Designation | Associate Professor | |
Qualification | M.Tech, Ph.D | |
Experience | Teaching: 19 years, Research: 12 years | |
Area of Interest | Networking, Distributed Systems, and Virtualization | |
Date of Joining RVCE | 8th September 2005 | | |
Project Guided:
Number of UG projects guided: 30
Number of PG projects guided: 20
National Conferences: 04
International Journals: 18
International Conferences: 09
Book Chapter: 01
Google site links:
List of National Conference publications
Sandhya . S, Pavankumar R. Koti, “Secured and Improved Audio Steganography”, proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Technology RTCT- 2011, RVCE, Bangalore, pp 54 - 56, April 2011.
Sandhya . S, Dipti Shankar, Arshiya P, Deekshith, Pavana B, “Audio Steganography using Phase Encoding” proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Technology RTCT- 2011, RVCE, Bangalore, pp 68 - 72, April 2011.
Supreeth Aradhya B P, Sandhya . S,Dr. N K Cauvery,"A comparitive Study on queue and rate based load balancing policies",RVCE, Bangalore, April 2016
Sandhya. S, Sparsha Shetty, “A Survey of WiFi-based Indoor Positioning Techniques”, National Conference on Knowledge Dissemination of PG Projects & Research Works, 7-8 May 2018, IEEE Student Chapter, R V College of Engineering, Bangalore.
List of International Journals publications
Sandhya . S, Harsh Chincholi, Rameshchandra V, “Developing Framework to do the Reliability Testing on webMethods Product Suite”, International journal IJCSCN - Volume 2 Issue 3, June- July 2012, pp 343-346.
Sandhya . S, Dr. N. K. Cauvery, Satvik N, and Vaishakh B N, “A Survey of Existing Resource Management Techniques in Virtual Environments”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology(IJAET), Volume3 Issue 4, Oct-Dec 2012, E-ISSN 0976-3945, pp 89-92.
Sandhya . S, Lokesh Murge, “Rest as a Web Architectural Design”, World Academy of Informatics and Management Sciences, Volume 2 Issue 3, April-May 2013, ISSN 2278-1315, pp 461-464, having impact factor of 1.024.
Sandhya . S, Dr. N K Cauvery, S. Rajeswari, “Image Enlargement Using Absolute Energy in Retargeting”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2013, ISSN 2277-128X, pp 562-566, having impact factor of 2.080.
Ranjitha K N, Sandhya S, N K Cauvery, “A Survey on: Pre-Emptive Migration of a video process using Genetic Algorithm on Virtual machine”, International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science, Volume 3 Issue 5, may 2014, ISSN:2319-7242, pp 5897-5900.
Sandhya S, Sri Harsha C, "Role of Diameter Stack Protocol in IMS Network Architecture", International Journal of Innovative Technology And Research(IJITR), Volume No.3, Issue No.3, April - May 2015, 2180 – 2183.
Sandhya S,Revathi S, N K Cauvery,"Performance analysis and comparitive study of process migration using genetic algorithm",International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 5,Issue 11,PageNo 3179-3183, 2016.
S. Sandhya, N.K. Cauvery, "Dynamic Load Balancing Based on Genetic Algorithm", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-11, pp 176 - 179, September 2019 (SCOPUS indexed publication).
Chaitra N. Korlahalli, Prof. Sandhya S, “HLR Framework Development for Continuous Integration”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, IJSRCSEIT,2019 Volume 5, Issue 2, ISSN : 2456-3307, pp 1276-1280.
Nawal Nagaraj, Prof. Sandhya S, “Scope of Business Intelligence in Organizations”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 07, Issue: 04, April 2020, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, pp 5611-5614.
Krupa Sindhu S, Krupa A. Jain, Prof. Sandhya S, Dr.AzraNasreen, “Comparative Study and Review of Principles for Dashboard Design”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 07, Issue: 05, May 2020, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, pp 6355-6399.
Vidhath BL, Harini V, Dr.Govinda Raju M, Sandhya S, “FPGA-based Sandbox Platform for Hardware Accelerators”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 07, Issue: 05, May 2020, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, pp 6030-6034.
Prajval H L, Sandhya . S, “Block Chain Based Efficient Management of IoT Smart Video Surveillance System”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Volume 11, No. 3, May-June 2020, ISSN No. 0976-5697, pp 55-58.
