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Dr. M Uttara Kumari

Professor & Dean (R&D)

Educational Qualification

B.E / B.Tech.(ECE),


Ph.D (Radar Signal Processing)


Teaching: 22 years

Area of Interest

Signal Processing

Email ID


Date of Joining at RVCE : 4 April 2000

Subjects Handled : Signals and Systems, DSP, Adaptive signal processing, Image processing, Communication Systems, Error control coding, Optical Fiber Communication

No. of Projects guided to UG Students : 22

No. of Projects guided to PG Students : 16

PhD Guided/guiding : 7/3

Publication Details


  1. "Low Sidelobe Pattern Using Woo Filter Concepts", International Journal of Electronics & Communication, AEUE, Germany, Vol 59, No.8, 479-481, 2005.

  2. "Sidelobe reduction using Padé approximation technique", International AMSE Journal , France, pg.31,Vol.11,No.1 Advance D 2006.

  3. "Filter Model for reduced sidelobes in pulse compression Radar" , WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, pg 308,Issue 4, Volume 3, April 2007.

  4. Schemes for Evaluating Signal Processing Properties of Audio Watermarking IJCSNS, VOL.8 No.7, July 2008.

  5. FPGA based speed control of ac servomotor using sinusoidal PWM. IJCSNS - International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Korea

  6. Microcontroller Based AC Power Controller, International Journal on Wireless Sensor Networks, Scientific Research Publication, May 2009,pp 76-81.

  7. DSP 2407-A Based PWM Controlled Rectifier, International Journal of electronic and electrical engineering, Scientific Engineering Research Corporation,Vol-5,No 6, May 2009

  8. Swift and Precise Reversible Watermarking Scheme for Medical Image Authentication, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research (IJCIR), India, Vol. 5, No.1, 2009.

  9. Multiplierless Recursive algorithm using Ramanujan ordered Numbers, IETE Journal of Research, ISSN: 0377-2063 Vol.56., No.4, July-Aug 2010, Pg 182-188 A new multiplierless discrete cosine transform based on the Ramanujan ordered numbers for image coding, International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, ISSN: 2005-4254 Vol. 3, No. 4, December, 2010. Pg 1-14. published by Science & Engineering Research Support Center, Republic of Korea

  10. A Novel Cosine approximation for high-speed evaluation of DCT" International Journal of Image Processing, Volume: 4 Issue: 6 Pg 539 – 548 Publication Date: January / February 2011 ISSN (Online): 1985-2304 CSC Journals, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  11. "An Efficient Multiplierless Transform algorithm for Video Coding",International Journal Of Image Processing (IJIP), Volume :5 Issue:4 Pg:469 - 478, Publication Date: September/October 2011ISSN(Online) :1985-2304, CSC Journals, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  12. "Implementation of Multiplierless Ramanujan ordered number DCT on FPGA" in International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, published by Science & Engineering Research Support Center, Republic of Korea (Communicated).

International Conferences:

  1. Dr. Uttarakumari, Sujata D B, Avinash, Nancy Kothari, Ashray, Anisha “Vehicle Classification Using Compressive Sensing” 2nd IEEE Conference onRTEIC 978-1-5090-3774-9/17 20th May 2017.

  2. Sidelobe reduction technique for range resolution radar", 8th IEEE international conference on communication systems, ICCS-2002, Singapore, Vol 2, 784 – 789, Nov-2002.

  3. "Filter Modeling for Low Sidelobe Constraints in Pulse Compression Radar", 4th IEEE Workshop on Sensor Array and Multi Channel Processing, 12-14 July 2006, Massachusetts, USA (Accepted)

  4. Reversible data hiding using Increased Peak Histogram IEEE conference on DMAI'08, Dec, 25-27, 2008, Khulna, Bangladesh.

  5. "New Polynomial Transform Algorithm for 2-D DCT using Ramanujan Ordered Numbers" IEEE conference SPCOM 2010 at IISC Bangalore, India July 2010.

  6. Multidimensional Fast multiplierless DCT Algorithm using Ramanujan Ordered Numbers" IEEE sponsored conference ICSAP 2011 at Singapore, Feb 2011

  7. "A new polyphase code for low sidelobe auto correlation function", Proceedings of the International conference on Systematics, Cybernetics and Informatics ICSCI-2005, Hyderabad, Vol.1, 568 – 570, Jan – 2005.

  8. "A New Pulse Compression Technique for Sidelobe Reduction", Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical and Telecommunication, BET – 04, 66-67, Vishakhaptnam, Dec-2004.

  9. "Performance analysis of Radar signals", International conference on Systematics, Cybernetics and Informatics ICSCI-2006, Hyderabad.

  10. "A new sidelobe reduction technique for range resolution radar" , 7th WSEAS International Conference on Multimedia and Signal Processing, Dallas Texas, USA, pg 152, March 22-24,2007

  11. "Merit measure analysis of Extended Polyphase code" International conference on Systematics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2007Hyderabad.

  12. "Sidelobe Reduction using modified LMS algorithm" ICSCI-2008,Hyderabad

  13. "Reversible Data Hiding using Increased Peak Histogram", IEEE sponsored 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology(ICCIT 2008) & Workshops, Dec. 24-27, 2008, pp.44-47, Khulna, Bangladesh.

  14. Invertible Data Hiding in Color Images using Multiple Peaks Histogram", 2009 International conference on Signal Processing Systems(ICSPS 2009), May 15-17, 2009, Singapore.pp 52-55.

  15. "Reversible data hiding in gray scale images using multi-level embedding", International conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering, 24-27 July 2009, Chennai, India pp. 121-126.

