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Dr. G S Mamatha

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Dr. G S Mamatha, Professor & Head

Educational Qualification

M.Tech, PhD


Teaching: 20 Years
R&D: 12 Years

Area of Interest

Ad hoc Networks, Network Security, IOT,

Cloud Computing, Software Engineeirng, AI, DevOps

Date of Joining 20/08/2004

Email ID

Number of UG projects Guided:55

Number of PG projects Guided: 45

Number of International Journals: 33

Number of National Conferences: 02

Number of  InterNational Conferences: 16

List of Publications:

International National Journals:

  1. S. Vinod Kumar, G.S. Mamatha, “Analysis of Fuzzy Technology based Scheduler in MANETs”, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT), Vol-4 Issue-6, June 2013, Pages: 1896-1900.

  2. Dr G S Mamatha and Vasudev K, “Load reduction in videos using advanced fast algorithm”, Journal for Advance Research in Applied Sciences,  Dr G S Mamatha and Vasudev K, “Load reduction in videos using advanced fast algorithm”, Journal for Advance Research in Applied Sciences, Vol. 4, Issue 1, JAN 2017, Pages: 298-302.

  3. Dr G S Mamatha, “Modelling and Analysis of Solution to Misbehaviors in MANETs”,  International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Vol 9, No.42, 2017, ISSN: 0974-5572, Pages: 177-185.

  4. Chethana RM, Dr. G S Mamatha, “Interference Avoidance Challenges in Densely Deployed OFDMA Hybrid Access Femto Cellular Networks”, J Electrical Eng Electron Technology,  Vol: 7 Issue: 1, FEB 2018,  doi: 10.4172/2325-9833.1000155, ISSN: 2325-9833

  5. Dr. G S Mamatha, Lakshminarayana V K, ” Automatic Controller Service Package for Tank Water Management”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science and Technology, Vol.7, Issue.4, Jul 2019, pp: 108-114. (UGC CARE)

  6. Hegde Kiran, Mamatha G S et al,” A Comparative Study on Performance of Popular Deep Learning models to detect diabetic retinopathy”, Journal of Innovation in Computer science and Engineering, Vol.9, Issue 2, 2020, pp: 34-38. 

  7. Debashish M, G S Mamatha,” A Study of block chain solutions for IoT issues”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology,” Vol. 8, Issue.5, MAY 2020.

  8. Sudharshan M, Harith L K, G S Mamatha et al, “A Study on Web Conferencing system and the deployment”, International Journal of Advanced Research , Ideas, and Innovations in Technology, Vol. 7, Issue 3, 2021, pp: 2287-2291.

  9. Sonal S R, Likitha P. G S Mamatha et al,” Monitoring Market Volume and Generating alerts using sentimental analysis of financial news articles for risk evaluation”, Journal of Engineering Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol. 8, Issue. 6, 2021, pp:453-459.

  10. Saksham Garg, G S Mamtha et al, “A Study on the integration of Spring and Kafka”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 10, Issue.6, 2021, pp: 575-579.

  11. Sumathi H, G S Mamatha, Ramaa A, “Cataloguing of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among children”, TechRxiv Rerprint, NOV 2021. (Q3)

  12. Preetham T P, G S Mamatha,” Inception of a containerized multipurpose chatbot”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, Issue.5, MAY 2020.

  13. Ramadas Kamat, Dr. G S Mamatha, “Study on Change Data Capture Techniques for Incremental Loading in Data Warehouse”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 11, Issue 7, July 2022 DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2022.11748.

  14. Pranav Mahajan, Dr. G S Mamatha, “A Study on Organic Search Optimization”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 5 Issue 4, July- Aug 2022, ISSN: 2581-7175,  DOI:10.14299/000000.

  15. Mahesh S P, Dr. G S Mamatha, “Comparative study of popular Data Quality tools”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 11, Issue 7, July 2022, DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2022.11769.

  16. Roopa N K, Mamatha G S, “An Add-on CNN based Model for the Detection of Tuberculosis using Chest X-ray Images” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2023. (Q3)

  17. Roopa, N.K., Mamatha, G.S. “CLBO: chef leader-based optimization enabled deep learning for tuberculosis detection using x-ray images”,International Springer Journal of Signal and Video processing,  SIViP (2023), OCT 2023, DoI: (Q2).