PramodK ,AkashHegde, Sandhya S, Dr.Shobha G, “Implementation of a Chatbot using AWS and Gupshup API”, Journal of Seybold Report, VOLUME 15 ISSUE 8 August 2020, ISSN NO: 1533-9211, pp 1071-1081(SCOPUS indexed publication).
Sandhya S, Sparsh G Sarode, “Directory Simulation Using In-memory Tries”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 4 Issue 3, May -June 2021, ISSN : 2581-7175, pp 1541 - 1544
Vaibhav V Athani, Sandhya S,“Survey on Load Balancing Techniques in Cloud”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 08, Issue: 07, July 2021, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, pp 121-125.
Sandhya. S, Supreetha H V, “Implementation of an Educational Chatbot using Rasa Framework”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering(IJITEE), Volume-11 Issue-9, August 2022, ISSN: 2278-3075 (Online), pp 29 – 35
Varsha N and Sandhya S, “W-CDMA Support in Single Base Station Operation and Maintenance Architecture”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 18, Number 4, October 2023, pp. 266-272.
List of International Conference publications
Sandhya . S, Cauvery N K, “Dynamic Load Balancing for Video Processing System in cloud”, proceedings of the 5th International conference on Computational Vision & Robotics ICCVR-2014, Intersience Research Network, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India, proceeding published by Springer India as a book chapter in book titled Computational Vision & Robotics, Book Series on “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing”, Volume 332, ISSN 2194-5357, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2196-8_22, 2015, pp 189-197.
Sandhya . S, Cauvery N K, “An Improved and Optimized approach for Pre-emptive Migration of Video Process”, proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics IC3I, SJCE, Mysore, Conference proceeding indexed in IEEE Digital Library, DOI: 10.1109/IC3I.2014.7019813, November 2014, pp 894 - 898.
Sandhya. S, Usha. N, Cauvery. N. K, “Load Based Migration Based on Virtualization Using Genetic Algorithm”, proceedings of the 2nd International conference on Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, ERCICA 2015, NMIT, Bangalore, published by Springer India as a book chapter in book titled Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications, Volume 2, ISBN 978-81-322-2553-9, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2553-9_29, 2015, pp 303-310.
Sandhya. S, Nilesh Pawar, Dr. Cauvery. N. K, “Out of Band Based Remote Management Using DMTF Specifications”, Proceedings of 36th IRF International Conference on Industrial Electrical and Electronics Engineering(ICIEEE), at Bengaluru, May 2017.
Sandhya. S, Shreyas Srinath, Ankita Pal, “A Novel Approach for Data Security in Cloud Environment”, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computers, Communication, Mechanical and Computing, Jan 28-29, 2018, 978-1-5386-4304-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE, pp 345-433.
Sandhya. S, Karthik S, Supreetha H V, “Detection of Anomalies in Time Series Data”, 5th IEEE International Conference on Computation System and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS), December 2021, 978-1-6654-0610-9/21.
Sandhya. S, Pratiksha Narasimha Nayak G, Nimisha Dey, Neha N, Malavika Hariprasad, Minal Moharir, Muteeb Akram, “A Detailed Survey on QUIC and its Impact Network Data Transmission”, IEEE Access, 6th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI), 2022, pp. 378-385, doi: 10.1109/ICOEI53556.2022.9777199.
Sandhya. S, Pratiksha Narasimha Nayak G, Nimisha Dey, Neha N, Malavika Hariprasad, Minal Moharir, “Examination of QUIC-based Website Fingerprinting”, 6th IEEE International Conference on Computational Systems and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions held in December 2022, pp 378-385.
Sanjana N , Sinchana Raj , Dr Vishalakshi Prabhu H, Dr.Sandhya. S, “Real-time Event Streaming for Financial Enterprise System with Kafka”, 3rd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON) Pune, India held during August, 2023.
Book Chapter Publication:
Sandhya . S, Cauvery N K, “Dynamic Load Balancing by Employing Genetic Algorithm”, in book titled “Reliability Engineering (RE) Technologies and Tools for Cloud Systems”, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 1st Edition, April 2021, ebook ISBN 9781003030973, pp 221-234.
