Six days FDP on Application of green technology to overcome environmental challenges for sustainable urban development., held During 24th to 29th July 2017at Department of Civil Engineering, M S Ramaiaha Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
Lokeshwari M. “Urban Environmental issues and impacts”, National Seminar on Urban Environmental Issues -Role of Civil Engineer in Infrastructure development INFRA BUILD 2017 at World trade center, Brigade gate way campus, Bengaluru. 25.11.17
Lokeshwari M. “Unscientific sanitary landfill effects on water body”, National workshop on sustainable development of water, solid waste management and remedial measures”, on the occasion of World Water Day 2018 organized by Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering in association with Indian Water Works Association and Institution of Public Health Engineers, sponsored by Water Resource Department, Karnataka State Pollution Control Board on March 22nd , 2018 at Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering. ISSN-0970- 275X pp 125-132
Lokeshwari M. “ Geo Environmental problems around landfill sites and scientific landfill design” on 26.07.2018 at Six days faculty development program on “Current issues of Geo- Environmental pollution” held during 23rd to 28th July 2018 at Department of Civil Engineering, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
Lokeshwari M, “Impact of unscientific waste management on Environment” on 29-09-2018, at East West Institute of Technology, Bengaluru as Keynote speaker at the National conference on advances in civil engineering (NCACE-EWIT-2018) organized in association with Indian Concrete Institute, Zero Waste Society of India and Ultratech Cement during 28th -29th September 2018.
Lokeshwari M, “Water pollution”, on 24-10-2018 at Environmental Management and policy research institute, Bengaluru at a certification course on pollution monitors (Air and water) under skill development program sponsored by government of India, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change.
Lokeshwari M, “Utilization of waste materials in construction” on 24/07/2019 at Department of civil engineering, Ramaiah Institute of technology Six day Faculty development program on Recent trends in Utilization of waste material in Construction industry and its impact held from 22/07/2019 to 27/7/2019.
Lokeshwari M, “Importance of wastewater treatment and sampling techniques”, on 11/11/2019 under GSDP course "“ETP/STP/CETP Operation & Maintenance”, conducted by ENVIS Center, Karnataka, Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, Bengaluru, as a part of green cell Green Skill Development Program.
Lokeshwari M, “Wastewater characteristics and suitable treatment” and “Design of waste water treatment units”, 13/11/2019, under GSDP course "“ETP/STP/CETP Operation & Maintenance”, conducted by ENVIS Center, Karnataka, Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, Bengaluru as a part of green cell Green Skill Development Program, GSDP.
Lokeshwari M, “Applications of RS and GIS in solid waste management”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online. 31/08/2020.
Lokeshwari M, “Utilization of Industrial waste in construction”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online. 15/09/2020.
Lokeshwari M, “Water supply and treatment”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online. 19/09/2020.
Lokeshwari M, “Solid waste Collection and transportation- Design and operation”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online. 26/09/2020.
Lokeshwari M, “Composting system - design and operation – An Environmental friendly approach to convert waste to wealth”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online. 03/10/2020.
Lokeshwari M, “Catch every drop- water conservation by rain water harvesting”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online. 10/10/2020.
Lokeshwari M, “Eco friendly recycling of Granite fines waste in Construction”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online. 24/10/2020.
Lokeshwari M, “Sustainable design and operation of sanitary landfill”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online. 17/10/2020.
Lokeshwari M, “Scenario of municipal solid waste collection and transportation”, Online AICTE – ISTE Refresher Program (Faculty Development Program) PHASE-1, conducted from 4th November to 10th November 2020 organized by Angadi Institute of technology and management, Belagavi. 10/11/2020.
Lokeshwari M, “Problems and Solution for common municipal solid waste management sites”, Online AICTE – ISTE Refresher Program (Faculty Development Program) PHASE-2, conducted from 24th November to 30th November 2020 organized by Angadi Institute of technology and management, Belagavi. 25/11/2020.
