M V Renuka Devi
Professor & Dean Academics
B.E, M.E. and Ph.D.(IISC)
Teaching : 14
Area of Interest
Structural Engineering
Date of Joining RVCE
Project Guided:
Number of UG projects guided : 01
Number of PG projects guided : 32
National Journals:2
National Conference: 10
International Journals: 10
International Conferences: 6
List of National Journal publications: |
S.M.Basutkar,M.V.Renukadevi,K.S.Jagadish,"Use of Cementitious paste for thin joint sand less Brick Masonry",ACCE Bulletin,2016,V0l.14,No.4,pp6-8 |
List of National Conference publications:
- Renuka Devi. M. V and Syed Farooquddin, “Effect of Modulus of Masonry on the lateral stiffness of infilled frame with openings”, National Conference on Thrust Areas in Engineering (NCTAE-2012) January 20-21, 2012.
- Renuka Devi. M. V and Sanjeev Gouda, “Lateral Stiffness of Infilled frame with openings (with and without stiffners)”, National Conference on Thrust Areas in Engineering (NCTAE-2012) January 20-21, 2012 (Published)
- K.Manjunath, Renukadevi.M.V and Subhash.R “ A Study on the performance of R C Frame with Masonry In-Fill” Souvenir of National Conference on Contemporary Civil Engineering Research and Practice CCERP , 2012
- Shridhar S.T, Manjunath.S.Amalkar, M.B.Somanath and M.V.Renuka Devi “Effect of soil utilization in the manufacture of building blocks” Paper presented at National Conference on Multifunctional Engineering materials, held at R.V.College of Engineering , December 28th to 30th 2013
- K.S.Jagadish, Manjunath.S.Amalkar, M.B.Somanath and M V Renuka Devi, “Construction and Demolition Wastes: Problems, Prospects and Tasks” Paper Presented at Convention of Builders Association of India, Bangalore , November 8 , 2013.
- Sridhar S T, Manjunath S, Somanath MB, M.V.Renukadevi and K S Jagadish Effective soil utilization in the manufacture of hollow concrete blocks.National Conference on Multifunctional Engineering materials NCMEM 2013, 28th -30th November 2013, RVCE, Bangalore.
- Ravi Kiran.S.Wali, M.V.RenukaDevi, Manjunath.S “Analysis of Ellipsoidal Domes" presented at national conference on Emenrging Trends in Engineering, held at jyothi institute of technology Feb 2014.
List of International Journals publications:
- Madhavi.K,Renukadevi MV,Praful Kumar.H,"Analysis of composite behavior of Masonry wall and supporting beam",Journal of Structural engineering and Management,Vol.3,Issue2,2016 Pp20-28
- Arjun P, Renukadevi M V, Manjunath S and Somanath M B, Influence of Modulus of Masonry Infills with and without openings on the performance of infilled frames, Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Technology.June 2014.Vol 2. Pp339-349. ISSN-2349-9575.
- Shivaraj Kumar H Y and M V Renukadevi, Prediction of hollow concrete block masonry compressive strength using Fe model, Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Technology.June 2014.Vol 2. Pp351-362. ISSN-2349-9575.
- Harshith R Kumar and M V Renukadevi, A study on performance of multi storey buildings with different types of masonry infills, Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Technology.June 2014.Vol 2. Pp363-372. ISSN-2349-9575.
- Anusha P Gowda and M V Renukadevi, Influence of masonry modules on strut width reduction factor of infilled frames, Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Technology.June 2014.Vol 2. Pp373-382. ISSN-2349-9575.
- Renuka Devi M.V, Non-Linear Analysis of Infilled Frames, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, IJRET Conference Issue Nov 2013.
- Sandeep, M.V.Renukadevi, Manjunath.S , Somanath.M.Basutkar, Influence of Reinforcement on the Behavior of Hollow Concrete Block Masonry Prism under Compression-An Experimental and Analytical Approach”, IJRET International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology , 106-110, ISSN: 2319-1163, June 2013.