1. Reviewer for 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques(ICEECCOT), organized by GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mysore on 14-15 December 2018.
2. Reviewer of The 4th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining (FSDM 2018)Nov. 16-19, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand. This information could be verified via the following website.
3. Reviewed the article ID 21M-01-048, for the journal Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ) (ISSN: 2415-6698) in February 2021 (SCOPUS Indexed, Q3 Journal)
4. Reviewer for 7th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communications Technologies CONECCT 2021, Track #3 and #22, July 2021.
5. Reviewer for IEEE Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon-2021), Track #5, October 24th- 25th 2021.
6. Reviewer for IEEE International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications in association with IEEE organised by Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumkuru, held to be held in December 2021.
7. Reviewer for 5th IEEE International Conference on Computational Systems and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS-2021) 16 th to 18 th December, 2021.
8. Reviewer for 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Science and Technology-2021 held on August 13-14 2021.
9. Reviewer for Research Article 4446342 in Feb 2022 for Journal BioMed Research International published by Hindawi Limited.
10. Reviewer for 8th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communications Technologies IEEE CONECCT 2022, 8th – 10th July 2022 organized by IEEE Bangalore Section.
11. Reviewer for IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Information Science ICDSIS-2022, 29th – 30th July 2022 organized by Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, in association with IEEE Bangalore Section and IEEE Mysore Subsection.
12. Reviewer for Research Article 8660575 in September 2022 for International Journal of Clinical Practice published by Hindawi Limited, (SCOPUS Indexed, Q2 Journal)
13. Reviewer for IEEE International Conference “MYSURUCON-2022” 2nd Edition of Mysore Subsection Flagship International Conference organized by IEEE Mysore Subsection in association with IEEE Bangalore Section, co-organized and hosted at JSS Science and Technology University, Mysuru (SJCE, Mysuru) during 16-17, October 2022.
14. Reviewer for International Conference on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Applied Biotechnology(AIMLBIO-2022) organized by RV College of Engineering in collaboration with Bangalore Bioinnovation centre from 8th – 10th December 2022.
15. Reviewer for 9th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communications Technologies IEEE CONECCT 2023, July 2023 organized by IEEE Bangalore Section, MSRIT.
16. Reviewer for 4th International Conference on VLSI, Signal Processing, Power Electronics, IoT, Communication & Embedded Systems (VSPICE-2023), October 2023, oraganised by NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte.
17. Reviewer for 7th IEEE International Conference on Computational Systems and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS-2023) November 2023, organised by RV College of Engineering.
Interaction with Outside World
Member of IEEE Computer Society: Membership No. 93613918
Life Member of The Indian Society for Technical Education, Member ID: LM134723.
IFERP Member, Member ID: PM54209368.
Working in the project of Karnataka Udyog Mitra Under the group headed by Dr. N K Srinath
Title: Study of existing e-udyami portal for the assessment of shortcomings and recommendation of enhanced features for seamless functioning and user compatibility
Granting Agency: Karnataka Udyoga Mitra (KUM), Govt. of Karnataka
Amount: 9.5 lakhs
Funded Projects :
- A project titled "Spark productivity and project analytics chatbot" is taken up with CISCO India Private Limited-1.5 Lakhs.
- A project titled "Enhancing SIPP tool to have media transfer support" is taken up with Citrix R&D India Pvt. Ltd.-2.5 Lakhs.
Worked on Project from Samsung PRISM titled “Filament(Google Renderer) – Performance Comparison between Vulkan& Shared GL Context” Completed and received Certificate of Excellence for completion of the project.
Proposal submitted as Co-Principal Investigator - grants accepted to fund on title “Quantum Key Distribution Scheme for Securing Smart Grid Communications”. Proposal submitted to CySecK Research Development Programme funded by Government of Karnataka’s K-Tech Centre of Excellence in Cybersecurity(CySecK) and IISc and granted 7.93 Lakhs for the same. Sanctioned and received seed fund of Rs 60,000/- for Pre - Project Phase-mentoring and sanctioned an initial fund of Rs 2 Lakhs for project implementation. (STATUS – Ongoing)
Principal Investigator and working on Project from Samsung PRISM titled “Multipath QUIC Chromium Implementation and evaluation” (worklet NCG07). (Academic year 2022 – 2023). (STATUS – Completed)
Principal Investigator and working on Project titled “Build on the GIS app to display(3D) site features on a map view” from Omega Analytics Private Limited – 1 Lakhs (Academic Year 2023 – 2024). (STATUS – Completed).
