Designation | Professor and Dean-EIE | ![]() |
Qualification | M.Tech, Ph.D | |
Experience | Teaching: 26 yrs; Research: 11 yrs | |
Area of Interest | Bio Medical Signal Processing, Computer Communication Networks, Measurement and Instrumentation | |
Date of joining | 26.09.1991 | |
email-id | |
Project Guided:
Number of UG projects guided : 31
Number of PG projects guided : 18
National Conferences : 10
International Conferences : 10
International Journal : 12
List of International Journals Publications:
Padmaja, K.V, Vidya.M.J, “Enhancing security of electronic patient record using watermarking technique”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 5, Issue 4, Part 3, 2018, Pages 10660-10664.
Chaitra G, Vidya M.J, Padmaja K.V “Computation of Image Compression Using Haar Wavelet Transform to Reduce Redundancy at different levels”, in the International Journal of Advanced research in computer and communication engineering (IJARCCE), Vol. 5, Issue 9, September 2016. ISSN (Online) 2278-1021.
Dr.Padmaja .K.V et. al “ BER Performance of BPSK and QPSK over Rayleigh Channel and AWGN Channel” published in International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications(IJEETC),Vol.3, No 2, ISSN:2319-2518. April 2014
Dr. Padmaja K V, Bindu P bhat ,” A case study on Fiber Bragg Grating for Biomedical Applications”, Vol1, Issue 5 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology. , July 2014.
Dr. Padmaja K V et. al “Eye-Gesture Controlled Intelligent Wheelchair using Electro-Oculography” circuits and systems(ISCAS), C3L-B04 , IEEE Symposium during 1-5 June 2014.
Dr. Padmaja KV et.all , Development “Algorithm for SNR Estimation and signal power variation of wireless channe ,International Journal on Combined Research and l “ Vol 2, Issue 1 Jan 2014.
Dr. Padmaja K V et. Al, “Developing Trends in Cardiac Monitoring Systems”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2014.
Dr.Padmaja KV, Vidya M J, V Bhavana” Feasibility of Authenticating Medical Data Using Photoplethysmography (ppg) as Signature Mark”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2014
Padmaja V K ,Dr. K. V. Padmaja, M.N.Giriprasad,, " Face recognisation of database of compressed images using local binary pattern , International Journal of Computer application, Volume 74, Number 16, July 2013.
Dr. K. V. Padmaja, Apoorva M Kalgal ,"Smart Infusion Pump: A Boon to HealthCare Industry",International Journal Engineering Trends and Technology,Volume 4 Issue 6-June 2013,Page No 2570-2573.
Dr. K. V. Padmaja, Aarti G. Soni,"A Review on MR Image Intensity Standardization Methods",International Journal of Innovative Research & Development,Volume 2 Issue 5-May 2013,Page No 1470-75
Chethan.G, Saurav Pratap Singh, Dr. Padmaja .K.V, Dr. Prasanna kumar .S.C., "Instrumentation system for amperometric biosensor", Indian Journal Of Applied Research, Vol 1, July 2012, pp 49-51.
List of International Conference Publications:
Padmaja K.V., Reddy C.V., (2018) Relaxed Greedy-Based Approach for Enhancing of Resource Allocation for Future Cellular Network. In: Silhavy R. (eds) Cybernetics and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems. CSOC2018 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 765. Springer, Cham
K,V.Padmaja, N.Kavya, “Glaucoma detection using texture features extraction”, 51st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers IEEE, Oct 2017, 978-1-5386-1823-3/17/
Vidya M J, Dr. Padmaja K V,’Affirmation of Electronic Patient Record through Bio-electric Signal for Medical Data Encryption Authenticity’, presented at The 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON) will be held at The Wembley St. Giles, Penang, Malaysia on 5 – 8 November 2017.
M. J. Vidya, K. V. Padmaja and G. Chaithra, "An indigenous PPG acquisition system using monolithic photo-detector OPT101," 2016 International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Power and Embedded System (SCOPES), Paralakhemundi, 2016, pp. 1457-1460.doi: 10.1109/SCOPES.2016.7955681
Vidya M J, Padmaja K V, “Enhancing Security Of Electronic Patient Record Using Watermarking Technique” in the 2nd International Conference on Large Area Flexible Microelectronics (ILAFM), R. V. College of Engineering, Bangalore, 21st-22nd December 2016.
Vidya M J, Dr. Padmaja K V,Chaithra G, “An Indigenous PPG Acquisition System Using Monolithic Photo-detector OPT101”, in the IEEE, International conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Power and Embedded System (SCOPES-2016), Centurion University, October 03-05, 2016 in Paralakhemundi, Odisha.
