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Dr. V. Anantharama

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Anantharama V


Professor & Controller of Examination


B.E., M.Tech, PhD


Teaching :  16 years


Area of Interest

Remote sensing and GIS applications, Environmental Engg, Water management.

Date of Joining RVCE





Project Guided:

Number of UG projects guided  : 12

Number of PG projects guided  : 05



National Journals: 03

National Conference: 07

International Journals: 12

International Conferences: 03


List of National Conference publications:

  1. Anantha Rama V Dr G Chandrakanta, Dr Gangadhara Bhat & Dr Narayana Shenoy (2011)” The Application of Multivariate Statistical Technique in Hydrogeochemical Studies” Presented in National Conference on Recent Developments in Civil Engineering – 2011 (RDCE 2011) Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology Manipal from13 - 14 January, 2011.
  2. K.Gajalakshmi, Dr. Anantharama.V  “Comparative analysis of drainage maps extracted from    conventional approaches and Open Source DEMs: A case study in Southpenna watershed”  National Conference on Geospatial Information and Technologies Advancement (GITA-2K15), held at Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology & Management, Bantakal, Udupi, India on October, 2015

List of International Journals publications:

  1. K.Gajalakshmi, Dr. Anantharama.V (2017) “Hydrogeomorphology Based Land-Use Planning For Sustainable Development Of Hard Rock Terrain Region Of Karnataka”  International journal of Civil Engineering & Technology (IJCIET) Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2017, pp. 698-705, ISSN Print:0976-6308 and ISSN Online:0976-6316; Journal Impact Factor(2016):9.7820 ; Thomson Reuters Researcher ID: B-7378-2016.

  2. K.Gajalakshmi, Dr. Anantharama.V (2017) “Evaluation of Water Quality for Irrigation Purpose in Sitanadi Basin, Udupi District, Karnataka” Journal of Remote sensing and GIS ISSN: 2230-7990 (Online), ISSN: 2321-421X (Print) Volume 8, Issue 1

  3. Dr. Anantharama V & K.Gajalakshmi Evaluation of Water Quality for Irrigation purpose in Sitanadi basin, Udupi District, Karnataka. Journal of Remote sensing and GIS(JoRSG) International ISSN(Online): 2230-7990, ISSN(print): 2321-7887 .

  4. Gajalakshmi K, Dr. Anantharama V “Micro watershed delineation and codification in Chikballapur district using GIS techniques” Journal of Remote sensing and GIS, Vol 7, Issue 1, Page:75-80

  5. Anantha Rama V & Lokeswari M (2010) “Management of Construction and Demolition Waste” Publication in an International Journal of Environmental Research and Development (JERAD) Vol. 5 No. 1, July-September 2010.
  6. M N Sreehari, Anantha Rama V & Manasa V (2011) “Optimization of Feeder Bus Route for Metro Using GIS /GPS” Presented in International Conference -Operational Excellence for Global Competitiveness held during 3rd – 5th February at R V College of Engineering, Bangalore.
  7. M.N Sreehari, Anantha Rama V, Manasa.V (2011)”Optimization of Feeder Bus Routes for Metro Using GPS/GIS– A Case Study For Bangalore” Publication in International Journal of ANDINA TRAFFIC in March 2011.
  8. M N Sreehari, Anantha Rama V & Manasa V (2011) “Seamless Modal integration to Bangalore Metro ” Presented in the Annual International conference on Emerging Business Opportunities in Indian metro rail sector” organized by  , The Sixth Sence Media Group, on 26th and 27th May, 2011@ Hotel Lalith Ashoka, Bangalore.
  9. M N Sreehari, Anantha Rama V & Manasa V (2011) “Seamless Modal integration to Bangalore Metro” Published in EPC World International Journal, in June. 2011.
  10.  Pankaja M N & Anantha Rama V, (2012), Evaluation of Emergency Services to Road Accident Victims Using GIS In Jayanagar, Bangalore. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, Vol.III/ Issue IV/Oct.-Dec., 2012/93-96.
  11. Prithvi Bhat, Lokesh Hebbani, Anantha RamaV, Priyanka Kolhar (2013), Accident Prediction Modelling for an Urban Road of Bangalore. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308.
  12. Anantha Rama V  and G Chandrakanta (2014),  Major Ion Chemistry, Hydro-Geochemical Studies and Mapping of Variability in Ground Water Quality of Sitanadi Basin, Southern Karnataka. Octa Journal of Environmental Research, April - June, 2014. ISSN No: 2321-3655, pp-178-196.
  13. V. Anantha Rama (2014), Drainage basin analysis for characterization of 3rd order watersheds using Geographic Information System (GIS) and ASTER data. Journal of Geomatics, Vol 8 No. 2 October 2014.pp 200-210.
  14. K.Gajalakshmi, Dr. Anantharama.V “Comparative study of Cartosat-DEM and SRTM-DEM on Elevation data and Terrain Elements”, published in International Journal on Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS ISSN 2320-0243, Issue1, Volume4, pp:1361-1366, Nov 2015.