  18. N M Nishanth, Dr. G S Mamatha, “ Using Py4J for Java-Python Communication”,  International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 12, Issue 6, June 2023, DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.12610, pp: 54-58.

  19. Shivanand Sunagar, Dr. G S Mamatha, “ Effective Resource Management Strategies for Financial Stability in Business Activities”,  International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 12, Issue 6, June 2023, DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.12610, pp: 67-70.

  20. Dr G S Mamatha, Anusha G, “ Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN): Empowering the Future of Telecommunication”,  Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education,  Vol.12 No.7(2021),DOI: 10.17762/turcomat , pp: 3475-3481.

  21. Priya D, G S Mamatha et al, “Keratoviz-A multistage keratoconus severity analysis and visualization using deep learning and class activated maps”,  International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol. 13, No. 1, February 2023, pp. 920~935 ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v13i1.pp920-935. (Q2)

  22. Mamatha, G. S., Namya Dimri, and Rasha Sinha. "Post-Quantum Cryptography: Securing Digital Communication in the Quantum Era." arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.11741 (2024).

  23. Sandeep G S, Dr. G s Mamatha, “Bit-rate aware effective inter-layer motion prediction using multi-loop encoding structure”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol 37, No 1: January 2025, pp. 569~579 (Q3).

  24. G.S. Mamatha, Priyanka D.R, “Functional Layer Object Extender for Motive Dynamic Fulfilment”, International Journal for Science Research (IJSRD), Volume 03, Issue 04, June – 2015, ISSN (Online): 2321-0613.

  25. G.S. Mamatha, Ganaraj M., “Enhanced Hybrid Scheduling Algorihm for small wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD), ISSN: 2321-0613, Vol-II, Issue-IV, June 2014, Pages: 707-709

International Conferences: 

  1. G.S. Mamatha, Dr. S.C. Sharma, “A New Secured Approach for MANETS against Network Layer Attacks”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Integrated and Intelligent Computing and citation in IEEE Explore, August 2010, Pages: 290-295. 
  2. G.S. Mamatha, ”A New Security Solution Architecture for MANETS against Network Layer AttacksIn Proceedings of Springer Link Lecture Series and in proceedings of Third International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiMoNe-3.0), JAN 2-4, Bangalore 2012, Pages: 263-271. 
  3. Ganesh M, G.S. Mamatha, “Enabling Platform as a service through a consolidated resource manager”, In Proceedings of International Conference in Computer Science, Electronics and Communications Engineering-ICCECE 2014, May 2014, Bangalore, Pages: 14-17.
  4. Sandeep G S, Sunil Kumar B S, Mamatha G S, “ A Survey of Optimization of Rate Distortion Techniques for H.264 Scalable Video Coding”,  In Proceedings of International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems and Applications, Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-5272-9, 2018.
  5. Chaitra D M, Dr. G S Mamatha, “An enhancement to random forest algorithm for smart home and office environment”, In proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Processing, Communication & Information Technology at JNNCE, shimoga in JUN 2018.
  6. Suraj A R, Shekhar S.J, Mamatha G S, “A Robust Security model for Cloud Computing Applications”, 7th IEEE International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy, Information and Communication, ICCPEIC 2018, pp: 18-22
  7. B K Srinivas, Dr. G N Srinivasan, Dr. G S Mamatha, Harmonious-living in Natural Environment through Sustainable Economic Lifecycle, Jagruti 2019 All India Youth Conference at IISc, Bangalore, JAN 2019.
  8. Uday D V,  Dr. G S Mamatha, “  An Analysis of Health System Log Files using ELK Stack”, In Proceedings of  4th International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication & Technology (RTEICT-2019), SVEC, Bengaluru,  MAY 17th & 18th 2019.
  9. Roopa N K, Dr. G S Mamatha, “Correlating the Machine Learning Models for Automatic Error Detection and Correction in Document Images with Computer-Aided Disease Diagnosis and Identification from Medical Imaging”, In proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications [ICIMIA 2020], DSCE Bengaluru, MAR 2020.
  10. Sandeep G S, Dr. G S Mamatha, “Recent Survey on Rate Distortion Optimization for HEVC and its scalable extensions-SHVC”, In proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry applications, DSCE Bengaluru, MAR 2020.
  11. Priya D, Dr. G S Mamatha,” Early Screening Framework to detect Keratoconus Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques: An Extensive Review”, Springer Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications technologies [LNDECT] as a proceedings of the International Conference on Evolutionary Computing and Mobile Sustainable Networks, 2021, 59, pp:195-202.
  12. Rizvi S, Mamatha G S, “Automated Continuous Integration (ACI) scheme based on Jenkins”, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communication Technologies”, 2021, 58, pp: 915-925. 
  13. A Marium and G S Mamatha,”BERT model for classification of fake news using the cloud processing capacity”, In Proceedings of IEEE 9th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 2021, pp: 1-6.
  14. G S Mamatha, Shashank S, “A Novel Approach for the Enterprise Hospital management Application with Full Stack Development”, In proceedings of 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, In Springer Book series, Global Knowledge Research Foundation, June 22, 2023, ISBN: 978-981-19-9303-9.
  15. Vaibhav K Bhonsle, Dr.  G S Mamatha, “Adaptation of Agile Methodology in Medical Industry”,  In proceedings of 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, In Springer Book series, Global Knowledge Research Foundation, June 22, 2023, ISBN: 978-981-19-9303-9.
  16. Supritha, K.R., Mamatha, G.S. (2024). Novel Design Templates for OTT Platform Thumbnails to Engage the Viewers. In: Senjyu, T., So–In, C., Joshi, A. (eds) Smart Trends in Computing and Communications. SmartCom 2024 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 947. Springer, Singapore., pp: 405-414.
  17. G.S. Mamatha, Haripriya V. Joshi, and R. Amith,  “Bio-intelligent computing and optimization techniques for developing computerized solutions”,  Advances in Computers,  Copyright ©2023 Elsevier Inc, ISSN 0065-2458,, pp: 259-288.
  18. G S Mamatha, Relia Maharshi Chetan,” Optimizing SaaS Metrics with Advanced Data Processing and Machine Learning Techniques”, In Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Conference of Computational Systems and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS), Bengaluru Nov 6-8 2024, pp: 1-6.
  19. G. S. MAMATHA, A. S. ANEESH and G. CHAITHANYA, "Public Key Security for Quantum Key Distribution," 2024 8th International Conference on Computational System and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS), Bengaluru, India, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CSITSS64042.2024.10817048. 
  20. Sandeep G. S and G. S. Mamatha, "Bi-Critical Reinforcement Learning Framework for Bit Rate Reduction and Quality Improvisation," 2024 8th International Conference on Computational System and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS), Bengaluru, India, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CSITSS64042.2024.10816841. 


