Designation | Professor |
Qualification | B.E, M.S, Ph.D | |
Experience | Teaching: 27 years , Industrial: 01 year , Research: 18 years | |
Area of Interest | Web Mining and Information Retrieval, Machine Learning and AI | |
Date of joining RVCE | 05.11.1997 | | |
Project Guided:
Number of UG projects guided: 70
Number of PG projects guided: 40
No. of Doctorate Students Guided*: 03
National Conferences: 07
International Journals: 62
International Conferences: 29
List of Publications: Journals/Conferences Click Here
List of Reviewer for Conferences Click Here
As a Session Chair Click Here
Books Published
- Co-authored book chapter titled: “Spam Detection Over Call Transcript Using Deep Learning”. In: Arai K. (eds) Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) November 2021, Volume 2, pp 138-150. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), vol.359, Springer, Cham. Indexed by SCOPUS, INSPEC, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH, SCImago
- Co-authored book chapter titled: “Stable Reduced Link Break Routing Technique in Mobile Ad Hoc Network” for the book titled “Advances in Computing and Data Sciences”, part of Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (M. Singh et al. (Eds.): ICACDS 2018, CCIS, volume 905), DOI: Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018, Pages 74-83, April 2018
- Co-authored book chapter titled: “Virtual Supercomputer Using Volunteer Computing” for the book titled “Design and Use of Virtualization Technology in Cloud Computing”, ISBN13: 9781522527855, Publisher: IGI Global, Pages 115-139, August 2017.
- Co-authored book chapter titled: “Realization of Optimized Clustering Algorithm on RHadoop” for the book titled “NoSQL: Database for Storage and Retrieval of Data in Cloud”, ISBN-10: B072BZ5D4T, Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.
- Published book titled: Sequential Pattern Mining from Web Log Data: Concepts, Techniques and Applications of Web Usage Mining ISBN: 3659135410 ISBN-13: 9783659135415, Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Publishing Date: 2012-06-08.
Research Thesis Evaluation
1. Evaluated Ph.D Thesis titled “An Optical Character Recognition for Free Style Hand Written Characters” from Dravidian University –Kuppam, Andrapradesh, 2020.
2. Evaluated Ph.D Thesis and conducted Viva-voce for thesis titled “Design of hybrid heuristic approaches for software re-modularization” from, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore - 641 114, Tamil Nadu, India, 2020.
3. External examiner to conduct Ph.D Viva-Voce examination at R&D Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, 2019
4. Ph.D Thesis Evaluation titled “Design and Development of a New machine Learning based Algorithm for detection of Alzheimer Disease” submitted by Geetha C from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, 2017.
5. Ph.D Thesis Evaluation titled “3D Facical Modeling using Image Processing” submitted by Ms M Priya from Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal, India, 2015.
6. Ph.D Thesis Evaluation titled “Intelligent Multimodal Content Based Video Retrieval” submitted by Prasanna S from VELS University, Chennai, India, 2014.
Interaction with Outside World
Delivered a One Day National Level Webinar on "Programming in Python" held at Department of Studies & Research in Computer Science, Karnataka State Open University Mukthagangothri, Mysuru on 26.12.2022 (Session1: 11:00AM to 01:00PM, Session2: 02:30PM to 04:00PM).
Delivered a talk on “Nature and Human Order System” at Student Induction Program (SIP) program held on 01.Dec.2022 at TCE Seminar Hall, RVCE from 09.30 to 10.00 am.