Co-Principal Investigator in project with title “Design and develop a stereo depth estimation solution for real-time AR application which can run on an embedded device”, (Worklet RVCE4Elite), - project of Rs 2 Lakhs, Samsung R&D Institute India-Bangalore Private Limited. (Academic Year 2023 – 2024). (STATUS – Ongoing).
1. Certified as Top Performing Mentor Jul-Oct 18 for mentoring NPTEL course on “Introduction to Parallel Programming in OpenMP” by IIT Madras.
2. Received Certificate of Excellence for completion of Project from Samsung PRISM titled “Filament(Google Renderer) – Performance Comparison between Vulkan & Shared GL Context”(Academic Jan 2021 – Feb 2022).
3. Scientific Advisory Committee Member for International Conference on Frontiers in Engineering, Management and Science(ICF-EMS - 22) to be held from 27th & 28th April 2022 organised by A P S college of Engineering, Karnataka In Association with Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP).
4. Identified and Certified as Primary Evaluator in Toycathon 2021, by AICTE, Ministry of Education Innovation Cell.
5. Scientific Advisory Committee Member for International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (ICSTEM - 22) held on 28th May 2022 Virtual Conference organized by Jansons Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
6. Member of Editorial Board of ‘Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)’ and its journal(s).
7. Member of Editorial Board of ‘Lattice Science Publication (LSP)’ and its journal(s).
8. Session chair for IEEE International Conference “MYSURUCON-2022” 2nd Edition of Mysore Subsection Flagship International Conference for a session on 17th October 2022, organized by IEEE Mysore Subsection in association with IEEE Bangalore Section, co-organized and hosted at JSS Science and Technology University, Mysuru (SJCE, Mysuru) during 16-17, October 2022.
9. Session chair for IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and communication systems by SJC Institute of Technology during December 2022.
10.Session chair for IEEE International Conference on Applied Intelligence and Sustainable Computing organized by Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Engineering and Technology during June 2023.
11. Program Committee Member and Reviewer for 4th International Conference on Data Science and Applications organized by Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, during July 14 – 15 2023.
12. Session Chair for IEEE International Conference on Datascience and Network Security organized by Kalpataru Institute of Technology, Tiptur during July 28th – 29th 2023.
13.Session Chair in 2023 3rd IEEE Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON), IEEE Bambay Section organized by Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering & Research ( PCCOER), Pune held during 25th – 27th August 2023.
14.Session Chair in IEEE First International Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Knowledge Informatics and Industrial Electronics (AIKIIE), organized by Rao Bahadur Y Mahabaleshwarappa Engineering College Ballari, held during 2nd & 3rd November, 2023.
Talks/Expert Lecturers delivered:
1. Delivered a sessions at Bangalore Institute of Technology on “Documents to be Maintained” for the event “Accreditation for MTech Programs” on 8th March 2021.
2. Engaged in and conducted training for the Police Department personnel on Python and Networking in January 2022.
3. Trained Employees of Bharat Electronics Limited, at Centre for Learning and Development(CLD), BEL Bangalore for the course title: Completed Networking Fundamentals from 20th – 22nd June 2022.
4. Delivered Talk/Session in 2-Day Workshop on “Cyber Security and Blockchain Technologies”, at RVCE between 4th – 5th August 2022.
5.Handled CCNA Certification Course and trained two complete modules at the department of CSE, RVCE during September 2022.
6. Resource person for two days workshop on “Digital System Design using Intel FPGA's”, by the Department of CSE, RVCE during 24th and 25th January 2023.
7. Trained Employees of Bharat Electronics Limited, at Centre for Learning and Development(CLD) On “Cyber Safety and Security” funded by Bharat Electronics Limited during August 2023.
8. Trained Employees of Bharat Electronics Limited, at Centre for Learning and Development(CLD) On "Introduction to Network Security” funded by Bharat Electronics Limited during September 2023.
Memoranda of Understanding (MoU)
Involved in and participated in MoU between Neridio Systems Private Limited and RVCE for research and academic activities on 19th October 2023, for a duaration of 3 years.