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Dr.Veena Gadad

 Designation  Associate Professor
 Qualification  Mtech (CNE), PhD
 Experience  Teaching: 12 years
 Area of Interest Computer Networks, Data Security and Privacy, Cloud Computing.
 Date of Joining RVCE  06 / 09 / 2016

Project Guided:

Number of UG projects guided: 12

Number of PG projects guided: 02


National Journals:02

National Conferences: 05

International Journals: 05

International conferences : 06

Book Chapter : 01


Links youtube channel/ Google site


List of National Journal publications

1. Veena Gadad, Dr. Sowmyarani C N, "Open Source tools for Statistical Disclosure Control", Journal of Information Technology and Science, 2020.
2. Shivani C H,  Kshitiz Jain,  Veena Gadad, " Automated Cumulative Update Approach for Organizations",  Journal of Information Technology and Sciences e-ISSN: 2581-849X Volume 5 Issue 3 ,2019. 


List of National Conference publications:

  1. Veena Gadad, Prof. S. R Mangalwede, “Design of Host-based Intrusion Detection System using Mobile Agents”, Conference on Evolutionary Trends in Information Technology (CETIT) May 20-22, 2011, Department of P.G. Studies, Belgaum.
  2. Sowmya Somanath, Prof .Veena Gadad, " An enhanced security and high throughput multicast routing in wireless mesh network ", 2nd National conference on emerging trends in science and technology held in Sapthagiri college of engineering Bangalore on 12th May 2015.
  3.  Veena Gadad, Dr. Sowmyarani C N, “Open Source Tools for statistical disclosure control”,5th National Conference on Advancements in Information Technology -201     JSSATE, 10th and 11th April, Bengaluru.   
  4. Shivani C H,  Kshitiz Jain,  Veena Gadad, " Automated Cumulative Update Approach for Organizations", 5th National Conference on Advancements in Information Technology -2019, JSSATE, 10th and 11th   April, Bengaluru.    


List of International Journal publications

1. Sowmyarani, C. N., Gadad, V., & Dayananda, P. (2021). (p+, α, t)-Anonymity Technique Against Privacy Attacks. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP)15(2), 68-86.

2. Sowmya Somanath, Prof .Veena Gadad, ‘A survey on secure high throughput multicast routing in wireless mesh network', Accepted and published in IJRISE JOURNAL 3rd National Conference on “Recent Advances in science ,engineering and technology (NCRASET-15) held in SRI VENKATESHWARA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Bangalore, on 8th MAY 2015.

3. Veena Gadad, C. N. Sowmyarani, "Towards Privacy Preserving Data Publishing in Inter Cloud Infrastructure," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 70, no. 10, pp. 27-34, 2022. Crossref, ( Scopus Indexed, Q4).

4. Veena Gadad and Sowmyarani C N, “Incremental Diversity: An Efficient Anonymization Technique for PPDP of Multiple Sensitive Attributes” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 14(3), 2023. ( Scopus and WOS Indexed, Q4).

5. Veena Gadad Sowmyarani, C.N. Dayananda, P. Semantic Tree Based PPDPTechnique for Multiple Sensitive Attributes in InterCloud. SN COMPUT. SCI. 5,722  2024, ( Scopus Indexed, Q2 Quartile)


List of International Conference publications:

 1. Veena Gadad, Sowmyarani C N, "Understanding Microaggregation- A technique of statistical disclosure control for privacy preserving data publishing in Inter-Cloud", 2nd International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computer and Communications(ICAECC-2018), Reva University, Feb 9,10, Bengaluru.

2. Veena Gadad, Dr. Sowmyarani C N, Dr. Ramakanth Kumar P, Dr. Dayananda P,  “Role of privacy and possible privacy threats in crowdsourcing.”,  International Conference on Urban Data Science,  January 20-21, 2020  IIT Chennai, India.

3. Veena Gadad, Dr. Sowmyarani C N, “A novel utility metric to measure information loss for generalization and suppression techniques in Privacy Preserving Data publishing”, 4th International conference Computational Systems and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS),  20 and 21st December, 2019, RVCE Bangalore.

4. V. Gadad, C. N. Sowmyarani and P. Ramakanth Kumar, "An Effective Algorithm for Multiple Sensitive Attributes to Preserve Data Privacy," 2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), 2021, pp. 378-383, doi: 10.1109/ICACCS51430.2021.9442019.

5. N. Dey, S. Samhitha, M. Hariprasad, A. Anand and V. Gadad, "Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms by Developing a Phishing Email and Website Detection Model," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Computation System and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS), 2021, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/CSITSS54238.2021.9683131.

6. S. Prasad, M. P, R. Adhyapak, A. N. Pai, V. Gadad and S. Rajendran, "Design and development of information management system using QR code based technique," 2023 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE), Bengaluru, India, 2023, pp. 260-263, doi: 10.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10091058.