Delivered a talk on the topic “Regressions concepts with Python implementation” held at BMS College of Engineering for the VGST sponsored FDP program on “Machine Learning and Deep Learning”, Bengaluru on 16.03.2022 from 11.30 AM to 1.30 PM
Delivered a talk on the topic “Social Network Analysis Case Studies” to Police personnel held at RVCE on 17.02.2022 from 11.45 AM to 1.30 PM
Delivered a talk on the topic “Data Science and its Applications” at the International Conference on “Innovations in Disruptive Technologies” held at Sri Kanyaka Parameswari Arts and Science College for Women, Chennai on 29 July 2021 from 12.30 to 1.30 PM
Invited as Keynote Speaker for International Conference on the topic “Recent Trends in Computing (ICRTC-2021)” held at Compucom Institute of Information Technology and Management, Jaipur on 30th June, 2021 from 02.00 - 04.00 PM on the topic “Linear Regression and Logistic Regression Model Building with Python implementation”
Delivered a talk for AICTE Sponsored "STTP on Predictive Analytics using Artificial Intelligence" (STTP-PAUAI) held at NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli, Vijayawada – 521212 on 08.01.2021 from 02.00 - 04.00 PM on the topic “Demonstration of Un-supervised Learning Algorithms, Case studies with Python”
Delivered a talk for an International Conference on “Recent Trends in Computing (ICRTC-2021)” held at Compucom Institute of Information Technology and Management, Jaipur on 30.06.2021 from 2.30 to 4.30 pm on the topic “Linear Regression and Logistic Regression Model Building with Python implementation”
Delivered a talk for AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) FDP on “Data Science” held at KLE Dr. MSS College of Engineering & Technology on 02.02.2021 from 2.30 to 4.30 pm on the topic “Linear Regression and Logistic Regression Model Building with Python implementation”
Delivered a talk for AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) FDP on “Artificial Intelligence” held at GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women on 05.01.2021 from 11.30 to 1.30 pm on the topic “Demonstration of Un-supervised Learning Algorithms, Case studies with Python”
Delivered a talk for AICTE Sponsored "STTP on Predictive Analytics using Artificial Intelligence" (STTP-PAUAI) held at NRI Institute of Technology, Agiripalli, Vijayawada – 521212 on 06.11.2020 from AN 02.00 - 04.00 and 18.12.2020 from AN 02.00 - 04.00 on the topic “Demonstration of Un-supervised Learning Algorithms, Case studies with Python”
Delivered webinar talk on “Awareness to Information Security” to employees of Govt. of Karnataka from 01.07.2020 to 04.07.2020 (3.00 pm to 4.30 pm) initiated through Centre for e-Governance and Data Analytics at Administrative Training Institute (ATI), Mysore held from RV College of Engineering, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bengaluru-59
Delivered talk on “Computational Data Science” at JSSATE, Dept. of Information Science, Bengaluru on 17th June 2017 organized through six day Faculty Development Programme (16th June to 21st Jan 2017) on “Computational Data Science”.
Delivered talk on “Research Opportunities and Challenges in Computational Data Science” at M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT), Dept. of Information Science, Bengaluru on 14th June 2016 organized through six day Faculty Development Programme (13th June to 17th June 2016) on “Computational Data Science” organized through TEQIP-II and technically co-sponsored by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Bangalore Chapter.
Delivered talk on “Security Issues in Information Technology” at National Conference on Emerging Trends and Advances in Information Technology (NCETAIT-2016) 29-30th Jan 2016 organized by Adichunchanagiri Institute of Technology (AIT), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chikamagaluru, Karnataka on 29.01.2016.
Delivered talk on “Computational Data Science” at JSSATE, Dept. of Information Science, Bengaluru on 17th June 2017 organized through six day Faculty Development Programme (16th June to 21st Jan 2017) on “Computational Data Science”.
Delivered talk on “Research Opportunities and Challenges in Computational Data Science” at M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT), Dept. of Information Science, Bengaluru on 14th June 2016 organized through six day Faculty Development Programme (13th June to 17th June 2016) on “Computational Data Science” organized through TEQIP-II and technically co-sponsored by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Bangalore Chapter.
Delivered talk on “Security Issues in Information Technology” at National Conference on Emerging Trends and Advances in Information Technology (NCETAIT-2016) 29-30th Jan 2016 organized by Adichunchanagiri Institute of Technology (AIT), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chikamagaluru, Karnataka on 29.01.2016.
Delivered talk on “Big Data Tools” at M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT), Dept of Information Science, Bengaluru on 4thJune 2015 organized through three day Faculty Development Programme on “Big Data Analytics” under TEQIP-II.
Delivered talk on “Information Retrieval“ at Siddaganga Institute of Technology (SIT), Department of Information Science and Technology, Tumkur on 18.04.2013 organized through TEQIP-II.
Delivered talk on “Knowledge Mining using Machine Learning and its Applications” at M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT), Dept of Information Science, Bengaluru on 23rd of January 2014 organized through Faculty Development Programme under TEQIP-II.
Delivered talk on “Information Delivery in Web 2.0” at R V College of Engineering, Dept of Information Science on 16th June, 2014 organized through Faculty Development Workshop and Industry Institution Interaction through TEQIP-II on the theme “Enterprise Information Architectures”.