Dr. Padmaja K V et. al "Eye-Gesture Controlled Intelligent Wheelchair using Electro-Oculography" circuits and systems(ISCAS), C3L-B04 , IEEE Symposium during 1-5 June 2014.
Dr. Padmaja K. V. , Chetan Belur, Santosh Srivatsa, Sharath T D, Vinay Reddy,"Intelligent transportation system(ITS) using GPS and GPRS/GSM", International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,New Delhi,26th May,2013
Satish Ravishankar, Govind Ram, Niyanth Krishna, Theja Ram, Nikhil M, Dr. K.V.Padmaja, "Electro-Oculography based semi Automatic eye gaze controlled electric wheelchair in proceeding of International Conference on"Laser Advances in Science Engineering and Research ICLASER2012, M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bnagalore,India, June 2012.
R Sunitha, Dr. K V Padmaja, "Understanding the neural mechanism of sleep using wavelets and multifractal techniques", International conference on signal processing, communication, computing and networking Technologies (ICSCCN-2011), Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Thuckalay, Tamil Nadu, July 2011.
List of National Conference Publications:
Madhumitha.V, Dr. Padmaja K. V., “Modified Histogram based Brightness Preserving Contrast Enhancement for Low Dose CT Images”, National Conference on ‘ICT Innovations for Sustainability’ held at R.V. College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka during 16-17 May,2015.
Vidya M.J, Padmaja K V, Shridhara R V, “Implementation of DWT Watermarking Technique on Digital Data” in the National Conference on “ Research Challenges in power,Control, Communication and Instrumentation Leading to Sustainable Technologies[NCPCCI-15]” organized by Departments of EEE, ECE, TCE, and EIE, R.V College of Engineering, Bengaluru during 24-25 April 2015.
Vidya M.J, Padmaja K V, “Medical Data Storage By Watermarking Scheme Using Biometric Authentication” , in the 7th International Congress of Environmental Research.
Sreedhara V, Vidya .M.J, Dr. Padmaja.K.V, "Implementation of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) Watermark Technique on Digital Data Research Challenges in Power, Control, Communication and Instrumentation Leading to Sustainable Technologies[NCPCCI-15] organised by EEE,ECE,EIE and TCE from 24-25 April 2015.
Vidya M.J, Padmaja K V, “Medical Data Storage By Watermarking Scheme Using Biometric Authentication” , in the 7th International Congress of Environmental Research.
Kavya D, Vidya M J, Dr. Padmaja K V,"Detection of Ischemia using Matlab",National conference on Computational control system and optimization,Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology,May 2013.
Shruthi Sadashiv, Vidya M J and Dr. Padmaja K V,"Removal of noise in ECG signal using digital filters",National conference on Computational control system and optimization,Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology,May 2013.
Sanddep Reddy A V, Prof.K V Padmaja, "Delivery Of Aerosolized Medication Through Continuous Positive Air Pressure Supply Automatically", One Day National Conference On "Emerging Trends In Bio-Medical Signal Processing", 26 February 2011.
R Sunitha, Dr. K V. Padmaja," Characterizing Non-REM to REM sleep transitions Using Wavelets Transform modulus Maxima", One Day National Conference On "Emerging Trends In Bio-Medical Signal Processing", 26 February 2011.
Dr.Padmaja, Hema Priyadarshini, " Power Management System for ECG Machine", National Conference on Emerging trends in Control Communication Signal Processing and VLSI Techniques,2010.
Interaction with Outside World
- Organizing Secretary; for "Second International Conference on Large Area Flexible Microelectronics (ILAFM-2016)", Theme: Wearable Electronics from December 20-22, 2016., held at RVCE, Bengaluru, India.
- Member of Selection Committee, for UPSC, Delhi.
- Member of Panel of Expert for Recruitment and Assessment Centre of DRDO.
- BOS member for Presidency University from Nov-2015 to till date
- BOE member for E&IE BMSCE from 2012 to till date.
- Industry- Institute interaction visit under CoE, TEQIP-2, to CDAC, SCL, PEC, Chandigarh; IIT, Delhi, NPL, IARI, THAPAR University, Punjab; from 1st to 8th July, 2015.
- Special Invitee for BOS Meeting at VTU Regional office Bangalore, regarding Preparation of Scheme and syllabus of BMSPI PG programme during May/ June 2014.
- Visited Melbourne University to establish research collaboration during June 2012
- Adviser for interview board, UPSC New Delhi since 2011.
- Member, BOS for IT, Dr. AIT, Bangalore, from 2008-2012.
1. Academic Excellence award for the year 2007-08 by RSST Trust
2. Academic Excellence award for the year 2008-09 by RSST Trust.