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VTU Research Center

The Department of MCA is a recognized Research centre under VTU with 12 faculty members as approved guides. Currently 19 research scholars are pursuing research and 10 completed under this research centre.

Research areas available for PhD Program

 Guide  RSRI  Designation



 Research Areas of Expertise
 Dr. Usha J


 Professor VTU


 Mobile Computing Communications,

 Cloud computing

 Dr. Andhe Dharani


 Professor & Director VTU


 Image Processing,

 Wireless sensor networks

 Dr. Vijayalakshmi M N


Associate Professor VTU

 Data mining,  Image processing

 Dr. Jasmime K.S


Associate Professor VTU


 Software testing, Software Reuse

 Dr. Renuka Prasad B   Associate Professor & Associate Dean VTU


 Network and Security

Dr. Chandrashekar B.H 012021RSMC001101 Associate Professor VTU Computer Applications
 Dr. Anupama Kumar S


 Associate Professor VTU


 Data mining,  Data Analytics

 Dr. Savitha R


Assistant Professor VTU

 Image Processing

 Dr. Ashwini K B


Associate Professor VTU

 Wireless Sensor Networks

Dr. Preethi N Patil VTU10172578 Assistant Professor VTU  Digital Image Processing
Dr. Deepika K 042022RSMC003811 Assistant Professor VTU Internet of Things

Dr. SumithraDevi K A



(Dept ECE VTU)

Professor VTU  VLSI, Networking

Candidates who completed PhD Programme


Name of the Guide



  Title of Research work

Dr. Sandhya. S


Dr. Sumithra Devi K.A



An Integrated Framework to optimize security mechanisms in blue tooth environment

Dr. Mohanaradhya (1RV11PEN10)

Dr. Sumithradevi K.A



A Novel Approach for Efficient Utilization of Resources to Optimize the  Performance of WSN

Dr. Divya.T.L


Dr.Vijayalakshmi M N



Analysis and prediction of forest fire occurrence and its consequences using data mining techniques

Dr. Krishnan.R (1RV11PEN18)

Dr. Andhe Dharani



Development of Efficient Algorithm on Satellite Imagery for Detection of Topographical Features

Dr. Jayasimha SR


Dr. Usha J VTU 2020 Development of energy efficient algorithms for cloud environment

Dr. Deepika  K (1RV15PEJ27)

Dr. Usha J VTU 2020 Improvement of Human Tracking using Sensor based System

Dr. Sudha M (1RV12PEN04)

Dr. Usha J VTU 2020 Development of Efficient Fault Tolerant Methods and Practices for Cloud Computing Environment

Dr. Guduru Kiran Kumar (1RV12PEN02)

Dr. Usha J VTU 2020

Development of Methods to Reduce Network Congestion in Telecom Signaling

Dr. Jayashri Baburao Madalgi


 Dr. Anupama Kumar S VTU 2021 Effectiveness of Data Mining Techniques to detect congestion in Wireless Sensor Networks

Dr. Shaila H Koppad


Dr. Anupama Kumar S VTU 2021 Development of an integrated framework for investigating health care data using natural language processing and Big Data Analytics

List of PhDs in Progress


Research Scholar


Title of Research Work

Dr. Usha J

Chandrani C



Development of Efficient Mechanisms for Data Management in Mobile Environments

K Prashanth



Strategies for Power Optimization During Attacks Detection and Defense in Wireless Sensor Networks

Priya M R



Secure energy efficient modleing and optimization of attack detection in wireless sensor network based on machine learning algorithms

Rekha C



Methods to Detect, Assess and Mitigate Vulnerability of Mobile Security in Cyber Crimes

Vijayalakshmi S


Identification and Detection of White Grubs Using Sensor and Deep Learning Techniques

Dr. Andhe Dharani

Mridula Tewar


Optimal Strategies to Estimate Human Vitals Using Tiny ML

Derick Mathew



An Investigation on finding an optimal online algorithm for graph based pattern matching

Pavithra S Ganapathi Bhat



Evaluation and Optimization Techniques for Video Surveillance Systems using Social Media Networks

Megha Pothdar



Utilizing AI for Predictive Maintenance and Anomaly Detection in Computer Chip Fabrication Process

Dr. Vijayalakshmi M N

B Chandrashekar



Sustainable access control for end to end security in cloud services

Santosh Akki



An evaluation of effectiveness of e-governance services using data mining techniques