Consultancy Projects:

  • "Health Care Management system", by Arivu health care- 1.00 Lakh, 2018-19


Book Chapter:

  1. Veena Gadad, Sowmyarani C N, "A Case Study- Data Analysis and visualization on census data using R tool", Accepted for book "Managerial Perspectives on Intelligent Big Data Analytics",  IGI Global, Pages- 25.  DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7277-0.ch008
  2. Veena Gadad C. N. Sowmyarani, “Comprehensive Review of Privacy Preserving Data Publishing (PPDP) Algorithms for Multiple Sensitive Attributes (MSA)”, (Book Chapter) Source Title: Source Title: Information Security and Privacy in Smart Devices: Tools, Methods, and Applications (EISBN13: 9781668459935), Release Date: January, 2023. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5991-1.ch006


Expert Lectures Delivered/Session Chair/Judge in Project Exhibition:

1. Delivered a session on “Awareness of Information Security”, through online for Group A and Group B officers of Government of Karnataka, 15th and 16th September, 2020, organized by centre for e-governance and Data Analytics , ATI Mysore.

2. Conducted One day workshop on Qualnet for PG students, organized by Department of Information Science and Engineering, RVCE, Bangalore.

3. Delivered a session on “Awareness of Information Security”, through online for Group A and Group B officers of Government of Karnataka, 12th and 13th August, 2020, organized by centre for e-governance and Data Analytics , ATI Mysore.

4. External examiner for project evaluation to department of CT in Dayananda Sagar University, held on 10-12-2019.


External Connect:

  1. Session Chaired at the 4th International Conference for Intelligent Technologies (CONIT) 2024 is Technically Co-sponsored by IEEE Bangalore section in KLE Institute of Technology Hubballi ,Karnataka ,India.

  2. Reviewer for the journal: International Journal of Cyber-Physical Systems (IJCPS), since 2020.

  3. Reviewer for Conference: Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing,Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE). 2023, hosted by BNMIT.

  4. Speaker for a session on Transport Layer and its security in a Training workshop conducted by Centre for Learning and Development(CLD), BEL, 14th and 15th July, 2022.

  5. Police training- Training for police department on Python and Networking, 27th and 28th , January 2022.

  6. Journal reviewer- Reviewed one paper for the Journal “Transaction on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies”, During the month of April, 2022, WILEY Publications.

  7. Subject expert to develop Trilingual Glossary in Engineering(English-Hindi-Kannada) held at R V college of Engineering from 10-1-2022 to 14-1-2022, organized by commission for scientific and technical terminology, Higher Education, Govt of India, New Delhi.

  8. Speaker during three days FDP on “Emerging Technologies in Advanced Computing”, on 27th August 2020, Organized by Department of CSE, EWIT, Bangalore.


Certification Courses:

  1. Completed IUCEE International Engineering Educator certification program- Spring 24 ( Jan 2024 to July 2024, Duration 6 Months)
  2. Completed Coursera certification course on “Supervised Machine Learning- Regression and Classification”, Sept 2024.
  3. NPTEL online certification course(12 weeks) on Online Privacy with Elite held between Jan-Apr, 2022.
  4. Diploma in the online course “Step into RPA”, conducted by UiPath academy, November, 2020.
  5. Data Analysis using SPSS- A foundation course for researchers workshop conducted by Rehoboth Academic Services, 6th April, 2019.
  6. NPTEL online certification course on Computer Organization and Architecture(12 weeks) with Elite held between Jul-Oct, 2017.
  7. NPTEL online certification on Research Writing(4weeks) with Elite held between Feb-March, 2018.
  8. NPTEL online Certification course on Design Thinking- A Primer held between Fb-March,2020.


Workshops/FDPs attended

1.Participated in AICTE sponsored Two day National Conference on “Critical Thinking for GenZ-Multidisciplinary Approach(CTGZMA-2021)”, during 28-29 October, 2021.

2.Attended workshop on “CyberSecurity Engineering in Academics”, conducted by Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security(CS-COE) and Trend Micro in association with IISc and KSCST at RVCE,Bangalore.

3.Participated in IEEE EVOPro certification held online on 1st Septermber, 2021.

4.Attended 12 weeks FDP on Online Data Privacy, Organized Jointly by NPTEL-AICTE from Jan-Apr, 2022.

5.Cyber Security Conference 21 XIII Edition, held on 11th and 12th Feb, 2021.

6.Short Term course on “Practical Analysis of Environmental Data with open source Software(R and QGis)”, supported by MHRD, New Delhi under GiAN programme held at Department of Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics, NITK, Surathkal from 5th to 9th February, 2018.

7.Attended 2nd Cyber Physical Systems Symposium(CyPhySS), held at IISc on 11th and 12th July, 2018.

8.One week Workshop on “Research Methodology”, from 4th to 9th June, 2018, Organized by VTU Human Resource Development Centre(VTU-HRDC) centre on PG studies, Muddenahalli, Chickballapur.

9. AICTE Approved, FDP(FDP101x) on Foundation Program in ICT, conducted by IIT Bombay from August 3 to September 7, 2017.

10.AICTE Approved, FDP(FDP201x) on Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching Learning Process conducted by IIT Bombay from September 14 to October 12, 2017.



  1. Secured 2nd Rank in MTech Course.
  2. Completed Cisco Certified Network Associate -Routing & Switching (CCNA)  certification, 2017-18.