Article Published
- Published article titled: “Sustainable Approaches for Time-Critical Surveillance Applications” authored by Rajashree Shettar, Mohit Shrivastava and Chaitra R in CSI Communications, Knowledge Digest for IT Community, Vol. 39, issue 11, February 2016, pp. 30 – 32.
Advisory Committee for the 4th International Conference on ICT in Business Industry Government Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India held on 13-14 December 2024.
Advisory Committee for the Third International Conference on Data Science and Bigdata Analytics (IDBA-ACMWIR-2023), Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology Indore, India held on 16-17 June 2023.
Member of National Advisory Committee for IEEE International Advances Computing Conference (IACC 2015) organized by BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore held during 12th – 13th June, 2015.
Paper selected for Invited paper presentation for IEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3T) organized by SJCE, Mysuru, India, during 27th – 29th November, 2014.
Received “Certificate of Excellence”, from M/s Samsung Research Institute for mentoring students on SAMSUNG PRISM worklet – ‘Train Flight Enquiry Capsule’ from Jan 2023 to Aug 2023
Received “Certificate of Excellence”, from M/s Samsung Research Institute for mentoring students on SAMSUNG PRISM worklet – ‘AI, ML | Utterance Recommendation System in Bixby’ from June 2021 to Jan 2022 and Amazon coupons worth $150.
Received “Certificate of Appreciation”, from M/s Machine Intelligence Research Lab for serving as Program Committee member for the 12th Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications (IBICA’21) Conference 16-17 December, 2021.
Advisory Committee for the Third International Conference on Data Science and Bigdata Analytics (IDBA-ACMWIR-2023), Sri Aurobindo Institute of Technology Indore, India held on 16-17 June 2023.
Member of National Advisory Committee for IEEE International Advances Computing Conference (IACC 2015) organized by BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore held during 12th – 13th June, 2015.
Paper selected for Invited paper presentation for IEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3T) organized by SJCE, Mysuru, India, during 27th – 29th November, 2014.
Consultancy Projects
MoU signed between RVCE and M/s Annapurna Info Capital on 11th May 2023 for a duration of 2 years to execute Consultancy Projects.
Executed Consultancy Project titled “Development of Smart Contract using Blockchain Network to find the Stock of every Stock Keeping Unit with Vendors to issue the Estimated Delivery Date to Customers” amounting to Rs. 80,000/- from M/s Dimension64 Consulting Private Ltd. during 2021-22.
Executed Consultancy Project titled “Prototyping the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Protocol for Modelling and Analysis of WBAN” amounting to Rs. 60,000/- from M/s Nihon Communication Solutions Pvt. Ltd. during 2016-17.
Executed Consultancy Project from M/s Nihon Communication Solutions Pvt. Ltd. on Network Analysis titled “Lawful VoIP Surveillance Using Deep Packet Inspection” amounting to Rs. 1.10 Lakh during 2015-16.
Executed Consultancy Project from M/s Nihon Communication Solutions Pvt. Ltd. on Network Analysis titled “Threat Detection using Deep Packet Inspection for Wire Speed Network” amounting to Rs. 1.00 Lakh during 2014-15.
Executed Consultancy project from M/s Gridoctane on BOINC software application testing amounting to Rs. 0.25 Lakh /- during 2014-15.
Research Grants
Received Research Grant from Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST), Department of Information Technology, Biotechnology & Science & Technology, Government of Karnataka under Center Of Innovative Science & Engineering Education (CISEE) scheme for the title “Real Time Traffic Signal Control Based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy logic for Surveillance Videos”, for duration of 3 years from 2015-16, 2017-18 and 2021-22 amounting to 26.50 Lakhs.
Applied for National Patent on “I-Scorer Technique for Ranking in Vertical Search Engine” on 29.MAY.2015 by Dayanand P and Dr. Rajashree Shettar. Application No. 2697/CHE/2015, Reference No. E-2/1575/2015-CHE.
Indian Patent for “Developing a Therapeutic Biomarker for Ebola Viral Disease” on 15.6.2016 by Dr. Vidya Niranjan, Dr. Rajashree Shettar, Sanchit Mittal and Nishka Ranjan, Application No. 201641020467 has been published.