Vyshali J Gogi



Application of Data mining techniques for the analysis and study of hepato cellular carcinoma

Dr. Jasmine K S

Basudeo Singh



Coarsening Payment and Settlement System with Mobile Application

Kiran Kumar A.N



 Development of an efficient model based test automation framework for Business Applications using page objects

Dilip Kumar M



Design and Development of an Efficient Caching mechanism for Big Data Analytics

Dr. Renuka Prasad

Harish G M



Novell Protocol for authentication & Secure routing of data through Wi-Fi Networks

Dr. Chandrashekar B.H

Deepak K R



Machine Learning for Decision Support in Health Sector

JinaPriya S


A Research analysis on enhancing student-centric approch in adaptive learning technique using digital skills

Sharath K



Enhancing Cyber Security in Blockchain System

Usha M



Depression Detection Using Social Media Data Analysis with Machine Learning Techniques

Lakshmi Devi C



Navigating the essence of FiveG to 6G

Dr. Anupama Kumar S

Shrikant H Koppad



Application of Big Data Analytics to Design and Analyze data in Healthcare Industry

Shailaja K P


Data Mining Model for Analysis of Stock Market Data

Akshatha Naik


A Hybrid Model for Learning Knowledge Based Environment to Enhance Information Literacy in College Students

Shreedhar M




An NLP Based Computing Environment for Health Care System

Dr. Preethi N. Patil

Savita Sheelavant



Development and performance Analysis of Extracting features from optical coherence tomography images to grade Diabetic Maculopathy

Saravanan C



Detection and classificiation of facial emotion as real or fource using digital image processing techniques

Yashaswini Y


Early Prediction of Lung Cancer Using Machine Learing Techniques

Dr. Divya T L

Shanthi Krishna R



Advanced Data Preprocessing Techniques for Multimodal Health Data Enhancing Quality Usability and Insights in Healthcare Systems

Suma N R


Novel Approach to Develop Framework for Wheather and Climatic Imapact on Rice Born Diseases and its yield using AI Models

University Research Center Activities 2025

The Doctoral Committee Meeting of following Research Scholars under VTU Research Center, Dept of MCA, RVCE was successfully completed

January 2025

Research Scholar




Priya MR


Dr. Usha J

17th Jan 2025


DC Meeting

Rekha C


Dr. Usha J

Prashanth K


Dr. Usha J

Mridula Tiwari


Dr. Andhe Dharani

Rekha C


Dr. Usha J

30th Jan 2025


Viva-voce Meeting


University Research Center Activities 2024

  • Shailaja KP has been completed Pre Ph.D Comprehensive Viva Voce successfully Under the VTU research centre, Department of MCA.
  • Rekha C has completed the Course work of Ph. D

University Research Center Activities 2023

  • Savita Sheelavant has been completed Pre Ph.D Comprehensive Viva Voce successfully Under the VTU research centre, Department of MCA on 25th October 2023.
  • Saravanan C has completed the Course works of Ph. D

University Research Center Activities 2022

The Pre-Comprehensive vivo-voice of the research scholor Pavithra S Ganapathi Bhat is completed under the guidence of Dr. Andhedharani on 18.03.2022

The Doctoral Committee Meeting of following Research Scholars under VTU Research Center, Dept of MCA, RVCE was successfully completed


Research Scholar Name

Research Supervisor


Savitha Sheelavant

Dr. Preethi N Patil


University Research Center Activities 2021

The Doctoral Committee Meeting of following Research Scholars under VTU Research Center, Dept of MCA, RVCE was successfully completed


Research Scholar Name

Research Supervisor


K Prashanth

Dr. S S Nagamuthu krishnan


Savita Sheelavant

Dr. Preethi N Patil


Shailaja K P

Dr. Manjunath M.