National Conferences:

  1. G.S. Mamatha, Dr. S. C. Sharma, "An Adaptive Algorithm to Stabilize the network Performance in MANETS", In Proceedings of National Conference on Network Security and Information retrieval (NCNS-2009), MCA, RVCE, Bangalore, DEC14th 2009, Pages: 54-59.G.S. Mamatha, “Agile Methods”, State level Technical Paper presentation, SJBIT, OCT 2008.

  2. G.S. Mamatha, “Agile Methods”, State level Technical Paper presentation, SJBIT, OCT 2008.

Book Chapters:

  1. G.S. Mamatha, ”A New Security Solution Architecture for MANETS against Network Layer Attacks” In Proceedings of Springer Link Lecture Series and in proceedings of Third International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiMoNe-3.0), JAN 2-4, Bangalore 2012, Pages: 263-271.

  2. Sandeep G S, Sunil Kumar B S, Mamatha G S, “ A Survey of Optimization of Rate Distortion Techniques for H.264 Scalable Video Coding”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems and Applications, Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-5272-9, 2018.

  3. Priya D, Dr. G S Mamatha,” Early Screening Framework to detect Keratoconus Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques: An Extensive Review”, Springer Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications technologies [LNDECT] as a proceedings of the International Conference on Evolutionary Computing and Mobile Sustainable Networks, 2021, 59, pp:195-202.

  4. Rizvi S, Mamatha G S, “Automated Continuous Integration (ACI) scheme based on Jenkins”, Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communication Technologies”, 2021, 58, pp: 915-925.

  5. G S Mamatha, Shashank S, “A Novel Approach for the Enterprise Hospital management Application with Full Stack Development”, In proceedings of 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, In Springer Book series, Global Knowledge Research Foundation, June 22, 2023, ISBN: 978-981-19-9303-9.

  6. Vaibhav K Bhonsle, Dr.    G S Mamatha, “Adaptation of Agile Methodology in Medical Industry”,    In proceedings of 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, In Springer Book series, Global Knowledge Research Foundation, June 22, 2023, ISBN: 978-981-19-9303-9.

