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The central library is housed in an independent, two-storied building with a carpet area of over 2254 sqmt and is located in the centre of the campus. The library services and resources are mentioned below.

Ground Floor

  • Stack area for books in all disciplines are shelved as per the classification number.

  • OPAC Services
  • Technical Processing Section
  • Newspaper and Magazine Section
  • Document Circulation Counter
  • Library Research Centre
  • Librarian Office

Mezzanine Floor

  • Reference Section and Reading area

First Floor

  • Journal Section/Current Periodical Display
  • Bound Volumes of Journal

Second Floor

  • Rare Books/Advanced Books with reading area
  • Reading area with cubicle

Digital Library

Online access to the e-resources subscription through VTU e-resources consortium of IEEE/IEL, Springer, ASCE, Science Direct, Federated Search Knimbus. These services are IP enabled and can be accessed anywhere in the campus 24x7.

Institutional repository is made available through IP where readers can access previous year question papers, faculty published journal papers, newspaper clippings etc.

Electronic Surveillances

  • 24 CCTV cameras are installed in the library premises as security measure.