Designation: Assistant Professor |
Educational Qualification: |
M.Sc., Ph.D | |
Experieance |
Teaching- 08 years Research: 05 Years |
Area of Interest |
Nuclear Physics, Computational Physics |
Date of joining |
20/10/2022 | |
Email ID | |
International Journals : 10
National Conference : 2
List of Publications:
Tushar,Niranjana K M,Saravanan C. "Design and Development of automatic lab data analyzer and evaluator", IARJSET, 10(8), 2023.
K. M. Niranjana, G. B. Hiremath, N. H. Ayachit & N. M. Badiger. "Effect of crystal structure on K shell binding energy of lead, mercury and tungsten using bremsstrahlung radiation", SPECTROSCOPY LETTERS, 2023.
K. M. Niranjana, N. M. Badiger, Daisy Joseph, and S. Kailas. “Measurement of K absorption edge energies of silver and tin targets using a weak beta source.” X-Ray Spectrometry, 39(6):359–363, 2010.
K. M. Niranjana, Krishnananda, N. M. Badiger, Daisy Joseph, and S. Kailas. “Determination of K shell parameters of silver using high resolution HPGe detector spectrometer.” Int. J. Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, 7(3):179–190, 2013.
K. M. Niranjana and N. M. Badiger. “Determination of the K absorption edge energy of Ho in element and its compounds using the bremsstrahlung technique.” Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 46(9):095006-5, 2013.
K. M. Niranjana and N. M. Badiger. “K shell ionization and vacancy transfer probabilities in beta decay.” Karnatak University Journal of Science, 49:20–28, 2013.
Krishnananda, K. M. Niranjana and N. M. Badiger. “Measurement of real and imaginary form-factors of silver atom using a high resolution HPGe detector.” Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 21(4):557–565, 2013.
K. M. Niranjana, Krishnananda and N. M. Badiger. “Effect of chemical environment on K shell binding energy of Ag and Sn.” Chemical Physics Letters, 604:33–37, 2014.
K. M. Niranjana and N. M. Badiger. “K shell parameters of some lanthanide elements using bremsstrahlung.” Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 107:59–64, 2015.
Krishnananda, Santosh Mirji, S. Ramesh Babu, K. M. Niranjana and N. M. Badiger. “Measurement of anomalous scattering factors of tin using characteristic X-ray photons.” Canadian Journal of Physics, 93:1112–1116, 2015.
Papers Presented in Conferences:
Chemical effect on K shell binding energy of Pb using a weak beta source, Conference: Application of Radiation, Radiation Environment and Human Health - In XL Indian Social Science Congress, Organising Institute: Department of Studies in Physics, University of Mysore, Mysore, from 19/12/2016 to 23/12/2016.
Determination of the K Shell Photoelectric Parameters of Lanthanides, Conference: 2nd DAE-BRNS Symposium on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Organising Institute: Department of Physics, Karnatak University, Dharwad, from 22/02/2011 to 25/02/2011.