  16. "Watermarking using integer DCT and increased peak histogram technique", International conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering, 24-27 July 2009, Chennai, India, pp.157-161.

  17. "Robust video watermarking scheme for copyright protection", International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP), 12-14 Aug. 2009, Mysore, pp.239-243.

  18. A Novel Recursive Multiplierless Algorithm for 2-D DCT", Proc ICSPCN 2009, Singapore August 2009.

International Symposium:

  1. "Sidelobe reduction of radar signals by overlaying technique", IEEE Sponsored International Radar symposium IRSI 2005, India, Dec – 2005.

  2. "Performance evaluation of different complementary sequences" IEEE Sponsored International Radar symposium IRSI 2007, India, Dec – 2007.

  3. "Waveform design for MIMO Radar using Genetic and ANTs algorithm", IEEE Sponsored International Radar symposium IRSI 2009, India, Dec – 2009.

Citation in text book:

  1. Paper titled “Generation of Orthogonal Discrete Frequency Coded Waveform Using Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for MIMO Radar” is cited in the text book “Multi-Antenna Synthetic Aperture Radar"   by Wen-Qin Wang   CRC Press . Reference No. 323 Page no 418.
  2. Sudha R Karbari, Shashank Jain, Shivam Gaur, Uttara Kumari M, Shireesha G,” Optimization, Design and Analysis of a MEMS Microphone with PVDF as a structural layer for cochlear implant applications” Springer Nature 2020.
  3. Sudha R Karbari, Shashank Jain, Shivam Gaur, Uttara Kumari M, Shireesha G,” Effect of Ultrasonication and Centrifugation on the pore size of PVDF/ CNT nanocomposites”, Springer Nature 2020.
Funded Projects:
  • PI for “Design and Fabrication of Flexible Artificial Basilar Epithelium”, SERB, DRDO Amount : 30 Lakhs 2022-25

  • PI for “Development of classifier based on deep/ machine learning algorithms for land-based  munitions” , ARDE, DRDO, Pune Amount: Rs 37.50 Lakhs for two Years (2020 to 2022)

  • Project Coordinator for Wipro-IISc Innovative Network (WIRIN) project towards developing autonomous vehicle 2021( college level project) Amount Rs412 Lakhs

  •  Project Coordinator and for Wipro-IISc Innovative Network (WIRIN) project. RVCE is engaged in Research and Development of autonomous driving vehicles. 2020( College level project) Amount Rs37.5Lakhs.

  • PI for Design, development and implementation of an adaptable ground vehicle classification system for battlefield surveillance, ARDE, DRDO, Pune Amount : Rs12 Lakhs from 2017 to 2019

  • TEQIP CoE Co-Ordinator for MHRD ( world bank ) Funded Project under TEQIP-II Subcomponent 1.2.1: setting up Center of Excellence in Macroelectronics Amount: Rs500 lakhs (2013 to 2016)

Patents granted/ applied:

Patent granted :

  1. Flexible Artificial Basilar Epithelium, Patent No: 359557, Dt:25/02/2021 ,, M.Uttara Kumari, Rohini Hallikar, Sireesh G

Patents applied published

  1. A Multi-Layered Mask with Hydrophobic Nanofibers as functional layer with a smart valve for protection against the Aerosol transmission of COVID-19, No: 202041019902 Dt: 11/05/2020

  2. Method For Optimization Of One Dimensional Nanostructured Pvdf Doped Mwcnt Nanofiber, Patent application No: 202041041406, Dt:24/09/2020

Consultancy projects Carried out:

  • “Simulation Studies to Understand the Properties of Pure Skies Omnidirectional Antenna” , Devic 2021-22

  • “Study, testing and debugging of low cost LTE base station design”, Ukama Private limited 2021-22

  • “Private Data Classification” , Samsung Prism -2020-21

  • “Obfuscating Core Block of ML Model” with Samsung prism -2020-21

  • “AI ML | Sentiment Analysis Marketplace review and feedback”,, Samsung prism02021-22

  • “Performance evaluation of UAV assisted 5G NR and B5G network deployment strategies”, Samsung prism worklet 2021-22

  • Development of highly transparent and conducting nano-scaled Indium Tin Oxide(ITO) powder for surface coating applications, Nano Ram Technologies private limited2020-21

  • “ System development for automatic segregation of cocoons”, Central silk Board.

  • “Multispectral image processing for Land Use Mapping Using Machine Learning” with ISRO

Administrative positions:

  • Head of the department of ECE ,RVCE --- 2012-15

  • TEQIP-2 -1.2.1Center of Excellence Coordinator (Rs5 Crore World Bank project)2013-16

  • Coordinator – Center of excellence Macroelectronics 20 13- till date

  • Coordinator- Center of excellence Connected autonomous vehicle 2020- till date(WIRIN project)

  • Dean for post graduate programs—2007-12

  • IEEE Branch counselor 2012-2021

  • Coordinator IPR activities 2015-till date

Courses Conducted :

  1. Conducted Course on UAV ,, 28th Sept to 30th Sept 2022, to BEL Engineers

  2. Conducted one day session on “ Digital filter “ on 10th July 2022, to BEL Engineers

Awards Received:

  • Recognition from ARMEB, DRDO on 6th April 2022. Received award from Chairman DRDO.

  • Star Achiever Award on 21st September 2016 for Academic Excellence by Accenture

  • Best Researcher award from Cognizant RVCE-ISTE 2017

  • Best achiever award from Rashtreeya Sikshna Samitha Trust (RSST), for 2012, 2016, 2017,2019

  • Best Mentor Recognition from Samsung, 2019