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Dr. Nagaraju

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Designation Associate Professor & Associate Dean PG Studies  
Educational Qualification M.E. Ph.D
Experience Teaching: 22 Years
Area of Interest Signal Processing & Communication
Date of Joining 13.11.1995

Professional Membership:

1. IEEE member

2. Fellow IETE

3. ISTE Life Member


   International Journals: 17

   International Conferences: 11

   National Conference: 03

Courses Taught:

Signal and Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Communication, Multimedia Communication, Cryptography and Network Security.

Books Authored:

 “Signals & Systems” Published by: Scitech Publication, Chennai, ISB No.8188429260.

Collaborative works carried out with academia and industry:

a) Resource Person

  1. Resource Person, FDP on Fundamentals and Applications of Basic Signal Processing, SJCIT Chickaballapur, Oct-2022.

  2. Resource Person, FDP on Digital Signal Processing, Conducted by VTU, Muddenahalli Branch for Faculty under VTU. August, 2019.

  3. Resource Person for the Training program conducted for the employees of TCS on RF System Design Optimization & Testing,; 26 th Feb – 15 th May 2015.

  4. NPTEL-VTU Project: Completed the NPTEL-VTU project on preparation of course materials

(quadrants 2, 3 and 4) for the course ‘Digital Communication’; submitted in March 2014.

b) Members of

1. Member of BoE:  SIT, Tumkur, Dr. AIT, Bengaluru.

2. Member of BoS, Department of Electronics & Communication, Dr. AIT Bengaluru.

3. Resource person for Edu-sat program, VTU.

4. Resource person for NPTEL course material preparation.


1. Honored by ISTE, RVCE Chapter on 7-04-2004 for authoring Book titled “SIGNALS & SYSTEMS” Published by Scitech Publication Chennai.

2. Honored by RSST Bangalore for academic excellence in 2008.


International Journals:

[1] Nagaraju P, Kumaraswamy HV et .., “Analysis of C-shape slotted MSPA for 5G sub Band applications on three different substrates”. International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, Poland. 2022, Vol. 68, No. 4, pp. 715-719 DOI: 10.24425/ijet.2022.143877

[2] Nagaraju P., Kumaraswamy et..: “Analysis of SWASTIK shaped Slotted MSPA Antenna for 5G Sub Band Applications”, Science Direct – Global Transitions Proceedings, (2022), April 2022, pp 80-85.

[3] Rakshitha, P. Nagaraju; “Design of Broadband Microstrip Patch Antennas for Wireless System, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), ISSN: 2321-9653; Volume 10, Issue VII, July 2022.

[4] Chaitra C, P Nagaraju; “Developing a framework for Music Genre Classification using Machine Learning Algorithms”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), vol-8, Issue-7, July 2021.

[5] Shreevidya S., Nagaraju P., Manoj Kumar Podha; "Remote control tool to test the interfaces of IoT hub." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, Vol 7, Issue No. 4, 2021.

[6] Charan K R, S R Mithun, P Nagaraju: “Performance Analysis of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Technique Using Simulink”, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, vol-9, No.7, July 2021 pp 921-928.

[7] S R Mithun, Charan K R, P Nagaraju: “BER Reduction using Various Interference Cancellation Detector in MIMO Systems”, International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Management, Vol-4, No.5, May 2020.

[8] Bhargav Ram M V, Suhas J R V, Yashas J, P Nagaraju; “Implementation of a Modified LSB

Algorithm Based on Pixel Value Differencing or Image Watermarking”, International Journal

of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology; Vol. 5, Issue 4, April 2016,.

[9] Rajiv Krishna Prasad, Architha Kishore, P. Nagaraju; “Design and Analysis of Multiband Sierpinski Carpet Fractal Antenna for Wireless Communications” ; International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER);Vol 3,  Issue 5, May 2015.  ISSN (Online): 2347-3878.

[10] Bharatha H P and P Nagaraju, “Optimization of the Digital Radio Mondiale Receiver Software Implementation to Support Digital Radio Mondiale Plus on DSP”,   International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 5, May 2015, pp 643-645.

[11] Shahasan Noushad, Nagaraju P., and Murugan Ramasamy, “Implementation of CPLD based Receiver in Mini-Telemetry System for Maternal-Fetal Monitoring’’, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2277-4106, Vol-4, No.3, June 2014. Pp 1913-1918.

[12] Swetha R., Nagaraju P., and Rahul Ramachandran “Implementation of DAB Channel and Source Decoders on ARM Cortex-A8 Platform’’, International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD)  ISSN  No.: 2348-4470, 2348-6406, Vol 1, Issue 6, June-2014.

[13] Nagaraju. P, Gayathri. S, Harshitha., and N, Meghna Prakash, “Comparative Study of Different Adaptive Filter Algorithms used for Effective Noise Cancellation”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, e-ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol.3, Issue:4, April-2014.