Lokeshwari M, “Self curing concrete to eliminate water wastage in construction.”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online. 03/11/2020
Lokeshwari M, “Water sampling- preservation, transportation and analysis techniques.”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online. 07/11/2020
Lokeshwari M, “Waste water treatment- An effective way of recycling used water.”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online. 28/11/2020
Lokeshwari M, “ Utilization of Industrial Waste in Alternate Building Materials”, Online AICTE – ISTE Refresher Program (Faculty Development Program) PHASE-3, conducted from 14th December to 19th December 2020 organized by Angadi Institute of technology and management, Belagavi. 16/12/2020.
Lokeshwari M, “Role of Public, Private & Ngo’s with ULB’s in sustainable waste management.”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online. 19/12/2020.
Lokeshwari M, “Ground water pollution around Landfills.”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online. 26/12/2020.
Lokeshwari M, “Geo informatics in solid waste management”, on occasion of science day at MEI polytechnic Bengaluru organized by ISTE student Chapter, MEIP Redcross and Dept of Civil Engg . 02/03/2021
Lokeshwari M, “Sustainable development of Water, Energy and Waste management system”, Online Organized by Department of mechanical engineering, NITTE Meenakshi Institute of technology11.05.2021.
Lokeshwari M, “ Conserve, what our children deserves through sustainable development” , conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online 15.06.21
Lokeshwari M, “Impact of plastic and reengineering in sustainable infrastructure”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online. 02/07/21.
Lokeshwari M, “Hazardous waste management – Rules and regulations”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online 09/07/21
Lokeshwari M, “E waste – Responsibilities of different stakeholders to reduce the adverse impact”, conducted by Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, EMPRI, Department of Forest, Ecology and Environment, Government of Karnataka, as a part of Environmental Awareness Program. Online 30/07/21
Lokeshwari M, “Waste to Wealth and Clean India Campaign – Role of Youth and NSS”, at Regional level Republic day Parade camp organized by University of Agricultural Science GKVK Campus on 25/10/21.
Lokeshwari M, “Advanced waste water treatment technologies”, at Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute under GSDP course "“ETP/STP/CETP Operation & Maintenance”, conducted by ENVIS Center, Karnataka, Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, Bengaluru, as a part of green cell Green Skill Development Program. 13/01/2022 and 14/01/2022.
Varunmitra Skill Development Program to educate and train about Solar water pumping system, funded 3,57,000/- from NISE National Institute for Solar Energy, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Sources. 15th March – 4st April 2021.
Delivered talk on Solid waste management at All India Radio which got telecasted in 101.3 FM Rainbow, Vividha Bharati Mishramadhurya and state wide channel. 24/02/2021.
Delivered talk on Climate Change and waste management at All India Radio which got telecasted in 101.3 FM Rainbow, Vividha Bharati Mishramadhurya and state wide channel. 20/01/2022, 21/01/2022, 23/01/2022.
Appreciation Certificate from Commissioner Endowment department, Govt. of Karnataka of active member in project management unit for Solid and liquid waste management of class 1 temples in Karnataka.
Study Tour of Atal Tunnel under the Youth Undertaling Visit for Acquiring Knowledge ( YUVAK) scheme, Team Leader: Dr. M Lokeshwari funded amount Rs. 2 Lakhs by AICTE.
Professional and government bodies membership
Graduate member of Institution of Engineers, India. Member ID G-541352-5
Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education Member ID LM-71668
Affiliate Member of American Society of Civil Engineers, Member ID 11065915
Life member of Association of Consulting Civil Engineers ( India), Member ID 6523
Member of Regional Level Consent Committee, Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, South - I and East – II, Bangalore. (From 2009 to 2013) Ref: KSPCB Circular No. 4412 dated 21.03.2009 and No./KSPCB/RO-S1/CCM/127 KSPCB Circular No. 238 dated 21.03.2009 and No. / KSPCB/Bn-E-II/2009/291
Executive member ISTE-RVCE Chapter - 2013-2016.
Member of Board of Studies, Department of Civil Engineering, R.V.College of Engineering, Bengaluru. Autonomous under VTU. 11.09. 2015 - 10.09. 2018
Member of Board of Examination, Department of Civil Engineering, R.V.College of Engineering, Bengaluru. Autonomous under VTU since 2018.
