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International Conference

List of International Conference Proceedings

  1. Presented a paper entitled "Steady finite amplitude Brinkman-Bénard convection in a nanofluid saturated porous medium" in the 60th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM) (International Conference) held at Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India during December 16-19, 2015.

  2. Presented a paper entitled “Steady finite amplitude Rayleigh-Bénard convection of Ethylene glycol-Copper nanoliquid in a high porosity medium made of 30% glass fiber reinforced polycarbonate” in the 61st Congress of the ­­­­Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics(ISTAM)(International Conference) held at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India during December 11-14, 2016.

  3. Presented a paper entitled “Rayleigh-Bénard convection of Newtonian nanoliquids in a saturated, rotating high porous medium in free-free boundaries” at the International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science held at Jyothi Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore during February 16-18, 2017.

  4. Presented a paper entitled “Steady-finite amplitude Rayleigh-Bénard convection of Newtonian nanoliquid in a porous medium using general boundary conditions” at the International Conference on Fluid dynamics and its Applications (ICFDA) held at BNMIT, Bangalore, India during July 12-14, 2017.

  5. Presented a paper entitled “Steady-finite amplitude Rayleigh-Bénard-Taylor convection of Newtonian nanoliquid in a high porosity medium” at the International Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences (ICAMS) held at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India during December 1-3, 2017.


  1. Presented a paper entitled “Study of Taylor-Bénard convection of Newtonian nanoliquid in an anisotropic porous medium using general boundary conditions” at the International Conference on Advances in the 83rd Annual Conference of Indian Mathematical Society (IMS)-an International meet held at Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati-517 502, A.P., India during December 12-15, 2017.

  2. Presented a paper entitled “Study of Taylor-Bénard convection of Newtonian nanoliquid in a porous medium using general boundary conditions” at the International Conference on Advances in the 62nd Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM) (International Conference) held at Osmania University, Hyderabad-500 007, India during December 15-18, 2017.

  3. Presented a paper entitled “Study of Rayleigh-Bénard convection of Newtonian nanoliquid in a porous medium using general boundary conditions” at the International Conference on Applications of Fluid Dynamics (ICAFD) held at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India during December 13-15, 2018.

  4. Presented a paper entitled “Study of Rayleigh-Bénard-Taylor convection of a Newtonian nanoliquid in a high porosity medium using LTNE model” at the International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications (ICMA) held at Bangalore University, J. B. Campus, India during February 28-29, 2020.