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Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Associate Professor
Educational Qualification M.E. (Power systems), Bangalore University, M.S.,(Software Systems) BITS Pilani, Ph.D.(VTU)
Experience Teaching: 34 Years
Area of Interest Voltage collapse in power systems, Software Systems, embedded system
Date of Joining at RVCE 16/08/1990  
Email ID  

Project Guided:

Number of UG project guided :30

Number of PG groject guided  :11


National Conference          :  17

International Journals         : 05

International Conference   : 04

List of Publications:
Papers Published in International Journals:

  1. V. Chayapathy , Krishnan V, “On Line Voltage Mitigation in a Gas Fuelled Plant in a Power System” , International Engineering and Technology Journal of Electrical Analysis , ISSN : 0973-8088 ,Volume 4, Number 2, 2010 .Page No 039-045.
  2. V. Chayapathy , Krishnan V, “Generator Side Design for Mitigation of Dynamic Voltage Collapse in Power Systems”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering ,Technology and Sciences (IJ-ETA-ETS) , ISSN : 0974-3588 , Volume 4 ,Issue 2, july 09 – December 09 , Page No 881-883.
  3. Sharath B,V Chayapathi,Dr.G S Anitha “Voltage Collapse Mitigation By Reactive Power Compensation    At the Load Side”,  International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Sep-2013  eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308.
  4. Sharath B,V Chayapathi, Dr.G S Anitha “Improvement of Image Quality by Adding White Gaussian Noise”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 10, October 2013, ISSN (Print) : 2320 – 3765 ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875.
  5. Shashikumar  P, V Chayapathi .,“Analysis And Design Of Electrical Power Supply To An Electrical Grid By Using Pv/Battery System” International Journal Of Technical Research And Application,(IJTRA) .volume 2, issue 4, July 2014, PP 203-207. E-ISSN-:2320-8163,

International Conferences :

  1. V. Chayapathy , V. Krishnan , "Detection of Voltage Collapse and its Mitigation by using STATCOM in a Power System ", International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and System Sciences and Engineering (ICCESSE 2010), Published in WASET Journal , Paper ID Code : IT 64000 , Rome, Italy, April 28-30 2010, ISSN : 2070-3740.
  2. V. Chayapathy, “Secure socket layer designed as an embedded system for encryption" Asia Pacific conference on parallel and distributed computing technologies at Vellore institute of Technology , Vellore Tamilnadu.
  3. S.Manasa,R.V.Parimala,V.Chayapathy ,"Advanced PWM Techniques for Cascaded Multilevel Inverters" Second International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent System (SEISCON 2011),IET Conference Publications, Pages 259-265.
  4. Shashikumar  P, V Chayapathi “Design Of Dc-Ac Converter To Interface Grid With Pv/Battery System” International Conference In Computer Science, Electronics And Communication Engineering-ICCECE, 27th july,2014 , Banglore karnataka

National Conferences :

  1.  Prema.D,Chayapathy.V, “Design of half Bridge LLC Resonant Converter Based on PLC810PG” , Jan 2012 , Global Academy of Technology , Bangalore.
  2. Kavitha Kenganal , Chayapathy v "Design of PWM Controller for 90W Forward Converter "Jan 2012 , Global Academy of Technology , Bangalore.
  3. Bhagavi, Latha.R, Sushma S, Ashika , V Chayapathy , Madhu B.R "Image & video processing " National level paper presentation DBIT, Bangalore on 20th April 201
  4. V.Chayapathy , V.Krishanan, Ravishankar Dixit, "Review of voltage collapse detection methods in Power systems", Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering, 5-4-2007, conducted by DSCE, Bangalore, pp 14-15.
  5. V.Chayapathy, V.Krishanan, Ravishankar Dixit, " Mitigation of voltage collapse in Power systems by Reactive power management at receiving end of a Transmission line", Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering, 24th -25th Nov -2008, conducted by SSIT, Tumkur, pp 1-2.
  6. V.Chayapathy , "Design of transport layer for encryption at national conference on data communications" ,10,11th Feb 06, Adhiyamman College of Engineering Hosur, Tamilnadu.
  7. V.Chayapathy, "Optimal design of power generation by using wind energy", Second National Level Conference on Power Conversion and Industrial Controls, NSS college of engineering ,Palakkad , kerala .
  8. V.Chayapathy, "System protection against voltage collapse in HVAC Systems " 30th and 31st July 2004, national conference on recent trends in Electrical engineering at KSR College of Engineering Tiruchengode Tamilnadu..
  9. V.Chayapathy "Cache memory as heart of embedded systems” 30th and 31st July 2004, national conference on recent trends in Electrical engineering at KSR College of Engineering Tiruchengode Tamilnadu.
  10. V.Chayapathy “Economical tapping of wind energy for power generation" 29th and 30th Nov 2004, second national conference on Building national competitive advantage through technical education, Dr AIT Bangalore..
  11. V.Chayapathy, “Logical design for computer communication networks at application layer" national conference on emerging trends in communication networks and internet applications 6th and 7th Jan 2005 , Adhiyaman college of engineering Hosur, Tamilnadu.
  12. V.Chayapathy, "DSP in RTOS" second national conference for research scholars on applications in emerging trends , 28th March 2005, Adhiyaman college of engineering Hosur, Tamilnadu. It was adjudged as BEST PAPER..
  13. V.Chayapathy,  “An embedded system software as a real time operating system for device interfaces – Application wind energy power plant”, national conference on Renewable energy – energy of the future , 19th Aug 2005, Adhiyaman college of engineering Hosur, Tamilnadu.
  14. V.Chayapathy, “RTP : A transport protocol for real time applications – control of wind power generation”,  national conference on  Renewable energy – energy of the future , 19th Aug 2005. Adhiyaman College of engineering Hosur, Tamilnadu.
  15. V.Chayapathy ,“Embedded system controller for integrated web access”, National conference on Emerging trends in industrial automation and control 25th Aug 2005, Adhiyaman college of engineering Hosur, Tamilnadu.
  16. V.Chayapathy “Data Mining With Pattern Recognition” was presented at the national conference on “Advanced trends in power system engineering” 10th, 11th Nov 2005, DSCE,Bangalore.
  17. V.Chayapathy "Voltage collapse Mitigation in power systems", at national symposium on scenario of scientific and information technology in power and power electronic systems, 3,4th April 2008, SSIT , Tumkur.

Expert Lectures Delivered:

  1. Design of Operating system Kernal by Programming on Intel 8051 microcontroller at SJBIT, Bangalore, 10th march-2009.
  2. Delivered Technical talks on Data Structures, computer communication networks and embedded , systems at DSCE, Bangalore.
  3. Delivered key note address on “Role of Software architects in Quality enhancement of software applications:, at APSC, Bangalore in June 09.
  4. Delivered expert lecture on “ Application of software architectures in enterprise application” at RVCE, Bangalore, in july 2014. 

Industry Institute Interaction:

  1. Involved with Wipro Academy of Software Excellence in delivering lectures on Digital Electronics, Microprocessors, Computer Organization. Software Architecture and Object Oriented Analysis and Design.
  2. Involved with MAHEC(Manipal Academy of Higher Education) program in delivering lectures on signals and system, DSP and Object Oriented Analysis and Design.
  3. Involved with Valtech Software and HCL program in delivering lectures on Software Architectures.