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Prof. Deepashree Devaraj International Journal Publications

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List of International Journals Publications:  

  1. Deepashree Devaraj, Vaishnavi Athrey, “Recognising and converting Sign language into Speech” in International Journal of Novel Research and Development, Volume 8, Issue 7, pgs. 759-767, July 2023.

  2. Deepashree Devaraj, Akanksha Raj, “Web-Based Data Visualization Techniques for Effective Research Data Representation” in International Journal of Novel Research and Development, Volume 8, Issue 7, pgs. 414-416, July 2023.

  3. Deepashree Devaraj, Srilakshmi U Sirurmath, “Secure Cloud Storage Techniques: A Review” in Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Volume 23, pgs. 1388-1395, 2021(Scopus indexed).

  4. Deepashree Devaraj, Abhilasha A M, Pooja Kumari, Ravi Kashyap, Sachin Malgond, “Study and Simulation of Simple Transmission and Reception Model used in 4G-LTE Downlink for Bandwidth”, Science, Technology and Development, Volume X, pgs.315- 320,2021.

  5. Deepashree Devaraj, Pooja. V. H, Jagannathan Gopalakrishnan, “A Review on an Integrated Digital Stethoscope and ECG Acquisition System”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 8, pgs.982- 984, 2020.

  6. Deepashree Devaraj, Dr. S. C. Prasanna Kumar, “Development of a Hybrid framework to characterize red lesions for Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy” in Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol.13, No.3, pgs 962-973, March 2019. (Scopus indexed).

  7. Deepashree Devaraj, Dr. S. C. Prasanna Kumar, Suma R, “Review on segmentation of exudates and microaneurysms for early detection of Diabetic retinopathy” Materials today proceedings, Volume 5, Issue 4, Part 3, 2018, Pages 10845-10850.ISSN: 2214-7853. (Scopus indexed and Elsevier Publication).

  8. Deepashree Devaraj, Dr. S. C. Prasanna Kumar, “Robust detection of Hard exudates for diagnosis of Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy using Integrated approach” in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, August 2017, Vol.614, pgs. 525-534. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60618-7_52. (Scopus indexed and Springer Publication).

  9. Deepashree Devaraj, Veena A.C., “Automatic Optic Disc Detection In Color Fundus Images Using Threshold Based Segmentation” in International Digital Library Of Technology & Research, Volume 2, Issue 2, May- 2018.

  10. Deepashree Devaraj, Dr. Prasanna Kumar S.C, Srilatha. L. Rao, "A Survey on Microaneurysm Detection for Early Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy", International Journal of Engineering science and Innovative Technology, Volume 4, Issue 1, December 2014.

  11. Deepashree Devaraj, Dr. S. C. Prasanna Kumar, Mamatha B.V., Srilatha L Rao, “A Survey on Different Classifiers for Medical Diagnosis and Grading: Application to Diabetic Retinopathy", International Journal of Healthcare Sciences, Research Publish Journals, Vol. 2, Issue 2, October 2014 - March 2015, ISSN 2348-5728.

  12. Deepashree Devaraj, Dr. Prasanna Kumar S.C., Varun P, “Automated Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy using SVM and Multiclass SVM” International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research Issue 4 volume 3, May-June 2014, ISSN 2249-9954.

  13. Deepashree Devaraj, Dr. Prasanna Kumar S.C., Nagaveena Hebbar, "Vessels Segmentation In Diabetic Retinopathy By Adaptive Median Thresholding", The International Journal Of Science & Technology, Volume 1, Issue 1- July 2013 Page No 58-63.

  14. Deepashree Devaraj, Surabhi Anand B, Amrutha Raibagi, Swetha R, "Ultrasonic Anti Crashing System for Automobiles", International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies, Volume 2 Issue 6 - June 2013, Page No 194-208.

  15. Deepashree Devaraj, Dr. Prasanna Kumar S.C, Manisha, "Automatic Exudate detection for the diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy", International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies, Volume 2 Issue 5- May 2013, Page No 657-669

  16. Deepashree Devaraj, Manisha, "A review on exudates detection in the Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy", International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, Volume 2 Issue 4- April 2013, Page No 244-251

  17. Deepashree Devaraj, Nagaveena, "Detection of red lesion in Diabetic Retinopathy thresholding method", International Journal of Engineering &Research &Technology, Volume 2 Issue 4- April 2013, Page No 1889-1892

  18. Deepashree Devaraj, Nagaveena, "Review of retinal microaneurysm detection methods for Automated diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy", International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, Volume 2 Issue 4-April 2013, Page No 244-251.

  19. Deepashree Devaraj, Pavan K, Mallikarjun, Vinod, Karthik, Reddy “Automatic Medical Fluid system using Lab VIEW Real Time”, International Journal of computer applications, Feb 2013, Page No 12-16

  20. Abhinash Dahal, Deepashree Devaraj, “Topological characteristics of ECG signals using Lyapunov Exponent and RBF Network", Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume 1 Issue 9, June 2012. Pp 53-55.

  21. Deepashree Devaraj, Abhinash Dahal, “Topological Characteristics of Dynamics of Heart using Lyapunov Exponent and RBF Network”, in Global Research Analysis ISSN 2277-8160, June 2012, Vol 1, Issue 1, pg 35-37.