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Research Initiatives

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The department is a recognized Research centre under VTU,with provision for  admission to PhD(Full time &part time), Integrated PhD and MSc(Engg). Both PG& UG students are encouraged to take up inter disciplinary research in various domains like wireless and RF communication, signal processing ,Multifunctional materials and devices and Antennas. with requisite infrastructure. Department has industry based labs such as Keysight Advanced RF and Wireless communication Lab, Tejas networks Lab and Pace embedded systems Lab that support research activities.

1. Projects & Consultancies:

Funded Projects:

i)  Granted consultancy work titled “Automatic Waste Segregation unit for Municipal solid waste”, from Greenaria Renewable Technologies Private Limited, Sanctioned amount of Rs 2, 00,000/-  for prototype building on 15th November 2023.

PI :Dr Vinutha Moses Co-PIs:Dr K Saraswathi, Prof Anupama V Joshi, Dr Vidya C

ii) Granted funded project on “Analysis and Assessment of 6G Electromagnetic Exposure and Absorption –A study on Biological Aspects” under VTU of amount 25lakhs for period of 2024-26.

PI: Dr. Shanthi P, Co PI: Dr. Vidya Niranjan, Dr. Bhuvaneshwari, Dr. Sasmita, Dr. Baligar JS

iii) Modernization of Advanced RF and Wireless Communication Laboratory with full-fledged testing and Characterization of the passive and active circuits for 5G and Allied technologies.

PI and Co-PIs: Dr. K. Sreelakshmi,Dr. K. Nagamani, Dr. B. Roja Reddy

Sanctioned amount:Rs.15,97,650

Funding Agency: AICTE

iv) A Consultancy work  granted by Swan Sorter Systems Pvt. Ltd for the project titled “Design & Development of Autonomous agribot “.

PI: Dr. Gajalakshmi K , Co-PI: Dr. Bhagya R. Duration: 15/7/2024 to Jan. 2025.

v) Granted consultancy work titled “Automatic well generator”, from Greenaria Renewable Technologies Private Limited, amount of Rs 7, 00,000/- on 18th March 2024.

PI :Dr Vinutha Moses  Co-PI :Dr K Saraswathi, Dr Srivani, Dr Vidya C


The department of ETE has signed an MoU with DADB India Pvt.Ltd. (German Academy for digital Education) under the 5G Centre of Excellence for Emerging Wireless Technologies to facilitate certification training programs.


The department of ETE has signed an MoU with Tektronix under the 5G Centre of Excellence for Emerging Wireless Technologies to facilitate Research and training programs.



2. Labs with Industry Collaboration

Department developed industry based labs such as Center for Computer Vision Research Lab, 5G and Emerging Wireless Technologies lab to strengthen U.G., P.G. projects and Research activities. The details of the research labs are listed as follows.

     1) Center for Computer Vision Research Lab

       The Center for CCTV Research, located at Bengaluru‟s prestigious RV College of Engineering, is India‟s pioneering research unit in this area, created with the intention of being the catalyst to bridge the wide gap between the industry and creation & execution of humongous CCTV projects in the country. The Center aims to fulfil the Gap of knowledge, Practice, Protocols, Testing, Experiments, Certification, Training, Expertise etc. While being a one stop shop for all CCTV project requirements it would be also the synthesis and the coordination center for all major CCTV players in the country and beyond. The creation and operations of this Center would be a clear manifestation of this dream. The coming together of different busi-
ness entities for a project is just crude distribution of work and a confident seem less consortium which this required for this purpose.


 2) Center for 5G and Emerging Wireless Technologies

















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