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Dr.Jyoti Shetty

Designation Associate Professor
Qualification B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
Experience Teaching: 16years, Industry: 2year
Area of intrest Data Mining, cloud computing
Date of Joining 01/08/2009








Project Guided

Number of UG projects guided: 30

Number of PG projects guided: 06


National Conferences: 02

International Journals: 14

International Conferences: 18


Link to personal website :


List of National Conference publications

  1. Jyoti Shetty, Sharvani G S, “Metaheuristic Algorithms for Optimization” for National conference on Computing, communication and Technology (CCT-2010), Organised by CSE Dept., RVCE, 2010.

  2. Jyoti Shetty, “E-Mentoring for Women” for National conference on Relevance of Sustainable Technology for Growth of Women, Organized by MCA Dept, RVCE, 2011.


List of International Journals/Conference publications  Click Here


Consultancy Projects

  1. “Threat Detection using Deep Packet Inspection for Wire Speed Network” by Nihon Communications Pvt. Ltd- 1.00 Lakhs, 2014-15 (Completed).

  2. Analyzing Blockchain data to detect illicit transactions made using Bit coin on HPCC Systems, by LexisNexis Risk Solutions, HPCC systems, 2022-2023.

  3. Auto detect field level dependency in an ECL data workflow by LexisNexis Risk Solutions, HPCC systems, 2022-2023.

  4. Create a Knowledge Graph to Understand Potential Customers and Distributors, by Resha Mandi Pvt. Ltd. 2022-23

  5. "Deployment and Analysis of Dictionary files on HPCC Systems" by LexisNexis Risk Solutions, HPCC systems, 2023-24.

  6. “Enhancing Legal Assistance through Data Enrichment with HPCC Systems”, from LexisNexis Risk Solutions, 2024-25.

  7. “Implement Conditional Clean-up after Regression Test”, from LexisNexis Risk Solutions, 2024-25.

  8. “Building Data 360 degree view using HPCC Systems”, from Profitops Inc, 2024-25.


Funded Projects    

  1. “Infrastructure as Service – Automated VM provisioning and Service Assurance” by CISCO Systems, Pvt. India Ltd – 7.9 Lakhs, 2014-15.(Completed)

  2. “An Empirical Performance Evaluation of Docker Containers, Virtualization and Baremetal” by CISCO Systems, Pvt. India Ltd – 7.9 Lakhs, 2016-17(Completed)

  3. “Automated Data Skew Profiler” by LexisNexis Risk Solutions, HPCC systems, 2017-2018(Completed).

  4. “MQTT Protocol Support for ROXIE”, by LexisNexis Risk Solutions, HPCC systems, 2017-2018(Completed).

  5. “Extending ML Library on HPCC Platform”, by LexisNexis Risk Solutions, HPCC systems, 2017-2018.

  6. “OpenCV Interface for HPCC System”, by LexisNexis Risk Solutions, HPCC systems, 2017-2018.

  7. UX Framework Google Play Instant Apps and Bundle Dynamic Delivery, Samsung Research, 2021-22.


Awards and Achievements

  1. Received HPCC Systems Community Recognition Award, Oct 2024,

  2. Received Best Young Teacher Award from ISTE Chapter RVCE, September 5th, 2024.

  3. Best paper presentation award for research paper titled “Handling Class Imbalance in Google Cluster Dataset using A New Hybrid Sampling Approach”, 2023 the 6th International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (ICBDSC 2023) Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand on Jan 31-Feb 2, 2023.

  4. Top Performing Mentor certificate, NPTEL course “Joy of Computing using Python”, Jun- Dec 2021.

  5. Certificate of Excellence for mentoring students in Samsung Prisim Project “UX Framework Google Play Instant Apps and Bundle Dynamic Delivery”, by Samsung Research Institute Bangalore, 2021-2022.