University Research Center Activities 2021-22

  1. Shaila H Koppad (1RV16PEJ01) Research Scholar successfully completed her final Doctoral thesis titled “Frame work for investigating and analysing cronic obstructive pulmonary disease using big data analytics” in Defence Viva-Voce Examination  under the guidance of Dr.Anupama Kumar S, Associate Professor, Department of MCA, RVCE on 4th September 2021
  2. Jayashree Baburav Madalgi (1RV15PEJ34) Research Scholar successfully completed her final Doctoral thesis titled “Effectiveness of datamining technique to detect congestion in wireless sensor network” in Defence Viva-Voce Examination  under the guidance of Dr.Anupama Kumar S, Associate Professor, Department of MCA, RVCE on 2nd September 2021
  3. Shailaja K P (1RV18PMC01) Research Scholar, successfully completed Doctoral Committee Meeting under VTU Research Center, Dept of MCA, RVCE was conducted on 16th august 2021 under the Guidance of Dr. Manjunath M, Assistant Professor, Department of MCA, RV College of Engineering.
  4. The DC Meeting for the research scholor Prof. Savita Sheelavant 1RV19PMC02 was conducted on 14th  July 2021 , Under the Guidance of Dr. Preethi N Patil.

University Research Center Activities 2020-21

  1. Mr Guduru Kiran Kumar successfully completed his final Doctoral thesis titled “Development of Methods to reduce Network Congestion in Telecom Signaling” in Defence Viva-Voce Examination  under the guidance of Dr.Usha J, Professor, Department of MCA, RVCE on 10th December 2020

  2. Mrs. Deepika K successfully completed her final Doctoral thesis titled “Improvement of Human Tracking using Sensor Based System” in Defence Viva-Voce Examination  under the guidance of Dr.Usha J, Professor, Department of MCA, RVCE on 24th September 2020

  3. Mrs. Sudha M, External research Scholar, successfully completed her final Doctoral thesis titled “Development of efficient fault tolerant methods and practices for cloud computing environment” in Defence Viva-Voce Examination  under the guidance of Dr.Usha J, Professor, Department of MCA, RVCE on 30th September 2020

  4. Mr. Jayasimha S R successfully completed her final Doctoral thesis titled “Development of Energy Efficient Algorithms for Cloud Environment” in Defence Viva-Voce Examination  under the guidance of Dr.Usha J, Professor, Department of MCA, RVCE on 10th August 2020
  5. Mrs. Deepika K successfully completed her final Doctoral thesis titled “Improvement of  Human Tracking  using Sensor Based System” in Defence Viva-Voce Examination  under the guidance of Dr.Usha J, Professor, Department of MCA, RVCE on 24th September 2020
  6. Mrs. Sudha M, External research Scholar, successfully completed her final Doctoral thesis titled “Development of efficient fault tolerant methods and practices for cloud computing environment” in Defence Viva-Voce Examination  under the guidance of Dr.Usha J, Professor, Department of MCA, RVCE on 30th September 2020

University Research Center Activities 2019-2020

  • Research Scholars under Dr.Usha J submitted Thesis on 17th January 2020. Details are:       


    Title: Development of Methods to Reduce Network Congestion in Telecom Signaling

  2. SUDHA M -1RV12PEN04

    Title: Development of Efficient Fault Tolerant Methods and Practices for Cloud Computing Environment

  3. DEEPIKA K -1RV15PEJ27

    Title: Improvement of human tracking using sensor based system


    Title: Development of energy efficient algorithms for cloud environment

  • A pre submission colloquium was conducted for the research scholars under Dr.Usha J

  1. Mr.Jayasimha SR on 17/10/2020
  2. Mrs.Sudha M on 18/10/2020
  3. Mr Kiran Kumar Guduru on 18/10/2020
  4. Mrs.Deepika K on 18/10/2020
  • DC meeting of Mrs Shailaja KP, 1RV18PMCO1 pursuing PhD Under the guide ship of Dr Manjunath M was conducted on 17th October 2019

