Rekha B S, Assistant Professor |
Educational Qualification |
M. Tech, (PhD) |
Experience |
Teaching: 15 years R & D : 04 years |
Area of Interest |
Image Processing and Neural Networks |
Date of Joining | 05/07/2007 | |
Email ID |
List of Publications:
International Journals:
1. Navneet Singh Patel, Rekha B S, “Software as a Service SaaS: Security issues and Solutions”, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER), April 2015, Issue (Volume 4 Issue 6). ISSN: 2250-3005.
2. Ravella Vineesh, Rekha B S, “Intelligent Document Conversion”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD), May 2014, Issue ( Volume 2, Issue 3), ISSN[ONLINE] 23210613.
3. Shivagupta Chandakavathe, Rekha B. S., Sampath Kumar C, A paper titled “A Novel Approach on Multi Factor Authentication”, May 2016, Pg No 1441-1443, Volume 5 Issue 5, , ISSN (Online): 2319-7064.
4. Jayashree S, Mrs. Rekha B S, "Overview of Virtual Prototyping Techniques for System Development and validation" Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, Vol-3, Issue - 4, ISSN: 2454-1362, July 2017.
5. Amreen Kausar Gorvankolla, Mrs. Rekha B S, "Implementation of Boyer Moore Pattern Matching Algorithm in Document Analysis", Journal for Advanced Research in Applied Sciences, Vol-4, Issue-1, January-June 2017, ISSN: 2394-8442.
6. Deepa Sajjanar, Mrs. Rekha B S, Dr. G N Srinivasan, "Lung Cancer Detection and Classification using Convolutional Neural Network", Journal of Applied Science and computations, Vol-5, Issue-6, June 2018.
7. Komal S K, Mrs. Rekha B S, Dr. G N Srinivasan, Mr. Puneeth Chandrashekar, "Performance Evaluation of Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Convolution Neural Network (CNN) for Video Tampering Classification", Journal of Applied
Science and Computations, Vol-5, Issue-6, June 2018.
8. Komal S K, Mrs. Rekha B S, Dr. G N Srinivasan, "Fish Detection and Classification using SOM", CIIT International Journal of Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning, Vol-10, Issue-5, May 2018, DOI: AIML052018005.
9. Deepa Sajjanar, Mrs. Rekha B S, Dr. G N Srinivasan, "Vehicle Detection and Classification using Neural Networks", CIIT International Journal of Automation and Autonomous System, Vol-10, Issue-5, May 2018, DOI: AA052018005.
National Conference:
Rekha B S, Deepika C N, "Biometrics For Network Security" at Second National Conference On "Recent Trends in Information and Communication Technology- RTICT", 20th – 21st March 2009, organized by Department of Information Technology, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.
Rekha B S, Deepika C N, "Feature Extraction and Selection in Pattern Recognition" at National Conference on Information Sciences NCIS-2009 held on 24th April 2009, at Manipal Centre for Information Science, Manipal University, Manipal, pp. 459-470.
Rekha B S, "Linux For Wireless LAN Security" at National Conference on Advanced Information Technologies NCAIT-2009, organized by Department of Information Science & Engineering, SJBIT, Bangalore, pp. 06-10.
Paper titled "MOST Protocol Implementation for Infotainment Devices" at National Conference on “Emerging Broad Band Technologies" held at R.V. College of Engineering on May 16th, 17th 2009, pp. 61-66.
Paper titled "CASD: Parser Implementation of auto analysis system for issue location and resolution in the storage arrays in data centres" at National Conference on "FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE FCS" held at DON BOSCO Institute of Technology by the department of Computer Science & Engineering, on May 19th-21,2011.
International Conference
1. Paper titled "Development of Integrated System for the Computational Analysis of Biological Data Related to Rheumatoid Arthritis" at International Conference on "Convergence of science & Engineering in Education & Research a
Global perspective in the new Millenium" ICSE 2010, held at Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering on April 21-23 2010.
Workshops Attended
"Train The Trainer Program" held at Infosys, Bangalore from June 25, 2008 to June 27, 2008, conducted by Infosys Technologies Limited.
Staff Development Programme on Knowledge Management, organized by the Department of Information Science & Engineering, R.V College of Engineering, Bangalore from 21st January to 2nd February 2008.
Outward Bound Learning program at Pegasus Institute for Excellence, Bangalore Centre from 24th to 25th January 2009.
"Train The Trainer workshop" jointly organized by Dept of ISE with Computer Society of India, 28-30 July 2009 at RVCE.
Workshop on "C/C++ PROGRAMMING" held between 20th and 22nd August 2009 by department of Information Science & Engineering, R V C E Bangalore.
Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights held on 18th-19th August 2011 conducted by RVCE Bangalore.
Workshop on Patents held on 7th December 2011 Organized by MHRD Chair on Intellectual Property Rights at National Law School of India University, Bangalore.
Attended 3 day workshop on ns-3 from 2nd July - 4th July 2015, conducted at Department of M.C.A., R.V. College of Engineering, Bengaluru.
Attended faculty development programme and summer school on “Machine Learning and its Applications”, from July 12th – 17th 2015 conducted at Department of Computer Science and Engineering of M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
Attended five days faculty development programme on "Machine Learning : Techniques and Tools" held at JSSATE, Bengaluru, December 2018.