[14] Nagaraju P., Arjun Jain, Shruthi Sharath, Shwetha S Choudhary, and Vinutha G H.,“Speech Watermarking of Fingerprints using Perceptual Hashing for Authentication” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, e-ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol.3, Issue:2, Feb-2014.

[15] Barun Sharma, P.Nagaraju, Krishnamurthy Vaidyanathan, “Design and verification of a Software defined Radio platform using Modelsim and Altera FPGA”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), June 2013, ISSN: 2229-5518, Volume 4, Issue 6. 

[16] Barun Sharma, P.Nagaraju, Krishnamurthy Vaidyanathan, K.Shivaprakaash, “  Design of a generalized coprocessor for software defined radios on a reconfigurable computing platform”, ITSI_Transaction on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ITSI_TEEE), 2013, ISSN: 2320-8945.

[17] P.Nagaraju, Avinash K.R., Surendra S., Shivaprasad S., “FlexRay Protocol based an Automotive Application”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 5 , May 2012.

International Conferences:

[1] Nagaraju P., Kumaraswamy et.. “An Overview of Slotted MSPA for 5G Applications.” International Conference on Innovations and Recent Trends in Computer Science, ICIRTCS-22, 25th – 26th March 2022, Secunderabad, India.

[2] Manasa Buravalli, P. Nagaraju; “RFID Based RTLS using BLE and Magnetometer sensors for Indoor Way-finding”, International Conference on Smart Innovations for Society (ICSIS), August 20-21, 2021 at Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan.

[3] Nagaraju P, Kumaraswamy H V; “C-Band Dual Cross Polarized Wide band High Gain Polarization Reconfigurable Stacked Patch Antenna Array”, International conference on Networking, Embedded and Wireless Systems ICNEWS -2018, Dec 2018. DOI: 10.1109/ICNEWS.2018.8904023, IEEE Xplore:

[4] Sowmya .M, Shveta B Totad, P. Nagaraju, “Design and simulation of multiband Fractal antenna with various Geometries.” International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control (I2C2), Coimbatore, India. ISBN 978-1-5386-0373-4, Vol-2., August 2017.

[5] Mahesha M G, P Nagaraju, “Design and Simulation of Software Defined Radio using LabVIEW”, International Conference on “Recent Trends in Computer Science and Engineering”,(ICRTCS_2013),  May 2013, Bangalore, India.ISBN: 978-81-31703-83-5, pp 166-171.

[6]Tanuja S, Nagaraju P, Gaurav J, Shivaprasad S, “Randomization for Feature Compliance of QSPI Module in Automotive Microcontroller “, International Conference on Electronics, Electrical and Data Communication(ICEEDC), Mysore, India. Proc., 3 Feb 2013, page 51 – 55

[7] P.Nagaraju, Shreekanth M., “ Design and Simulation of Software Defined Radio using Matlab Simulink”, International Conference on Computing and Communication Technology, 30th and 31st May 2012, Marthandam, TN, India.  Pages: 60-65.

[8] P.Nagaraju, Avinash K. R., Surendra S., Shivaprasad S., “ A Simple Automotive Application using FlexRay Protocol”, International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Sustainable Technologies, EISTCON-2012, 3rdand 4th May 2012, Bangalore,  India.  Pages: 266-270,Vol-1.

[9] P.Nagaraju, Avinash K. R., Surendra S., Shivaprasad S., “Communication between Multiple Nodes using FlexRay Protocol”, International Conference on Electronics & Communication Engineering -2012, April 6th-7th , 2012, Chennai,  India. 

[10] P.Nagaraju, Thanuja.T.C, Vinay.J, Kavya.N.Bhushan, Naren S Vasand, "Hardware Implementation of Robust Modulo Watermarking Algorithm", International Conference on Information Systems and Technology, 16-17 May 2011, Thrissur, India.

[11] P.Nagaraju, Thanuja.T.C, Vinay.J, Kavya.N.Bhushan, Naren S Vasand, "A Robust Modulo Watermarking Algorithm for Colour Images", International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering , 4-5 May 2011, Nitte India.

National Conferences:

[1] BhargavRam, Yashas, Suhas, Nagaraju P., “Performance Comparison of Image Watermarking Algorithms in presence of noise.” National Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, May 2016.

[2] Lalitha S., Nagaraju P.; “Access Point Automation and Network Compatibility Check” National Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, May 2016.

[3] Jagriti Kothari, Sachin Poovanna, Shweta CR, Prerana Gahoi, P.Nagaraju; “Design and Simulation of Wideband Patch at 700MHz’’; National Conference on ‘ICT Innovations for Sustainability’, Bengaluru, May 16-17, 2015.