Desigantion | Associate Professor |
Qualification | B.E, M.Tech, (PhD) | |
Experience | Teaching : 22 Years | |
Area of Interest | Data Mining , Image Processing , Algorithms | |
Date of joining RVCE | 31-01-2011 | | |
Project Guided:
Number of UG projects guided:12
Number of PG projects guided:5
National Conferences: 01
International Conferences:03
International Journals: 09
List of National/International Conference publications
Suma B., Vinodh Kumar. S , “Filtering Injected False Data in Wireless Sensor Networks using a Bandwidth Efficient Cooperative Authentication Scheme”, National Conference on Recent Advances in Technology and Engineering,27-28th March,2010,T.John Institute of Technology,Bangalore,pp:156.
Mahitha G, Suma B, “Chaos Based Image Encryption and Decryption”, Current Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Jain University, Bangalore, pp. 219- 225, 2012
B. Suma, G. Shobha , "A Greedy Approach to Hide Sensitive Frequent Itemsets with Reduced Side Effects”, Proceedings of International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation REV19, BMSCE, Bengaluru, pp. 849-858,2019
Krishna Kulkarni, Suma B, “A Study of Risk Assessment and Prioritization in Public Cloud”, 3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, Sandip Institute of Engineering and management, Sandip foundation, Nashik, July, 2022
List of International Journals publications
Suma B , Mangala C N,” FLGMM Algorithm for Brain MR Image Segmentation”, International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology , Vol 2,Issue 2 , pp: 2278-5299, 2013.
Suma B, Gayathri C ,”Scalable Probe Tool Design for Active Packet Loss Measurement using Geometric Distribution”, International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology, Vol 3,Issue 1 , pp : 132-137, , 2014.
Suma B,”Association Rule Hiding Methodologies: A Survey”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology,Vol 2,Issue 6 , pp:181-185, 2013.
Veda D, Suma B, “Automatic Road Extraction From Satellite Image By Difference Of Gaussian And Convolution Overlap Add Method”, International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, ISSN: 0975-0282, pp. 239-243, 2016
Shridhar S Chini, , Suma B., R Suresh Aguru, “Development of Java Based SDK for Network Protocol Analysis”, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 5, Issue 07, ISSN (online): 2321-0613, pp. 1092-1096,2017
Athish Tejashwi Kumar, Suma B, RBAC Model using Attribute Based Encryption for Secure Cloud Storage, Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu,Vol 16,Issue 7,2020,pp 33-37,2020
Suma B., Shobha G., "Association rule hiding using integer linear programming", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) , vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 3451-3458, 2021
Suma B., Shobha G., "Privacy preserving association rule hiding using border based approach", Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS), vol. 23, no.2, pp. 1137-1145, 2021 .
Suma B, Shobha G, “Fractional salp swarm algorithm: An association rule based privacy-preserving strategy for data sanitization”, Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volume 68, 2022, ISSN 103224, pp.2214-2126,