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Dr. Jaya Sharma


Dr. Jaya Sharma                                                         


Assistant Professor



Teaching -1year  


M.Tech & Ph.D. (IIT Hyderabad) (CSE)


Area of Interest

Surveillance Video Analytics, Aerial Imagery,Remote Sensing Image Analysis  

Date of Joining



Email Id



Number of UG Projects guided:

2 projects in association with DST NMICPS  Technology Innovation Hub on Autonomous Navigation Foundation (TiHAN IIT Hyderabad) Publications

International Conference Publications :

  1. K Sumalatha, Y Nagendar, Jaya Sharma, Padma C R and Zaid Alsalami. “Music Genre Classification using Long Short-Term Memory with Gated Recurrent Unit”.
  2. Accepted In International Conference on Distributed Computing and Optimization Techniques (ICDCOT), 2024.
  3.  Jaya Sharma, Rajesh Reddy Datla, Yenduri Sravani, Chalavadi Vishnu and C. Krishna Mohan. "Aircraft type recognition in remote sensing images using mean interval kernels." Accepted In International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering, pages 166–173. INSTICC, SciTePress, 2022.
  4.  Jaya Sharma, Peketi Divya, Chalavadi Vishnu, C. Linga Reddy, B. H. Shekhar and C. Krishna Mohan. "Deformable and structural representative network for remote sensing image captioning," Accepted In International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications.(VISAPP) , 2022.
  5.  Jaya Sharma, Peketi Divya, Yenduri Sravani, B. H. Shekhar, and C. Krishna Mohan. "Structural representative network for remote sensing image captioning," In 2022 The 15th International Conference on Machine vision(ICMV 2022). SPIE, 2022.

International Journals :

  1.  Jaya Sharma, G. Swetha, Rajesh Reddy Datla, Vishnu Chalavadi, and C. Krishna Mohan. "Aircraft type recognition in remote sensing images using structural information modeling," Submitted to International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2024.