Member of Board of Examination, Department of Civil Engineering, University Visveswaraya College of Engineering, Jnanabharati campus Bengaluru Since 2020
Member of “Future Bangalore”, committee, constituted by President of Structural Engineers World congress Inc., as Environmental Engineering expert.
Member of Staff Selection committee, Govt. of India.
Member of “Policy formulation committee” which is presided by Honorable minister for Bengaluru development and town planning to formulate policy for the development of major urban cities in Karnataka.
Successfully organized State Republic day parade training camp at R V College of Engineering during COVID 19 pandemic situation from 15th to 27th January 2022 and got appreciation from State NSS Office and had photo session with Governor, Karnataka. Also served as Organizing committee member in the National and State level Pre-Republic day parade selection camp 2021-22 held at VTU Belagavi from 28th September 2021 to 01st October 2021.
Best Reviewer award for Technical Review for ICCCEG 2021 and IC5e 2021 by ASDF Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculty. December 2021 and January 2022
Outstanding Indian Achiever Award of the Year 2020, awarded by International Institute for social and economic reforms ® on 29th February 2020 for the contribution in teaching and research for rural and intern national development.
Best paper award at 4th Two Day National Conference (Virtual) on Advances in Civil Engineering (EWIT-NCACE-2020), December 23rd & 24th, 2020, East West Institute of technology in association with Indian concrete Institute, Bengaluru center, Ultratech cement and CADD center.
Top 2 in NPTEL course Elite and Gold Medal with 93%, 8 week course on NPTEL conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 2019.
Academic and Research Excellence by honorable President, RSS Trust, Bengaluru, January 2019
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam National Award on October 27, 2018, for contribution to the implementation of Science and technology in rural areas for women and farmers development by teaching, research and publication awarded by Dr. Shivappa Former economic advisor NITI Aayog, Govt. of India, and Founder President of Government recognized and registered krist foundation.
Academic and Research Excellence by honorable President, RSS Trust, Bengaluru, January 2018
First prize in Green fest for presentation on the topic Solid waste management. (Headed a batch of interdisciplinary team) conducted by Association of Consulting Civil Engineers in association with RAMCO Cement Ltd., at NIMHANS Convention Centre Bengaluru, September 2017
Academic and Research Excellence by honorable President, RSS Trust, Bengaluru, March 2016.
Icon SWM 2015 Excellent paper award in the 5th International Conference on Solid waste management, Icon SWM 2015, at Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru.
Best paper award at National Conference on Futuristic technology in Civil Engineering for sustainable development” conducted by SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. 9th May 2015.
Best Achiever Award by honorable Secretary, Rashtreeya Sikshana Samiti Trust, Bengaluru, January 2015.
Icon SWM 2014 Excellence Award in the 4th International Conference on Solid waste management, Icon SWM 2014, Hyderabad. Organised by Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Department of Municipal Administration and Urban Development, C&DMA, India, Centre For Quality Management System, Jadavpur University, Kolkata and International Society of Waste Management, Air and Water. January 28-30, 2014
Young Researcher Award 2013 by ISTE-RVCE Chapter at R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore.
Young Environmentalist Award 2012 awarded by Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia.
Academic Excellence 2009 awarded by Rastreya Sikshana Samiti Trust. Bangalore.
Academic Excellence 2008 awarded by Indian Society for Technical Education – RVCE Chapter.
Best paper awards : 5 (Two in National conference and Three in International conference)
R&D Projects Completed:
‘Mitigation of ground water contamination by Decentralized solid waste management’ funded by to HUDCO. – Sanctioned amount -5 lakhs, 2016.
Assessment of Residential Apartments for green building compliance”, funded by Karnataka State Pollution Control Board and Environmental Management and Policy research institute. – 2.97 Lakhs, 2022.
R&D Projects ongoing:
- “Utilization of alumina industrial waste for novel mix design in the development of Controlled Low Strength Materials”, under the Scheme: Research Grants for Scientist / Faculty (RGS/F), funded by Vision Group on Science and Technology, Government Of Karnataka, - Sanctioned amount – 3 Lakhs, 2021.