- Dipansha Kumari, H G Nagaraja and Kiran Kumar D L, Invariant submanifolds of N(k)-contact metric manifolds with generalized Tanaka-Webster connection, J. Appl. Math. & Informatics, 40 (2022), 741-751. (Scopus).
- D L Kiran Kumar, H G Nagaraja, Uppara Manjulamma and Savithri Shashidhar, Study on Kenmotsu manifolds admitting generalizing Tanaka-Webatwe connection, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 47 (2022), 721-733. (Scoupus).
- K Venu, H G Nagaraja and D L Kiran Kumar, Ricci solitons and gradient Ricci solitons in D_a-homothetically deformed K-contact, Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications. 26 (2), 139-147, 2021. (Scoupus,).
- D L Kiran Kumar, H G Nagaraja and S. H. Naveenkumar, Some Curvature properties of Kenmotsu Manifolds with Schouten-Van Kampen Connection, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, 12 (61), 351-364, 2019.
- H G Nagaraja and D L Kiran Kumar, Ricci solitons in Kenmotsu manifold under generalized D-Conformal deformation, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, Springer, 40, 195-200, 2019.
- D L Kiran Kumar, H G Nagaraja and K Venu, D-homothetically deformed Kenmotsu metric as a Ricci soliton, Annales Mathematicae Silesianae, 33, 143-152, 2019.
- H G Nagaraja , D L Kiran Kumar and D G Prakasha, D-homothetic deformation and Ricci solitons in
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- H G Nagaraja and D L Kiran Kumar, Kenmotsu manifold admitting Schouten-van Kampen connection, Facta Universitatis Ser. Math. Inform., 34, 23-34, 2019.
- D L Kiran Kumar and H G Nagaraja, Ricci solitons and gradient Ricci solitons in Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifolds, Bangmod Int. J. Math and Com. Sci., 4, 65-73, 2019.
- D L Kiran Kumar and H G Nagaraja, Second order parallel tensor and Ricci solitons on generalized
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- D L Kiran Kumar, H G Nagaraja and Uppara Manjulamma, Generalized
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- D L Kiran Kumar, H G Nagaraja and Dipansha Kumari, Concircular curvature tensor of Kenmotsu manifolds with generalized Tanaka-Webster connection, Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science, 9, 447-462, 2019.
- H G Nagaraja , D L Kiran Kumar and V S Prasad, Ricci solitons in Kenmotsu manifold under D-homothetic deformation. Khayyam J. Math., 4, 102-109, 2018.
- Uppara Manjulamma, H. G. Nagaraja and D. L. Kiran Kumar, Generalized complex space forms, Jordan journal of mathematics and statistics, 13(2020), 203-219.
- Uppara Manjulamma, H. G. Nagaraja and D. L. Kiran Kumar, Ricci operator in a Hopf real hypersurfaces of complex space form, Journal of physics : conference series, 1597 (2020), 12-49.