  6. Top performer in FDP 301X Mentoring Educators in Education Technology, 2018.

  7. Secured top 2% marks in NPTEL course on “Data mining”, Jan-April 2018.

  8. One of the top performer of 253 out of 4051 participants in AICTE Approved four week FDP on "Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning" conducted by IIT Bombay and is conferred an "Award of Excellence", May 2nd to July 10th, 2016


Invited Talks/Resource Person

  1. Delivered three courses at Bremen University, Germany from 14th  to 31st August 2024.

  2. Delivered a session on “Linux Essentials”, at Bharat Electronics (BEL), Bangalore, 5th December 2023.

  3. Delivered a session on "Building a Scalable and Efficient Bitcoin Blockchain Parser on the HPCC Systems Platform" at 10th annual HPCC Systems Community event, October 2nd 2023.

  4. Courses on "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for sustainability" and " Relational Database, Data Warehousing and Analytics"  at Bremen University, Germany from 16th  to 31st August 2023.

  5. Organised two day workshop sessions on Machine Learning (ML)Techniques on 17th and 18th May 2023 to Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia researchers engaged in intelligent water network systems research.

  6. Delivered a session on ““Demonstration of case studies on HPCC Systems”, at 2023 International conference on Big data and smart computing held in Jeju, Korea February 13~16, 2023.

  7. Delivered a session on “Demonstration of case studies on HPCC Systems”, Workshop on Big Data Analytics using HPCC Systems, at 10th International Conference on Big Data Analytics Conference (BDA) Dec. 19-22, 2022, Hyderabad, India.

  8. Mentor for hands-on session for “Three days Workshop on Python Programming for Engineering Mathematics” from 7th – 9th, December 2022 co-ordinated by Department of Mathematics, RVCE.

  9. Delivered a session on, "Leveraging HPCC Systems Platforms for Machine Learning Applications" at ODSC APAC, September 7th 2022.

  10. Resource Person and co-ordinator for Internship programme “Cognitive Intelligent Systems”, at RV College of Engineering, Bangalore, 05-09-23 to 05-10-23.

  11. Delivered a course on “"Big Data Analytics Using Distributed Platforms”, for summer university programme at Bremen University, August 2022.

  12. 2021 HPCC Systems Mentor badge, Offered by HPCC Systems Community, Oct 2021.

  13. Resource Person for Internship programme “Smart Water Management System using IoT and Distributed Platforms for Sustainable Solutions”, at RV College of Engineering, Bangalore, 01-09-21 to 01-10-21.

  14. Resource Person for Industry Certified Research Internship in collaboration with Intergene Biosciences Pvt. Ltd by the Centre of Excellence Computational Genomics, RV College of Engineering, Department of Biotechnology and Department of Computer Science, 01-09-21 to 01-10-21.

  15. Resource Person in AICTE sponsored 2 Weeks FDP on Imparting Outcome Based Education (OBE) in Professional Education: Objectives, Best Practices and Measurement of Outcomes, D Y Patil College of Engineering, Pune, November 04, 2019 to November 15, 2019.

  16. Expert lecture on "FDP on ICT Tools and Effective Research",  AMC College of Engineering, Bengaluru, 28th January 2019.

  17. Resource person for the online course on "Creating Open Source Cloud-based Gnomio Moodle of your Own Subject for OBE",  D. Y. Patil College of Engineering, Akrudi, Pune, April 15- June 30, 2019.

  18. Resource person for two days workshop on "ICT enabled Teaching-Learning Process", under AICTE Share & Mentor Institutions (Margdarshan) Scheme, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore, 18-19 February 2019.

  19. Resource Person for “ICT Tools and Effective Research” at AMC College of Engineering, Bengaluru, 28th Jan 2019.

  20. Resource person for six days training on Machine learning for Sahaj Soft Pvt. Limited, Bangalore, July 2017. (Hands-on session using R Tool)

  21. Resource person for proficiency course on “Machine Learning Techniques for Real Time Applications”, R V College of engineering, during 24th – 29 th July 2017. (Hands-on session using R Tool)

  22. Resource person for “Introduction to ICT tools”, for faculty of CSE department, R V College of Engineering Bangalore.

  23. Resource person for Redhat Certification course, Redhat Academy, SGGS Institute of engineering and Technology, Nanded, July 2006.


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