- John L, ManjunathS,M.V.Renukadevi ,Somanath.M.Basutkar, Effective Utilization of Granite fines in Building Products, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications ( IJCEA), Volume 3, Number 3, 36-39, ISSN No 2249-426X, 2013.
- Virabhadra, Pawankumar, Santhosh kumar and Basavaraj, Manjunath S, M.V.Renukadevi, Studies on Hollow Concrete Block Masonry, IJCEA ,International Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications , Volume No. 3, Issue No. 03, 40-43, ISSN No 2249-426X, June 2013.
- SehamKhaleel, Madhavi.K, M.V.Renukadevi, K.S.Jagadish, Somanath.M.Basutkar , Shear strength of brick masonry walls with and without openings, International journal of Civil Engineering and Applications Volume No. 03, Issue No. 03,2013.PP 24-27, ISSN No 2249-426X.
- Syed Farooquddin, Renuka Devi M.V, Madhavi.KS.Manjunath “Lateral Stiffness of Infilled frame with door &window openings for varying modulus of masonry” International journal of advanced Engineering technology, Volume No. 03, Issue No. 04,Oct-Dec 2012,pp 123-125.
List of International Conference publications:
- Radhakrishna, Renuka devi M.V, B.C.Udayashankar and Manjunath G.S “Development of sustainable concrete using marginal materials” The Twenty-Sixth International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and management ICSW 2011, March 27-30, 2011, Philadelphia, PA U.S.A
- Manjunath.S.Amalkar, M.B.Somanath, M.V.Renuka Devi and K.S.Jagadish “Effective Utilization of Demolished Brick Masonry in Building Products” Paper accepted for 9th International Masonry Conference,to be held during 7 to 9 July 2014, Guimaraes, Portugal
- P.V.Srinath, M.V.Renukadevi and K S Jagadish "On Elucidation of Principles of Symmetry in Generalised Hooke's Law", International Conference on Convergence of science Engineering and Management in Eductaion and Research – A Global Perspective (ICCSEM 2013) Sep 26th -27th 2013.
- Madhavi.K, M.V.Renukadevi, K.S.Jagadish “State of Art Report on Behavior of Masonry under lateral in-Plane loads”, International Conference on “Innovations and Advances in Civil Engineering towards Green and Sustainable Systems (INACES-2014) on 28th -30thApril, 2014 Organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Pramod P S, Madhavi.K, M.V.Renukadevi, K.S.Jagadish”Stiffness of Brick Masonry walls with Openings”, International conference on Sustainable civil Infrastructure(ICSCI)2014”on 17th-18th October 2014, Organized by Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad.
Books Published:
Book entitled Recent Advances in structural engineering, Editors K.S.Jagadish and R.N.Iyengar, pp 296-329, University press, 2005 contributed paper ‘Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Structures : A State of the art with a Historical review’by B.K.Raghu Prasad and M.V.Renuka Devi.
Interaction with Outside World : Member BOE UVCE
Funded Projects:
- Principal Investigator for the research project entitled “Strength of Hollow Concrete Block Walls for High Rise Buildings” under VTU Grants scheme (Ref. VTU/Aca/2009-10/A-9/163 dated 07-04-2010) with a grant of rupees 17.42 lakhs for a period of 3 years(Ongoing).
- Coordinator for the HUDCO Chair programme set up at the department of Civil Engineering. The duration of the proposal is 5 years with the total grant received till date of Rupees 19 lakhs effective from June 2012.
Best Young Teacher Award by ISTE, RVCE Chapter 2011.
Funded Projects:
- Principal investigator for the research project entitled “Behaviour of brick masonry subjected to lateral inplane shear forces” , under Research promotion scheme (RPS) of AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) with a grant of Rupees 8 Lakhs for a period of 2 years. Project successfully completed.