List of International Conference publications:

  1. K.Gajalakshmi, Dr. Anantharama.V (2017) “Hydrogeomorphology Based Land-Use Planning For Sustainable Development Of Hard Rock Terrain Region Of Karnataka” 4th International conference on Earth science engineering by Andalas University, Padang Indonesia – 29th to 31st August.

  2. K.Gajalakshmi, Dr. Anantharama.V (2016) “Geospatial approach for Landuse plan in Southpenna Watershed” International conference on Geospatial Technologies for Urban, Forest & Climate change – Pathway to Sustainable Development organized by UGIT, Bangalore University – 28th and 29th November. 

  3. Ms. Prithvi Bhat, Mr. Lokesh Hebbani, Dr. Anantha Rama. V, Mrs. Priyanka Kolhar (2013) “Accident Prediction Modelling for Urban Roads of Bangalore” publised in International Conference on Recent Innovations in Civil Engineering: From October 25 to October 27, 2013. Organised by: P.D.A. College of Engineering, Gulbarga, Karnataka, India.
  4. K.Gajalakshmi, Dr. Anantharama.V “Morphometric analysis using GIS Techniques – A case study on Southpennar Watershed, Karnataka, India”, International conference on sustainable Energy and Built Environment, organized by ASCE and VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, ISBN:978-81-923320-6-2, pp: 816-822, March 2015

Interaction with Outside World :

Guest Lecturers Presented:

  1. “Application of FEM method in Pollution flow in soil” Presented in AICTE sponsored one training program on Applications of FEM, Organised by the department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College of Engineering, Bangalore in April 2007.
  2. “Identification of Pollution Source using Statistical Method” Presented in the training programme conducted under Hydrology project organized by the Central Pollution Control Board, Bangalore in September 2008.
  3. “Principle and Applications of Remote sensing and GIS” in the two day symposium organized by the department of History and Archeology, Tumkur University, Tumkur, 30th September, 2009.

Funded Projects:

  1. Establishment of RV-ISRO Space Application Center – a RS & GIS application center. Funded by DOS/ISRO, Bangalore. Funded amount Rs-26 Lakhs (2009).
  2. Air Quality Monitoring Station – to monitor air quality. Funded by Central Pollution Control Board, MoEF, New Delhi. Funded amount 8.13 lakhs (2009).
  3. Noise Monitoring Station – to monitor noise level. Funded by Central Pollution Control Board, MoEF, New Delhi/KSPCB. Funded amount 12 lakhs (2015).
  4. A Study of water Availability and Quality in Chichballapur district using data Mining Techniques and Experimental Verification to evolve a Plan for Sustainable Quality Groundwater. Funded by Department of Panchayatraj and Rural Development, Govt., of Karnataka. Funded amount Rs-19.57 Lakhs. (Interdisciplinary project with CSE) (2013).

Interaction with Outside World

  1. Identified as Accredited Consultant for MOEF in Land-Use (LU) category by National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET) and Quality Council of Indi (QCI), New Delhi, under accreditation scheme for EIA consultant organizations(2013-14).

Professional Memberships:

  1. Associate Member of International Congress of Environmental Research. (Under the aegis of Global Earth Society for Environmental Energy and Development).
  2. Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education.
  3. Life member of Karnataka Environment Research Foundation.

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