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Prof. Suresh .C

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

 Assistant Professor
Educational Qualification MTech, VTU Ph.D- Pursuing
Experience Teaching: 12 yrs
Area of Interest

HV, Power Electronics, Embedded systems

Date of joining at RVCE 04/04/2005  
Email ID  

Project Guided:

Number of UG project guided: 09

Number of PG project guided: 04


National Conferences        : 01

International Journals        : 01

International Conferences : 03

International Journals:

  1. Ashish kumar, Suresh C ,”Analysis Design and Implementation of Snubber Less Current- Fed  Bidirectional Full Bridge Dc-Dc Converter”, IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering  (IOSR-JEEE) e-ISSN: 2278-1676,p-ISSN: 2320-3331, Volume 9, Issue 3 Ver. V (May – Jun. 2014), PP    44-52

International Conference:

  1. Supreetha.S, Suresh. C, "Implementation of power management specs in Low Power Devices Using FPGA", the International Conference Electrical and Electronics Engine4ering, June 2012, Mysore.
  2. S. Avinash, Sneha Mittra, Sudipta Nayan Gogoi, and C. Suresh, "Intelligent car parking system using PLC", International conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECE2012), Bangalore, 20 May 2012.
  3. Suresh C, Sandeep Rao S, Jayaprakasha S, Kiran Kumar V, Narashimha Murthy A “Implementation of FACTS Devices for Voltage Profile Enhancement in a Power System”International Conference on Information & Communication Engineering (ICICE)   held during 28th -29th JUNE, 2013 at PUNE.

National Conference  :

  1. Sujay R Nayak ,Suresh C, “ Comparative performance of bridge and multilevel invererNational conference on “Advanced Research Methodologies in Electrical Engineering”,ARMEE-2013 organized by Department of Electrical Electronics Engineering ,Madanapalle Institute of Technology ,during 27th June 2013 under TEQIP-I

Training Programs Attended

  1. Trained in PLC, Pneumatic & Hydraulic application AT VTU- Rexroth Bosch Lab Mysore.
  2. Undergone training in Linux system programming, embedded Linux and driver development, CDAC, Hyderabad.

Industry Institute Interaction:

  1. Involved with Wipro Academy of Software Excellence in delivering lectures on Digital Electronics, Microprocessors, Computer Organization. Software Architecture and Object Oriented Analysis and Design.