  7. Supritha, K.R., Mamatha, G.S. (2024). Novel Design Templates for OTT Platform Thumbnails to Engage the Viewers. In: Senjyu, T., So–In, C., Joshi, A. (eds) Smart Trends in Computing and Communications. SmartCom 2024 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 947. Springer, Singapore.

  8. G.S. Mamatha, Haripriya V. Joshi, and R. Amith,    “Bio-intelligent computing and optimization techniques for developing computerized solutions”,    Advances in Computers,    Copyright ©2023 Elsevier Inc, ISSN 0065-2458,

Patents Filed and Published:

  1. Title of the invention: SHABDKOSH DEVICE FOR WOMEN SAFETY IN PUBLIC- Published on 16/10/2020

  2. Title of the invention: Detection of GAN Generated Fake influential Images in social media using counter GAN – Filed in MAR 2022. published on 6/10/2023.


Awards & Achievements:

  1. Won International award from WiC, USA as Roel Model for WiC activities and establishment of CoE in RVCE in 2023 & 2024 consecutively.

  2. First best paper award for the paper- G.S. Mamatha, Dr. S. C. Sharma, “An Adaptive Algorithm to stabilize the network Performance in MANETS”, In Proceedings of National Conference on Network Security and Information retrieval (NCNS-2009), MCA, RVCE, Bangalore, DEC14th 2009, Pages: 54-59.

  3. Editorial choice for that month - G.S. Mamatha, Dr. S.C. Sharma, “TODV: Performance Analysis of a Time on Demand Distance Vector Protocol for MANETS”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), ISSN: 0975 – 8887, Volume 28, Number 2, August 2011, Pages: 32-36.

  4. Got appreciation from SPRINGER NATURE JOURNALS as High Review satisfaction from authors.

  5. Identified as expert and noted Alumni and invited for addressing the Valedictory function at BIET, Davanagere in MAY 2019.

  6. Completed Coursera course on “Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation” with 100% result and certificate and on the verge of completing the second course on “Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core services”.

  7. Served as session chair for the National Conference at JSSATE on May 2nd 2016.

  8. As an Research Advisory committee member for various research candidates in and around Bangalore institutions (PESSE, MCA, RVCE, DSCE, SJCIT, Dr. AIT, BIET, GMIT)

  9. Resource Person for AICTE Workshop on Ergonomics in IEM dept, RVCE.

  10. Invited as resource person to deliver session on AI and IoT OCT 20th 2020 at Sambrama Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.

  11. Delivered webinar session on “Anti Fraud” for COGNITIVE SECURITY 5 days Webinar series hosted by Dept. of CSE, BMSIT on 20/06/2020.

  12. Invited and delivered as a resource person for a STTP program at Ernakulum, Kerala.

  13. Recognised as Program Committee member and Reviewer in esteemed IEEE conferences.

  14. As invited speaker at Veeam-WiC Event on Cyber Suraksha in Shangrila Hotel, Bengaluru.

  15. Brought 3 years of NBA for M.Tech SE program twice in 2019 and 2023.

  16. Brought 3 years of NBA for M.Tech IT program once in 2023.

  17. IBM and UiPath Industry associated courses like Cloud Native DevOps and Robotic Process Automation introduced.

  18. M.Tech SE student project selected for KSCST SPP competition.

  19. Hackathon series introduced for PG students for the first time.


Industry Collaboration:

  1. Associated with CISCO-RVCE .

  2. Associated with Boeing as a part of Women in Cloud CoE in India.

  3. Associated with IBM for DevOps curriculum and lab setup.

  4. Associated with many start-ups for consultancy.

  5. Associated with GSL, Goa.

  6. Associated with Minto , BMCRI, Bengaluru.

Editorial Review Board Member:

  1. Springer WINE journal

  2. Springer JONS journal

  3. IEEE conferences, Springer conferences


Certification Courses Completed:

  1. CCNA 1 & 2 certifications

  2. Coursera GCP Essential Infrastructure Foundation course

  3. Certificate of Continuing Education Completion, Cisco CCNA, Cybrary.

  4. UHV-1, UVH-Refresher course

Memberships / Involvement:

  1. Life Member of "The Indian Society for Technical Education" (ISTE) organization for promoting the quality and standards in Technical education since 2006. Membership No.: LM-48853.

  2. IEEE member No - 94185740


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