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Prof. Somesh Nandi


Somesh Nandi, Assistant Professor

Educational Qualifications


Experience Teaching: 2 years

Industry: 3 Years

Area of Interest

Integrated Photonics, OptoElectronics
Email ID

Date of Joining at RVCE : 08-02-2022

Subjects Handled : Basic Electronics, Artificial Intelligence

International Conference Publications

  1. Vigneshwar Dhavamani Srijani Chakraborty Ramya S Somesh Nandi “Design and Simulation of Waveguide Bragg Grating based Temperature Sensor in COMSOL” IOP Science Journal of Physics
  2. Arjun Suresh  Bhargava N Reddy  Somesh Nandi “Framework for Cloud based Open Source VLSI Design” IEEE international Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication & Technology (RTEICT) 2020.
  3. Arjun Suresh Somesh Nandi “Physical Bridge Design for High Performance to Peripheral Bus: An Open Source Approach” IEEE Third International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications (ICAECC) 2020.
  4. Somesh Nandi, Indumathi T.S “Mathematical Analysis of Transverse Electric Modes in Symmetrical Slab Waveguide”, IEEE Connect, Bangalore 2020.
  5. Somesh Nandi, Sunil Kumar, et al. "Fixed point implementation of trigonometric function using Taylor’s series and error characterization," International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), IEEE, 2016.
  6. Akshata Kori, Somesh Nandi “GSM AND GPS BASED AUTOMATIC DETECTION OF CRIME USING INFRARED CAMERA AND ENHANCING AMBULANCE AND COP ASSISTANCE FORACCIDENTS” in International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering 2014.

Books/ Chapters Contributed

  1. Somesh Nandi, Indumathi.T.S. “Analysis of Fiber Bragg Grating Spectral Characteristics Using Couple Mode Theory for Sensor Applications” 2019 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Publications 2020, Volume 994 page no 868-879.
  2. Tejasrikumar.K, Amogh.K, Akshata.K, Somesh Nandi, “A Study on Fiber Bragg Gratings and its Recent Applications” Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Publications 2020, Volume 994 page no 880-889.
  3. Harshada J. Patil, T. S. Indumathi, Preeta Sharan, and Somesh Nandi “Interpretation of Photonic Crystals with Hexagonal Symmetry” Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Publications 2020, Volume 994 page no 902-912.


  • Secured Second Rank in M.Tech, VTU.
  • Qualified Karnataka State Eligibility Test (KSET) for Assistant Professor -2020

Membership of Bodies:

IEEE (Membership Id: 94114912)

  • Secretary of IEEE Photonics Society Bangalore Chapter form 2020 to 2024


Recipient of the Light Excellence Award from IEEE Photonics Society Bangalore Chapter.