  • An open seminar for PhD Scholars under VTU research Centre, Dept.of MCA was conducted on 24th August 2019 from 9.30am to 12.30pm. The Seminar facilitated the doctoral students to discuss their research works with experts and colleagues in their field of research and getting feedback and suggestions for being suitably incorporate them into their research work. The Technical experts present during the seminar are Dr. Mallikarjun B C, Associate Professor, Department of EEE, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur as external domain expert and Dr. Sathish Babu, Professor, Department of CSE, RVCE Bengaluru as internal domain expert. The research scholars participated and benefited from the seminar are Jayashri Baburao Madalgi (1RV15PEJ34), Shrikant H Koppad (1RV17PEA14), Vyshali J Gogi (1RV16PEJ02), Pavithra S Ganapathi Bhat(1RV17PEA01), Shailaja K P(1RV18PMC01).
  • One day workshop is conducted for all research scholars under RVCE Research forum on 15th July 2019 at RVCE, Bengaluru. The research scholars  Guduru Kiran Kumar (1RV12PEN02), Chandrani Chakravorty (1RV12PEN25), Deepika K (1RV15PEJ27), Santosh Akki (1RV15PEJ28), Shaila H Koppad (1RV16PEJ01), Jayasimha S.R (1RV16PEJ25), Pavithra S Ganapathi Bhat (1RV17PEA01), Shailaja K P (1RV18PMC01), Savita Sheelavant (1RV19PMC02), K Prashanth (1RV19PMC01) are participated.
  • The Doctoral Committee Meeting of following Research Scholars under VTU Research Center, Dept of MCA, R.V.C.E was conducted under the Guidance of Dr. Usha J
Serial No. Research Scholar Name Data of Doctoral Committee Meeting
1 Deepika K 2nd April 2019
2 Jayasimha SR 22nd March 2019
  • Mrs. Divya T L successfully completed her final Doctoral thesis titled “Analysis and prediction of forest fire occurrence and its consequences using data mining techniques” in Defence Viva-Voce Examination  under the guidance of Dr.Vijayalakshmi M N, Associate Professor, Department of MCA, RVCE on 21st March 2019.
  • Comprehensive viva of Mrs. Vyshali. J. Gogi (1RV16PEJ02) was conducted on 30th March 2019.
  • The Doctoral Committee Meeting of following Research Scholars under VTU Research Center, Dept of MCA, R.V.C.E was conducted on 30th March 2019.
Serial No. Research Scholar Name Research Supervisor
1 Pavitra Bhat Dr. Andhe Dharani
2 Jayashri M, Shaila Koppad,  Srikanth K Dr. Anupama Kumar S
3 Santosh Akki Dr.Vijayalakshmi M N
  • Derick John Mathew (1RV13PEN30) has successfully completed his PhD Comprehensive Viva-Voce Completion under the Guidance of Dr. Andhe Dharani.

University Research Center Activities 2018

  • Mr. Mohanaradhya, Assistant. Professor, Dept. of MCA, defenced Ph.D Viva-Voce examination entitled with “Performance Analysis in Identifying an Efficient and Optimal method for Adhoc and Sensor Networks” held at VTU Research Center, Department of MCA, RVCE 30th August 2018
  • Jayasimha SR have completed Pre Ph.D Comprehensive Viva Voce successfully under the MCA VTU research center
  • An Open Seminar was conducted for the Research Scholars registered under VTU Research Center, Department of MCA , RVCE  on 24th February 2018. Dr. Saroj K Meher, Associate Professor, System Science and Informatics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Bengaluru was the evaluator for the seminar. Dr. Jasmine K S co-ordinated the event

University Research Center Activities 2017

  • The Department of MCA is a recognized Research centre under VTU from 2011 – 2018 with 11  approved research guides and 21 research scholars
  • Mrs. Sandhya S, Asst. Professor, Dept. of MCA has successfully completed Ph.D Viva-Voce examination held on 28th January 2017, with the thesis titled “An Integrated Framework to optimize security mechanisms in Bluetooth Environment” under VTU Research Center, Department of MCA, RVCE
  • Ms. Chandrani C,  Mrs. Deepika K and Jayashri Baburao Madalgi have completed Pre Ph.D Comprehensive Viva Voce successfully under the MCA VTU research center

University Research Center Activities 2016

  • An Open Seminar was conducted for the Research Scholars registered under VTU Research Center, Department of MCA , RVCE  on 24th September 2016. Dr SathishKumar S , Associate Professor, RNSIT was the evaluator for the seminar. Dr Andhe Dharani and Dr Nagamuthu Krishnan co ordinated the event
  • Workshop on "Data Analytics Using R-Tool" on 23rd -24th April 2016. Four research scholors of this center attended.
  • Workshop on “Effective Research Paper Writing” for the II & IV semester MCA Students, was conducted on 9th April 2016, under Research center, Department of MCA, RVCE. Dr. Usha J, Director, MCA - delivered a talk  on “Research Paper – Need and Necessity”, Dr. Vijayalakshmi M N, Associate Professor, MCA - conducted a session  on “Contents of a Research Paper”, Dr. Sridevi T R, Chief librarian, RVCE, conducted a session on “Facilities & Services at Library” and Dr. Anupama Kumar, Associate Professor, MCA, delivered a talk on “Referencing & Sample Paper”